A scientific 3D artist is the professional that usually has a background in design, computer graphics, animation, game development or game design. However, since it’s application is for scientific purpose, some scientists with background in biology, neuroengineering, medicine, chemistry, and others bachelor is able to become a scientific 3D artist by learning specific softwares of computer graphics.
Those professionals work to develop 3D realistic illustrations, animations or games that can mimic or simulate situations that ins found in the scientific environment. It range from simple images about the human body until more complex applications that involve a team work of professional, such as multiplayer plataform games or medical simulations games.
This Kowledge Base together with the KB "Augmented Reality and Human Interaction: Experience at Brain Support" brings the first experiences in augmented reality applied to the scientific field at Brain Support. The tutorials show the importance of this technology for human engagement, as well as, the fundamental principles of 3D modeling for the medical field.
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