Connecting E-prime to BrainAmp

Wednesday, 18 de December de 2019
In this knowledge base postage we will explode how to make the connection between  E-prime and BrainAmp.
The result of the setup discussed here will be the E-prime sending markers to the EEG recording (BrainAmp + Recorder). The setup will be with the BrainAmp, a Trigger box, The computer with e-prime software and the computer storing the EEG activity.
"It is typical to send event markers from E-Prime to the EEG recording software when events of interest occur during the experiment (e.g., start of a new trial, stimulus presentation, response collection, etc.). An output device must be used and configured in E-Prime to send these markers to the Brain Products system. Typical devices used to interface between E-Prime and Brain Products are the Brain Products TriggerBox, a ParallelPort, or the PST Chronos® device.
for the connection will be necessary a cable DB25-DB26.
The cable DB25-DB26 will be used between the TriggerBox and the Brainamp (D-Sub 26). 

Reference: E-Prime Extension for Brain Products 3.0 User Manual

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