Differences between the 10%-Systems of the American Electroencephalographic Society and the Deutsche EEG-Gesellschaft
This graph shows the american electrode positions and their names on the left side, the german ones on the right side. The differing positions are marked in black, the differing names are in bold print.
Note: Meanwhile the Deutsche EEG Gesellschaft has adopted the american nomenclature, which is now the only correct system for publications. Yet, due to its wide spreading, this comparison might stay useful.
The grey electrode positions designate some further useful placements possible in an subtemporal cap.:
- T1/T2 are situated above the tip of temporal lobe, 2/3 the distance between canthus and preauricular point and from there 1 cm down.
- L-PR/ R-PR designate the preauricular points. The exact 10%-positions T9/T10 would come to lie inside the ear.
- A1/A2 stand for the mastoids. These can be either buttoned into the cap or, through the ear slit of the cap, placed right onto the skin.