Experimental design Neuromarketing
Acquisition of EEG data to compare neural activation when receiving a desired product purchased at random versus purchased directly.
Experiment location: With product advertisements.
Experimental subjects: Young people between 15 and 18 years old with an interest in the same product (example: Pokémon cards).
Methodology :
Step 1: The subject will be encouraged to desire a unit within the product line he already knows. This stimulus will be through a video advertisement. There will be a recording of neuronal activity by EEG when he watches this video.
After the video you will be asked if the subject is interested in the product on a scale of 1 to 10.
Step 2: The subject is presented with the option of receiving two units of that product or buying 10 random packages that may or may not come with this product. It is said that each package has a 20% chance of coming the desired product.
The 10 packages delivered may come 1, 2 or 3 of the letters of interest. The subjects will be divided into groups as follows:
Group 1: choose to buy 2 units
Group 2: choose to buy 10 packs and get 1 unit
Group 3: choose to buy 10 packs and get 2 units
Group 4: choose to buy 10 packs and get 3 units
Step 3: The subjects will undergo an EEG recording while making their choice, receiving the units or packages, and opening the packages. A trigger will be marked on the EEG recording when the choice is made.
A different trigger will be marked for each moment when the subject sees the contents of a package or receives both units if he chooses this option.
After step 3 the subject will indicate using a scale from 1 to 10 how satisfied he is with his choice.
Average 1: Average of the Potential related to the visual event (ERP) by group with the trigger at the moment they viewed the unit of interest.
Average 2: Average of the visual ERP for groups 2, 3 and 4 with a trigger when they saw that the package had no product.
Statistics between means: ANOVA of repeated measures between different groups
Correlation between average 1 and result of the scale of interest and satisfaction by group.
Correlation between average 2 and satisfaction scale by group.
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