CNS 2022 Annual Meeting DATA BLITZ SESSION 4
Talk 1: Role of the Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex in Mnemonic Discrimination
Claire Lauzon, York University
Talk 2: Comparison of hippocampal activity during picture recognition and naming helps disentangle the language-memory crossroad
Joey Hsu, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Talk 3: The contribution of anterior and posterior hippocampal connections to individual differences in memory specificity and g
Lea Frank, University of Oregon
Talk 4: Disruption of anterior temporal lobe reduces distortions in memory from category knowledge
Alexa Tompary, University of Pennsylvania
Talk 5: Do entrained low-frequency oscillations support memory formation through coupled gamma activity?
Paige Hickey, Tufts University
Talk 6: Identifying the Neural Mechanisms of Zone State Performance using Time-varying Functional Connectivity Methods.
Dolly Seeburger, Georgia Institute of Technology
Talk 7: Entorhinal grid-like signals reflect temporal context for human timing behavior
Ignacio Polti, Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience, NTNU
Talk 8: Temporal context drift produces spacing effects in an entorhinal-hippocampalmodel via error-driven learning
James Antony, University of California, Davis
Talk 9: The Effect of Deterministic Reward on Voluntary Task Switching as revealed by Eye Tracking and EEG
Juan Balcazar, Texas A&M University
Talk 10: Altered Associations between Motivated Performance, Striatal Activation, and Frontostriatal Connectivity during Reward A
Jason Smucny, University of California Davis
Talk 11: Mechanisms of rewarded categorical memory organization from neural network modelling.
Elizabeth Horwath, Temple University
Talk 12: Prediction under uncertainty: Dissociating sensory from cognitive expectations in highly uncertain musical contexts
IrisMencke, Max-Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics
Talk 13: Novelty and uncertainty differentially drive exploration across development
Kate Nussenbaum, New York University
Talk 14: Neural representation of latent cause in credit assignment
Yanchang Zhang, University of California Davis
Talk 15: Mnemonic Discrimination Ability Predicts Optimal Training Condition for Memory-Guided Inference Decisions
Noh Sharon, University of California, Irvine
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