NIRx LPT1 Splitter Box

NIRx LPT1 Splitter Box

Active Parallel Port Replicator 

- USB Powered
- 1 x DB-25 (parallel port-style) input
- 1 x Auxiliary BNC input for trigger 0 (Pin 2) input
- 4 x DB-25 (parallel port-style) outputs
- Replicates pinning from input to outputs
- Ideal for sending TTL pulses (triggers) to multiple inputs (e.g., NIRS, EEG, eye-tracking, etc.)
- Ensures 5v TTL pulses are not improperly split or timed, as is often the case with simple non-
powered cable-based splitters
- LED indicators for power/connection, and up to 8 bits of unique triggers
- Can be daisy-chained to create more than 4 outputs from single input

NIRx LPT1 Splitter Box