E-Prime® Extensions for Tobii Pro combines the power of E-Prime with easy-to-use Tobii Pro eye trackers. E-Studio’s graphical design interface allows users to drag and drop eye tracking functionality into existing E-Prime experiments or to easily create new E-Prime eye tracking experiments.
Tobii pro toolbox of package calls in E-Studio
Train subjects to fixate and control eye movements
Give feedback on vigilance or attentive behaviors
Combine eye gaze data with E-Prime condition data for powerful analysis
Create interactive or passive eye tracking paradigms
Create paradigms which change based on subject eye gaze data, area of interest (AOI), fixation, and user interaction
Allows for the use of Tobii Pro Eye Trackers as an Input Device in E-Prime
Supports multiple AOI’s; regions which are defined dynamically as stimuli are drawn to the screen
Supports dynamic definitions of fixation and dwell time
Start and stop trials contingent on eye gaze, fixation, or eye movement criterion
Code library to allow additional runtime processing of data
Calibrate inside or outside of E-Prime
Three types of calibration in E-Prime (regular, manual, infant)
Allows the overlay of eye gaze data with your E-Prime stimuli
Samples and tutorials
All package calls needed for seamless integration