NIRS - NIRScout fNIRS our Most Versatile NIRS SolutionOptimize your NIRScout system with the precise configuration for your research. NIRS for research near infrared spectroscopyMeasure fN...
The standard in combined EEG & fMRI recordingsSince the design of the first BrainAmp MR, the neurophysiology research world moved forward and started to look at new techniques of investi...
TMS M-100 Ultimate M-100 ultimate 0-100Hz Intelligent liquid-cooling system Liquid cooled coil Air cooled coil Natural cooled coil Robotic arm Optical neuronavigation H-coil Liquid-coolin...
Application software for the CASE IV System (Computer Aided Sensory Evaluator) and Q-Sweat (Quantitative Sweat Measurement System)Software for the enhanced operation of devices for autonomic...
VideoSyncPro is a software program to record multiple videos in sync, through a simple network connection. It can synchronize other equipment in your lab, assuring thatvideo + data from...
A highly advanced, virtual-reality experimental system, the Virtual Reality (VR) JetBall is based on an air-cushioned spherical treadmill that enables a restrained animal to navigate in virt...
TMS-EEG TMS-EEG(or ERP)synchronous combined application Online TMS-EEG is a method when EEG potentials are examined while the cortex is being stimulated. This allows for the observatio...
The neuro Stimulator NeuroMod tXES The contents of the NeuroMod tXES Kit. A: The NeuroMod tXES Stimulator. B: The NeuroMod tXES Head Box. C: NeuroMod tXES Electrodes. D: Consumables Ki...
Electrodes for Neuromodulation NeuroMod tXES Electrodes Our NeuroMod Electrodes have been used on hundreds of subjects across thousands of stimulation sessions with less than 1% of the ...
EEG for research, 08, 16, 32 and 64 channelsMobile EEG for research. OverviewWireless recording of event markers in EEG dataThe Wireless Trigger provides a fully mobile solution for record...
Response System to accurately gather participant responses and verify signals Psychology Software Tools, Inc. has engineered the Celeritas Optical Response System to accurately gather parti...
actiCAP slim and actiCAP snap – The next generation active electrode systemactiCAP slim active electrodes are smaller, lightweight, more robust and lower profile of the actiCAP slim makes...
PhoneEEG - EEG headset EEG DC 24 Channels for Academic ResearchThe total of 11 semi-dry electrodes (4 around each ear and 3 central + REF and GND) provide high fidelity EEG recording for cog...
Galvanic Skin Response module (GSR module)Significance, measurement principle and signal properties of the GSR signalSignificanceGalvanic Skin Response (GSR) and Electrodermal Activity (EDA)...
EEG 32 channels actiCHamp for Skin Response GSR for Academic Research ProposalsThe actiCHamp/actiCHamp Plus is a modular, extensible amplifier system that allows the user to record periphera...
EEG 128 Channels - EEG DC HD High-density EEG recordingsthe new versatile all-in-one lab amplifierWe are excited to announce the new actiCHamp Plus, offering a scalable and flexible solution...
EEG 128 Channels active Electrodes - EEG DC HD High-density EEG recordingsThe actiCHamp Plus with active systemsScalable for high-density recordingsEasy synchronization for multiple recordin...