Neuroscience 2023 Washington DC
Scientists from around the world will congregate at Neuroscience 2023 to discover new ideas, share their research, and experience the best the field has to offer.
Dates: Saturday, November 11–Wednesday, November 15
Location: Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C.
Ideia Simplificada do funcionamento de uso prático do cérebro para Crianças:
SfN 2023 EEG NIRS Consciousness
TMS-EEG and resting-state EEG applied to Altered States of Consciousness
EEG complexity correlates with residual consciousness level of disorders of consciousness
Hierarchical fluctuation shapes a dynamic flow linked to states of consciousness
SfN 2023 EEG NIRS Perception
Six-month-old infants' perception of structural regularities in speech. Cognition
SfN 2023 EEG NIRS Sensorimotor Habits
Sensorimotor cortex activity during basketball dribbling and its relation to creativity
How do task demands modulate the recruitment of sensorimotor information during language processing?
Seeing a Bayesian ghost: Sensorimotor activation leads to an illusory social perception
Don't plan, just do it: Cognitive and sensorimotor contributions to manual dexterity. NeuroImage
SfN 2023 EEG NIRS Learning Prefrontal
Oscillatory brain responses to emotional stimuli are effects related to events rather than states
How do task demands modulate the recruitment of sensorimotor information during language processing?
Dyadic inter-brain EEG coherence induced by interoceptive hyperscanning
Como a ideia de Sistemas Complexos ajuda na compreensão do cérebro?
Functional differences in cerebral activation between slow wave-coupled and uncoupled sleep spindles
Oscillatory brain responses to emotional stimuli are effects related to events rather than states
Cognitive processing of novel and familiar stimuli in soccer: An exploratory fNIRS study
Frederick Gregory Complex Systems - Extramural Research
Communication dynamics in complex brain networks
Different topological attributes promote different types of communication mechanisms.
Controllability of Brain Networks
Dynamic Networks in Neuroscience
SfN 2023 EEG NIRS Social Interaction
Hemodynamic and Electrophysiological Biomarkers of Interpersonal Tuning during Interoceptive Synchronization
Capturing the Dynamics of Trust and Team Processes in Human-Human-Agent Teams via Multidimensional Neural Recurrence Analyses
Dehumanization Predicts Neural Mirroring and Empathic Accuracy in Face-To-Face Interactions
Interpersonal Competition in Elderly Couples: A Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Hyperscanning Study
Neural Processing of Sexist Comments: Associations between Perceptions of Sexism and Prefrontal Activity
Parent–child dyads with greater parenting stress exhibit less synchrony in posterior areas and more synchrony in frontal areas of the prefrontal cortex during shared play
Expressing appreciation is linked to interpersonal closeness and inter-brain coherence, both in person and over Zoom
SfN 2023 EEG NIRS Attention
The Effect of a Short Mindfulness Meditation on Somatosensory Attention
Enhancing allocation of visual attention with emotional cues presented in two sensory modalities
Research on the generality of icon sizes based on visual attention
Attentional orienting abilities in bilinguals: Evidence from a large infant sample
Bilingualism alters infants’ cortical organization for attentional orienting mechanisms
SfN 2023 EEG NIRS MindSet Fruition and Metacognition
Hierarchical fluctuation shapes a dynamic flow linked to states of consciousness
Brain–Heart Interaction and the Experience of Flow While Playing a Video Game
The Impact of a Short Body–Focused Meditation on Body Ownership and Interoceptive Abilities
No effect of subthalamic deep brain stimulation on metacognition in Parkinson’s disease
Attentional and cognitive monitoring brain networks in long-term meditators depend on meditation states and expertise
The impact of a brief mindfulness training on interoception
The Effect of a Short Mindfulness Meditation on Somatosensory Attention
Effects of mindfulness and fatigue on emotional processing: an event-related potentials study
Changes in Prefrontal fNIRS Activation and Heart Rate Variability During Self-Compassionate Thinking Related to Stressful Memories
SfN 2023 EEG NIRS Working Memory
A simultaneous EEG-fMRI study of thalamic load-dependent working memory delay period activity
Gamification of an n-back working memory task – Is it worth the effort? An EEG and eye-tracking study
Social threat and safety learning in individuals with adverse childhood experiences: electrocortical evidence on face processing, recognition, and working memory
Effects of acute high‐altitude exposure on working memory: A functional near‐infrared spectroscopy study
Working Memory in Patients with Varying Degree of Hepatic Encephalopathy (HE): A Pilot EEG-fNIRS Study
Prefrontal oxygenation and working memory in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus following integrated yoga: a randomized controlled trial
Prefrontal cortex activation during working memory task in schizophrenia: A fNIRS study
Depression affects working memory performance a functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) study
A window into the tired brain: neurophysiological dynamics of visuospatial working memory under fatigue
Cognitive deficit in adults with ADHD lies in the cognitive state disorder rather than the working memory deficit: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study
Shedding light on the frontal hemodynamics of spatial working memory using functional near-infrared spectroscopy
The first year in formal schooling improves working memory and academic abilities. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience
Links between socioeconomic disadvantage, neural function, and working memory in early childhood. Developmental Psychobiology
Home assessment of visual working memory in pre‐schoolers reveals associations between behaviour, brain activation and parent reports of life stress. Developmental Science
SfN 2023 EEG NIRS Infant Brain
How the early microbiome associates with infant brain and behavior development
Six-month-old infants' perception of structural regularities in speech. Cognition
Three-dimensional cranial ultrasound and functional near-infrared spectroscopy for bedside monitoring of intraventricular hemorrhage in preterm neonates
Measure of Speech Discrimination Ability in Sleeping Infants
Prosodic cues enhance infants’ sensitivity to nonadjacent regularities
Two independent response mechanisms to auditory stimuli measured with fNIRS in sleeping infants
Attentional orienting abilities in bilinguals: Evidence from a large infant sample
Utility of linear mixed effects models for event-related potential research with infants and children
Visual category representations in the infant brain
The effect of lexical status on prosodic processing in infants learning a fixed stress language
Infant event-related potentials to speech are associated with prelinguistic development
Is It Fear? Similar Brain Responses to Fearful and Neutral Faces in Infants with a Heightened Likelihood for Autism Spectrum Disorder
SfN 2023 EEG NIRS Emotions
Oscillatory brain responses to emotional stimuli are effects related to events rather than states
Probing fMRI brain connectivity and activity changes during emotion regulation by EEG neurofeedback
A social comparative evaluation of the particularity of mothers in the Chinese cultural context
Heart Rate as a Correlate for the Emotional Processing of Body Stimuli in Anorexia Nervosa. Behavioral Sciences
Effects of mindfulness and fatigue on emotional processing: an event-related potentials study. Behavior Neuroscience
Multi-scale Instance Fusion for Predicting Neural Activation and Psychopathology in Preschool Children
Walk the plank! Using mobile electroencephalography to investigate emotional lateralization of immersive fear in virtual reality
Decoding subjective emotional arousal from EEG during an immersive virtual reality experience eLife
Functional near-infrared spectroscopy brain imaging predicts symptom severity in youth exposed to traumatic stress
Comparison of Slides and Video Clips as Different Methods for Inducing Emotions: An Electroencephalographic Alpha Modulation Study
Zolpidem Maintains Memories for Negative Emotions Across a Night of Sleep
Signs of Warning: Do Health Warning Messages on Sweets Affect the Neural Prefrontal Cortex Activity?
Sleep architecture and emotional inhibition processing in adolescents hospitalized during a suicidal crisis
Enjoying others’ distress and indifferent to threat? Changes in prefrontal-posterior coupling during social-emotional processing are linked to malevolent creativity, Brain and Cognition
Individual variation in the neurophysiological representation of negative emotions in virtual reality is shaped by sociability
Enhancing allocation of visual attention with emotional cues presented in two sensory modalities
Dissociable effects of emotional stimuli on electrophysiological indices of time and decision-making
Musical Emotions Recognition Using Entropy Features and Channel Optimization Based on EEG
The content published here is the exclusive responsibility of the authors.