Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) provide the means of translating the brain activity patterns of a user into messages or commands for a target application. In this domain, the brain activity can be usually processed from signals measured by Electroencephalography (EEG). Meaningful signals can be detected and classified signals is using Event Related Potentials (ERP), which are characteristic of a certain sense (auditory, visual) and occur during a known time range (fractions of a second).
actiCAP Xpress Twist: Excellent EEG Data Quality - Dry, Fast & ComfortableHigh quality electrodes32 active dry signal electrodes based on our 10-years experience with active electrode te...
Increase your neurophysiology research opportunities!The actiCHamp is a revolutionary development that integrates high-end components for electrophysiological (EEG/ERP, ExG, BCI, etc.) resea...
The analysis software for EEG/ERP research Analyzer 2: The analysis software for EEG/ERP researchBrainVision Analyzer started in 1997 and is used in thousands of research labs. Scientists u...
High patient comfort and fast skin preparation Over the course of our time spent in the neurophysiology research market, we at Brain Products have endeavored to listen very carefully to our...
High performance on demandVersatility is the most distinctive feature of the BrainVision V-Amp. Favorably priced, the V-Amp is a valuable addition even for well-equipped laboratories. The V-...
The best EEG signal processing for EEG and MEG data BESA is the most widely used software for source analysis and dipole localization in EEG and MEG research. BESA Research has been develop...
NIRx systems, probes, and caps can easily integrate with ‘active’ or ‘passive’ EEG electrodes alike. Right: integrated NIRScap with active EEG electrodes and active NIRS optodes Ri...
We had this system (Neurostar) for over 3 years and used it quite a bit – on average 2-3 times a week for 2-3 rats at a time. I have only positive things to say about this system. Several ...
The BrainAmp DC includes all the outstanding features of the BrainAmp amplifier with the addition of the DC recording mode as well as with multiple hardware filtering options. The setup of t...
EEG for research, 08, 16, 32 and 64 channelsMobile EEG for research. OverviewWireless recording of event markers in EEG dataThe Wireless Trigger provides a fully mobile solution for record...
Trigger marking for EEG, NIRS Eye Trackin and VideoSync data synchronization StimTracker Duo can generate simultaneous event markers for two devices, for the following events: – Onset of...
Trigger marking for EEG, NIRS, Eye Tracking and VideoSync data synchronization StimTracker Quad can generate simultaneous event markers for up to four devices, for the following events: ...
Trigger marking for EEG, NIRS, Eye Tracking and VideoSync data synchronization 2ms Precision. Jitter Free.   c–pod delivers your event markers with precision because it is jitter ...
Response and stimulus device - Chronos® Chronos allows the accurate collection and verification of tactile, auditory, visual, and analog responses along with the precise source of audio...
Timing with EEG data Synchronize E-Prime experiment timing with your EEG data. E-Prime® Extensions for Brain Products software is designed to optimize E-Prime® experiment communication ...
TMSÂ motor action potential (CMAP) MEP is the compound motor action potential (CMAP) recorded on the target muscle of related limbs by exciting motor cortex with single pulse stimulation an...
Sensor and Trigger kit for LiveAmpEEG Wireless Trigger SystemItem Number BP-110-2010Consisting of: Wireless Trigger set, Sensor and Trigger Extension, TriggerBox...
Dry EEG ElectrodesOptimized EEG data qualityAdjustable for every head shapeVersatile and customizableEasy and fast setupLatest dry electrode technology Unique twist mechanism ✓ Easy to u...
actiCAP slim with snap holdersthe next generation in active electrode technologyExcellent data qualityLive impedance feedbackSlim and lightweight designEven more robustMany new applicationsÂ...
Compatible with all our active and passive electrodesScalable for high-density recordingsEasy synchronization for multiple recording modalitiesPowerful lithium-ion battery packIntegration wi...
EEG for Academic Research proposalsElectroencephalography is the neurophysiological measurement of electrical activity in the brain as recorded by electrodes placed on the scalp or, in speci...
SMARTING mobiChoose SMARTING mobi to bringconvenience and simplicity to yourresearch experiments and join theleague of pioneers in mobile EEG.EEG Smartphone EEG DC 24 Channels for Academic R...
PhoneEEG - EEG headset EEG DC 24 Channels for Academic ResearchThe total of 11 semi-dry electrodes (4 around each ear and 3 central + REF and GND) provide high fidelity EEG recording for cog...
Sleep EEG Smartphone EEG DC 24 Channels for Academic ResearchFULLY WIRELESSSLEEP EEGSmall portable EEG amplifier streams high quality EEG data wirelessly to a nearby tablet, while providing ...
EEG Music Emotion Recognition EEG DC 24 Channels for Academic ResearchEXPERIENCE SMARTFONESSmartfones is where science meets lifestyle. They play music or any other auditory input and record...
EEG 32 channels actiCHamp for Skin Response GSR for Academic Research ProposalsThe actiCHamp/actiCHamp Plus is a modular, extensible amplifier system that allows the user to record periphera...
EEG 256 Channels: BrainAmp 256Â - High-density EEG recordingsRugged portable amplifier for multiple applicationsThe BrainAmp amplifier is a compact solution for neurophysiology research tha...
EEG DC 256 Channels - EEG DC HD, High Density EEG recordingsHigh quality solution for neurophysiology recordingsDC recordings have always been very popular in neurophysiological research and...
EEG 128 Channels - EEG DC HD High-density EEG recordingsthe new versatile all-in-one lab amplifierWe are excited to announce the new actiCHamp Plus, offering a scalable and flexible solution...