Decolonial Neuroscience - Questions and Experiments Free from European Bias - LatinAmerican Freedom
Decolonial Neuroscience - Questions and Experiments Free from European Bias - LatinAmerican Freedom Sfn2024 Decolonial Neuroscience - Questions and Experiments Free from European Bias - LatinAmerican FreedomDespués del contacto con los pueblos ameríndios, Europa se abrió al Iluminismo (Enlightenm...
sfn2024 Neuroscience 2024 EEG ERP NIRS fNIRS
sfn2024 Neuroscience 2024 EEG ERP NIRS fNIRSsfn2024 Neuroscience 2024Socioeconomic Desigualdades afectam Brain Responses de bebês growing up en AlemaniaUm total de 255 bebês saudáveis e acordados, com idades entre seis e quatorze meses.Variações no complexo N2–P3a dos bebês podem, portanto...
sfn2024 EEG ERP Neuroscience Publications NIRS fNIRS
sfn2024 EEG ERP Neuroscience Publications NIRS fNIRSSocioeconomic Desigualdades afectam Brain Responses de bebês growing up en AlemaniaUm total de 255 bebês saudáveis e acordados, com idades entre seis e quatorze meses.Variações no complexo N2–P3a dos bebês podem, portanto, estar relacio...
The Brazilian Meeting on Brain and Cognition - Neuroscience Meeting 2024 sfn2024
The Brazilian Meeting on Brain and Cognition - Neuroscience Meeting 2024 sfn2024sfn2024 Neuroscience 2024 EEG ERP NIRS fNIRSsfn2024 Neuroscience 2024Brazilian Meeting on Brain and Cognition 2024Brazilian Meeting on Brain and Cognition 2024Brazilian Meeting on Brain and Cognition 2024Encontro Brasi...
Brazilian Meeting on Brain and Cognition 2024
Brazilian Meeting on Brain and Cognition 2024Brazilian Meeting on Brain and Cognition 2024Brazilian Meeting on Brain and Cognition 2024Encontro Brasileiro sobre Cérebro e Cognição 2024Encuentro Brasileño de Cerebro y Cognición 202409/18/2024 – 09/21/2024 - 01:30 PM - 12:00 PM GMT-3Universid...
Nuevos Mundos - Utopias Distopias y Heterotopías Urbanas
Nuevos Mundos - Utopias Distopias y Heterotopías UrbanasLa idea amerindia de crear nuevos mundos, present in thinkers like Ailton Krenak, highlights the continuous search por un futuro donde as culturas indígenas não apenas sobrevivan, pero también prosperen, shaping the destiny of humanity. Est...
Nas Redes Sociais Lacrar Lucra - Manter o Trilhão de Juros Anuais
Nas Redes Sociais Lacrar Lucra - Manter o Trilhão de Juros AnuaisHoje enfrentamos o desafio de combater o negacionismo que, nas redes sociais, normalmente gera mais engajamento e lucro. Atacar a ciência baseada em evidências tem se mostrado altamente eficaz em capturar a atenção do público.Es...
Proposta de Política Pública: Maioridade para Uso de Smartphones e Idade Penal
Proposta de Política Pública: Maioridade para Uso de Smartphones e Idade PenalMaioridade para Uso de Smartphones: 14 anosO avanço tecnológico, especialmente com a proliferação de smartphones, trouxe inúmeras oportunidades, mas também desafios significativos, especialmente para o desenvolvime...
Cultura, Subjetividade e Resistência: Normatizando o Capitalismo de Vigilância e Promovendo a Liberdade Cognitiva
Cultura, Subjetividade e Resistência: Normatizando o Capitalismo de Vigilância e Promovendo a Liberdade CognitivaO ser humano, desde o início de sua existência, possui um potencial inerente de abstração e subjetividade que começa a se desenvolver ainda no útero materno. À medida que crescem...
Brazilian Meeting on Brain and Cognition 2024
Brazilian Meeting on Brain and Cognition 2024Brazilian Meeting on Brain and Cognition 202409/18/2024 – 09/21/2024 - 01:30 PM - 12:00 PM GMT-3Universidade Federal do ABC, Campus São Bernardo do Campo - São Bernardo do Campo - São Paulo - Brazil | BrasilThe Brazilian Meeting on Brain and Cognit...
Ad Strip BrainSupport EEG NIRS Neuroscience Jul24
Ad Strip BrainSuppor EEG NIRS Neuroscience Jul24***********BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers - EEG NIRS Neuroscience to Improve Latin American IdentityBrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers - Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity. Scientific questions and expe...
NIRS EEG Neuroscience Publications Neurociências NIRS-fNIRS EEG-ERP EEG-fMRI
NIRS EEG Neuroscience Publications Neurociências NIRS-fNIRS EEG-ERP EEG-fMRIBrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers - EEG NIRS Neuroscience to Improve Latin American IdentityBrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers - Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity. Scientific ...
Inovação Neurociência Translacional e Neuromodulação
Inovação Neurociência Translacional e NeuromodulaçãoIII SYMPOSIUM ON INNOVATION AND TRANSLATIONAL NEUROSCIENCE &XVI INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON NEUROMODULATION (2024)August 15th to 19th, 2024 / São Paulo, BrazilHybrid event: Most courses will be taught in-person and live and a one-day inter...
Neuroscience 2024 NIRS fNIRS NIRx Publication
Neuroscience 2024 NIRS fNIRS NIRx PublicationNeuroscience 2024 NIRS fNIRS NIRx PublicationDetection of Emotional Sensitivity Using fNIRS Based Dynamic Functional ConnectivityPode-se usar o EEG para analisar MicroStates que representam configurações breves e recorrentes da atividade elétrica cereb...
NIRS fNIRS Amplifier EEG ERP Amplifier Neuroscience 2023
NIRS fNIRS Amplifier EEG ERP Amplifier Neuroscience 2023NIRS fNIRS Amplifier EEG ERP Amplifier Neuroscience 2023Multimodal wearable NIRS-EEG MobileNIRSport2 AdvantagesHigh powered dual LEDs 32mW maximum illumination / optional next generation APD detectors with down to 33 pW sensitivity.Proprietary ...
NIRS EEG Congresso Cérebro, Comportamento e Emoções FesBE OHBM SBNeC SfN Neuroscience 2024
NIRS EEG Congresso Cérebro, Comportamento e Emoções FesBE SBNeC SfN Neuroscience 2024 Congress on brain Behavior and Emotions 2024Fesbe 2024XXXVIII Reunião Anual da FeSBE2 a 5 de julho de 2024 Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) - Campinas/SPFAÇA PARTE DO EVENTO, INSCREVA-SE!sbnec2024...
Como os trabalhos de Penfield contribuíram para a neurociência - Homúnculo and NIRS EEG
Como os trabalhos de Penfield contribuíram para a neurociência - Homúnculo and NIRS EEGPenfield Homunculus with NIRS EEGO cérebro humano é a estrutura mais complexa e misteriosa de todo o organismo. Formado por 86 bilhões de neurônios, é o grande responsável pelas funções vitais e cogniti...
NIRS EEG Publications FesBE OHBM SBNeC SfN Neuroscience 2024
NIRS EEG Publications FesBE OHBM SBNeC SfN Neuroscience 2024 OHBM 2024Fesbe 2024XXXVIII Reunião Anual da FeSBE2 a 5 de julho de 2024 Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) - Campinas/SPFAÇA PARTE DO EVENTO, INSCREVA-SE!sbnec2024XLVII Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Neurociências ...
FeSBE 2024
FeSBE 2024Fesbe 2024XXXVIII Reunião Anual da FeSBE2 a 5 de julho de 2024 Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) - Campinas/SPFAÇA PARTE DO EVENTO, INSCREVA-SE!******Jackson's LivesBased on science with evidence, we have weekly talks referenced in Personal Consciousness, Spiritual Freedom and...
OHBM 2024 EEG fMRI NIRS fNIRS Publications
OHBM 2024 EEG fMRI NIRS fNIRS Publications OHBM 2024 - Organization for Human Brain Mapping EEG fMRI NIRSOHBM 2024 EEG fMRI NIRS fNIRS BCI EEG ERPOrganization for Human Brain Mapping Multitask mental using gamma band power features OHBM 2024 EEG NIRSKorkmaz OE, Korkmaz SG & Aydemir O (2024) De...
Epigenetic and Behavioral Self knowledge, Brain States New perspectives in translational control - Infants NIRS Studies EEG fNIRS Combined Consciousness Neuroscience Behavior
Epigenetic and Behavioral Self knowledge, Brain States New perspectives in translational control - Infants NIRS Studies EEG fNIRS Combined Consciousness Neuroscience BehaviorEEG fNIRS Combined Consciousness Neuroscience BehaviorThe intersection of epigenetics and behavioral self-knowledge offers a f...
Episodic Memory is a Program not a Memory - Scientific Bias
Episodic Memory is a Program not a Memory - Scientific BiasScientific Bias Episodic Memory is a Program not a MemoryA memória episódica deveria ser vista e pesquisada como um "programa" e não simplesmente como um "tipo de memória". Uma abordagem inovadora e promissora no campo das neurociência...
Humankind Affective Computing Brain Support in Latin America - Neuroscience NIRS-fNIRS Physiological EEG MicroStates EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400 Simpósio de Neuroengenharia
Humankind Affective Computing Brain Support in Latin America - Neuroscience NIRS-fNIRS Physiological EEG MicroStates EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400 Simpósio de NeuroengenhariaHumankind Affective Computing Brain Support in Latin AmericaO pertencimento envolve sentir-se aceito, valorizado e conectado a ou...
NeuroSemiotics The Human Mind Physiology and Behavior - NIRS fNIRS Scientific Question, Physical Principles and Experimental Designs Mente emerge da Interocepção e Propriocepção
NeuroSemiotics The Human Mind Physiology and Behavior - NIRS fNIRS Scientific Question, Physical Principles and Experimental Designs Mente emerge da Interocepção e Propriocepção NISfNIRS Experimental Designs Mind emerges from Interoception and ProprioceptionDamasio foca na ideia de que emoçõe...
Mecanismo da Emoção Conectoma Cerebral e Atenção na Tomada de Decisão durante Executive Functioning in Classroom - Behavioral Research EEG and Behavior
Mecanismo da Emoção Conectoma Cerebral e Atenção na Tomada de Decisão durante Executive Functioning in Classroom - Behavioral Research EEG and BehaviorMechanism of Emotion Brain Connectome and Attention in Decision Making during Executive Functioning in ClassroomAs emoções são processadas ...
Human behavior Neuroscience of Perception Perception and Action Cognitive Neuroscience - Computação afetiva e Mirror neurons - Stimulus for EEG ERP EEG-fMRI NIRS fNIRS
Human behavior Neuroscience of Perception Perception and Action Cognitive Neuroscience - Computação afetiva e Mirror neurons - Stimulus for EEG ERP EEG-fMRI NIRS fNIRSHuman behavior Neuroscience of PerceptionO uso de neurônios-espelho pela computação afetiva para modular as emoções dos usuár...
NIRS-fNIRSWorkshop NeuroMat NIRS fNIRS Workshop 2024 NIRS-fNIRS This event takes place on April 24, 2024, from 9:00 to 16:00 (BRT)NIRS fNIRS Workshop Online NeuroMat 24 de April 2024 Clicar AquiNIRS-fNIRSDa Teoria à Prática: Dominando Aplicações do fNIRS em Pesquisa ClínicaPrograma9:...
Language Processing Cosmopolítica Neuromarketing for childs Decision Making - Women in Neuroscience NIRS-fNIRS Physiological Mobile EEG NIRS applications
Language Processing Cosmopolítica Neuromarketing for childs Decision Making - Women in Neuroscience NIRS-fNIRS Physiological Mobile EEG NIRS applications Decision Making Neuromarketing for childsWomen in NeuroscienceEstudos demonstram que as diferenças de desempenho em matemática e ciências ent...
Inteligência Artificial a Serviço da Democracia for Latin America Decolonization - Plasticity neuroModulation Scientific Question and Experimental Designs Design DOE EEG ERP NIRS
Scientific Question and Experimental Designs Design DOEInteligência Artificial a Serviço da Democracia for Latin America Decolonization - Plasticity neuroModulation Scientific Question and Experimental Designs Design DOE EEG ERP NIRSPara avançar na descolonização na América Latina e desmantela...
Neuroeducación para niños Baby Implicit Learning Projeto pela Primeira Infância Improving Neuroeducation - neuroEducation and neuroDevelopment Infants NIRS fNIRS Studies
Neuroeducación para niños Baby Implicit Learning Projeto pela Primeira Infância Improving Neuroeducation - neuroEducation and neuroDevelopment Infants NIRS fNIRS Studies Infants NIRS fNIRS StudiesUtilizar princípios e valores pré-linguísticos no desenvolvimento humano com foco em maior ...
El Mito de la Creación Bioma Mata Atlântica Neuropolitics - Saúde e Bem Estar Religious Cosmology Metacognition and MindSet
El Mito de la Creación Bioma Mata Atlântica Neuropolitics - Saúde e Bem Estar Religious Cosmology Metacognition and MindSet Bioma Mata Atlantica NeuropoliticsCriar uma sociedade baseada em serviços que assegura o bem-estar de todos é um desafio complexo que requer uma mudança significativa na...
Big data com Aprendizado de Máquina de alta performance e Computação afetiva dedicados no sequestro de tempo em Games e Redes Sociais - NIRS fNIRS research
Big data com Aprendizado de Máquina de alta performance e Computação afetiva dedicados no sequestro de tempo em Games e Redes Sociais - NIRS fNIRS researchÉ Urgente regulamentar redes sociais e Games OnlineA preocupação com o "sequestro de tempo", onde plataformas projetam seus sistemas para m...
Overt and Covert Attention Neuroscience of Consciousness EEG MicroStates, EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400 - Conciencia objetiva y subjetiva Motivation, Emotion And Craving
Overt and Covert Attention Neuroscience of Consciousness EEG MicroStates, EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400 - Conciencia objetiva y subjetiva Motivation, Emotion And CravingLiberdade de Expressao Motivation Emotion and CravingA atenção, tanto explícita (overt) como implícita (covert), desempenha um pape...
NIRS fNIRS Workshop 2024 NIRS-fNIRS NeuroMat
Workshop NeuroMat NIRS fNIRS Workshop 2024 NIRS-fNIRS This event takes place on April 24, 2024, from 9:00 to 16:00 (BRT)NIRs fNIRS Workshop Online NeuroMat 24 de April 2024 Clicar AquiNIRS fNIRS Workshop 2024 NIRS-fNIRS NeuroMatDa Teoria à Prática: Dominando Aplicações do fNIRS em Pesquisa Cl...
TheNeuroSoft NIRS fNIRS pre-processing Analysis Satori, TMS EEG actiChamp PLUS Return to time less than 10 ms - Pertencimento Liberdade Responsabilidade Laico Democrático de Direito
TheNeuroSoft NIRS fNIRS pre-processing Analysis Satori, TMS EEG actiChamp PLUS Return to time less than 10 ms - Pertencimento Liberdade Responsabilidade Laico Democrático de Direito NIRS fNIRS pre-processing Analysis SatoriA neurociência tem se beneficiado significativamente dos avanços em tecno...
FILOSOFÍA LATINOAMERICANA Consciousness Neuroscience Behavior Self knowledge - EEG ERP NIRS fNIRS Scientific Question, Physical Principles Experimental Designs
FILOSOFÍA LATINOAMERICANA Consciousness Neuroscience Behavior Self knowledge - EEG ERP NIRS fNIRS Scientific Question, Physical Principles Experimental DesignsFILOSOFIA LATINOAMERICANA Consciousness Neuroscience Behavior Self knowledgeO viés do observador ou do pesquisador pode influenciar signifi...
CNS 2024 Annual Meeting - April 13-16, 2024
CNS 2024 Annual Meeting - April 13-16, 2024CNS 2024 Annual MeetingCNS 2024 Annual Meeting - April 13-16, 2024The Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS) is committed to the development of mind and brain research aimed at investigating the psychological, computational, and neuroscientific bases of cogni...
Um mundo Dirigido por Algoritmos de Redes Sociais Progressive Capitalism Capitalismo Humano Affective Computing - Design of Experiments DOE EEG NIRS Experimental Design
Um mundo Dirigido por Algoritmos de Redes Sociais Progressive Capitalism Capitalismo Humano Affective Computing - Design of Experiments DOE EEG NIRS Experimental Design Capitalismo Humano DREX criado no CidadaoA era digital, marcada pelo avanço das redes sociais, jogos online e o campo emergente...
OHBM 2024 - Organization for Human Brain Mapping EEG fMRI NIRS
OHBM 2024 - Organization for Human Brain Mapping EEG fMRI NIRSOHBM 2024 Organization for Human Brain Mapping EEG fMRI NIRSSymposia programming is included in your Annual Meeting registrationSymposiaA Researchers' Guide to the HEALthy Brain Child Development (HBCD) StudyOrganizers: Wesley Thompson, H...
Language Processing Language and the way we think Neurobiologia da Emoção e Sistema Límbico - Motivation Emotion and Craving Reading and Neuroscience
Language Processing Language and the way we think Neurobiologia da Emoção e Sistema Límbico - Motivation Emotion and Craving Reading and NeuroscienceLanguage and the way we think A interseção entre o processamento da linguagem, neurobiologia da emoção, sistema límbico, motivação, emoção...
Neuroscience Centers Sleep Study Conferences Simpósio de Neuroengenharia EEG MicroStates EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400 Neuroscience Publication
Neuroscience Centers Sleep Study Conferences Simpósio de NeuroengenhariaEEG MicroStates EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400 Neuroscience Publication EEG MicroStates EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400 Neuroscience PublicationO interesse em pesquisas sobre sono e neurociência tem crescido significativamente, refletin...
Neuroscience 2024 EEG ERP Publications
Neuroscience 2024 EEG ERP PublicationsNeuroscience 2024 EEG ERP PublicationsPublications citing Brain Products - Selected open access publicationsSelected BrainVision Analyzer publicationsHere you find a selection of open access publications using Brain Products hardware and software published sinc...
Gramática Emocional História da Arte e Estética Neuroeducation and Neuroplasticity - El cuerpo y su movimiento generan una nueva conciencia NIRS fNIRS Design of Experiments
Gramática Emocional História da Arte e Estética Neuroeducation and Neuroplasticity - El cuerpo y su movimiento generan una nueva conciencia NIRS fNIRS Design of Experiments NIRS fNIRS Design of ExperimentsGramática EmocionalA "gramática emocional" não é um termo amplamente reconhecido nas di...
Cognitive Neuroscience Neuroepigenetics Human Competence - Brain Support in Latin America Culture development, Behavior, perception and Latin American Consciousness in First Person
Cognitive Neuroscience Neuroepigenetics Human Competence - Brain Support in Latin America Culture development, Behavior, perception and Latin American Consciousness in First PersonLatin American Consciousness in First PersonNo campo da neurociência cognitiva, a neuroepigenética examina como as ex...
Políticas Públicas para mudar a Realidade Paralela nas Américas - Affective Computing, Engineering Emotions, EEG MicroStates, EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400 Neuroscience
Políticas Públicas para mudar a Realidade Paralela nas Américas - Affective Computing, Engineering Emotions, EEG MicroStates, EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400 Neuroscience Realidade Paralela Affective Computing Engineering EmotionsContinente Americano Vivendo a Realidade Paralela da Domesticação Euro...
Estado Responsável Laico Democrático e de Direito, Human Connectome, Functional Connectivity, Politics and education, Superdotados - EEG-ERP NIRS-fNIRS Physiological
Estado Responsável Laico Democrático e de Direito, Human Connectome, Functional Connectivity, Politics and education, Superdotados - EEG-ERP NIRS-fNIRS PhysiologicalHuman Connectome Functional Connectivity Politics and education SuperdotadosAs possibilidades de desenvolvimento de nossos superdotad...
Illusions of perceptions A Fé ou Yãy Hã Miy nos enquadram em volume Otimizado de Movimentos - Sport Neuroscience and Motor Behavior NIRS fNIRS real-time Data Analysis
Illusions of perceptions A Fé ou Yãy Hã Miy nos enquadram em volume Otimizado de Movimentos - Sport Neuroscience and Motor Behavior NIRS fNIRS real-time Data AnalysisIllusions of perceptions A Fe ou Yay Ha Miy nos enquadram em volume Otimizado de MovimentosFé é o Quadro que Sufoca sua ImagemO P...
Physiology and Behavior Consciousness Neuroscience Behavior NIRS fNIRS - Uma fina folha de realidade O Universo como um holograma, New perspectives in translational control
Physiology and Behavior Consciousness Neuroscience Behavior NIRS fNIRS - Uma fina folha de realidade O Universo como um holograma, New perspectives in translational controlA Thin Sheet of Reality The Universe as a HologramUnderstanding the link between physiology and behavior involves studying how t...
Consciência Política no Brasil, Literacia Digital para Inclusão Digital - Neuropolitics Pertencimento Fruição Metacognição e MindSet focado em valores prelinguistic
Consciência Política no Brasil, Literacia Digital para Inclusão Digital - Neuropolitics Pertencimento Fruição Metacognição e MindSet focado em valores prelinguisticConsciencia Politica no Brasil Digital Literacy for Digital Inclusion Neuropolitics Pertencimento Fruition Metacognition and Mi...
Scientific questions and experimental designs for the development of culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousness - Neuroscience to improve Latin American
Scientific questions and experimental designs for the development of culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousness - Neuroscience to improve Latin American Neuroscience Researchers Neuroscience to improve Latin American IdentityFocar nos melhores exemplos culturais das comunidade...
NeuroEconomics, Capitalism in the 21st century, Money Creation Value and Social Value of Money - EEG MicroStates EEG Data Analysis EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400 Neuroscience
NeuroEconomics, Capitalism in the 21st century, Money Creation Value and Social Value of Money - EEG MicroStates EEG Data Analysis EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400 NeuroscienceNeuroEconomics Capitalism in the 21st century Money Creation Value and Social Value of MoneyHomem Social - Conceito criado com conf...
A Descolonização da Ciência - Memórias Transgeracionais Scientific Questions, Experimental Designs for the Development of Culture, Behavior, Perception and Latin American Consciousness
A Descolonização da Ciência - Memórias Transgeracionais Scientific Questions, Experimental Designs for the Development of Culture, Behavior, Perception and Latin American Consciousness Scientific questions Experimental Designs for the Development of Culture Behavior Perception and Latin America...
Religare Politics and Neuroscience - Emotion and Neuroscience, Motivation Emotion And Craving
Religare Politics and Neuroscience - Emotion and Neuroscience, Motivation Emotion And CravingReligare Politics and NeuroscienceCom intuito de arregimentar mais seguidores os meios digitais que buscam os extremismos políticos, econômicos e religiosos criando micro grupos extremistas com uma percep...
Percebemos Ser o que repetimos Fazer, Ver, Sentir, Querer ou Negar Ser - Illusions Perception, Surveillance Capitalism, Affective Computing, Progressive Capitalism EEG NIRS Data Analysis
Percebemos Ser o que repetimos Fazer, Ver, Sentir, Querer ou Negar Ser - Illusions Perception, Surveillance Capitalism, Affective Computing, Progressive Capitalism EEG NIRS Data AnalysisPercebemos Ser o que repetimos Fazer Ver Sentir Querer ou Negar SerIllusions are a fascinating area of study in ps...
Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity, Development of culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousness - BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers
Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity, Development of culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousness - BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience ResearchersEEG Neuroscience to improve Latin American IdentityOs jogos estão exercendo uma influência significativa em muitos usu...
Neuroscience and Behavior, Body Language, NIRS fNIRS BCI, NIRS Data Analysis - Sua Percepção é Sua Realidade, Psicodélicos no tratamento de doenças psiquiátricas
Neuroscience and Behavior, Body Language, NIRS fNIRS BCI, NIRS Data Analysis - Sua Percepção é Sua Realidade, Psicodélicos no tratamento de doenças psiquiátricasPercepção e Sua Realidade - Neuroscience and BehaviorDesenvolver estudos e pesquisas comportamentais envolvendo temas como neuroci...
Consciousness in First Person, Literacia digital na primeira infância, Percepção como Ajustes de Memórias - EEG NIRS Translacional Education para Literacia Digital
Consciousness in First Person, Literacia digital na primeira infância, Percepção como Ajustes de Memórias - EEG NIRS Translacional Education para Literacia DigitalConsciousness in First Person Literacia digital na primeira infancia Percepcao como Ajustes de MemoriasO foco é deixar a consciênci...
Neuroscience 2024 EEG ERP EEG-fMRI Publications
Neuroscience 2024 EEG ERP EEG-fMRI PublicationsNeuroscience 2024 EEG NIRSEEG ERP EEG-fMRO Search or review referencesNeuroscience 2024 EEG real-world table tennisStudnicki A & Ferris DP (2024) Dual-layer electroencephalography data during real-world table tennis. Data in Brief, 52, 110024. https...
Dinâmicas Comportamentais e Neurais de Interações Sociais Naturalísticas - NIRS fNIRS Scientific Question, Physical Principles Experimental Designs, Behavior
Dinâmicas Comportamentais e Neurais de Interações Sociais Naturalísticas - NIRS fNIRS Scientific Question, Physical Principles Experimental Designs, BehaviorBehavioral and Neural Dynamics of Naturalistic Social InteractionsO mecanismo de interação no contexto de "Behavioral and Neural Dynamics...
Neuro Semiotics, Attention and Memory, Sua Percepção é Sua Realidade, Perda da Soberania Nacional - Integrating EEG and fNIRS, combined EEG-fNIRS analysis methods
Neuro Semiotics, Attention and Memory, Sua Percepção é Sua Realidade, Perda da Soberania Nacional - Integrating EEG and fNIRS, combined EEG-fNIRS analysis methodsYour Perception is Your RealityA preocupação com o extremismo impulsionado pelos algoritmos da "toca do coelho" na internet é uma qu...
Cell to Perception Neuroscience Research, Implicit Learning, Memory and Learning, The power of vulnerability - EEG MicroStates ERP EEG NIRS TMS EEG NIRS Data Analysis EyeTracking
Cell to Perception Neuroscience Research, Implicit Learning, Memory and Learning, The power of vulnerability - EEG MicroStates ERP EEG NIRS TMS EEG NIRS Data Analysis EyeTrackingMemory and Learning The power of vulnerabilityCell to Perception Neuroscience Research (Pesquisa em Neurociência da Célu...
Consciousness in First Person, Map of the Emotions, Perception True and Fake news - NIRS fNIRS Scientific Question, Physical Principles Experimental Designs
Consciousness in First Person, Map of the Emotions, Perception True and Fake news - NIRS fNIRS Scientific Question, Physical Principles Experimental Designs Consciousness NIRS fNIRSFruição e metacognição oferecem ferramentas valiosas para o desenvolvimento pessoal e a navegação eficaz no mund...
Translational Education - As janelas de vulnerabilidade devem ser identificadas a nível individual sempre que possível, Desarrollo del lenguaje pre-lingüístico, Corpo Território
Translational Education - As janelas de vulnerabilidade devem ser identificadas a nível individual sempre que possível, Desarrollo del lenguaje pre-lingüístico, Corpo TerritórioAs janelas de vulnerabilidadeQuando falamos sobre "janelas de vulnerabilidade", estamos nos referindo a períodos crí...
A Definição de Estado foi sobre a falácia de Homem Político
A Definição de Estado foi sobre a falácia de Homem Político Homem Político"Homem Político" como uma abstração criada pelo Estado - e depois usada para definir o próprio Estado - pode ser vista como uma falácia.Isso porque essa abstração não necessariamente reflete a complexidade e a di...
Neuroscience 2024 - Explore the integration of combined fNIRS-EEG
Neuroscience 2024 - Explore the integration of combined fNIRS-EEGNeuroscience 2024 - Explore the integration of combined fNIRS-EEGAprendizado Profundo do Sentido da VidaIntegrating functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) with EEG represents a significant advancement in the field of multi-modal...
Plasticity Neurofeedback NeuroModulation TMS EEG - EEG signal return less than 3 ms indicates actiChamp PLUS for Neuroscience Researchers
Plasticity Neurofeedback NeuroModulation TMS EEG - EEG signal return less than 3 ms indicates actiChamp PLUS for Neuroscience Researchers Plasticity Neurofeedback NeuroModulation TMS EEGBrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers - Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity Neuroscienc...
Neuroscience Centers Neuroscience Behavior Consciousness in First Person - Eye Tracking Neuroscience, NIRS fNIRS Scientific Question, Physical Principles Experimental Designs
Neuroscience Centers Neuroscience Behavior Consciousness in First Person - Eye Tracking Neuroscience, NIRS fNIRS Scientific Question, Physical Principles Experimental DesignsEEG ERP NIRS-fNIRS EyeTracking Self Perception of True and Fake news Self Perception of True and Fake newsCentros de neuroci...
Estimulação cerebral profunda durante o sono melhora a memória
A estimulação cerebral profunda (DBS - do inglês Deep Brain Stimulation) durante o sono é uma área de pesquisa empolgante que sugere melhorias significativas na sincronia cerebral e na memória. Esta técnica envolve a aplicação de correntes elétricas suaves em regiões específicas do...
Illusions in our 12 senses?
Illusions in our 12 senses?Illusions in our 12 sensesOs SentidosEnfatizamos a importância do “Quorum Sensing” ou Pertencimento ser considerado como um de nossos sentidos o qual é despertado e desenvolvido com o conceitos de Fruição no Corpo Território : significa reconhecer como os estímul...
TheNeuroSoft, PsychoPy, Presentation and Stimulus Software, EEG Recording, Analysis, fMRI, NIRS fNIRS - NIRS fNIRS Scientific Question, Physical Principles Experimental Designs
TheNeuroSoft, PsychoPy, Presentation and Stimulus Software, EEG Recording, Analysis, fMRI, NIRS fNIRS - NIRS fNIRS Scientific Question, Physical Principles Experimental Designs EEG ERP NIRS fNIRS Scientific Question Experimental DesignsJanelas de Vulnerabilidade - Educação Neurocientífica Tran...
Physiology and Behavior - The Human Mind
Physiology and Behavior - The Human MindPhysiology and Behavior - The Human MindDesenvolvimento da Consciência na Primeira InfânciaDevelopment of consciousness in early childhoodTranscranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) and its effects on cognition and socio-emotional skills offer a fascinating insi...
Scientific Question, Physical Principles and Experimental Designs of EEG NIRS - Human Competence, Competências Socioemocionais
Scientific Question, Physical Principles and Experimental Designs of EEG NIRS - Human Competence, Competências SocioemocionaisScientific Question Physical Principles and Experimental Designs of EEG NIRSA questão de como medir competências humanas e socioemocionais através de tecnologias como EEG...
Education and future, NeuroEducation and NeuroDevelopment, Neuroscience and Spirituality - Improving Neuroeducation Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity, Longevidade
Education and future, NeuroEducation and NeuroDevelopment, Neuroscience and Spirituality - Improving Neuroeducation Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity, Longevidade Neuroscience and SpiritualityNeurociência e a Espiritualidade Laica na educação para Reforço da identidade LatinoAmeri...
Human Competence, História da Arte e Estética, Digital transformation, Educação Infantil - Explore the integration of combined fNIRS-EEG
Human Competence, História da Arte e Estética, Digital transformation, Educação Infantil - Explore the integration of combined fNIRS-EEGCompetencias Politico SociaisArt without frames in generating skills in early childhoodThe integration of combined functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS)...
Immunohistochemistry and Neuroscience, Western blot and Neuroscience - Neuroscience Lab NIRS and Sleep
Immunohistochemistry and Neuroscience, Western blot and Neuroscience - Neuroscience Lab NIRS and SleepSleep NeuroscienceSonhos e Animação de Inanimados é o Princípio da EspiritualidadeDreams and Animation of Inanimates is the Principle of SpiritualityA imuno-histoquímica (IHC) é uma técnica c...
Afantasia - O que pode ser testado com Neuroimagem funcional NIRS?
Afantasia - O que pode ser testado com Neuroimagem funcional NIRS?Neurosciences Aphantasia Abstraction and NIRSA afantasia, um fenômeno onde uma pessoa não consegue visualizar imagens mentalmente, é um tópico intrigante na neurociência. O monitoramento de áreas cerebrais específicas usando a ...
Competências Político Sociais, Human behavior, Perception and Action NIRS fNIRS Scientific Question, Physical Principles Experimental Designs
Competências Político Sociais, Human behavior, Perception and ActionNIRS fNIRS Scientific Question, Physical Principles Experimental Designs NIRS fNIRS Scientific Question Physical Principles Experimental DesignsPercepção e Consciência são Formadas pelas Competências Político SociaisPercept...
Human Brain Evolution, Functional Connectivity, Ritmos Cerebrais e Conectividade, Brain and Behavior Motor System - Psicofisiologia e Neurociência do Exercício Físico
Human Brain Evolution, Functional Connectivity, Ritmos Cerebrais e Conectividade, Brain and Behavior Motor System - Psicofisiologia e Neurociência do Exercício FísicoFunctional ConnectivityMultiplicação Dialógica - Como Perceber o Novo Mundo sem os dogmas do Velho mundo Europeu?Dialogical Mul...
Neuroepigenetics, Cognitive Neuroscience, Executive Functions, Consciousness and Reality - NIRS fNIRS neurofunctional imaging systems
Neuroepigenetics, Cognitive Neuroscience, Executive Functions, Consciousness and Reality - NIRS fNIRS neurofunctional imaging systemsConsciousness and RealityNeuroscience of addiction: How to improve your ability to decide? Improve your ability to decideA neuroepigenética, a neurociência cogni...
NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience 2023 EEG-fMRI EEG MicroStates EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400 Neuroscience Publication - BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers
NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience 2023 EEG-fMRI EEG MicroStates EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400 Neuroscience Publication - BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience ResearchersSolution for Neuroscience ResearchersComo melhorar a Identidade Latino Americana com Ciências e Evidências?Identidade Latino AmericanaComo me...
Neuroengenharia, Neuroscience Centers, Attention and Brain Machine Interface - Attention and Memory, EEG, NIRS and Memory
Neuroengenharia, Neuroscience Centers, Attention and Brain Machine Interface - Attention and Memory, EEG, NIRS and MemoryNeuroscience 2023 NIRS EEGFruição Metacognition and MindSet Religious CosmologyVerdadeira ReligiosidadeA neuroengenharia é um campo interdisciplinar que combina elementos da ...
SfN 2023 EEG Publications References citing Brain Products
SfN 2023 EEG Publications References citing Brain ProductsNeuroscience Meeting 2023Neuroscience 2023 Washington DCScientists from around the world will congregate at Neuroscience 2023 to discover new ideas, share their research, and experience the best the field has to offer. Dates: Saturday, Nove...
Artes, Utopias, Distopias e heterotopias urbanas na realidade Amerindia na América Latina - Do Corpo Utópico as Heterotopias, Neuroscience of Perception, Consciousness in First Person
Artes, Utopias, Distopias e heterotopias urbanas na realidade Amerindia na América Latina - Do Corpo Utópico as Heterotopias, Neuroscience of Perception, Consciousness in First PersonConsciousness in First PersonMichel Foucault, um dos mais influentes filósofos do século XX, trouxe contribuiç...
Uso da Indignação na manipulação da Percepção, Consciência e do Senso Crítico
Uso da Indignação na manipulação da Percepção, Consciência e do Senso CríticoIndignation manipulates Perception Consciousness and Critical SenseIndigna Nação e Metanóia da PazA emoção da indignação é uma resposta poderosa que pode ser facilmente induzida nas redes sociais devido à r...
Affective Neuroscience, Functional Connectivity Emotions Brain Rhythms and Connectivity - Human Connectome, NIRS fNIRS analysis, EEG Data Analysis, ICA, FFT, Wavelets, LORETA
Affective Neuroscience, Functional Connectivity Emotions Brain Rhythms and Connectivity - Human Connectome, NIRS fNIRS analysis, EEG Data Analysis, ICA, FFT, Wavelets, LORETAAffective NeuroscienceUso da Indignação na manipulação da Percepção, Consciência e do Senso CríticoA conectividade fun...
Filosofia da Mente, Human behavior, What’s the Meaning of Consciousness and Unconscious? Consciousness States Research EEG MicroStates EEG ERP BCI P300 N400
Filosofia da Mente, Human behavior, What’s the Meaning of Consciousness and Unconscious? Consciousness States Research EEG MicroStates EEG ERP BCI P300 N400Consciousness States Research EEG MicroStatesVision Bias - What will be done distorts visual perceptionLa combinación de técnicas de electro...
SfN 2023 Inside Neuroscience - The Cellular Connections Between Sleep and Anxiety
SfN 2023 Inside Neuroscience - The Cellular Connections Between Sleep and AnxietyNeuroscience Meeting 2023Neuroscience 2023 Washington DCThe relationship between sleep and anxiety is a topic of significant interest in neuroscience and psychology. Researchers have been exploring the cellular and n...
Cognitive Neuroscience Addicted Brain Improving Cognitive Thinking For A Better Life - NIRS BCI fNIRS Scientific Question, Physical Principles and Experimental Designs
Cognitive Neuroscience Addicted Brain Improving Cognitive Thinking For A Better Life - NIRS BCI fNIRS Scientific Question, Physical Principles and Experimental DesignsComo a Fruição e Metacognição podem ajustar as Memórias Transgeracionais do Trauma?Fruition and Metacognition adjusting Transg...
The Human Mind, Physiology and Behavior, EEG and Behavior - NIRS fNIRS tomography, Turbo-Satori real-time analysis software for functional near-infrared spectroscopy
The Human Mind, Physiology and Behavior, EEG and Behavior - NIRS fNIRS tomography, Turbo-Satori real-time analysis software for functional near-infrared spectroscopyThe Human Mind Physiology and Behavior EEG ERP NIRS fNIRSLibertad de conciencia para los latinoamericanosThe human mind and its interpl...
Lacração da Consciência - A Perda do Senso Crítico
Lacração da Consciência - A Perda do Senso CríticoO primeiro passo para lacrar uma consciência é o sentimento de indignação.Sealing of Conscience - The Loss of Critical SenseEmoções e ConectomasCada Emoção possui um conectoma (não é bem assim, mas dá para simplificar assim).Conectoma ...
Perda do Senso crítico nas Emoções Provocadas e Saturação da Memória de trabalho, Emoção e Atenção na modulação da consciência - EEG MicroStates EEG ERP BCI P300 N400
Perda do Senso crítico nas Emoções Provocadas e Saturação da Memória de trabalho, Emoção e Atenção na modulação da consciência - EEG MicroStates EEG ERP BCI P300 N400Perda do Senso crítico nas Emoções Provocadas e Saturação da Memória de trabalhoLoss of Critical Sense in Provoked ...
Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity Neuroscience Experiments Design DOE- EEG ERP NIRS EyeTracking VideoSync EEG NIRS Data Analysis, ICA, FFT, Wavelets, LORETA
Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity Neuroscience Experiments Design DOE- EEG ERP NIRS EyeTracking VideoSync EEG NIRS Data Analysis, ICA, FFT, Wavelets, LORETANeuroscience Experimental Design to Improve Latin American IdentityComo o Corpo Território devolve o pertencimento Latino Ameri...
SfN 2023 MEG EEG Source Analysis BESA
SfN 2023 MEG EEG Source Analysis BESANeuroscience Meeting 2023Neuroscience 2023 Washington DCScientists from around the world will congregate at Neuroscience 2023 to discover new ideas, share their research, and experience the best the field has to offer. Dates: Saturday, November 11–Wednesday, ...
Capitalismo das Guerras, Money Creation Value and Social Value of Money - EEG Data Analysis in Neuroscience EEG MicroStates EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400 LORETA
Capitalismo das Guerras, Money Creation Value and Social Value of Money - EEG Data Analysis in Neuroscience EEG MicroStates EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400 LORETAQue mecanismo de guerra é usado para conquistar seu tempo de atenção?War for attention spanHay ciertos sectores y grupos que tienden a bene...
Células da glia e comportamentos sociais.
Células da glia e comportamentos sociais. As células da glia desempenham um papel crucial no funcionamento do sistema nervoso central, e estudos recentes têm começado a revelar sua importância no comportamento social, se estendendo além dos papel dos neurônios. O comportamento social...
SfN 2023 EEG NIRSNeuroscience Meeting 2023Neuroscience 2023 Washington DCScientists from around the world will congregate at Neuroscience 2023 to discover new ideas, share their research, and experience the best the field has to offer. Dates: Saturday, November 11–Wednesday, November 15Location:...
Neuroscientific evidence and Amerindian idea to improve Latin American Identity - Memórias Transgeracionais do Trauma da Domesticação Europeia nas Américas NIRS EEG
Neuroscientific evidence and Amerindian idea to improve Latin American Identity - Memórias Transgeracionais do Trauma da Domesticação Europeia nas Américas NIRS EEGTransgenerational Memories of European DomesticationTransgenerational Memories of the Trauma of European Domestication in the Americ...
Neuroscience Meeting 2023 EEG Publications
Neuroscience Meeting 2023 EEG PublicationsNeuroscience Meeting 2023Neuroscience 2023 Washington DCScientists from around the world will congregate at Neuroscience 2023 to discover new ideas, share their research, and experience the best the field has to offer. Dates: Saturday, November 11–Wednes...
Neuroscience Centers The Craving Brain Motivation, Emotion And Craving NIRS fNIRS course: O que é importante apresentar e destacar?
Neuroscience Centers The Craving Brain Motivation, Emotion And CravingNIRS fNIRS course: O que é importante apresentar e destacar?Despertar y mantener The Craving Brain con Fake NewsUm curso sobre espectroscopia no infravermelho próximo funcional (fNIRS) deve cobrir uma série de tópicos para pro...
Religare Politics and Neuroscience: Como despertar y mantener The Craving Brain con Fake News?
Religare Politics and Neuroscience: ¿Cómo se puede despertar y mantener The Craving Brain con Fake News?Neuroscience Centers The Craving Brain Motivation, Emotion And CravingNIRS fNIRS course: O que é importante apresentar e destacar? Despertar y mantener The Craving Brain con Fake NewsLa difusi...
Progressive Capitalism, Affective Computing, Illusions Perception and Fake News NIRS fNIRS EEG ERP P300 N400 Raw Data Inspection ICA FFT Wavelets LORETA
Progressive Capitalism, Affective Computing, Illusions Perception and Fake NewsNIRS fNIRS EEG ERP P300 N400 Raw Data Inspection ICA FFT Wavelets LORETAComo o Progressive Capitalism pode ajudar o cidadão a melhor se posicionar em relação a manipulação Políticas das informações?Politics - Prog...
Cérebro e ritmos interoceptivos
Os ritmos cerebrais interoceptivos se caracterizam pela percepção e processamento das sensações internas do corpo. Esses ritmos estão intimamente relacionados à interocepção, que é a capacidade do cérebro de detectar e interpretar sinais provenientes de órgãos internos, como ba...
Que tipo de questões científicas podem desenvolver uma melhor consciência na América Latina?
Que tipo de questões científicas podem desenvolver uma melhor consciência na América Latina?Better Latin America Conscience Creating a more positive cultural, behavioral, and perceptual framework in Latin America, based on Amerindian concepts and neuroscience, requires a multidisciplinary appro...
Scientific questions and experimental designs for the development of culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousness - EEG MicroStates ERP EEG NIRS fNIRS
Scientific questions and experimental designs for the development of culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousness - EEG MicroStates ERP EEG NIRS fNIRSQue tipo de questões científicas podem desenvolver uma melhor consciência na América Latina?Better Latin America Conscience Und...
Ser Humano é Ser Racional? Sua percepção possui 6 variáveis fundamentais - NIRS fNIRS tomography Raw data, HbO and Hb concentration changes can be visualized in real-time
Ser Humano é Ser Racional? Sua percepção possui 6 variáveis fundamentais - NIRS fNIRS tomography Raw data, HbO and Hb concentration changes can be visualized in real-time Qual a relação dos neurônios espelhos com o termo Ameríndio Corpo Território?Neurons Mirrors Body Territory Amerindian ...
Neuroscience 2023 EEG ERP BCI Publications
Neuroscience 2023 EEG ERP BCI PublicationsNeuroscience Meeting 2023Neuroscience 2023 Washington DCPublications citing Brain ProductsOne of the best references to our products is the inspiring and impactful neurophysiological research done with our equipment. Neuroscience Meeting 2023 The influence ...
Consciousness Hacking, Perception of time and space, Consciousness in First Person, A Map of the Emotions, Latam Amerindian - TMS and Neuroscience, NIRS EEG Experiments Design
Consciousness Hacking, Perception of time and space, Consciousness in First Person, A Map of the Emotions, Latam Amerindian - TMS and Neuroscience, NIRS EEG Experiments DesignHow to interrelate Consciousness Hacking, Perception of time and space, Consciousness in First Person and A Map of the Emot...
Physiology and Behavior, Estresse e Neuroimunologia, Brain Gut Axis, Microbiota and the Brain - NIRS and Behavior, Functional near-infrared spectroscopy, NIRS fNIRS Course Webinars
Physiology and Behavior, Estresse e Neuroimunologia, Brain Gut Axis, Microbiota and the Brain - NIRS and Behavior, Functional near-infrared spectroscopy, NIRS fNIRS Course Webinars Como a Microbiota pode mudar nossa cosmovisão, comportamento e percepção?Neuroscience Physiology Neuroimmunology Br...
O que é bom saber sobre distúrbios de consciência pós-comatosos (DoC)?
O que é bom saber sobre distúrbios de consciência pós-comatosos (DoC)?DoC post-comatose disorders of consciousnessPaolo Cardone and the Coma Science Group at the University of Liège have been at the forefront of exploring consciousness, particularly in the context of disorders of consciousness ...
Cognitive Neuroscience, Neuroepigenetics, Cell to Perception Neuroscience Research - Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity, Consciousness in First-Person
Cognitive Neuroscience, Neuroepigenetics, Cell to Perception Neuroscience Research - Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity, Consciousness in First-PersonNe Rope is the physiology of life from another perspectiveComo os conceitos ameríndios, a consciência em primeira pessoa e a neurociên...
Como a Renda Universal Básica e os conceitos ameríndios podem construir uma cultura livre da influência da cultura europeia?
Como a Renda Universal Básica e os conceitos ameríndios podem construir uma cultura livre da influência da cultura europeia? Independence of European Culture with Universal Basic Income and Amerindian conceptsConstruir uma cultura livre da influência europeia na América Latina, utilizando a Re...
Functional Connectivity, Ritmos Cerebrais e Conectividade, Culture Drives Behaviours - Motor action and connectivity, NIRS fNIRS analysis, Use of NIRS and EEg for rehabilitation
Functional Connectivity, Ritmos Cerebrais e Conectividade, Culture Drives Behaviours - Motor action and connectivity, NIRS fNIRS analysis, Use of NIRS and EEg for rehabilitationComo a Renda Universal Básica e os conceitos ameríndios podem construir uma cultura livre da influência da cultura europ...
Attention and Memory, Deep Learning, Neuro Semiotics, Big data e os sentidos da vida
Attention and Memory, Deep Learning, Neuro Semiotics, Big data e os sentidos da vidaPerda da Soberania NacionalAttention and Memory (Atenção e Memória)Na psicologia e neurociência, "atenção" refere-se à capacidade de focar em certas informações enquanto ignora outras. "Memória" é a capaci...
Neuroscience Meeting 2023
Neuroscience Meeting 2023Neuroscience 2023 Washington DCScientists from around the world will congregate at Neuroscience 2023 to discover new ideas, share their research, and experience the best the field has to offer. Dates: Saturday, November 11–Wednesday, November 15Location: Walter E. Washi...
Consciousness in First Person, Map of the Emotions, Eye Tracking Neuroscience, NIRS and neuroscience NIRS and Music, NIRS fNIRS course, NIRS Neurociencia Social y Cognitiva
Consciousness in First Person, Map of the Emotions, Eye Tracking Neuroscience, NIRS and neuroscience NIRS and Music, NIRS fNIRS course, NIRS Neurociencia Social y Cognitiva Consciousness in the First Person:Consciousness refers to an individual's subjective experience of the world and themselves....
What is the relationship between EEG MicroStates and NIRS?
What is the relationship between EEG MicroStates and NIRS?EEG MicroStates and NIRS relationship betweenThe relationship between EEG microstates and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) pertains to their complementary nature in neuroimaging and studying brain dynamics. Temporal Resolution:EEG Microstat...
fNIRS UK 2023 Symposium
fNIRS UK 2023 SymposiumfNIRS UK 2023 Symposium14-15 September, 2023, University of Essex Campus (Colchester, Essex)Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy in EuropefNIRS UK 2023 Symposium - preliminary tentative programs for the symposiumfNIRS out of the research lab to study infant development Sarah...
Could NIRS be a predictor of language comprehension?
Could NIRS be a predictor of language comprehension?NIRS as Predictor of Language ComprehensionUn estudio donde era necesario saber si el paciente tenía o no comprensión lingüística (pacientes en coma). Consciousness NetworksBrian L EdlowNew Diagnostic Tools Therapies for Disorders of Conscious...
What scientific question about First-Person Consciousness could be answered with NIRS fNIRs and EEG ERP technologies?
What scientific question about "First-Person Consciousness" could be answered with NIRS fNIRs and EEG ERP technologies?First-Person Consciousness - Scientific Question - NIRS fNIRs EEG MicroStates ERP answerWhat scientific question about "First-Person Consciousness" could be answered with NIRS fNIRs...
Desarrollo del lenguaje pre-lingüístico, Translational Education - O que é Poda Neuronal? Ferramentas para medir o desenvolvimento infantil e a qualidade no ensino na pré-escola.
Desarrollo del lenguaje pre-lingüístico, Translational Education - O que é Poda Neuronal? Ferramentas para medir o desenvolvimento infantil e a qualidade no ensino na pré-escola. Images in early childhood stimulate the creation of a cosmology for consumerismComo as imagens na primeira infância...
Evolutionary Synthesis, Affective Computing, The Human Mind, Physiology and Behavior - EEG MicroStates, TMS Changing energy or matter within the brain changes our consciousness
Evolutionary Synthesis, Affective Computing, The Human Mind, Physiology and Behavior - EEG MicroStates, TMS Changing energy or matter within the brain changes our consciousnessEvolutionary Synthesis Affective Computing The Human Mind Physiology and Behavior Evolutionary Synthesis, Affective Computi...
Que relação causal existe nas medidas de EEG-fMRI, NIRS fNIRS e EEG-MicroStates com as Competências Político Sociais?
Que relação causal existe nas medidas de EEG-fMRI, NIRS fNIRS e EEG-MicroStates com as Competências Político Sociais? Causal relationship between EEG-fMRI NIRS fNIRS and EEG-MicroStates and Social Political SkillsRelacionar medidas neurocientíficas com competências político-sociais é uma á...
Scientific Question Design of Experiments DOE, EEG NIRS Experimental Design EEG-MicroStates EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400 - EEG-fMRI, Analyzing fMRI data
Scientific Question Design of Experiments DOE, EEG NIRS Experimental DesignEEG-MicroStates EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400 - EEG-fMRI, Analyzing fMRI dataCausal relationship between EEG-fMRI NIRS fNIRS and EEG-MicroStates and Social Political SkillsQue relação causal existe nas medidas de EEG-fMRI, NIRS...
Neuroimagem funcional aplicada ao comportamento humano
Neuroimagem funcional aplicada ao comportamento humanoNeuroimagem funcional aplicada ao comportamento humanoA neuroimagem funcional refere-se a um conjunto de técnicas não invasivas usadas para visualizar e estudar a atividade cerebral em relação a diferentes funções e comportamentos humanos. ...
A presença da própria mielina pode ser causa agravante de doenças neurodegenerativas?
A mielina, uma substância lipídica que envolve os axônios do sistema nervoso central (SNC), desempenha um papel crítico na transmissão eficiente dos impulsos elétricos, já que ela atua como uma espécie de isolante, acelerando a condução dos sinais elétricos ao longo dos axôn...
Neon Genesis Evangelion, transhumanismo e neurociência
Neon Genesis Evangelion, um popular anime de ficção científica, aborda temas complexos relacionados ao transhumanismo e neurociência. Embora seja uma obra de ficção, há conexões interessantes entre o enredo do anime e as descobertas atuais nessas áreas. Aqui vamos explorar essas r...
Como o estresse e a epigenética podem modular o comportamento e tomada de decisão?
A epigenética é um campo da biologia que tem desvendado os mecanismos pelos quais fatores ambientais podem influenciar a expressão gênica e, consequentemente, impactar a saúde e o comportamento humano. Entre esses fatores, o estresse emerge como um elemento significativo que pode...
Memória de curto prazo pode persistir por dias?
A memória de curto prazo era geralmente considerada como um sistema transitório, capaz de reter informações por apenas alguns segundos a minutos antes que essas informações fossem descartadas ou transferidas para a memória de longo prazo. No entanto, estudos mais recentes têm revelad...
Executive Functioning in Classroom, Behavioral Research Lab, Research Learning and memory, Behavioral Motivate - Pesquisa Comportamental, Executive Functions, EEG-fMRI
Executive Functioning in Classroom, Behavioral Research Lab, Research Learning and memory, Behavioral Motivate - Pesquisa Comportamental, Executive Functions, EEG-fMRIHow does Working Memory Modulate Perception and Executive Function?Working Memory Modulate Perception and Executive FunctionStudying ...
Neuroscience 2023 EEG Theme ideas for workshops and conferences
Neuroscience 2023 EEG Theme ideas for workshops and conferencesNeuroscience 2023 Washington DC Advances in Mobile EEG and Real-World Brain Monitoring:Explore the latest developments in wearable EEG technology and the use of mobile systems for capturing brain activity in naturalistic settings.Neural...
Education and future, Educação no Século XXI, Improving Neuroeducation - Neuroscience 2023, Neuroscience and Spirituality, Religare
Education and future, Educação no Século XXI, Improving Neuroeducation - Neuroscience 2023, Neuroscience and Spirituality, ReligareReligare Neuroscience and Spirituality - Spiritual Subjectivity of Brain imagesReligare Neuroscience and Spirituality ¿Cómo puede la Neurociencia ayudarnos a comp...
¿Cuál es el principio de funcionamiento de NIRS fNIRS?
¿Cuál es el principio de funcionamiento de NIRS fNIRS?El principio de funcionamiento de NIRS fNIRSLa espectroscopia en el infrarrojo cercano funcional (fNIRS, por sus siglas en inglés) es una técnica no invasiva que se utiliza para medir la actividad cerebral mediante la detección de cambios en...
Que tipo de pergunta e experimento com NIRS fNIRs pode ser elaborado para melhor entendermos os efeitos das transformações digitais?
Que tipo de pergunta e experimento com NIRS fNIRs pode ser elaborado para melhor entendermos os efeitos das transformações digitais?Scientific question and experimental design with NIRS fNIRs to better understand the effects of digital transformations Para entender melhor os efeitos das transform...
Historia del Arte y Estética en la visión de la NeuroSemiotica, Digital transformation, Human Competence, Educação Infantil - NIRS-fNIRS Explore the integration of combined fNIRS-EEG
Historia del Arte y Estética en la visión de la NeuroSemiotica, Digital transformation, Human Competence, Educação Infantil - NIRS-fNIRS Explore the integration of combined fNIRS-EEGScientific question and experimental design with NIRS fNIRs to better understand the effects of digital transfor...
How do Sleep disorders affect the pineal gland and cause disturbances in spiritual subjectivity?
How do Sleep disorders affect the pineal gland and cause disturbances in spiritual subjectivity?Sleep disorders affect the pineal gland and cause disturbances in spiritual subjectivityWhile sleep disorders can potentially have wide-ranging effects on various physiological and psychological aspects o...
NIRS fNIRS and Sleep, Sueños Místicos y el Inconsciente, Melatonina e Sono - La glándula pineal es una pequeña glándula endocrina en forma de cono, Spirituality and Sleep Disorders
NIRS fNIRS and Sleep, Sueños Místicos y el Inconsciente, Melatonina e Sono - La glándula pineal es una pequeña glándula endocrina en forma de cono, Spirituality and Sleep DisordersSleep disorders affect the pineal gland and cause disturbances in spiritual subjectivityHow do Sleep disorders affe...
Fake News no sistema educacional
A disseminação de fake news, ou notícias falsas, tem se tornado um desafio significativo em várias esferas da sociedade, incluindo o sistema educacional. A proliferação de informações enganosas e muitas vezes sensacionalistas pode impactar negativamente a formação dos estudantes, p...
Teorias sobre a consciência: Explorando Diferentes Perspectivas
A consciência é algo que ainda temos dificuldade de definir de forma exata no meio científico, mas pode ser considerada uma “qualidade da mente”, abrangendo qualificações tais como subjetividade, autoconsciência, sentiência, sapiência, e a capacidade de perceber a relação...
What kind of question or experimental design with NIRS fNIRS can be done to improve a child's Social Political Skills?
What kind of question or experimental design with NIRS fNIRS can be done to improve a child's Social Political Skills?Experimental design a with NIRS fNIRS to Social Political Skills in ChildrenAspectos relevantes para desarrollar en niños en edad preescolar (hasta 5 años) con el objetivo de fomen...
Human behavior, Perception and Action, Competências Político Sociais, Estado - NIRS fNIRS Scientific Question, Physical Principles Experimental Designs Functional optical neuroimaging
Human behavior, Perception and Action, Competências Político Sociais, Estado - NIRS fNIRS Scientific Question, Physical Principles Experimental Designs Functional optical neuroimagingExperimental design a with NIRS fNIRS to Social Political Skills in ChildrenHuman behavior refers to the actions, r...
Functional Connectivity, Ritmos Cerebrais e Conectividade, EEG and connectivity Sport and Motor Behavior, Sport and Rehabilitation, Brain and Behavior Motor System
Functional Connectivity, Ritmos Cerebrais e Conectividade, EEG and connectivitySport and Motor Behavior, Sport and Rehabilitation, Brain and Behavior Motor Systemperception and behavior of the first human beings in the AmazonHow was the perception and behavior of the first human beings in the Amazon...
How to improve your ability to decide?
How to improve your ability to decide?Improve your ability to Decide - Jackson CionekAbsolutamente, tomar decisiones informadas y de alta calidad requiere un enfoque cuidadoso y estratégico. Aquí hay algunos pasos que puedes seguir para mejorar tus habilidades de toma de decisiones y reducir los s...
Neuroepigenetics, Cognitive Neuroscience, Executive Functions, Neuroscience of addiction, Consciousness , Consciousness and Reality - NIRS Artifact Correction, NIRS Data Analysis
Neuroepigenetics, Cognitive Neuroscience, Executive Functions, Neuroscience of addiction, Consciousness , Consciousness and Reality - NIRS Artifact Correction, NIRS Data AnalysisImprove your ability to Decide - Jackson CionekHow to improve your ability to decide?Improving your ability to make decisi...
What role can subconscious images play in our lives?
What role can subconscious images play in our lives?Brain And subconscious images - Jackson CionekSubconscious images, often referred to as mental imagery or the content of our unconscious mind, can play a significant role in our lives, influencing our thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and overall well...
NIRS-fNIRS Neuroscience 2023, EEG NIRS for research EEG MicroStates EEG ERP EEG NIRS - Researchers Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity, Physiology and Behavior
NIRS-fNIRS Neuroscience 2023, EEG NIRS for research EEG MicroStates EEG ERP EEG NIRS - Researchers Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity, Physiology and BehaviorBrain And subconscious images - Jackson CionekWhat role can subconscious images play in our lives?It sounds like you're intereste...
Neuroscience Centers, Attention and BCI, Attention and Memory, EEG, NIRS and Memory, Neuroengineering - Metacognition Fruition and MindSet Conferences, Religious Cosmology
Neuroscience Centers, Attention and BCI, Attention and Memory, EEG, NIRS and Memory, Neuroengineering - Metacognition Fruition and MindSet Conferences, Religious CosmologyReligious Metacognition Fruition MindSet attention memory - Jackson CionekConsciousness is directly dependent on attention an...
NIRS fNIRS analysis software - Satori Webinar
NIRS fNIRS analysis software - Satori 2.0 WebinarSatori 2.0 Webinar - Discover the new features of the innovative fNIRS analysis softwareAug 16, 2023 11:00 AM (US and Canada Time)Since the first launch of Satori, Brain Innovation and NIRx have been collecting feedback from fNIRS scientists abo...
What kind of Scientific Question and Neuroscience Experiments Design can the NIRS and EEG systems offer related to Human Connectome or Functional Connectivity?
What kind of Scientific Question and Neuroscience Experiments Design can the NIRS and EEG systems offer related to Human Connectome or Functional Connectivity?Scientific Question and Neuroscience 2023 Experiments DesignNIRS (Near-Infrared Spectroscopy) and EEG (Electroencephalography) are valuable n...
EEG Data Analysis, EEG-fMRI EEG-MicroStates EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400, NIRS fNIRS analysis - TheNeuroSoft, Neuroscience Experiments Design, Scientific Question, Connectome
EEG Data Analysis, EEG-fMRI EEG-MicroStates EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400, NIRS fNIRS analysis - TheNeuroSoft, Neuroscience Experiments Design, Scientific Question, ConnectomeEEG-MicroStates EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400, NIRS fNIRS analysisWhat kind of Scientific Question and Neuroscience Experiments Desig...
EEG functional MRI Simultaneous EEG-fMRI Workshop
EEG functional MRI Simultaneous EEG-fMRI WorkshopSimultaneous EEG-fMRI - Workshop from theory to practiceWhy attend?This Brain Products Academy workshop will give a comprehensive introduction to simultaneous EEG-fMRI measurements. We will introduce both modalities and the benefits of combining them...
Human behavior, Perception and Action, Consciousness States Research, Neuroscience of addiction, Unconscious - What’s the Meaning of Consciousness?
Human behavior, Perception and Action, Consciousness States Research, Neuroscience of addiction, Unconscious - What’s the Meaning of Consciousness?Human behavior Perception and Action Consciousness States Research Neuroscience of addiction UnconsciousNeuroscience of addiction - How does the Uncons...
O que é verdade ou realidade?
De lo que percibimos, ¿cuál podría considerarse nuestra realidad y cuál sería la verdad?¿Existe la verdad sólo en las ciencias con evidencia?Verdad y RealidadRealidad y Verdad: La realidad puede entenderse como todo lo que existe objetivamente, independientemente de si lo percibimos o no. Es ...
Cognitive Neuroscience EEG NIRS fNIRS Scientific Question, Physical Principles Experimental Designs - Qualification of perception is the first step to Improve Your Cognition for a Better Life
Cognitive Neuroscience EEG NIRS fNIRS Scientific Question, Physical Principles Experimental Designs - Qualification of perception is the first step to Improve Your Cognition for a Better LifeEEG ERP NIRS fNIRS Scientific Question Experimental DesignsDe lo que percibimos, ¿cuál podría considerarse...
NIRS fNIRS analysis, Infants NIRS Studies - Raw data, HbO and Hb concentration changes can be visualized in real-time in several display modes, EEG and Behavior, Neuroscience Lab
NIRS fNIRS analysis, Infants NIRS Studies - Raw data, HbO and Hb concentration changes can be visualized in real-time in several display modes, EEG and Behavior, Neuroscience LabNIRS fNIRS Infants NIRS StudiesHow Neuroscience to Improve Latin American Identity with Fruição, Metacognition and Fir...
Neuroscience 2023, Design of Experiments DOE, EEG ERP Design of Experiments - NIRS fNIRS Design of Experiments, EEG-MicroStates EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400 NIRS fNIRS
Neuroscience 2023, Design of Experiments DOE, EEG ERP Design of Experiments - NIRS fNIRS Design of Experiments, EEG-MicroStates EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400 NIRS fNIRSEEG ERP NIRS fNIRS Design of ExperimentsNeuroscience of Perception - How Neuroscience Experimental Design Can Improve Latin American Ide...
Language Processing, Emotions, Mood, Self Motivation, Religion Brain, Epilepsy Neuroscience and Perception, Motivation, Emotion And Craving EEG ERP NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience OHBM
Language Processing, Emotions, Mood, Self Motivation, Religion Brain, Epilepsy Neuroscience and Perception, Motivation, Emotion And Craving EEG ERP NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience OHBMLanguage Processing Emotions Mood Religion Brain Neuroscience and PerceptionContação de histórias e o cérebroLanguage Pr...
Money Creation Value and Social Value of Money Capitalism in the 21st century - Affective Computing, EEG Data Analysis, ICA, FFT, Wavelets, LORETA, EEG ERP P300 N400 research
Money Creation Value and Social Value of Money Capitalism in the 21st century - Affective Computing, EEG Data Analysis, ICA, FFT, Wavelets, LORETA, EEG ERP P300 N400 researchReal social change with the creation of digital money in the citizenAffective Computing is a multidisciplinary field that focu...
Functional Connectivity, Human Brain Evolution, Human Connectome, Neuro Semiotics Social Interaction, Video Sync Lab, Human Interaction - EEG ERP EEG-fMRI NIRS fNIRS
Functional Connectivity, Human Brain Evolution, Human Connectome, Neuro SemioticsSocial Interaction, Video Sync Lab, Human Interaction - EEG ERP EEG-fMRI NIRS fNIRSFunctional Connectivity Human ConnectomeEEG (Electroencephalography), ERP (Event-Related Potentials), EEG-fMRI (Simultaneous EEG and fun...
OHBM 2024 - Organization for Human Brain Mapping EEG fMRI NIRS
OHBM 2024 - Organization for Human Brain Mapping EEG fMRI NIRSEEG fMRI NIRS fNIRS OHBM 2024 OHBM 2024 - Organization for Human Brain Mapping EEG fMRI NIRSOHBM 2024 EEG fMRI NIRS fNIRS BCI EEG ERPOrganization for Human Brain Mapping Multitask mental using gamma band power features OHBM 2024 EEG N...
Marcas da Memórias Transgeracional no development of culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousness -NIRS fNIRS Scientific Question and Experimental Designs, EEG ERP
Marcas da Memórias Transgeracional no development of culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousness -NIRS fNIRS Scientific Question and Experimental Designs, EEG ERPSome insights into the topic of transgenerational memory and its impact on the development of culture, behavior, perce...
Emotion and Neuroscience, Religare Politics and Neuroscience, Motivation, Emotion And Craving, The Craving Brain, Your Perception is Your Reality - Neuroscience NIRS fNIRS
Emotion and Neuroscience, Religare Politics and Neuroscience, Motivation, Emotion And Craving, The Craving Brain, Your Perception is Your Reality - Neuroscience NIRS fNIRSIn what neuroscience with NIRS fNIRS research can help understanding The Craving Brain?Neuroscience research using functional nea...
How Affective Computing Gives Strong Brain Stimulation? Progressive Capitalism that can really trick the brain, Illusions Perception, NIRS fNIRS analysis, EEG Data Analysis, EEG ERP
How Affective Computing Gives Strong Brain Stimulation? Progressive Capitalism that can really trick the brain, Illusions Perception, NIRS fNIRS analysis, EEG Data Analysis, EEG ERPProgressive Capitalism can really trick the BrainAffective computing refers to the field of research and technology t...
Scientific questions and experimental designs for Neurobiology of Fear Memory Brain Mechanisms - EEG ERP BCI EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400 Neuroscience Publication
Scientific questions and experimental designs for Neurobiology of Fear Memory Brain Mechanisms - EEG ERP BCI EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400 Neuroscience Publication Scientific Question 1: What are the neural circuits and molecular mechanisms involved in the formation and consolidation of fear memories i...
Religare, How can Ayahuasca reframe the religious meaning of life? Baby Infant Research - Improving neuroeducation and neurodevelopment, EEG ERP, NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience
Religare, How can Ayahuasca reframe the religious meaning of life? Baby Infant Research- Improving neuroeducation and neurodevelopment, EEG ERP, NIRS fNIRS NeuroscienceBaby Infant Research EEG ERP NIRS fNIRSAyahuasca is a psychoactive plant-based brew traditionally used by indigenous communities in ...
Neuroscience and behavior, Mirror Neurons, Neuromarketing, Brain States, Body Language - NIRS fNIRS acquisition, NIRS fNIRS Data Analysis, NIRS fNIRS BCI, Brain States Language
Neuroscience and behavior, Mirror Neurons, Neuromarketing, Brain States, Body Language - NIRS fNIRS acquisition, NIRS fNIRS Data Analysis, NIRS fNIRS BCI, Brain States LanguageA perda da soberania nacional pode ser influenciada por vários fatores, incluindo a disseminação de informações engano...
How to relate A Map of the Emotions, thermoception and Consciousness in First Person? Perception of time and space, Consciousness Hacking, NIRS Experiments Design, TMS
How to relate A Map of the Emotions, thermoception and Consciousness in First Person? Perception of time and space, Consciousness Hacking, NIRS Experiments Design, TMSUnderstanding Emotions: Emotions are complex subjective experiences, often associated with specific physiological changes and cognit...
Physiology and Behavior, Neuroscience Centers research on NIRS and behavior - Microbiota and the Brain, Estresse e Neuroimunologia, Gut and Brain
Physiology and Behavior, Neuroscience Centers research on NIRS and behavior - Microbiota and the Brain, Estresse e Neuroimunologia, Gut and Brain Physiology and Behavior Microbiota and the BrainThe relationships between microbiota and the brain, stress and neuroimmunology, and the gut and brain hav...
Reunião Anual da SBNeC 2023 - Neuroscience in Brazil
XLVI Reunião Anual da SBNeCProgramação:Clique aqui para acessar o Programa Preliminar.Sociedade Brasileira de Neurociencias e ComportamentoHomeostasis Perception and Emotion in PanicAntropologia Amerindia América LatinaNewborn Behavioral Observation"Muscle matters: from human disease to human pe...
NIRS fNIRS pre-processing Analysis
NIRS fNIRS pre-processing Analysis SatoriWe are thrilled to announce the upcoming release of Satori 2.0 mid August. Satori 2.0 integrates easily with your customer’s research while providing state of the art processing and analysis pipelines. In this newsletter you will find information about the ...
How Consciousness in First-Person, Neuroepigenetics and Cognitive Neuroscience do Interact? - Solution for Neuroscience Researchers Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity
How Consciousness in First-Person, Neuroepigenetics and Cognitive Neuroscience do Interact? - Solution for Neuroscience Researchers Neuroscience to improve Latin American IdentityJackson Cionek - Neuroepigenetics and Cognitive NeuroscienceThe relationship between consciousness, neuroepigenetics, and...
Capacidade neurofuncional de distinguir emoções na infância e sua relação com a resiliência
Os seres humanos requerem uma conceituação compartilhada das emoções dos outros para o funcionamento social adaptativo. A capacidade de definir emoções na infância até a adolescência é um aspecto crucial do desenvolvimento emocional e social das crianças. Durante esse período, as...
Culture Drives Behavior with Social Interaction in Formação Social da América Latina, Ritmos Cerebrais e Conectividade, Sport and Neuroscience, Functional Connectivity - NIRS EEG ERP
Culture Drives Behavior with Social Interaction in Formação Social da América Latina, Ritmos Cerebrais e Conectividade, Sport and Neuroscience, Functional Connectivity - NIRS EEG ERPJackson Cionek - Social Formation in Latin AmericaThe concept of "Formação Social da América Latina" refers to t...
A importância do exercício físico no processo de ressignificação de memórias traumáticas
A prática regular de exercícios físicos tem sido amplamente estudada e demonstrou ter efeitos benéficos na redução dos níveis de cortisol, um hormônio do estresse produzido pela glândula adrenal. Essa redução do cortisol pode ter um impacto positivo na saúde mental, podendo atu...
A comunicação dos corpos, Attention and Memory Semiotics Research, Big data e os sentidos da vida - Perda da Soberania Nacional, Deep Learning, Conectoma Cerebral, fNIRS EEG ERP
A comunicação dos corpos, Attention and Memory Semiotics Research, Big data e os sentidos da vida - Perda da Soberania Nacional, Deep Learning, Conectoma Cerebral, fNIRS EEG ERPJackson Cionek - Attention and Memory Semiotics ResearchA comunicação dos corpos refere-se ao estudo da forma como os s...
Alucinógenos e consciência: Como substâncias psicodélicas podem atuar sobre a consciência em primeira pessoa e na consciência social.
A consciência é um dos temas mais fascinantes e enigmáticos da filosofia, psicologia e neurociência. Ela se refere à experiência subjetiva e fenomenológica que temos do mundo e de nós mesmos. Existem duas dimensões principais da consciência: a consciência em primeira pessoa, que ...
8° Encontro Paulista de Comportamento Motor - UNICID
8° Encontro Paulista de Comportamento Motor - UNICID8° Encontro Paulista de Comportamento Motor - UNICID23 de Junho - PresencialInscrições abertas até 20 de junho de 2023Programação:Motor BehaviorMotor Behavior Publications.BrainSupport Highlights:Motor Control - Cortico-muscular coupli...
Memory and Learning, Cell to Perception Neuroscience Research, Plasticity, Implicit Learning - EEG ERP EEG NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSync TMS EEG NIRS Data Analysis BrainLatam
Memory and Learning, Cell to Perception Neuroscience Research, Plasticity, Implicit Learning - EEG ERP EEG NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSync TMS EEG NIRS Data Analysis BrainLatam EEG ERP NIRS fNIRSMemory and Learning: Memory and learning are fundamental aspects of neuroscience research. They involve t...
Consciousness in First Person, NIRS fNIRS Scientific Question, Physical Principles Experimental Designs NIRS fNIRS - EEG ERP N1 N2 N3 REM TMS-EEG N400
Consciousness in First Person, NIRS fNIRS Scientific Question, Physical Principles Experimental Designs NIRS fNIRS - EEG ERP N1 N2 N3 REM TMS-EEG N400Jackson Cionek - Consciousness in First PersonIt seems like you're interested in several topics related to consciousness and neuroscience research tec...
Consciousness, Hard Problem of Consciousness, What’s the Meaning of Consciousness? Brain Connectome, Perceptions, Motivation, Emotion EEG ERP EEG MicroStates NIRS fNIRS
Consciousness, Hard Problem of Consciousness, What’s the Meaning of Consciousness?Brain Connectome, Perceptions, Motivation, Emotion EEG ERP EEG MicroStates NIRS fNIRSJackson Cionek - Consciousness in First PersonConsciousness is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that refers to our subjective ...
Formação Social da América Latina, Cultural Interaction, Video Sync Lab, Language Processing - Language and the way we think, Aprendizagem, Neuroeducation and Sleep, EEG ERP fNIRS
Formação Social da América Latina, Cultural Interaction, Video Sync Lab, Language Processing - Language and the way we think, Aprendizagem, Neuroeducation and Sleep, EEG ERP fNIRSJackson Cionek - Social Formation in Latin AmericaA Formação Social da América Latina é um campo de estudo que a...
Theneurosoft, PsychoPy, Presentation and Stimulus Software EEG fMRI, NIRS fNIRS, TMS, Eye Tracking and VideoSync EEG ERP P300 N400 - NIRS fNIRS Webinars, Consciousness
Theneurosoft, PsychoPy, Presentation and Stimulus Software EEG fMRI, NIRS fNIRS, TMS, Eye Tracking and VideoSync EEG ERP P300 N400 - NIRS fNIRS Webinars, ConsciousnessTheneurosoft: Theneurosoft is a software package designed for neurophysiological data acquisition and analysis. It provides tools for...
Physiology and Behavior, Affective Computing, Hacking Darwin, TMS and cognition, Changing energy or matter within the brain changes our consciousness or even Socio-emotional skills
Physiology and Behavior, Affective Computing, Hacking Darwin, TMS and cognition, Changing energy or matter within the brain changes our consciousness or even Socio-emotional skillsThe topics you mentioned are fascinating areas of research that explore the intersection of neuroscience, psychology, an...
Scientific Question. Experimental Design, Design of Experiments DOE, EEG-MicroStates - EEG ERP NIRS fNIRS Physical Principles and Experimental Designs, EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400
Scientific Question: It seems like you're interested in various topics related to experimental design, EEG (electroencephalography), ERP (event-related potentials), NIRS (near-infrared spectroscopy), fNIRS (functional near-infrared spectroscopy), BCI (brain-computer interface), FFT (fast Fourier t...
Behavioral Research, Cracking the Mind, Mirror neurons, Eye Tracking Interact, Behavioral Motivate - Experimental Psychology, LatBrain Latin American Brain Initiative, Neuroscience 2023
Behavioral Research, Cracking the Mind, Mirror neurons, Eye Tracking Interact, Behavioral Motivate - Experimental Psychology, LatBrain Latin American Brain Initiative, Neuroscience 2023Behavioral Research Cracking the Mind Mirror neuronsBehavioral research, cracking the mind, mirror neurons, eye tra...
Big data e os sentidos da vida, Neuro Semiotics, Charles S. Peirce, A comunicação dos corpos - EEG NIRS Neuroscience Researchers, BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers
Big data e os sentidos da vida, Neuro Semiotics, Charles S. Peirce, A comunicação dos corpos - EEG NIRS Neuroscience Researchers, BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience ResearchersBig data e os sentidos da vida Neuro SemioticsO termo "big data" refere-se ao imenso volume de dados que é gerado e...
GAMES Research, Affective Computing, Scientific Question - LatBrain Latin American Brain Initiative, Neuroscience 2023, Neuroscience Experiments Design DOE EEG ERP NIRS fNIRS
GAMES Research, Affective Computing, Scientific Question - LatBrain Latin American Brain Initiative, Neuroscience 2023, Neuroscience Experiments Design DOE EEG ERP NIRS fNIRSGAMES Research Affective ComputingThe LatBrain Latin American Brain Initiative is a research project focused on neuroscience a...
Mental Health and Neuroscience, Políticas Públicas UFABC, Neuroscience Centers, Synapse Molecular Physiology Neuroscience - Neuroscience 2023, EEG ERP, NIRS fNIRS, NeuroDance
Mental Health and Neuroscience, Políticas Públicas UFABC, Neuroscience Centers, Synapse Molecular Physiology Neuroscience - Neuroscience 2023, EEG ERP, NIRS fNIRS, NeuroDancePublic Policy in Latin AmericaThe field of neuroscience is a multidisciplinary area of study that explores the structure, ...
What’s the Meaning of Consciousness? Consciousness is a movement that perceives itself to be. Consciousness is and comes from the movement of matter and energy - GAMES Research
What’s the Meaning of Consciousness? Consciousness is a movement that perceives itself to be. Consciousness is and comes from the movement of matter and energy - GAMES ResearchStates of Consciousness | Consciousness Consciousness is a movement that perceives itself to be. Consciousness is and com...
LORETA for source analysis, Ocular Correction ICA, PCA Principal Component Analysis - Cognitive Neuroscience of Volition, Neuroscience 2023 NIRS-fNIRS EEG NIRS for research
LORETA for source analysis, Ocular Correction ICA, PCA Principal Component Analysis - Cognitive Neuroscience of Volition, Neuroscience 2023 NIRS-fNIRS EEG NIRS for researchEEG ERP LORETA for source analysis Ocular Correction ICA PCA Principal Component AnalysisMental Health and Neuroscience | Neur...
Human Consciousness, Religion Brain, Motivation, Emotion And Craving, NIRS and behavior, Physiology and Behavior - Conciencia objetiva y subjetiva, activa, reactiva y pasiva, TMS EEG
Human Consciousness, Religion Brain, Motivation, Emotion And Craving, NIRS and behavior, Physiology and Behavior - Conciencia objetiva y subjetiva, activa, reactiva y pasiva, TMS EEGReligion Brain | Motivation, Emotion And CravingReligion BrainThe Craving Brain | Motivation, Emotion And CravingThe C...
EEG Recording, EEG ERP EEG-fMRI NIRS fNIRS ICA FFT Wavelets LORETA - Human Competences, High Performance Gamers Laptop and Desktop Gaming Router and Monitor
EEG Recording, EEG ERP EEG-fMRI NIRS fNIRS ICA FFT Wavelets LORETA - Human Competences, High Performance Gamers Laptop and Desktop Gaming Router and MonitorEEG Recording EEG ERP EEG-fMRI NIRS fNIRS ICA FFT Wavelets LORETAPsychoPy | TheNeuroSoft Recording, Analysis, Presentation and Stimulus Softwar...
Como Bolsonarismo engana tanta gente - Latam el Nuevo Futuro Ancestral
Como Bolsonarismo engana tanta gente - Latam el Nuevo Futuro AncestralComo Bolsonarismo engana tanta genteLatam el Nuevo Futuro AncestralComputer ComponentsLaptopsMonitorsRoutersNetworking ProductsCell PhoneEstado Responsável Laico Democrático e de DireitoDeus a Verdade está entre nós - Nunca em...
EEG MicroStates, Consciousness is a movement that perceives itself. Is and comes from the movement of matter and energy that is perceived to be itself and the environment, NIRS fNIRS
EEG MicroStates, Consciousness is a movement that perceives itself. Is and comes from the movement of matter and energy that is perceived to be itself and the environment, NIRS fNIRSEEG microstates ERP signals Functional organization Connectivity BrainEEG microstates and ERP signals are both measure...
Neurociências, Neuroscience of Perception, Perception and Action, Formação Social da América Latina, NIRS fNIRS analysis - HbO and Hb, NIRS fNIRS EEG ERP Neurociências
Neurociências, Neuroscience of Perception, Perception and Action, Formação Social da América Latina, NIRS fNIRS analysis - HbO and Hb, NIRS fNIRS EEG ERP NeurociênciasNIRS fNIRS analysis | NIRS Data AnalysisNIRS fNIRS tomography Aurora fNIRS: Raw data, HbO and Hb concentration changes can be vi...
Aprendizado de Máquina, Games and neuroscience, Sync Lab, Scientific Questions and Experimental Designs, perception and Latin American consciousness, EEG NIRS Data Analysis
Aprendizado de Máquina, Games and neuroscience, Sync Lab, Scientific Questions and Experimental Designs, perception and Latin American consciousness, EEG NIRS Data Analysis\Scientific Questions and Experimental DesignsAprendizado de Máquina I ICe UFRN | Neuroscience CentersAprendizado de Máquina ...
Cognitive Neuroscience, TheNeuroSoft, PsychoPy, EEG ERP P300 N400 ICA, FFT, Wavelets, LORETA Neuroscience 2023 EEG Publications, Functional NIRS near-infrared spectroscopy
Cognitive Neuroscience, TheNeuroSoft, PsychoPy, EEG ERP P300 N400 ICA, FFT, Wavelets, LORETA Neuroscience 2023 EEG Publications, Functional NIRS near-infrared spectroscopyCognitive Neuroscience PsychoPy EEG ERP P300 N400 ICA FFT Wavelets LORETAPsychoPy | TheNeuroSoftRecording, Analysis, Presentati...
Reading and well being, Ansiedad Anxiety Ansiedade, Optical, Audio, Illusions Perception - Explore the integration of combined fNIRS-EEG, NIRS-fNIRS Physiological, NIRS-fNIRS HRV
Reading and well being, Ansiedad Anxiety Ansiedade, Optical, Audio, Illusions Perception - Explore the integration of combined fNIRS-EEG, NIRS-fNIRS Physiological, NIRS-fNIRS HRVEEG-fMRI webinar | EEG-fMRI Webinar CourseEEG-fMRI webinarEEG-NIRS | EEG-NIRSIntegrating EEG and fNIRS Explore the integra...
Neuroscience 2023 EEG ERP Publication
Neuroscience 2023 EEG ERP PublicationPublications citing Brain ProductsOne of the best references to our products is the inspiring and impactful neurophysiological research done with our equipment. The amazing research done with Brain Products equipment continues to consistently impress us. In fact,...
Physiology and Behavior, Decision Making, NIRS and behavior, Physiology and Behavior, Estresse e Neuroimmunology - EEG ERP BCI EEG MicroStates, Latin American Identity
Physiology and Behavior, Decision Making, NIRS and behavior, Physiology and Behavior, Estresse e Neuroimmunology - EEG ERP BCI EEG MicroStates, Latin American IdentityPhysiology and Behavior Decision Making NIRSPhysiology and Behavior are intertwined and can have a significant impact on decision mak...
Behavioral Research, The concept of language, Emotions and Cognition - How emotion, motivation, and social factors influence our expectations, decisions, and memories
Behavioral Research, The concept of language, Emotions and Cognition - How emotion, motivation, and social factors influence our expectations, decisions, and memoriesNeuroscience Girls | Behavioral ResearchBehavioral Research |Cracking the Mind | Mirror neurons | Organização social dos insetos | N...
Functional Connectivity, Human Connectome, The Craving Brain, Emotion and Neuroscience - Neuroscience Experiments Design, Design of Experiments DOE NIRS fNIRS EEG ERP BCI
Functional Connectivity, Human Connectome, The Craving Brain, Emotion and Neuroscience - Neuroscience Experiments Design, Design of Experiments DOE NIRS fNIRS EEG ERP BCI Neuroscience of EmotionsFunctional ConnectivityFunctional Connectivity - Human ConnectomeEye Tracking Neuroscience 1/2 | Eye Tra...
Latin American and Intentional Encuentros de Neurociencia Conductual, Neurociencia y Sociedad - Neuroscience Meetings, Cognitive Neuroscience CNS 2023, Affective Computing
Latin American and Intentional Encuentros de Neurociencia Conductual, Neurociencia y Sociedad - Neuroscience Meetings, Cognitive Neuroscience CNS 2023, Affective ComputingCognitive NeuroscienceNeurociencia y Sociedad II | Neuroscience MeetingsCognitive Neuroscience CNS 2023 Neurociencia y Sociedad ...
Human behavior, Neuroscience of Consciousness, Neuroscience of Perception - EEG MicroStates, EEG ERP ICA FFT EEG-fMRI, NIRS fNIRS, TMS, Eye Tracking, VideoSync
Human behavior, Neuroscience of Consciousness, Neuroscience of Perception - EEG MicroStates, EEG ERP ICA FFT EEG-fMRI, NIRS fNIRS, TMS, Eye Tracking, VideoSyncSem Vida apos a MorteEstado Responsável Laico Democrático e de DireitoDeus a Verdade está entre nós - Nunca em nós.Religare Politics a...
Stem cells and adult Neurogenesis, EEG-fNIRS analysis methods, Neuroscience 2023 - Publication EEG ERP EEG NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSync, Big data e os sentidos da vida
Stem cells and adult Neurogenesis, EEG-fNIRS analysis methods, Neuroscience 2023 - Publication EEG ERP EEG NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSync, Big data e os sentidos da vidaStem cells and adult Neurogenesis | Neuroscience 2023Neuroscience 2023 Neuroscience 2023 NIRS Publication NIRS-fNIRS Neuroscience E...
Feeling and Consciousness, Body Language, Executive Functions, Consciousness in a First Person Perspective, Consciousness is Psychophysical - NIRS Data Analysis, NIRS fNIRS
Feeling and Consciousness, Body Language, Executive Functions, Consciousness in a First Person Perspective, Consciousness is Psychophysical - NIRS Data Analysis, NIRS fNIRSExecutive Functions - Executive FunctionsExecutive Functions - Executive Function ConferencesNIRS acquisition in surgical | NIRS...
The Craving Brain, Motivation, Emotion And Craving, Emotion and Neuroscience - EEG MicroStates, EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400 Loreta Neuroscience Publication 2023
The Craving Brain, Motivation, Emotion And Craving, Emotion and Neuroscience - EEG MicroStates, EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400 Loreta Neuroscience Publication 2023Emotion and Neuroscience | Motivation, Emotion And CravingEmotion and NeuroscienceThe Craving Brain | Motivation, Emotion And CravingThe Cra...
Neuroscience 2023, Publication NIRS-fNIRS, Latin American women in neuroscience, Neuroscience Perception Avatars - GAMES Research, EEG-fMRI Webinar Course
Neuroscience 2023, Publication NIRS-fNIRS, Latin American women in neuroscience, Neuroscience Perception Avatars - GAMES Research, EEG-fMRI Webinar CourseThe Molecules That Sense Touch | Neuroscience 2023 SfN ideaNeuroscience 2023 Lectures- Brain Support Latam Highlights Neuroscience 2023 SfN idea...
La conciencia es un movimiento que se percibe a sí mismo. El cuerpo y su movimiento generan una nueva conciencia y también pueden representar una conciencia específica EEG ERP NIRS
La conciencia es un movimiento que se percibe a sí mismo. El cuerpo y su movimiento generan una nueva conciencia y también pueden representar una conciencia específica EEG ERP NIRSNeuroscience of Consciousness Neuroscience of Consciousness | ConsciênciaConciencia objetiva y subjetiva (activa, r...
Big data e os sentidos da vida, A comunicação dos corpos, Poder Moderador ou Quarto Poder - Tempo e Dinheiro Valor da crença, percepção, afazeres e tempo de atenção dedicado EEG
Big data e os sentidos da vida, A comunicação dos corpos, Poder Moderador ou Quarto Poder - Tempo e Dinheiro Valor da crença, percepção, afazeres e tempo de atenção dedicado EEGPoder Moderador ou Quarto Poder Tempo e Dinheiro Valor da crencaSemiotics Research | NeuroSemiotics Semiotics Resea...
Experimental Designs EEG-fMRI EEG-MicroStates EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400 Scientific Question, Physical Principles and Experimental Designs - Neuroscience of Perception
Experimental Designs EEG-fMRI EEG-MicroStates EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400 Scientific Question, Physical Principles and Experimental Designs - Neuroscience of Perception Experimental Designs EEG-fMRI EEG-MicroStates EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400 Scientific QuestionMental Health and Neuroscience | Neurosci...
NIRS fNIRS BCI, Affective Computing, Evolutionary Synthesis, NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience - EEG ERP P300 N400 ICA FFT Wavelets LORETA, Consciousness Neuroscience Behavior
NIRS fNIRS BCI, Affective Computing, Evolutionary Synthesis, NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience - EEG ERP P300 N400 ICA FFT Wavelets LORETA, Consciousness Neuroscience Behavior NIRS fNIRS NeuroscienceCognitive Neuroscience Course I | Neuroscience MeetingsCognitive Neuroscience CNS 2023 Neurociencia y Sociedad...
NIRS fNIRSNaturalistic Environments Neuroscience 2024 NIRS PublicationNaturalistic EnvironmentsWith the advent of portable and wearable solutions, in addition to its intrinsic performance in the presence of movements, fNIRS is currently the ideal solution for studies that intend to evaluate cortical...
Competências Político Sociais - Executiva, Jurídica, Legislativa, Democrática, Laica, Sentiência, De Direito, Humankind, Fruición, Wellbeing, Metacognition, Quarto Poder, Consciência
Competências Político Sociais - Executiva, Jurídica, Legislativa, Democrática, Laica, Sentiência, De Direito, Humankind, Fruición, Wellbeing, Metacognition, Quarto Poder, Consciência Competencias Politico SociaisCompetências Socioemocionais | Human Competence Competências Político Sociai...
Implicit Learning, Self Perception True and Fake news, Estado Responsável, Laico, Democrático e de Direito - Neurodesenvolvimento Infantil, The power of vulnerability
Implicit Learning, Self Perception True and Fake news, Estado Responsável, Laico, Democrático e de Direito - Neurodesenvolvimento Infantil, The power of vulnerabilityImplicit Learning Self Perception True and Fake news Estado ResponsavelImplicit Learning - The power of vulnerability The power of ...
NeuroCognition, Cognitive Neuroscience of Volition, Cognitive Neuroscience, GAMES Research - Sync Lab, Video Sync Lab, Audio Illusions, NeuroMagic, Illusions Perception, Optical Illusions
NeuroCognition, Cognitive Neuroscience of Volition, Cognitive Neuroscience, GAMES Research - Sync Lab, Video Sync Lab, Audio Illusions, NeuroMagic, Illusions Perception, Optical Illusions Cognitive Neuroscience of Volition GAMES ResearchCognitive Neuroscience of Volition I | Cognitive NeuroscienceC...
Neuroscience Centers, EEG-fMRI Publication EEG MicroStates - EEG ERP BCI P300 N400 EEG ERP Publication 2023, Políticas Públicas UFABC, Motivation, Emotion And Craving
Neuroscience Centers, EEG-fMRI Publication EEG MicroStates - EEG ERP BCI P300 N400 EEG ERP Publication 2023, Políticas Públicas UFABC, Motivation, Emotion And Craving EEG MicroStates EEG ERP BCI P300 N400Políticas Públicas UFABC | Neuroscience CentersPolíticas Públicas UFABCEEG Neurofeedbac...
Affective Computing, Mirror Neurons, Behavioral Research, Decision Making - Emotions and Cognition, Neuroplasticity, EEG and Behavior, electrical activity of the brain, NeuroEconomics
Affective Computing, Mirror Neurons, Behavioral Research, Decision Making - Emotions and Cognition, Neuroplasticity, EEG and Behavior, electrical activity of the brain, NeuroEconomicsAffective Computing Mirror Neurons Behavioral Research, Decision Making Emotions and CognitionNeuroCognition | Beha...
Wed,19Apr23, NIRS fNIRS analysis, Social Politic Competences - Human Competences, EEG-fMRI, EEG ERP P300 N400, ICA, PCA, FFT, Wavelets, LORETA, NIRS fNIRS, Games, NIRS fNIRS analysis, Social Politic Competences - Human Competences, EEG-fMRI, EEG ERP P300 N400, ICA, PCA, FFT, Wavelets, LORETA, NIRS fNIRS, GamesEEG ERP P300 N400 ICA PCA FFT Wavelets LORETANIRS fNIRS analysis | TheNeuroSoft Recording, Analysis, Presentation and Stimulus Soft...
EEG ERP Publication Neuroscience 2023
Neuroscience Meeting 2023Neuroscience 2023 Washington DCEEG ERP Publication Neuroscience 2023 - Brain Products Neuroscience 2023 EEG ERP Publication Brain ProductsPublications citing Brain ProductsOne of the best references to our products is the inspiring and impactful neurophysiological resear...
EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400 Neuroscience 2023, Scientific question and experimental design - Money Creation Value and Social Value of Money Capitalism in the 21st century, Consciência
EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400 Neuroscience 2023, Scientific question and experimental design - Money Creation Value and Social Value of Money Capitalism in the 21st century, ConsciênciaEEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400 Neuroscience 2023Chicago Boys | NeuroEconomicsMoney Creation Value and Social Value of Money...
List of Political Social Competences - Competências Socioemocionais na Primeira Infância, Human Competence, A consciência é um movimento que se percebe ser, Brain Gut Axis
List of Political Social Competences - Competências Socioemocionais na Primeira Infância, Human Competence, A consciência é um movimento que se percebe ser, Brain Gut Axis Political Social CompetencesNeuropolitics 1/3 | NeuropoliticsEstado democrático Laico e de direito | NeuropoliticsEstado d...
Religare Neuroscience and Spirituality, Mystical Human Performances - El cuerpo y su movimiento generan una nueva conciencia y también pueden representar una conciencia
Religare Neuroscience and Spirituality, Mystical Human Performances - El cuerpo y su movimiento generan una nueva conciencia y también pueden representar una concienciaReligare Neuroscience and SpiritualityMystical Human Performances | ReligareMystical Human PerformancesReligare - Part 1Religare - ...
Desarrollo del lenguaje pre-lingüístico, Competências Socioemocionais, Translational Education - Consciousness in First-Person, NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience Publications, NIRS Data Analysis
Desarrollo del lenguaje pre-lingüístico, Competências Socioemocionais, Translational Education - Consciousness in First-Person, NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience Publications, NIRS Data AnalysisDesarrollo del lenguaje pre-linguisticoCell to Perception Neuroscience Research | Neuroscience 2023Neuroscience 2...
Raízes do Brasil Laico Democrático, BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity - Consciousness in First Person EEG NIRS
Raízes do Brasil Laico Democrático, BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity - Consciousness in First Person EEG NIRSConsciousness in First PersonRaízes do Brasil | Laico DemocráticoWithin a secular democratic and rights state, individual...
Neuroscience Publication 2023 EEG-fMRI EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400 - Scientific questions and experimental designs for the development of Latam Consciousness
Neuroscience Publication 2023 EEG-fMRI EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400 - Scientific questions and experimental designs for the development of Latam ConsciousnessEEG ERP Scientific Questions and Experimental DesignsDevelopmental Origins of Brain Circuit Architecture and Psychiatric Disorders | Neuroscience...
NIRS fNIRS Scientific Question, Physical Principles Experimental Designs Functional optical neuroimaging fNIRS Near Infrared Spectroscopy - NIRS fNIRS Amplifier, EEG ERP Amplifier
NIRS fNIRS Scientific Question, Physical Principles Experimental Designs Functional optical neuroimaging fNIRS Near Infrared Spectroscopy - NIRS fNIRS Amplifier, EEG ERP AmplifierNIRS fNIRS Amplifier EEG ERPNIRS fNIRS Webinars 2023 | NIRS fNIRS BCINIRS fNIRS Neuroscience Publications NIRS fNIRS Scie...
Cognitive Neuroscience 2023
Cognition Neuroscience CNS 2023 - CNS-2023-Program-BookletCognitive Neuroscience 2023Perspectives on the Roots, Present, and Future of Cognitive NeurosciencePoverty and Neuroscience: A Fish and a Bicycle?"Poverty as Disability: Neuroscience, Poor Children and Special Education"Electrophysiological...
Big data e os sentidos da vida, A comunicação dos corpos - Scientific questions, experimental designs,development of culture, behavior, perception and Latam consciousness EEG NIRS
Big data e os sentidos da vida, A comunicação dos corpos - Scientific questions, experimental designs,development of culture, behavior, perception and Latam consciousness EEG NIRSBig data e os sentidos da vidaA comunicação dos corpos | Neuro SemioticsA comunicação dos corposSemiotics Research ...
Implicit Learning, Memory and Learning, States of Consciousness, Neuroscience of addiction - BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers Neuroscience to Latin American Brainn
Implicit Learning, Memory and Learning, States of Consciousness, Neuroscience of addiction - BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers Neuroscience to Latin American BrainnEEG NIRS BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers States of Consciousness | ConsciousnessConsciousness is...
Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity, BrainSupport - Scientific questions for the development of culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousness EEG NIRS
Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity, BrainSupport - Scientific questions for the development of culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousness EEG NIRSNeuroscience to improve Latin American IdentityGlial Neurodegeneration Neuroscience | Neuroscience 2023Neuroscience 2023 ...
Sinapse elétrica na consolidação de fonemas e palavras
A linguagem pode ser definida como o sistema através do qual o homem comunica suas idéias e sentimentos, seja através da fala, da escrita ou de outros signos convencionais. A linguagem é uma das ferramentas mais importantes para a espécie humana, sendo aprimorada durante todo o proces...
The Last of Us: Como os fungos atuam no nosso sistema nervoso
"The Last of Us" é um jogo eletrônico de ação-aventura e sobrevivência desenvolvido pela Naughty Dog e lançado em 2013 que ganhou bastante popularidade ao ponto de se tornar uma nova série da HBO Max lançada neste ano de 2023 (Veja o trailer abaixo). A história se passa em um mundo ...
The Human Mind, Physiology and Behavior, EEG NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSync EEG NIRS Data Analysis BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers CEPID-FAPESP
The Human Mind, Physiology and Behavior, EEG NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSync EEG NIRS Data Analysis BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers CEPID-FAPESPBrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers CEPID-FAPESPBehavior Conferences | Physiology and Behavior Behavior ConferencesThe Hum...
Scientific questions and experimental designs for the development of culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousness - EEG MicroStates EEG ERP BCI P300 N400
Scientific questions and experimental designs for the development of culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousness - EEG MicroStates EEG ERP BCI P300 N400Scientific questions and experimental designNIRS acquisition in surgical | NIRS Data AnalysisNIRS fNIRS tomography Aurora fNIRS...
Consciousness Neuroscience, Perception and Hallucination - EEG NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSync EEG NIRS Data Analysis, EEG ERP P300 N400 ICA, FFT, Wavelets, LORETA
Consciousness Neuroscience, Perception and Hallucination - EEG NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSync EEG NIRS Data Analysis, EEG ERP P300 N400 ICA, FFT, Wavelets, LORETAConsciousness Neuroscience Perception and HallucinationEEG fMRI | EEG-fMRI Webinar CourseAnalyzing fMRI data | EEG-fMRI Webinar Course...
Competências Socioemocionais, Human Competence, Político Social Competences - Solution for Neuroscience Researchers Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity
Competências Socioemocionais, Human Competence, Político Social Competences - Solution for Neuroscience Researchers Neuroscience to improve Latin American IdentityNeuroscience to improve Latin American IdentityExecutiva (Ing - Pensar, Fazer, Aprender, Lembrar, Comer, etc..)Jurídica (Avaliaç...
Experimental Psychology, How emotion, motivation, and social factors influence our expectations, decisions, and memories - Behavioral Motivate, Neuromarketing, Memory
Experimental Psychology, How emotion, motivation, and social factors influence our expectations, decisions, and memories - Behavioral Motivate, Neuromarketing, Memory EEG ERP AmplifierBehavioral Research Lab | Behavioral ResearchBehavioral Research |Cracking the Mind | Mirror neurons | Organiza...
Big data e os sentidos da vida, A comunicação dos corpos, Neuro Semiotics - Scientific questions for the development of Culture, Behavior and Perception and Consciousness
Big data e os sentidos da vida, A comunicação dos corpos, Neuro Semiotics - Scientific questions for the development of Culture, Behavior and Perception and ConsciousnessEEG ERP Amplifier actiCHamp PLUSBig data e os sentidos da vida | Neuro SemioticsBig data e os sentidos da vidaA comunicação do...
EEG-MicroStates EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400 Scientific Question, Physical Principles and Experimental Designs - BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers Latin American
EEG-MicroStates EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400 Scientific Question, Physical Principles and Experimental Designs - BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers Latin American EEG ERP Amplifier NIRS fNIRSGAMES Research 1/2 | GAMES ResearchAcademic Research on Games Game Theory Games f...
Políticas Públicas, Brain Support Solution for Neuroscience Researchers - Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity, Physiology Neuroscience, EEG ERP Amplifier NIRS fNIRS
Políticas Públicas, Brain Support Solution for Neuroscience Researchers - Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity, Physiology Neuroscience, EEG ERP Amplifier NIRS fNIRS EEG ERP Amplifier LiveAmpPolíticas Públicas UFABC | Neuroscience Centers Políticas Públicas UFABCMent...
States of Consciousness - Consciousness is and comes from the movement of matter and energy that is perceived to be itself and the environment, EEG ERP Amplifier NIRS fNIRS
States of Consciousness - Consciousness is and comes from the movement of matter and energy that is perceived to be itself and the environment, EEG ERP Amplifier NIRS fNIRS EEG ERP Amplifier Independent Component Analysis ICAStates of Consciousness | Consciousness Consciousness is a movement that ...
Advertising EEG ERP Amplifier for Research Neuroscience 2023 BrainLatamEEG ERP Amplifier EEG CAPsNIRS fNIRS Amplifier EEG ERP Amplifier Neuroscience 2023EEG Data Analysis - Connectivity analysis made easyNIRS fNIRS Recording BCI Research Data Analysis and fNIRS Neurofeedbackbrainlatamimages....
Baby Infant Research , Language Processing, Brincadeira e Desenvolvimento Infantil, Religare - Depression and spirituality, Neuroscience and Spirituality, Metacognition and MindSet
Baby Infant Research , Language Processing, Brincadeira e Desenvolvimento Infantil, Religare - Depression and spirituality, Neuroscience and Spirituality, Metacognition and MindSetEEG ERP Amplifier EEG CAPs actiCap SnapLanguage Processing Language Processing Part 1Language Processing Part 2Baby I...
EEG ERP Amplifier for Research Neuroscience 2024 BrainLatam
EEG ERP Amplifier for Research Neuroscience 2024 BrainLatamEEG ERP Amplifier for Research Neuroscience 2024 Brain LatamEEG ERP AmplifierFor highest signal quality and flexibility in recordings, our all-in-one amplifier and our triggering device comprise the best solution for your lab-based EEG/ERP s...
EEG MicroStates NIRS fNIRS EEG ERP BCI Neuroscience 2024
EEG MicroStates NIRS fNIRS EEG ERP BCI Neuroscience 2024EEG MicroStates NIRS fNIRS Amplifier EEG ERP Amplifier NeuroscienceDetection of Emotional Sensitivity Using fNIRS Based Dynamic Functional ConnectivityPode-se usar o EEG para analisar MicroStates que representam configurações breves e recorre...
EEG Data Analysis, Neuroscience 2023, Cognitive Neuroscience CNS 2023 - EEG ERP P300 N400 ICA PCA FFT Wavelets LORETA, NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSync Spectral analysis
EEG Data Analysis, Neuroscience 2023, Cognitive Neuroscience CNS 2023 - EEG ERP P300 N400 ICA PCA FFT Wavelets LORETA, NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSync Spectral analysisEEG ERP Amplifier EEG Data AnalysisMental Health and Neuroscience | Neuroscience 2023Neuroscience 2023NIRS Publication NIRS-fNIRS Neu...
EEG ERP Amplifier EEG CAPs
EEG ERP Amplifier EEG CAPsEEG ERP Amplifier EEG CAPsactiCAP slim/snapGel-based active electrode system for high-quality EEG recordings even at higher impedancesQuick electrode preparation with direct LED feedback on the electrodeProvides an outstanding user experience for participant and researcherC...
Neurosciences Consciousness Feeling, Physiology and Behavior, Religion Brain, Motivation, Emotion And Craving - EEG TMS and Neuroscience, NIRS and behavior, EEG ERP Amplifier
Neurosciences Consciousness Feeling, Physiology and Behavior, Religion Brain, Motivation, Emotion And Craving - EEG TMS and Neuroscience, NIRS and behavior, EEG ERP AmplifierNeurosciences Consciousness FeelingReligion Brain | Motivation, Emotion And CravingReligion BrainThe Craving Brain | Motivatio...
EEG ERP Amplifier
EEG ERP AmplifierEEG ERP AmplifierFor highest signal quality and flexibility in recordings, our all-in-one amplifier and our triggering device comprise the best solution for your lab-based EEG/ERP studies. Communication between our recording software and your stimulus presentation software ensure a ...
NIRS fNIRS Webinars, NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience Publications, Presentation and Stimulus Software EEG ERP fMRI NIRS fNIRS - Político Social Competences, Quarto Poder Tempo e Dinheiro
NIRS fNIRS Webinars, NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience Publications, Presentation and Stimulus Software EEG ERP fMRI NIRS fNIRS - Político Social Competences, Quarto Poder Tempo e DinheiroPolitico Social Competences Quarto Poder Tempo e DinheiroPsychoPy | TheNeuroSoftRecording, Analysis, Presentation and Sti...
Estado Responsável Laico Democrático e de Direitos, Raízes do Brasil - Religion and Neuroscience Laico Democrático, Affective Computing, Surveillance Capitalism
Estado Responsável Laico Democrático e de Direitos, Raízes do Brasil - Religion and Neuroscience Laico Democrático, Affective Computing, Surveillance CapitalismEEG ERP Amplifier for Research Neuroscience 2023 Brain LatamRaízes do Brasil | Laico Democrático Within a secular democratic and righ...
Plant Intelligence and Human Consciousness, Feeling and Consciousness, Consciousness in First Person - Altered states of consciousness, A Map of the Emotions, Education and Future
Plant Intelligence and Human Consciousness, Feeling and Consciousness, Consciousness in First Person - Altered states of consciousness, A Map of the Emotions, Education and Future EEG MicroStates Homeostasis and FeelingsBrain States - Feeling and ConsciousnessFeeling and ConsciousnessBrain States...
Como o bolsonarismo enganou tanta gente? Latam el Nuevo Futuro Ancestral
Como o bolsonarismo enganou tanta gente? Latam el Nuevo Futuro AncestralEstado Laico Democratico e de DireitoCiência com Evidência dentro de um Estado Laico Democrático e de DireitoDetox Total do Governo BolsonaroConsciência em Primeira Pessoa.Você responsável por sua percepção.Retrospecti...
Neuroscience 2023 - EEG ERP EEG-fMRI Research Publications
Neuroscience 2023 - EEG ERP EEG-fMRI Research PublicationsNeuroscience 2023 Publications EEG ERP EEG-fMRI ResearchNeuroscience Meeting 2023Neuroscience 2023 Washington DCScientists from around the world will congregate at Neuroscience 2023 to discover new ideas, share their research, and experience ...
Estado democrático Laico e de direito, NeuroCognition, Behavioral Research, EEG Neuroscience and Behavior - Emotions and Cognition, A comunicação dos Corpos
Estado democrático Laico e de direito, NeuroCognition, Behavioral Research, EEG Neuroscience and Behavior - Emotions and Cognition, A comunicação dos Corpos EEG ERP Amplifier R-NetNeuroCognition | Behavioral ResearchBehavioral Research |Cracking the Mind | Mirror neurons | Organi...
Neuroscience Centers, EEG ERP BCI P300 N400 EEG ERP Publication EEG MicroStates - Educação na Pandemia, Translational Education, Aprendizado de Máquina ICe UFRN
Neuroscience Centers, EEG ERP BCI P300 N400 EEG ERP Publication EEG MicroStates - Educação na Pandemia, Translational Education, Aprendizado de Máquina ICe UFRNEEG ERP Amplifier EEG CAPsFuncionalidade e Autonomia do Autista | Neuroscience CentersFuncionalidade e Autonomia do AutistaAprendizado de...
NIRS fNIRS Analysis, NIRS Data Analysis, real-time HbO and Hb concentration Social Interaction - Formação Social da América Latina, Perception, Perception and Action
NIRS fNIRS Analysis, NIRS Data Analysis, real-time HbO and Hb concentration Social Interaction - Formação Social da América Latina, Perception, Perception and Action EEG ERP Amplifier NIRS fNIRSNIRS fNIRS analysis | NIRS Data AnalysisNIRS fNIRS tomography Aurora fNIRS: Raw data, HbO and...
Tetra Solution, Antídoto para o Ataque à Soberania Nacional, Religião x Política - Competências Político Social, Religare Deus Laico Democŕático e de direito
Tetra Solution, Antídoto para o Ataque à Soberania Nacional, Religião x Política - Competências Político Social, Religare Deus Laico Democŕático e de direito EEG ERP Amplifier Sleep21 Lessons for the 21st CenturyPolitic Social CompetencesExecutiva (Ing - Pensar, Fazer, A...
Político Social Competences, Neurodesenvolvimento Infantil, Improving Neuroeducation Religare - Neuroscience and Spirituality, Neuro Dance, Dança Contemporânea, EEG NIRS
Político Social Competences, Neurodesenvolvimento Infantil, Improving Neuroeducation Religare - Neuroscience and Spirituality, Neuro Dance, Dança Contemporânea, EEG NIRS EEG ERP Amplifier EEG CAPs Brain Products Vision Latam SupportCompetências Socioemocionais | Human CompetenceList of Poli...
Metacognition Fruição MindSet Emotional Intelligence, Neuroscience Lab, EEG Data Analysis - EEG ERP P300 N400 FFT ICA PCA LORETA Wavelets, Attention and Consciousness
Metacognition Fruição MindSet Emotional Intelligence, Neuroscience Lab, EEG Data Analysis - EEG ERP P300 N400 FFT ICA PCA LORETA Wavelets, Attention and ConsciousnessEEG ERP Amplifier Data AnalysisNeuroscience Lab - Neurobiology Neurobiology Part 1Neurobiology Part 2Neurobiology Part 3EEG Data An...
NIRS fNIRS EEG ERP FFT P300 N400, Scientific questions and experimental designs - Pesquisas acadêmicas sobre Games, Aprendizado de Máquina, EEG NIRS Data Analysis
NIRS fNIRS EEG ERP FFT P300 N400, Scientific questions and experimental designs - Pesquisas acadêmicas sobre Games, Aprendizado de Máquina, EEG NIRS Data AnalysisNIRS fNIRS EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400 ICA LoretaAprendizado de Máquina I ICe UFRN | Neuroscience Centers Aprendizado de MáquinaApre...
El cuerpo y su movimiento generan una nueva conciencia y también pueden representar una conciencia específica - TMS EEG , EEG signal return less than 3 ms actiChamp PLUS
El cuerpo y su movimiento generan una nueva conciencia y también pueden representar una conciencia específica - TMS EEG , EEG signal return less than 3 ms actiChamp PLUSTMS EEG EEG signal return less than 3 msNIRS fNIRS Taller en línea 31 de marzo - En españolRegistro gratuito para todos los inv...
NIRS fNIRS Webinar 2023, NIRS-fNIRS Physiological, EEG-NIRS, NIRS-fNIRS HRV - Optical Illusions, Audio Illusions, Illusions Perception, NeuroMagic, Ansiedad Anxiety Ansiedade
NIRS fNIRS Webinar 2023, NIRS-fNIRS Physiological, EEG-NIRS, NIRS-fNIRS HRV - Optical Illusions, Audio Illusions, Illusions Perception, NeuroMagic, Ansiedad Anxiety Ansiedade EEG ERP Amplifier TMSEEG-fMRI webinar | EEG-fMRI Webinar CourseEEG-fMRI webinarEEG-NIRS | EEG-NIRSInt...
Neural Circuits Underlying Emotions, EEG ERP BCI, EEG NIRS for research Neuroscience 2023 - Neuroscience Research in Latin America, Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity
Neural Circuits Underlying Emotions, EEG ERP BCI, EEG NIRS for research Neuroscience 2023 - Neuroscience Research in Latin America, Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity EEG ERP Amplifier NIRS fNIRSThe Basis of Sleep from Small Animal Models | Neuroscience 2023Neuroscience ...
Translational Education, Educação no Século XXI, Implicit Learning, The power of vulnerability - Memory and Learning, Kids Education Implicit Learning, Politic Social Competence, Aging
Translational Education, Educação no Século XXI, Implicit Learning, The power of vulnerability - Memory and Learning, Kids Education Implicit Learning, Politic Social Competence, Aging EEG ERP Amplifier EEG CAPsEducação no Século XXI | Translational EducationO que é Poda Neuronal? Ferram...
Estado Laico Democrático e de Direito, Atitude covarde e Ilegal Questionar o Estado Laico Democrático e de Direito - NeuroResilience, Formação Social da América Latina, Isha Judd
Estado Laico Democrático e de Direito, Atitude covarde e Ilegal Questionar o Estado Laico Democrático e de Direito - NeuroResilience, Formação Social da América Latina, Isha Judd EEG ERP AmplifierPlasticity, nfb & nMod - NeuroResilienceNeuroResilience INeuroResilience IIIsha Judd | La...
NIRS fNIRS - Neurociencia aplicada y Espectroscopia Funcional en el Infrarrojo Cercano: Intercambio de Experiencias
NIRS fNIRS - Neurociencia aplicada y Espectroscopia Funcional en el Infrarrojo Cercano: Intercambio de ExperienciasNIRS fNIRS Neurociencia aplicada UFABC En español - NIRS fNIRS Taller en línea 31 de marzoRegistro gratuito para todos los investigadores NIRS fNIRSAbstractLa neurociencia aplicad...
Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity, Language Processing, The concept of language - Behavioral Research, Cracking the Mind, Mirror neurons, Behavioral Motivate
Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity, Language Processing, The concept of language - Behavioral Research, Cracking the Mind, Mirror neurons, Behavioral Motivate EEG ERP Amplifier Jackson NeuroscienceNeuroscience Girls | Behavioral ResearchBehavioral Research |Cracking the Mind | Mirror ...
EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400, NIRS fNIRS Scientific Question, Experimental Designs DOE - Eye Tracking Neuroscience, EEG-fMRI, Functional Connectivity Human Connectome
EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400, NIRS fNIRS Scientific Question, Experimental Designs DOE - Eye Tracking Neuroscience, EEG-fMRI, Functional Connectivity Human Connectomeeeg erp amplifier NIRS fNIRsFunctional Connectivity - Functional ConnectivityFunctional Connectivity - Human ConnectomeEye Tracking Neuro...
Engineering Emotions into Game Design, Affective Computing, Evolutionary Synthesis - Latin American and Intentional Encuentros de Neurociencia Conductual, EEG-fMRI Neuroscience
Engineering Emotions into Game Design, Affective Computing, Evolutionary Synthesis - Latin American and Intentional Encuentros de Neurociencia Conductual, EEG-fMRI Neuroscienceeeg erp amplifierNeurociencia y Sociedad II | Neuroscience MeetingsCognitive Neuroscience CNS 2023 Neurociencia y Sociedad N...
Neuroscience Publication EEG ERP BCI P300 N400 EEG ERP EEG MicroStates - Types of EEG, ICA, FFT, Wavelets, LORETA, Neurosciences Consciousness Feeling Perceptions
Neuroscience Publication EEG ERP BCI P300 N400 EEG ERP EEG MicroStates - Types of EEG, ICA, FFT, Wavelets, LORETA, Neurosciences Consciousness Feeling PerceptionsEEG ERP AmplifierHuman behavior | Perception and Action Neuroscience of Perception 1/2 | Perception and Action Types of EEG | EEG ERP BC...
Bienestar Wellness, Baby Infant Research, Babies and Social development, Fracaso del Juicio Humano, Bienestar Wellness, Con la música y el arte sentir el encuentro
Bienestar Wellness, Baby Infant Research, Babies and Social development, Fracaso del Juicio Humano, Bienestar Wellness, Con la música y el arte sentir el encuentroEEG ERP AmplifierTop POP Hits 2022 | NeuroMusic La búsqueda de la espiritualidad cesa cuando la búsqueda deja de tener sentido. Esto ...
NIRS fNIRS Recording BCI Research Data Analysis and fNIRS Neurofeedback
NIRS fNIRS Recording BCI Research Data Analysis and fNIRS Neurofeedback NIRS fNIRS SatoriSatori is a powerful and user-friendly software package for offline fNIRS data analysis, developed in cooperation with our partner Brain Innovations and exclusively distributed by NIRx.NIRS fNIRS SatoriIs compa...
Executive Functions, Consciousness in a First Person Perspective, NIRS fNIRS BCI LSL - Turbo-Satori is compatible with the NIRSport, NIRSport 2 and NIRScout devices, Data Analysis
Executive Functions, Consciousness in a First Person Perspective, NIRS fNIRS BCI LSL - Turbo-Satori is compatible with the NIRSport, NIRSport 2 and NIRScout devices, Data AnalysisEEG ERP AmplifierExecutive FunctionsExecutive Function ConferencesNIRS acquisition in surgical | NIRS Data AnalysisNIRS f...
Physiology and Behavior, EEG Data Analysis - EEG ERP P300 N400 ICA, FFT, Wavelets, LORETA, Memory and Cognitive Control, Translational Education, Qual é a sua pergunta?
Physiology and Behavior, EEG Data Analysis - EEG ERP P300 N400 ICA, FFT, Wavelets, LORETA, Memory and Cognitive Control, Translational Education, Qual é a sua pergunta? Belief with Myelin - Faith with Electric SynapseUma ideia geral de como se fazer uma pergunta original. Estando consciente de se...
Neuroscience Centers, TMS and cognition, TMS research, Neuroscience 2023 BRAINN CONGRESS - Neuroscience 2023 NIRS Publication NIRS-fNIRS, EEG ERP NIRS fNIRS
Neuroscience Centers, TMS and cognition, TMS research, Neuroscience 2023 BRAINN CONGRESS - Neuroscience 2023 NIRS Publication NIRS-fNIRS, EEG ERP NIRS fNIRSNeuroscience 2023 BRAINN CONGRESSNeuroscience 2023 EEG fMRI researchHow to handle EEG artifacts?Neuroscience 2023 NIRS Publication NIRS-fNIRSSim...
FAPESP CEPID Brainn Congress Neuroscience 2023
FAPESP CEPID Brainn Congress Neuroscience 2023FAPESP CEPID Brainn Neuroscience 2023Neuroscience 2023 BRAINN CONGRESSThe BRAINN congress aims to gather researchers and students (both at graduate and undergraduate levels) working in neuroscience, neurotechnology, and related fields. Neuroscience 2023 ...
Cognitive Neuroscience, EEG ERP, Motivation, Emotion And Craving, Emotion Neuroscience, The Craving Brain, Spirituality and Immunology - Deus Laico Democrático e de Direito
Cognitive Neuroscience, EEG ERP, Motivation, Emotion And Craving, Emotion Neuroscience, The Craving Brain, Spirituality and Immunology - Deus Laico Democrático e de DireitoDeus Laico Democrático e de DireitoEmotion and Neuroscience | Motivation, Emotion And Craving The Craving Brain | Motivation,...
Neuroscience Perception Avatars, Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity - Games for Learning Games as a Treatment, EEG-fMRI Webinar Course, NIRS-fNIRS Neuroscience
Neuroscience Perception Avatars, Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity - Games for Learning Games as a Treatment, EEG-fMRI Webinar Course, NIRS-fNIRS NeuroscienceNeuroscience to improve Latin American IdentityThe Molecules That Sense Touch | Neuroscience SfN Neuroscience 2023 Publicatio...
Consciência, Neuroscience of Consciousness, Anatomia da Expressão, Neuro Dance - EEG ERP BCI P300 N400EEG ERP Publication EEG MicroStates, Gramática Emocional
Consciência, Neuroscience of Consciousness, Anatomia da Expressão, Neuro Dance - EEG ERP BCI P300 N400EEG ERP Publication EEG MicroStates, Gramática EmocionalNeuroscience of ConsciousnessNeuroscience of Consciousness | ConsciênciaConciencia objetiva y subjetiva (activa, reactiva y passiva)Human ...
Neuroscience of Perception, Design of Experiments, EEG NIRS Experimental Design NIRS fNIRS BCI Scientific Question - EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400, How to handle EEG artifacts?
Neuroscience of Perception, Design of Experiments, EEG NIRS Experimental Design NIRS fNIRS BCI Scientific Question - EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400, How to handle EEG artifacts?Neuroscience of PerceptionMental Health and Neuroscience | Neuroscience 2023Neuroscience La Federación de Asociaciones Latinoam...
EEG Recording, Analysis, for EEG ERP P300 N400 ICA, FFT, Wavelets, LORETA - NIRS fNIRS, EEG ERP NIRS fNIRS neuroscience research What is your Scientific Question?
EEG Recording, Analysis, for EEG ERP P300 N400 ICA, FFT, Wavelets, LORETA - NIRS fNIRS, EEG ERP NIRS fNIRS neuroscience research What is your Scientific Question?Cognitive Neuroscience Course I | Neuroscience MeetingsCognitive Neuroscience CNS 2023 Neurociencia y Sociedad Neuroscience 2023 Behavio...
Neurociencia LatinoAmérica - El futuro es Ancestral
Neuroscience Latin America El futuro es AncestralEl poder financiero ya compró los 3 poderes, las redes sociales y otros medios de divulgación. Está siendo difícil para el pode Ejecutivo, Legislativo y Judicial desarrollar su trabajo. Tetra Solutions: Only a 04 fronts solution will be able to ...
NIRS fNIRS analysis, NIRS Introduction to Homer3, NeuroscienceSoft, EEG Data Analysis - Cada movimiento del cuerpo es un espacio para que la subjetividad se cree y se rehaga.
NIRS fNIRS analysis, NIRS Introduction to Homer3, NeuroscienceSoft, EEG Data Analysis - Cada movimiento del cuerpo es un espacio para que la subjetividad se cree y se rehaga.NIRS fNIRS analysis | NeuroscienceSoftRecording, Analysis, Presentation and Stimulus Software EEG fMRI, NIRS fNIRS, TMS, tDCS ...
Human Consciousness is a movement that perceives to be itself in the Human Money Creation Value and Social Value of Money - EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400 EEG MicroStates EEG fMRI
Human Consciousness is a movement that perceives to be itself in the Human Money Creation Value and Social Value of Money - EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400 EEG MicroStates EEG fMRIChicago Boys | NeuroEconomicsMoney Creation Value and Social Value of Money Capitalism in the 21st century Chicago BoysValue a...
Cell to Perception Neuroscience Research, Competências Político Sociais Neuroscience 2023 - NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience EEG Publications, Tendências do Mercado de ações para 2023
Cell to Perception Neuroscience Research, Competências Político Sociais Neuroscience 2023 - NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience EEG Publications, Tendências do Mercado de ações para 2023Perception Neuroscience Research Competencias Politico Sociais Neuroscience 2023Sociedades de investigación en neurocien...
O Futuro é Ancestral, Raízes do Brasil Laico Democrático, Fruição como Novo Modelo - EEG NIRS fNIRS EEG NIRS Data Analysis BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers
O Futuro é Ancestral, Raízes do Brasil Laico Democrático, Fruição como Novo Modelo - EEG NIRS fNIRS EEG NIRS Data Analysis BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience ResearchersO Futuro é Ancestral Jackson CionekRaízes do Brasil | Laico DemocráticoWithin a secular democratic and rights state, ...
LATBrain Un cerebro con ciencia y conciencia latinoamericana, FALAN - Latin American Society for Neuroscience Societies, SBNeC, Núcleo Interdisciplinar de Neurociência Aplicada fNIRS
LATBrain Un cerebro con ciencia y conciencia latinoamericana, FALAN - Latin American Society for Neuroscience Societies, SBNeC, Núcleo Interdisciplinar de Neurociência Aplicada fNIRSNeuroscience neuroUFABC SBNeC FALAN LatBrain BrainSupport BrainLatamNIRS fNIRS Workshop Hands-on Neuroscience 2023 ...
NIRS fNIRS Workshop Hands-on fNIRS 2023 UFABC, NIRS fNIRS Webinars, Virtual meeting on NIRS fNIRS - Pesquisadores participantes do Workshops Hands-on fNIRS 2023 - UFABC
NIRS fNIRS Workshop Hands-on fNIRS 2023 UFABC, NIRS fNIRS Webinars, Virtual meeting on NIRS fNIRS - Pesquisadores participantes do Workshops Hands-on fNIRS 2023 - UFABCNIRS fNIRS workshop Neuroscience 2023O Workshops Hands-on fNIRS 2023 - UFABC é organizado pelo Núcleo Interdisciplinar de Neuroci...
NIRS fNIRS Webinars fNIRS 2023 UFABC, Near Infrared Spectroscopy - NIRS, fNIRS Scientific Question, Physical Principles Experimental Designs Functional optical neuroimaging, Research
NIRS fNIRS Webinars fNIRS 2023 UFABC, Near Infrared Spectroscopy - NIRS, fNIRS Scientific Question, Physical Principles Experimental Designs Functional optical neuroimaging, ResearchNIRS fNIRS Webinars 2022 | NIRS fNIRS BCINIRS fNIRS Neuroscience Publications fNIRS Scientific Question, Physical Prin...
La búsqueda de la espiritualidad cesa cuando la búsqueda deja de tener sentido - Con la música y el arte podemos reconectarnos y sentir el encuentro, Big data e os sentidos da vida
La búsqueda de la espiritualidad cesa cuando la búsqueda deja de tener sentido - Con la música y el arte podemos reconectarnos y sentir el encuentro, Big data e os sentidos da vidaA arte cria e flexibiliza nossas crençasA comunicação dos corpos | Neuro SemioticsA comunicação dos corposSe...
Sentience is the ability to feel about yourself and the environment - States of Consciousness, Implicit Learning, Memory and Learning, BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers
Sentience is the ability to feel about yourself and the environment - States of Consciousness, Implicit Learning, Memory and Learning, BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience ResearchersNeuroscience 2023States of Consciousness | Consciousness Neuroscience of addiction 2/3 | ConsciousnessConsciousnes...
EEG NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSync EEG NIRS Data Analysis BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers Neuroscience to improve Latin American consciousness
EEG NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSync EEG NIRS Data Analysis BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers Neuroscience to improve Latin American consciousnessGlial Neurodegeneration Neuroscience | Neuroscience 2023Neuroscience 2023 La Federación de Asociaciones Latinoamericanas y del Caribe de N...
NIRS fNIRS Workshop Hands-on fNIRS 2023 UFABC, Behavior Conferences, Physiology and Behavior - The Human Mind, Physiology and Behavior, Women in Neuroscience, Life Quality
NIRS fNIRS Workshop Hands-on fNIRS 2023 UFABC, Behavior Conferences, Physiology and Behavior - The Human Mind, Physiology and Behavior, Women in Neuroscience, Life QualityFree NIRS fNIRS Workshop Hands-on fNIRS 2023 UFABCBehavior Conferences | Physiology and BehaviorThe Human Mind | Physiology and B...
fNIRS NIRS Artifact Correction, NIRS Data Analysis, NIRSport and NIRScout functional imaging - EEG ERP BCI P300 N400 EEG ERP Publication EEG MicroStates EyeTracking VideoSync
fNIRS NIRS Artifact Correction, NIRS Data Analysis, NIRSport and NIRScout functional imaging - EEG ERP BCI P300 N400 EEG ERP Publication EEG MicroStates EyeTracking VideoSync NIRS fNIRS Data AnalysisNIRS acquisition in surgical | NIRS Data Analysis NIRS fNIRS tomography Aurora fNIRS: Raw data, HbO...
Neuroscience Researchers EEG ERP P300 N400 ICA FFT Wavelets, LORETA research - EEG NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSync EEG NIRS Data Analysis Ocular Correction ICA T-values
Neuroscience Researchers EEG ERP P300 N400 ICA FFT Wavelets, LORETA research - EEG NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSync EEG NIRS Data Analysis Ocular Correction ICA T-valuesNeuroscience Research EEG ERP P300 N400 ICA FFT Wavelets LORETA EEG fMRI | EEG-fMRI Webinar CourseAnalyzing fMRI data | EEG-fMRI W...
Tyranny of Merit, Politics Social Competences, Affective Computing, Quarto Poder Valor e Tempo - Valor da crença, percepção, afazeres e tempo de atenção dedicado, Neuroscience
Tyranny of Merit, Politics Social Competences, Affective Computing, Quarto Poder Valor e Tempo - Valor da crença, percepção, afazeres e tempo de atenção dedicado, Neuroscience Tyranny of Merit Quarto Poder Tempo e DinheiroCompetências Socioemocionais | Human CompetencePolitics Social Competen...
Organização social dos insetos, Cracking the Mind, Verdade X Realidade - How emotion, motivation, and social factors influence our expectations, decisions, and memories
Organização social dos insetos, Cracking the Mind, Verdade X Realidade - How emotion, motivation, and social factors influence our expectations, decisions, and memoriesBehavioral Research Lab | Behavioral ResearchBehavioral Research |Cracking the Mind | Mirror neurons | Organização social dos ...
Neuro Semiotics, A comunicação dos corpos, Big data e os sentidos da vida, Researchers Neuroscience - EEG NIRS TMS Eye Tracking VideoSync EEG NIRS Data Analysis
Neuro Semiotics, A comunicação dos corpos, Big data e os sentidos da vida, Researchers Neuroscience - EEG NIRS TMS Eye Tracking VideoSync EEG NIRS Data Analysis Big data e os sentidos da vida | Neuro SemioticsA comunicação dos corpos | Neuro Semiotics Charles S. Peirce | NeuroSemioticsGlia...
Workshop NeuroMat NIRS fNIRS Workshop 2024 NIRS-fNIRS
Workshop NeuroMat NIRS fNIRS Workshop 2024 NIRS-fNIRS This event takes place on April 24, 2024, from 9:00 to 16:00 (BRT)NIRs fNIRS Workshop Online NeuroMat 24 de April 2024NIRS fNIRS Workshop 2024 NIRS-fNIRS NeuroMatDa Teoria à Prática: Dominando Aplicações do fNIRS em Pesquisa Clínica******...
NIRS Experiments Design, Design of Experiments DOE, Workshop Hands-on fNIRS 2023 - UFABC, LatBrain Latin American Brain Initiative, Neuroscience
NIRS Experiments Design, Design of Experiments DOE, Workshop Hands-on fNIRS 2023 - UFABC, LatBrain Latin American Brain Initiative, Neuroscience Workshop Hands-on NIRS fNIRS UFABC neuroscience 2023GAMES Research 1/2 | GAMES Research Academic Research on GamesGame Theory Games for Learning Games...
Políticas Públicas UFABC, Neuroscience Centers,Neuroscience - NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSync EEG NIRS Data Analysis BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers
Políticas Públicas UFABC, Neuroscience Centers,Neuroscience - NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSync EEG NIRS Data Analysis BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience ResearchersPolíticas Públicas UFABC | Neuroscience CentersMental Health and Neuroscience | NeuroscienceNeuroscience La Federación de Asoci...
States of Consciousness, Triple-Aspect Monism, Neuroscience Researchers - Scientific questions and experimental designs for culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousness.
States of Consciousness, Triple-Aspect Monism, Neuroscience Researchers - Scientific questions and experimental designs for culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousness.States of Consciousness | ConsciousnessConsciousness is a movement that perceives itself to be. Consciousness is ...
Words Reason Logic Feelings Emotions Perceptions and Consciousness, Baby Infant Research - Brincadeira e Desenvolvimento infantil, Religare, Neuroscience and Spirituality, Metacognition
Words Reason Logic Feelings Emotions Perceptions and Consciousness, Baby Infant Research - Brincadeira e Desenvolvimento infantil, Religare, Neuroscience and Spirituality, Metacognition NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience Research online eventNIRS fNIRS Neuroscience Research ProgramAll spoken presentation will...
Neuroscience 2023, EEG Data Analysis, EEG MicroStates, Spectral analysis, FFT, DSA - Cognitive Neuroscience of Volition, EEG ERP P300 N400 ICA Wavelets LORETA CSD
Neuroscience 2023, EEG Data Analysis, EEG MicroStates, Spectral analysis, FFT, DSA - Cognitive Neuroscience of Volition, EEG ERP P300 N400 ICA Wavelets LORETA CSDEEG microstates enables attention LSTMHemodynamic functional connectivity optimization of frequency EEG microstates enables attention LSTM...
Religion Brain, Overt and Covert Attention, Consciousness, Motivation, Emotion And Craving - TMS and Neuroscience, TMS Application, TMS EEG, EEG Microstates, NIRS and behavior
Religion Brain, Overt and Covert Attention, Consciousness, Motivation, Emotion And Craving - TMS and Neuroscience, TMS Application, TMS EEG, EEG Microstates, NIRS and behaviorTMS Neuroscience TMS Application TMS EEG EEG MicrostatesReligion Brain | Motivation, Emotion And CravingThe Craving Brain |...
Neuroscience PsychoPy TheNeuroSoft, NIRS fNIRS, NIRS infrared spectroscopy - EEG ERP P300 N400 FFT BCI ICA PCA LORETA Wavelets, Human Competence, Valor e Tempo
Neuroscience PsychoPy TheNeuroSoft, NIRS fNIRS, NIRS infrared spectroscopy - EEG ERP P300 N400 FFT BCI ICA PCA LORETA Wavelets, Human Competence, Valor e TempoEEG ERP P300 N400 FFT BCI ICA PCA LORETA WaveletsPsychoPy | TheNeuroSoft Recording, Analysis, Presentation and Stimulus Software EEG fMRI, ...
Neuroscience Neuroplasticity, functional recovery, and neuronal reserve | Neuroscience EEG ERP NIRS fNIRS - Competências Político Sociais, Competências Político Emocionais
Neuroscience Neuroplasticity, functional recovery, and neuronal reserve | Neuroscience EEG ERP NIRS fNIRS - Competências Político Sociais, Competências Político EmocionaisHuman Competences Political Social Jackson CionekNeuroscience Neuroplasticity, functional recovery, and neuronal reserve | ...
Neuroscience EEG ERP NIRS fNIRS
Neuroscience EEG ERP NIRS fNIRSTitleFeel, ip lorem ip lorem ip lorem ip lorem ip lorem ip lorem ip lorem ip lorem ip lorem ip lorem ip lorem ip lorem ip lorem ip lorem ip lorem ip lorem ip lorem ip lorem ip lorem ip lorem ip lorem ip lorem ip lorem ip Neuroscience EEG ERP NIRS fNIRS Feel2021 EEG E...
Neuroscience 2023 EEG Publication EEG ERP - Brain Products
Neuroscience 2023 EEG Publication EEG ERP - Brain ProductsNeuroscience 2023 and Artificial IntelligenceSimultaneous EEG-fMRI - Workshop from theory to practice BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers – Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity. Scientific questions and experime...
Religare, Women in Neuroscience - Scientific questions and experimental designs for the development of culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousness, Natal
Natal 2023 - Conhecereis a Verdade e a Verdade vos libertaraReligare, Women in Neuroscience - Scientific questions and experimental designs for the development of culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousness, NatalNatal 2023 - Conhecereis a Verdade e a Verdade vos libertaráA ame...
Corpo como Local de Fala, Body Language, Feeling and Consciousness, Consciousness and Reality - Executive Functions, NIRS Data Analysis, fNIRS real-time analysis Turbo-Satori
Corpo como Local de Fala, Body Language, Feeling and Consciousness, Consciousness and Reality - Executive Functions, NIRS Data Analysis, fNIRS real-time analysis Turbo-SatoriCorpo como Local de Fala Integracionismo Jackson_CionekExecutive FunctionsExecutive Function ConferencesNIRS acquisition in su...
Neuroscience EEG ERP Publications
Neuroscience EEG ERP Publications Nov22 - Brain ProductsEEG Data AnalysisEEG Data Analysis Analyzer:Analysis software for EEG ERP P300 N400 research, Video integration, Raw Data Inspection, interactive ICA, FFT, Wavelets, LORETA, MR and CB artifact correction, Integration for eye-tracking data,CSD C...
Haz lo que aporte valor a tu vida y a la humanidad, haz lo que te gusta con responsabilidad - Burnout, Physiology and Behavior, Translational Education, EEG ERP P300 N400 research
Haz lo que aporte valor a tu vida y a la humanidad, haz lo que te gusta con responsabilidad - Burnout, Physiology and Behavior, Translational Education, EEG ERP P300 N400 researchValor e sentido da vida Jackson_CionekBurnout | Physiology and Behavior Physiology and Behavior 1 | Physiology and Beha...
Possível mecanismo fisiopatológico que estar envolvido com depressão e perda de memória no pós-covid-19
É bem verdade que a pandemia de covid-19 ainda nos assombra nos dias atuais. Picos de casos ainda são frequentes e todos os cuidados para não contrair a doença ainda se mantém na sociedade. Os coronavírus são grandes vírus de RNA que geralmente geram doenças respiratórias em animais e...
O filme Avatar e o "Mind uploading": é possível transferir consciência?
"Avatar" é uma franquia de filmes iniciada em 2009, escrita e dirigida por James Cameron, que tem sua continuação "Avatar 2: caminho da água" (assista o trailer no vídeo abaixo), lançada em dezembro de 2022. Avatar é um filme de ficção científica que tem seu enredo desenvolvido no a...
Spirituality and Immunology, Brain Gut Axis, Cognitive Neuroscience, EEG MicroStates - The Craving Brain, Motivation, Emotion, EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400 Neuroscience Publication
Spirituality and Immunology, Brain Gut Axis, Cognitive Neuroscience, EEG MicroStates - The Craving Brain, Motivation, Emotion, EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400 Neuroscience PublicationSpirituality and Immunology Neuroscience Jackson CionekEmotion and Neuroscience | Motivation, Emotion And CravingThe Cravin...
Neuroscience, The Molecules That Sense Touch, EEG NIRS for research - Publication NIRS-fNIRS, EEG-fMRI Webinar Course, Your Perception is your reality, GAMES Research
Neuroscience, The Molecules That Sense Touch, EEG NIRS for research - Publication NIRS-fNIRS, EEG-fMRI Webinar Course, Your Perception is your reality, GAMES Research Your Perception is your reality Jackson_CionekThe Molecules That Sense Touch | Neuroscience 2022 SfN ideaNeuroscience 2022 Lecture...
Neuroscience of Consciousness, Overt and Covert Attention, Conciencia objetiva y subjetiva - activa, reactiva y pasiva, EEG ERP BCI P300 N400 EEG MicroStates, Neuroscience Avatars
Neuroscience of Consciousness, Overt and Covert Attention, Conciencia objetiva y subjetiva - activa, reactiva y pasiva, EEG ERP BCI P300 N400 EEG MicroStates, Neuroscience Avatars Neuroscience Consciousness Verdade Jackson CionekNeuroscience of Consciousness | ConsciênciaConciencia objetiva y subj...
Neuroscience Experiments Design, Experimental Designs EEG-fMRI EEG-MicroStates EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400 - Neuroscience of Perception, Perception and Action, EEG NIRS
Neuroscience Experiments Design, Experimental Designs EEG-fMRI EEG-MicroStates EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400 - Neuroscience of Perception, Perception and Action, EEG NIRSEEG MicroStates Jackson_CionekMental Health and Neuroscience | Neuroscience 2022Neuroscience 2022 La Federación de Asociaciones Lat...
Latin American and Intentional Encuentros de Neurociencia - NIRS infrared spectroscopy, Turbo-Satori NIRS Real-time analysis, EEG ERP P300 N400, Neuroscience Publication
Latin American and Intentional Encuentros de Neurociencia - NIRS infrared spectroscopy, Turbo-Satori NIRS Real-time analysis, EEG ERP P300 N400, Neuroscience Publication Neuroscience in San Diego Jackson CionekCognitive Neuroscience Course I | Neuroscience Meetings Cognitive Neuroscience CNS 202...
Neuroscience Religion Politics Education, Political and Social Competence for early childhood - Fruition Metacognition and MindSet, Neuropolitics Corruption and Fake News, EEG NIRS BCI
Neuroscience Religion Politics Education, Political and Social Competence for early childhood - Fruition Metacognition and MindSet, Neuropolitics Corruption and Fake News, EEG NIRS BCIJackson Cionek After DeathCompetências Socioemocionais | Human CompetenceCompetências Político Sociais infantis:E...
Political Social Latam Competencies, Games and neuroscience, Learning Games as a Treatment - NIRS fNIRS analysis, NIRS Introduction to Homer3, EEG Data Analysis
Political Social Latam Competencies, Games and neuroscience, Learning Games as a Treatment - NIRS fNIRS analysis, NIRS Introduction to Homer3, EEG Data AnalysisPolitical Social Latam CompetenciesNIRS fNIRS analysis | TheNeuroSoft Recording, Analysis, Presentation and Stimulus Software EEG fMRI, NIR...
Objective and Subjective Consciousness Active, Reactive and Passive, Human Consciousness is a movement that perceives to be itself - Money CreationValue and Social Value of Money
Objective and Subjective Consciousness Active, Reactive and Passive, Human Consciousness is a movement that perceives to be itself - Money CreationValue and Social Value of Money PoliticalSocial_BrainLatam_CompetencesInternational Republican Military Hate Detox - Wall Street como Estado MaiorMercen...
Neuroscience NIRS fNIRS
Neuroscience NIRS fNIRSNIRx NIRS PublicationsThere have been many peer-reviewed publications over the past 30 years using near-infrared specstrocopy in neuroimaging. This is a small sample of some recent publications by NIRx end-users, organized by application.NIRs fNIRS NeurosceinceDescriçãoNIR...
Translational Education, Cell to Perception Neuroscience Research, NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience - BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers, Molecular Physiology Neuroscience
Translational Education, Cell to Perception Neuroscience Research, NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience - BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers, Molecular Physiology NeuroscienceNIRs fNIRS NeurosceinceNeuroscience NIRS fNIRSNIRx NIRS PublicationsThere have been many peer-reviewed publications over t...
Within a secular democratic and rights state, individuals are free and protected in their subjectivities - Development of culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousness.
Within a secular democratic and rights state, individuals are free and protected in their subjectivities - Development of culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousness.Jackson Cionek Laico Democratico de DireitoRaízes do Brasil | Laico DemocráticoWithin a secular democratic and ri...
Developmental Origins of Brain Circuit, EEG NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSync EEG NIRS Data - Neuroscience Publication, Emotion And Craving, Jackson Cionek 4Logo
Developmental Origins of Brain Circuit, EEG NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSync EEG NIRS Data - Neuroscience Publication, Emotion And Craving, Jackson Cionek 4LogoJackson Cionek 4LogoDevelopmental Origins of Brain Circuit Architecture and Psychiatric Disorders | Neuroscience Neuroscience 2022 La Federac...
NIRS fNIRS Webinars 2022, NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience Publications, NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience - Consciousness Neuroscience Behavior, Neurobiology of Fear Memory Brain Mechanisms
NIRS fNIRS Webinars 2022, NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience Publications, NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience - Consciousness Neuroscience Behavior, Neurobiology of Fear Memory Brain MechanismsJackson Cionek NeuroscienceNIRS fNIRS Webinars 2022 | NIRS fNIRS BCINIRS fNIRS Neuroscience Publications March 2022 NIRS fNIRS Ne...
Semiotics Research, The communication of bodies - Scientific questions and experimental designs for the development of culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousness
Semiotics Research, The communication of bodies - Scientific questions and experimental designs for the development of culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousnessJackson Cionek NeurocienciasA comunicação dos corpos | Neuro SemioticsSemiotics Research | NeuroSemiotics Big data e...
Implicit Learning, Memory and Learning, States of Consciousness, EEG NIRS Data Analysis - Consciousness is sentience. Sentience is the ability to feel about yourself and the environment.
Implicit Learning, Memory and Learning, States of Consciousness, EEG NIRS Data Analysis - Consciousness is sentience. Sentience is the ability to feel about yourself and the environment.Jackson Cionek EEG NIRS NeuroscienceStates of Consciousness | Consciousness Consciousness is a movement that perc...
EEG NIRS Neuroscience Research Amplifier, Decision Making, EEG Sleep - Glial Neurodegeneration Neuroscience, Neuroscience 2022, Latin American consciousness
EEG NIRS Neuroscience Research Amplifier, Decision Making, EEG Sleep - Glial Neurodegeneration Neuroscience, Neuroscience 2022, Latin American consciousnessNeuroscience 2022 NIRS fMRI EEG fMRI SolutionsGlial Neurodegeneration Neuroscience | Neuroscience 2022 Neuroscience 2022 La Federación de Asoc...
EEG NIRS Neuroscience Research Amplifier
EEG NIRS Neuroscience Research AmplifierNeuroscience 2022 NIRS fMRI EEG fMRI SolutionsNeuroscience EEG AmplifierEEG amplifiers Highlight - The main features of Brain Products EEG Amplifier 07 08 16 20 32 64 96 128 160 256 channels:EEG Amplifiers ComparisonNeuroscience EEG Amplifier LiveAmp actiC...
The Human Mind, Physiology and Behavior, Neuroscience Neuroplasticity, functional recovery, and neuronal reserve - Neuroscience 2022 good times with old and new friends, EEG NIRS
The Human Mind, Physiology and Behavior, Neuroscience Neuroplasticity, functional recovery, and neuronal reserve - Neuroscience 2022 good times with old and new friends, EEG NIRS Behavior Conferences | Physiology and BehaviorThe Human Mind | Physiology and Behavior Neuroscience Neuroplasticity, fu...
Neuroscience 2022 NIRS functional imaging, NIRS Data Analysis, NIRSport 2, NIRScout - EEG MicroStates, EEG ERP BCI P300 N400 EEG ERP Publication, actiCHamp PLUS, Live Amp
Neuroscience 2022 NIRS functional imaging, NIRS Data Analysis, NIRSport 2, NIRScout - EEG MicroStates, EEG ERP BCI P300 N400 EEG ERP Publication, actiCHamp PLUS, Live AmpNeuroscience 2022 NIRSport2NIRS acquisition in surgical | NIRS Data AnalysisNIRS fNIRS tomography Aurora fNIRS: Raw data, HbO and ...
A importância da poda sináptica e células da glia no processo de aprendizagem
A aprendizagem e a memória são imprescindíveis para a maioria dos nossos processos cognitivos, sendo assim funções chaves para o estudo da neurociência. A memória pode ser definida como a capacidade que o cérebro tem de armazenar informações que podem ser posteriormente recuperadas,...
Neuroscience NIRS fNIRS, EEG-fMRI Webinar Course, Glial Cells Synaptic plasticity - EEG fMRI, NIRS fNIRS, TMS, Recording, Analysis, Presentation and Stimulus Software, EEG NIRS
Neuroscience NIRS fNIRS, EEG-fMRI Webinar Course, Glial Cells Synaptic plasticity - EEG fMRI, NIRS fNIRS, TMS, Recording, Analysis, Presentation and Stimulus Software, EEG NIRSEn español - NIRS fNIRS Taller en línea 31 de marzoRegistro gratuito para todos los investigadores NIRS fNIRSWorkshop NIRS...
Neuroscience 2022 - good times with old and new friends
Neurociencia 2022 - buenos momentos con viejos y nuevos amigosAfter a long time without face-to-face meetings, the international congress of neurosciences returns. It's always good to be here to feel the trends in the world of neuroscience research.Brain Products Friends:Neuroscience 2022 Electrode ...
Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity - Scientific questions and experimental designs for the development of culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousness.
Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity - Scientific questions and experimental designs for the development of culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousness. EEG electrodesCompetências Socioemocionais | Human Competence Político Emotional Competence: Executiva (Ing - Pen...
Politico Emotional Competence - Executiva, Jurídica, Legislativa, Democrática, Laica, Sentiência, De Direito, Humankind, Fruición, Wellbeing, Metacognition, Consciência
Politico Emotional Competence - Executiva, Jurídica, Legislativa, Democrática, Laica, Sentiência, De Direito, Humankind, Fruición, Wellbeing, Metacognition, Consciência Neuroscience AvatarsCompetências Socioemocionais | Human Competence List of Competences Executiva (Ing - Pensar, Fazer, Ap...
Money Creation Addicted Brain, Neuroscience 2022, Cognitive Neuroscience - NIRS fNIRS, EEG NIRS, Neuroscience NIRS Publication, Neuroscience EEG Publications
Money Creation Addicted Brain, Neuroscience 2022, Cognitive Neuroscience - NIRS fNIRS, EEG NIRS, Neuroscience NIRS Publication, Neuroscience EEG PublicationsNeuroscience 2022 Jackson CionekChicago Boys | NeuroEconomics Money Creation Value and Social Value of MoneyCapitalism in the 21st century Chi...
Conciencia objetiva y subjetiva activa, reactiva y pasiva - Estado Laico Democratico e de Direito
Conciencia objetiva y subjetiva activa, reactiva y pasiva - Estado Laico Democratico e de Direito NIRS EEGConsciência | ConsciênciaConciencia objetiva y subjetiva (activa, reactiva y pasiva)Human Consciousness is a movement that perceives to be itself in the Human.Competências Político Sociais:...
Latin American consciousness, Behavioral Research, Emotions and Cognition, Cracking the Mind, Mirror neurons, Neuroscience 2022 - Research Learning and memory, Motivate
Latin American consciousness, Behavioral Research, Emotions and Cognition, Cracking the Mind, Mirror neurons, Neuroscience 2022 - Research Learning and memory, MotivateNeuroscience 2022 Jackson Cionek HereBehavioral Research Lab | Behavioral Research Behavioral Research |Cracking the Mind | Mirror ...
Neuro Semiotics, Big data e os sentidos da vida - EEG NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSync EEG NIRS Data Analysis BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers
Neuro Semiotics, Big data e os sentidos da vida - EEG NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSync EEG NIRS Data Analysis BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers Jackson Cionek in SfN 2022Big data e os sentidos da vida | Neuro SemioticsA comunicação dos corposNIRS fNIRS NIRS-fMRI NIRx BrainSupport...
Neurofisiologia da consciência e sentiência
A consciência é algo ainda difícil de se definir e de ser estudada e tem sido bastante pesquisada nas áreas de filosofia da mente, na psicologia, neurologia e ciência cognitiva. A consciência é uma qualidade da mente, considerando abranger qualificações tais como subjetividade, autoco...
Neuroscience Research EEG ERP EEG-fMRI Publication
Neuroscience Research EEG ERP EEG-fMRI PublicationThe amazing research done with Brain Products equipment EEG ERP Neuroscience Research | Research EEG ERP | Behavioral Neuroscience EEG | EEG ERP neuroscience | Data Analysis EEG ERP | EEG ERP Cognitive Neuroscience | Developmental Neuroscience...
Experimental Designs EEG-fMRI EEG-MicroStates EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400 Scientific - Academic Research on Games Theory, Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity
Experimental Designs EEG-fMRI EEG-MicroStates EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400 Scientific - Academic Research on Games Theory, Neuroscience to improve Latin American IdentityNeuroscience GamesGAMES Research 1/2 | GAMES Research Academic Research on Games Game Theory Games for Learning Games as a Treatment...
TMS EyeTracking VideoSync EEG NIRS Data Analysis Neuroscience 2022- Brain Support Solution for Neuroscience Researchers Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity
TMS EyeTracking VideoSync EEG NIRS Data Analysis Neuroscience 2022- Brain Support Solution for Neuroscience Researchers Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity Políticas Públicas UFABC | Neuroscience CentersPolíticas Públicas UFABCMental Health and Neuroscience | NeuroscienceNeuroscienc...
Consciousness is sentience, Sentience is the ability to feel about yourself and the environment - Neurociencias 2022, States of Consciousness, Neuroscience Calcium Signaling in neurons
Consciousness is sentience, Sentience is the ability to feel about yourself and the environment - Neurociencias 2022, States of Consciousness, Neuroscience Calcium Signaling in neuronsNeuroscience 2022 active electrodesStates of Consciousness | Consciousness Consciousness is a movement that perceiv...
Neuroscience EEG, Sleep Neuroscience Ciclo Sono Vigilia e Sonhos, Circadian Rhythm - Bienestar y neurociencia, Benefits of exercise for the brain, Neuroscience EEG electrodes
Neuroscience EEG, Sleep Neuroscience Ciclo Sono Vigilia e Sonhos, Circadian Rhythm - Bienestar y neurociencia, Benefits of exercise for the brain, Neuroscience EEG electrodesNeuroscience EEG TMS SolutionsSleep - Sono Ciclo Vigília e Sonhos Sono Ciclo Vigília e SonhosSleep - Sleep disordersSleep d...
Language Processing, Baby Infant Research, Brincadeira e Desenvolvimento infantil, Religare - Depression and spirituality, Neuroscience and Spirituality, Metacognition MindSet Premeditation
Language Processing, Baby Infant Research, Brincadeira e Desenvolvimento infantil, Religare - Depression and spirituality, Neuroscience and Spirituality, Metacognition MindSet PremeditationNeuroscience 2022 EEG NIRSLanguage ProcessingLanguage Processing Part 1Language Processing Part 2Baby Infant ...
Neuroscience 2022 Brain Support LatinAmerica
Neuroscience 2022 Brain Support LatinAmericaNeuroscientific Solutions Representations for academic research in Latin AmericaBrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers – Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity. Scientific questions and experimental designs for the development of cul...
Social Value of Money, NeuroEconomics, Money Creation, Academic Research on Games - Illusions Perception, NeuroDance El cuerpo y su movimiento genera una nueva conciencia
Social Value of Money, NeuroEconomics, Money Creation, Academic Research on Games - Illusions Perception, NeuroDance El cuerpo y su movimiento genera una nueva conciencia Money Creation I | NeuroEconomicsMoney Creation Value and Social Value of Money Capitalism in the 21st century Chicago BoysMoney...
Neuroscience 2022, Functional Connectivity, Human Connectome, Andragogia - Neuromarketing, society and ethics, Motor Behavior and neuroscience
Neuroscience 2022, Functional Connectivity, Human Connectome, Andragogia - Neuromarketing, society and ethics, Motor Behavior and neuroscienceNeuroscience 2022 CleanFunctional ConnectivityBrain TED conferencesFunctional Connectivity - Human ConnectomeHuman ConnectomeSport & Motor Behavior - EEG ...
Cognitive Neuroscience 2023, EEG Data Analysis, EEG ERP P300 N400 ICA FFT, Wavelets, LORETA - Neuroscience NIRS NIRS-fNIRS, Mental Health and Neuroscience
Cognitive Neuroscience 2023, EEG Data Analysis, EEG ERP P300 N400 ICA FFT, Wavelets, LORETA - Neuroscience NIRS NIRS-fNIRS, Mental Health and NeuroscienceNeuroscience EEG ERP P300 N400 ICA FFTMental Health and Neuroscience | Neuroscience 2023Neuroscience 2023 Neuroscience 2023 Neuroscience 2023 Lec...
Religion Brain, Physiology and Behavior, Motivation, Emotion And Cravin - TMS EEG, EEG signal return less than 3 ms indicates actiChamp PLUS, Neuroglia and consciousness
Religion Brain, Physiology and Behavior, Motivation, Emotion And Cravin - TMS EEG, EEG signal return less than 3 ms indicates actiChamp PLUS, Neuroglia and consciousnessNeuroscience 2022 Religion BrainReligion Brain | Motivation, Emotion And CravingReligion BrainThe Craving Brain | Motivation, Emo...
Neuroscience 2022 Translational Education - V Encontro Anual da Rede CpE 2022
Neuroscience 2022 Translational Education - V Encontro Anual da Rede CpE 2022Sejam bem-vindos aoV Encontro Anual da Rede Nacional de Ciência para Educação (Rede CpE)!Em 2022, o evento acontecerá de forma presencial no Museu do Amanhã, no Rio de Janeiro, reunindo educadores, cientistas e estudan...
Neuroscience 2022 NIRS fNIRS Webinars 2022, Desenvolvimento Cerebral, Human Competence - EEG ERP ICA, FFT, Wavelets, LORETA, NIRS Real-time analysis software
Neuroscience 2022 NIRS fNIRS Webinars 2022, Desenvolvimento Cerebral, Human Competence - EEG ERP ICA, FFT, Wavelets, LORETA, NIRS Real-time analysis softwareNeuroscience EEG NIRS 2022PsychoPy | TheNeuroSoft Recording, Analysis, Presentation and Stimulus Software EEG fMRI, NIRS fNIRS, TMS, tDCS tACS...
Consciencia Politica e Competencia Politica Humana
Consciencia Politica e Competencia Politica HumanaConsciencia Politica e Competencia Politica HumanaGuerra Híbrida no BrasilConsciência Política no BrasilNeuropolitics Brazil Elections 2022 Brazil Elections Neurosciences 2022NeuroSemiotics Tirania do MéritoSuprema verdade em Redes Sociais - Gu...
Neuropolitics Brazil Elections 2022, Neuro Semiotics, Neuromarketing, Suprema verdade em Redes Sociais - Guerra Híbrida, Cracking the Mind, Emotions and Cognition, Craving
Neuropolitics Brazil Elections 2022, Neuro Semiotics, Neuromarketing, Suprema verdade em Redes Sociais - Guerra Híbrida, Cracking the Mind, Emotions and Cognition, CravingNeuropolitics Brazil Elections 2022NeuroCognition | Behavioral Research Behavioral Research |Cracking the Mind | Mirror neurons...
The Consciousness is and comes from the movement of matter and energy that is perceived to be itself and the environment - EEG MicroStates ERP BCI P300 N400, Translational Education
The Consciousness is and comes from the movement of matter and energy that is perceived to be itself and the environment - EEG MicroStates ERP BCI P300 N400, Translational EducationElections in Brazil Neurosciences 2022Machine LearningFuncionalidade e Autonomia do Autista | Neuroscience Centers A...
Social Interaction, Neuroscience of Perception, Perception and Action, Formacion Social en America Latina - Aurora fNIRS Raw data, HbO and Hb concentration NIRS Data Analysis
Social Interaction, Neuroscience of Perception, Perception and Action, Formacion Social en America Latina - Aurora fNIRS Raw data, HbO and Hb concentration NIRS Data AnalysisFormacion Social en America Latina NIRS fNIRS analysis | NIRS Data Analysis NIRS fNIRS tomography Aurora fNIRS: Raw data, Hb...
List of Human Competences in Estado Laico, Democratico e de Direito, Executiva, Juridica, Legislativa - Humankind, Sentiencia, Metacognition, Wellbeing, Fruicion, Religare, Consciencia
List of Human Competences in Estado Laico, Democratico e de Direito, Executiva, Juridica, Legislativa - Humankind, Sentiencia, Metacognition, Wellbeing, Fruicion, Religare, ConscienciaBrainLatam Neuroscience EEG NIRS21 Lessons for the 21st CenturyOptimizing all Skills List of Competences:Executiva ...
Human Competencies, Executiva, Juridica, Legislativa,Democratica, Laica, Science and Spirituality, Sentiencia, De Direito, Humankind, Fruicion, Wellbeing, Metacognition
Human Competencies, Executiva, Juridica, Legislativa,Democratica, Laica, Science and Spirituality, Sentiencia, De Direito, Humankind, Fruicion, Wellbeing, MetacognitionNeuroscience EEG NIRS BrainSupport LatinAmericaCompetências Socioemocionais | Human Competence List of Competences Executiva (I...
Neuroscience 2022, Machine Learning, Games and neuroscience, GAMES Research - EEG Publication EEG ERP EEG NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSync, Physiology Neuroscience
Neuroscience 2022, Machine Learning, Games and neuroscience, GAMES Research - EEG Publication EEG ERP EEG NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSync, Physiology NeuroscienceNeuroscience 2022 Machine Learning EEG NIRSAprendizado de Máquina I ICe UFRN | Neuroscience CentersAprendizado de MáquinaAprendizado de M...
Neuroscience 2022 Subdiscipline
Neuroscience 2022 Subdiscipline - You can select Brain Products EEG publications for freeSelected open access publicationsSelected BrainVision Analyzer Solution for Neuroscience Researchers – Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity. Sci...
TMS and Neuroscience, TMS EEG, EEG ERP P300 N400, ICA, FFT, Wavelets, LORETA - EEG signal return until 5 ms actiChamp PLUS, Neuroepigenetics, Cognitive Neuroscience
TMS and Neuroscience, TMS EEG, EEG ERP P300 N400, ICA, FFT, Wavelets, LORETA - EEG signal return until 5 ms actiChamp PLUS, Neuroepigenetics, Cognitive Neuroscience EEG electrodesPsychoPy | TheNeuroSoft Recording, Analysis, Presentation and Stimulus Software EEG fMRI, NIRS fNIRS, TMS, tDCS tACS,...
Neurociencias Latinamerica Multimodal neuroimaging methods - NIRS-fNIRS Physiological EEG-NIRS, Integrating EEG and fNIRS, combined EEG-fNIRS analysis methods
Neurociencias Latinamerica Multimodal neuroimaging methods - NIRS-fNIRS Physiological EEG-NIRS, Integrating EEG and fNIRS, combined EEG-fNIRS analysis methodsNIRS fNIRs NIRSport2 Neuroscience 2023Neuroscience Meeting 2023Neuroscience 2023 Washington DCEEG-fMRI webinar | EEG-fMRI Webinar Course EEG-...
Physiology and Behavior, Neuroscience 2022 SfN idea, EEG NIRS for research Neuroscience - Neuroscience Perception Avatars, EEG MicroStates, EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400, NIRS-fNIRS
Physiology and Behavior, Neuroscience 2022 SfN idea, EEG NIRS for research Neuroscience - Neuroscience Perception Avatars, EEG MicroStates, EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400, NIRS-fNIRSNeuroscience 5 AvatarsThe Basis of Sleep from Small Animal Models | Neuroscience 2022 SfN idea Neuroscience 2022 Lectur...
Emotions and Cognition, Language Processing, The concept of language, Neuroscience behind helping - Underlying Emotions, Neuroscience 2022, EEG ERP Neuroscience Perception
Emotions and Cognition, Language Processing, The concept of language, Neuroscience behind helping - Underlying Emotions, Neuroscience 2022, EEG ERP Neuroscience PerceptionNeuroscience 2022 EEG ERPNeuroscience Girls | Behavioral ResearchBehavioral Research |Cracking the Mind | Mirror neurons | Orga...
Neuroscience 2022 EEG fMRI Publication
Neuroscience 2022 EEG fMRI Publication (from Brain Products)BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers – Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity. Scientific questions and experimental designs for the development of culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousness. Neu...
Functional Connectivity, Human Connectome, The Craving Brain, Motivation, Emotion And Craving - Eye Tracking, Emotion and Neuroscience, EEG NIRS Experimental Design
Functional Connectivity, Human Connectome, The Craving Brain, Motivation, Emotion And Craving - Eye Tracking, Emotion and Neuroscience, EEG NIRS Experimental DesignBrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience ResearchersFunctional ConnectivityHuman ConnectomeEye Tracking Neuroscience 1/2The post Area-of-I...
Neurociencia y Sociedad, Sociedades de Neurociencias y Comportamiento, No rules for Mining Citizen Data - without taxes Evolutionary Synthesis, Affective Computing, Neuroscience 2022
Neurociencia y Sociedad, Sociedades de Neurociencias y Comportamiento, No rules for Mining Citizen Data - without taxes Evolutionary Synthesis, Affective Computing, Neuroscience 2022Neuroscience 2022 No rules for Mining Citizen DataSurveillance CapitalismNeurociencia y Sociedad II | Neuroscience M...
Perception and Action, Neuroscience of Consciousness - EEG-fMRI ERP BCI P300 N400 EEG ERP EEG MicroStates, EEG Neurofeedback
Perception and Action, Neuroscience of Consciousness - EEG-fMRI ERP BCI P300 N400 EEG ERP EEG MicroStates, EEG NeurofeedbackNeuroscience 2022 Human behavior Perception and ActionHuman behavior | Perception and ActionNeuroscience of Perception 1/2 | Perception and ActionTypes of EEG | EEG ERP BCI P30...
Neuroscience 2022 EEG Publication EEG ERP EEG NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSync - Big data e os sentidos da vida, NeuroSemiotics, The communication of bodies, NeuroSemiotics
Neuroscience 2022 EEG Publication EEG ERP EEG NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSync - Big data e os sentidos da vida, NeuroSemiotics, The communication of bodies, NeuroSemioticsStem cells and adult Neurogenesis | Neuroscience Neuroscience 2022 Neuroscience 2022 Lectures - Brain Support Latam Highlights ...
Skills List of Human Competences Top POP Hits 2022 NeuroMusic - Baby Infant Research, Brincadeira e Desenvolvimento infantil, Babies and Social development
Skills List of Human Competences Top POP Hits 2022 NeuroMusic - Baby Infant Research, Brincadeira e Desenvolvimento infantil, Babies and Social developmentTop POP Hits 2022 Neuroscience Music and EmotionTop POP Hits 2022 | NeuroMusic La búsqueda de la espiritualidad cesa cuando la búsqueda deja d...
Consciousness Active, Reactive Passive Objective Subjective, Competences Executiva Juridica Legislativa Democrática Laica Sentiência De Direito Humankind Flow Wellbeing Metacognition
Consciousness Active, Reactive Passive Objective Subjective, Competences Executiva Juridica Legislativa Democrática Laica Sentiência De Direito Humankind Flow Wellbeing Metacognition Neuroscience 2022 Cultural NeuroscienceCultural NeuroscienceCultural Neuroscience Part 1Cultural Neuroscience Part...
Feeling and Consciousness, Consciousness and Reality, Brain States - Altered states of consciousness, Consciousness in a First Person Perspective NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience 2022
Feeling and Consciousness, Consciousness and Reality, Brain States - Altered states of consciousness, Consciousness in a First Person Perspective NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience 2022NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience 2022Executive Functions - Executive FunctionsExecutive Function ConferencesNeuroscience 2022 Executive...
Translational Education, Physiology and Behavior, Conductual, Latinoamericanos - EEG Data Analysis EEG ERP P300 N400 ICA PCA FFT DSA Wavelets LORETA
Translational Education, Physiology and Behavior, Conductual, Latinoamericanos - EEG Data Analysis EEG ERP P300 N400 ICA PCA FFT DSA Wavelets LORETA Neuroscience 2022 Physiology and BehaviorBurnout | Physiology and BehaviorPhysiology and Behavior 1Estresse e Neuroimunologia | Physiology and Behavio...
2022 Last moments to upgrade your actiCHamp - Available until 31.12.2022
2022 Last moments - actiCHamp upgrade available until 31.12.2022actiCHamp Upgrade OfferAn old gem retires – a new star is bornWhy upgrade?actiCHamp Plus Compatible with active electrodes✓✓Compatible with passive electrodes(incl. sponge-based systems)✕✓Mirrored triggering✕✓Synchroniza...
Neuroscience 2022 Society for Social Neuroscience
Neuroscience 2022 Society for Social NeuroscienceS4SN 2022 will be held in person all day on November 11, 2022, with an added virtual session on the morning of Saturday, November 12. The live meeting will take place at the Marriott Marquis, one of the host hotels of SFN. In-person attendees are enco...
Neuroscience 2022, Simpósio de Neuroengenharia, TMS and cognition, Socio-emotional skills - Illusions Perception, Cognitive Neuroscience, TMS research, EEG NIRS TMS Eye Tracking
Neuroscience 2022, Simpósio de Neuroengenharia, TMS and cognition, Socio-emotional skills - Illusions Perception, Cognitive Neuroscience, TMS research, EEG NIRS TMS Eye TrackingInternational Symposium on NeuroengineeringVII Simpósio de Neuroengenharia | Neuroscience CentersInternational Symposium ...
Emotion and Neuroscience, Motivation, Emotion And Craving, Neuroscience Publication - EEG-fMRI, Neuroepigenetics, Cognitive Neuroscience, Spirituality and Immunology
Emotion and Neuroscience, Motivation, Emotion And Craving, Neuroscience Publication - EEG-fMRI, Neuroepigenetics, Cognitive Neuroscience, Spirituality and ImmunologyNeuroscience Motivation Emotion And CravingEmotion and Neuroscience | Motivation, Emotion And Craving The Craving Brain | Motivation, ...
Neuroscience 2022 SfN idea, EEG-fMRI webinar, NIRS Publication NIRS-fNIRS - Academic Research on Games Game Theory Games for Learning Games as a Treatment
Neuroscience 2022 SfN idea, EEG-fMRI webinar, NIRS Publication NIRS-fNIRS - Academic Research on Games Game Theory Games for Learning Games as a Treatment Neuroscience 2022 Molecules That Sense TouchThe Molecules That Sense Touch | Neuroscience 2022 SfN ideaNeuroscience 2022 Lectures- Brain Suppo...
Neuroscience of Consciousness, Human Competence, Neurosciences Feeling Attention Perception Consciousness - Neuroscientific research in Latin America, EEG ERP BCI P300
Neuroscience of Consciousness, Human Competence, Neurosciences Feeling Attention Perception Consciousness - Neuroscientific research in Latin America, EEG ERP BCI P300Neurosciences Feeling Attention Perception ConsciousnessNeuroscience of Consciousness | ConsciênciaConciencia objetiva y subjetiva (...
Priming epigenético cognitivo e transtorno de estresse pós-traumático.
Sabemos que o ambiente externo, incluindo variantes físicas, biológicas e sociais, é um dos principais fatores atuantes sobre nosso comportamento. A partir das interações e feedbacks recebidos do ambiente, podemos processar a nível cerebral e gerar uma resposta consciente ou inconscien...
Neuroscience 2022, EEG NIRS TMS and Neuroscience, TMS EEG - Plasticity, neurofeedback and neuromodulation, Epigenetics and Neuroplasticity, Resilience, Empathy, Plasticity
Neuroscience 2022, EEG NIRS TMS and Neuroscience, TMS EEG - Plasticity, neurofeedback and neuromodulation, Epigenetics and Neuroplasticity, Resilience, Empathy, PlasticityNeuroscience 2022 EEG NIRS TMSNeuroscience Lab - NeuroengineeringNeuroengineering - Neuroimmunology - NeurolabNeurobiology Part 1...
Uma retrospectiva da vida pode ser vista durante o processo de morte
Um dos maiores mistérios da vida é o que acontece após a morte. Ocorre algum processo místico de passagem ou simplesmente acontece o que muita gente teme, o simples e complexo "nada". Essas respostas a neurociências não consegue explicar, mas o que acontece com nosso sistema nerv...
Tomada de decisão e cognição social
Constantemente no nosso dia a dia precisamos tomar decisões pessoais menos complexas, como escolher a roupa para sair de casa, ou mais complexas que podem interferir na vida de outras pessoas, como a decisão de um juiz sobre uma sentença de um terceiro por exemplo. Dessa forma, decisões ...
Scientific questions and experimental designs for the development of culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousness - EEG-MicroStates EEG ERP BCI P300 N400
Scientific questions and experimental designs for the development of culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousness - EEG-MicroStates EEG ERP BCI P300 N400Neuroscience of PerceptionMental Health and Neuroscience | Neuroscience 2022 Neuroscience 2022 La Federación de Asociaciones La...
Neuroscience 2022 EEG Publication EEG ERP
Neuroscience 2022 EEG Publication EEG ERP - Brain ProductsBrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers – Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity. Scientific questions and experimental designs for the development of culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousness. Neu...
Neuroscience 2022 NIRS Publication NIRS-fNIRS, Cognitive Neuroscience Course - Neuroscience 2022 Lectures - Brain Support Latam Highlights, EEG ERP P300 N400
Neuroscience 2022 NIRS Publication NIRS-fNIRS, Cognitive Neuroscience Course - Neuroscience 2022 Lectures - Brain Support Latam Highlights, EEG ERP P300 N400 Neuroscience 2022 Brain Support LatamCognitive Neuroscience Course I | Neuroscience MeetingsCognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022 Neurociencia y ...
Religion and Politics, Socioemotional Skills, Human Competence, Metacognition and MindSet, Redes Sociais, Neuropolitics
Religion and Politics, Socioemotional Skills, Human Competence, Metacognition and MindSet, Redes Sociais, NeuropoliticsNeuroscience Human CompetencesLista de Human Competences:Executiva (Ing - Pensar, Fazer, Aprender, Lembrar, Comer, etc..)Jurídica (Avaliação do certo e errado pessoal e comunitá...
NeuroMagic, Illusions Perception, Audio Illusions, Optical Illusions Neuroscience 2022 NIRS - Cognitive Neuroscience of Volition, Cognitive Neuroscience, GAMES Research, Sync Lab
NeuroMagic, Illusions Perception, Audio Illusions, Optical Illusions Neuroscience 2022 NIRS - Cognitive Neuroscience of Volition, Cognitive Neuroscience, GAMES Research, Sync Lab Neuroscience Illusions PerceptionCognitive Neuroscience of Volition I | Cognitive NeuroscienceNeuroscience 2022 Lectures...
Neuroscience 2023 NIRS Publication NIRS-fNIRS
Neuroscience 2023 NIRS Publication NIRS-fNIRSBrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers – Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity. Scientific questions and experimental designs for the development of culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousness. Naturalistic Env...
Neuroscience 2023 EEG NIRS for research
Neuroscience 2023 EEG NIRS for researchNeuroscience Meeting 2023Neuroscience 2023 Washington DCScientists from around the world will congregate at Neuroscience 2023 to discover new ideas, share their research, and experience the best the field has to offer. Dates: Saturday, November 11–Wednesday...
Neuroscience Centers, EEG MicroStates, The Craving Brain, Motivation, Emotion And Craving - EEG ERP BCI P300 N400 EEG-fMRI Neuroscience 2022 Publication
Neuroscience Centers, EEG MicroStates, The Craving Brain, Motivation, Emotion And Craving - EEG ERP BCI P300 N400 EEG-fMRI Neuroscience 2022 PublicationNeuroscience UFABC Public PoliciesPolíticas Públicas UFABC | Neuroscience CentersPolíticas Públicas UFABCNeuroscience 2022 EEG NIRS for resear...
Neuroscience 2022 Lectures - Brain Support Latam Highlights
Neuroscience 2022 Lectures- Brain Support Latam Highlights Lo que consideramos importante para la investigación en América Latina está relacionado con un mejor desempeño en las actividades sociales.Neuroscience 2022: Behavioral Neuroscience | Bioinformatics / Neuroinformatics | Cellular and ...
Neurociencias 2022, NIRS fNIRS analysis, EEG fMRI, NIRS fNIRS, TMS, Eye Tracking, VideoSync, The analysis software for EEG ERP P300 N400, ICA, FFT, Wavelets, LORETA
Neurociencias 2022, NIRS fNIRS analysis, EEG fMRI, NIRS fNIRS, TMS, Eye Tracking, VideoSync, The analysis software for EEG ERP P300 N400, ICA, FFT, Wavelets, LORETANeurociencias 2022 - BrainSupport OnLife Virtual Reality ModelNIRS fNIRS analysis | TheNeuroSoft Neurociencias 2022Recording, Analysi...
Money Creation Value and Social Value of Money Capitalism - EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400 Neuroscience Publication 2022 EEG-fMRI, Objective and subjective consciousness
Money Creation Value and Social Value of Money Capitalism - EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400 Neuroscience Publication 2022 EEG-fMRI, Objective and subjective consciousnessChicago Boys NeuroEconomicsChicago Boys | NeuroEconomicsMoney CreationValue and Social Value of Money Capitalism in the 21st century Va...
Socioemotional Skills in Early Childhood, Executive, Legal, Legislative, Democratic, Secular, Sentience, Legal, Humankind, Fruición, Wellbeing, Metacognition, Conscience
Socioemotional Skills in Early Childhood, Executive, Legal, Legislative, Democratic, Secular, Sentience, Legal, Humankind, Fruición, Wellbeing, Metacognition, Conscience Socioemotional Skills in Early ChildhoodNeuropoliticsNeuropolitics 1/3Estado democrático Laico e de direito | NeuropoliticsEsta...
Fracaso del Juicio Humano Metacognition Fruition, Estado Laico Democratico e de Direito, Grande perda no desenvolvimento do Capital Cultural, EEG Electrode CAPs active passive Sponge Electrodes
Fracaso del Juicio Humano Metacognition Fruition, Estado Laico Democratico e de Direito, Grande perda no desenvolvimento do Capital Cultural, EEG Electrode CAPs active passive Sponge Electrodes BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers – Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity. S...
Pre-linguistic language development, Cell to Perception Neuroscience Research, Neuroscience 2022 - NIRS fNIRS Publications, Translational Education, Socioemotional Competences
Pre-linguistic language development, Cell to Perception Neuroscience Research, Neuroscience 2022 - NIRS fNIRS Publications, Translational Education, Socioemotional CompetencesPre-linguistic language developmentCell to Perception Neuroscience Research | Neuroscience 2022Synapse Molecular Physiology...
Roots of Brazil, Secular Democratic State and Law, Brain Support Corporate Identity - Neuroscience 2022, NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSync EEG NIRS Data Analysis
Roots of Brazil, Secular Democratic State and Law, Brain Support Corporate Identity - Neuroscience 2022, NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSync EEG NIRS Data AnalysisBrain Support Corporate Identity FALAN Neuroscience 2022Raízes do Brasil | Laico DemocráticoRaizes do Brasil Laico DemocraticoWithin a s...
Brain Support Corporate Identity - Neuroscience 2023
Brain Support Corporate Identity - Neuroscience 2023BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers – Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity. Scientific questions and experimental designs for the development of culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousness.Neuroscience...
Modelo: Brain Support Corporate Identity - Neuroscience 2022
Neurociencais Chile Neurociencias LatinoamericaNeurociencias EEG ERP NIRS fNIRSNeurociencias BrasilNeurociencias NIRS fNIRS Neurociencias EEG NIRS Neurociencias EEG ERPNeuroscience 2022 Lectures - Brain Support Latam HighlightsNeuroscience 2022 NIRS Publication NIRS-fNIRSNeuroscience 202...
NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience, Infants NIRS Studies EEG fNIRS Combined, NIRS fNIRS Webinars 2022 - Neuroscience 2022 3rd FALAN Congress, EEG NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSync
NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience, Infants NIRS Studies EEG fNIRS Combined, NIRS fNIRS Webinars 2022 - Neuroscience 2022 3rd FALAN Congress, EEG NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSyncNeuroscience 2022 3rd FALAN CongressNIRS fNIRS Webinars 2022 | NIRS fNIRS BCINIRS fNIRS Neuroscience Publications March 2022NIRS fNIRS ...
Neuroscience Avatar Brainlly - Deep perception, basic research from the atom to the possibility of human consciousness.
Neuroscience Avatar Brainlly - Deep perception, basic research from the atom to the possibility of human consciousness.Brainlly: deep perception, basic research from the atom to the possibility of human consciousness.Brainlly: percepción profunda, investigación básica desde el átomo hasta la p...
La busqueda profunda con sus curiosidades y sorpresas es lo que modula nuestro sistema de percepcion - Semiotics Research, Neuroscience 2022, Women in Neuroscience
La busqueda profunda con sus curiosidades y sorpresas es lo que modula nuestro sistema de percepcion - Semiotics Research, Neuroscience 2022, Women in NeuroscienceWomen in NeuroscienceA comunicação dos corposSemiotics Research | NeuroSemiotics Semiotics ResearchBig data e os sentidos da vida | Ne...
Homeostasis, Sentience, Perception and Consciousness - Neuroscience 2022, Implicit Learning, Memory and Learning, EEG NIRS Data Analysis for Neuroscience Researchers
Homeostasis, Sentience, Perception and Consciousness - Neuroscience 2022, Implicit Learning, Memory and Learning, EEG NIRS Data Analysis for Neuroscience ResearchersHomeostasis, Sentience, Perception and ConsciousnessStates of Consciousness | ConsciousnessConsciousness is a movement that perceives...
Neuroscience of Perception, Perception and Action, Language Processing, Bienestar - Religare, Depression and spirituality, Religion and Neuroscience
Neuroscience of Perception, Perception and Action, Language Processing, Bienestar - Religare, Depression and spirituality, Religion and NeurosciencePerception and ActionNeuroscience of Perception Perception ConferencesLanguage Processing Part 1Language Processing Part 2Religare in Latin AmericaBie...
Neuroscience 2022 EEG Publication
Neuroscience 2022 EEG Publication - August 2022EEG-fMRI and EEG ERP application from Brain ProductsAdvancing human knowledge in the field of neuroscience researchBrain Products is a leading manufacturer of hardware and software solutions for neurophysiological research. We offer versatile EEG equip...
Neuroscience 2022 - BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity, Perception and Latin American consciousness
Neuroscience 2022 - BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity, Perception and Latin American consciousnessNeuroscience 2022 Latin American ConsciousnessGlial Neurodegeneration Neuroscience | Neuroscience Neuroscience 2022Neuroscience 2022 La ...
Neuroscience Neuroplasticity, The Human Mind, Behavior Conferences, Physiology and Behavior, Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity, Women in Neuroscience
Neuroscience Neuroplasticity, The Human Mind, Behavior Conferences, Physiology and Behavior, Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity, Women in NeuroscienceWomen in NeuroscienceBehavior Conferences | Physiology and BehaviorBehavior ConferencesThe Human Mind | Physiology and BehaviorThe Human ...
Neuroscience NIRS fNIRS, NIRS Data Analysis - EEG fNIRS, EEG ERP BCI P300 N400, Scientific questions and experimental designs, culture, behavior, perception, consciousness
Neuroscience NIRS fNIRS, NIRS Data Analysis - EEG fNIRS, EEG ERP BCI P300 N400, Scientific questions and experimental designs, culture, behavior, perception, consciousnessNeuroscience NIRS fNIRSNIRS acquisition in surgical | NIRS Data Analysis NIRS Artifact Correction | NIRS Data Analysis NIRS fNI...
Neuroscience 2022 EEG Electrodes
Neuroscience 2022 EEG Electrodes the best for your researchThere are a few fundamental questions you may want to consider before deciding which electrode system is right for you:Are low noise and highest signal quality crucial, or do you need a particularly quick or comfortable setup?With what...
EEG Amplifier for Research
EEG Amplifier for ResearchHow to decide which EEG amplifier best fits your researchWhen setting up a new lab or starting a new line of investigations, you may find yourself wondering which is the right EEG system for your work. Will you be recording data in a protected and shielded environment? Will...
Neuroscience EEG Amplifier
Neuroscience EEG AmplifierEEG amplifiers Highlight - The main features of Brain Products EEG Amplifier 08 16 20 32 64 96 128 160 256 channels:The work of an EEG amplifier is quite simple to understand and can be summarized in just a few steps:First, the system considers the incoming signal as th...
Neuroscience 2022 EEG fMRI, NIRS fNIRS, EEG ERP P300 N400 ICA, FFT, Wavelets, LORETA CSD Butterworth filter, PCA NIRS Real-time analysis software, NIRS fNIRS
Neuroscience 2022 EEG fMRI, NIRS fNIRS, EEG ERP P300 N400 ICA, FFT, Wavelets, LORETA CSD Butterworth filter, PCA NIRS Real-time analysis software, NIRS fNIRSNeuroscience 2022 EEG fMRI NIRS fNIRSEEG fMRI | EEG-fMRI Webinar Course EEG fMRIAnalyzing fMRI data | EEG-fMRI Webinar CourseEEG-fMRI Webinar ...
Neuroscience EEG NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSync
Neuroscience EEG NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSyncNeuroscience Avatars GamesControlling an Avatar with Brain WavesNeuroscience Research LatamWoman in neurosciences FALAN 2022woman in neurosciences Latin American women in neuroscienceNeuroscientific research in Latin AmericaNeuroscience to improve Latin...
Neuroscience 2022 Latin America
Neuroscience 2022 Latin America EEG NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSync EEG NIRS Data Analysis BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers – Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity. Scientific questions and experimental designs for the development of culture, behavior, perception and L...
Human Competences, Tyranny of Merit, Affective Computing, Neuroscience 2022 - Neuroscience Researchers Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity
Human Competences, Tyranny of Merit, Affective Computing, Neuroscience 2022 - Neuroscience Researchers Neuroscience to improve Latin American IdentityNeuroscience 2022 BrainLatamCompetências Socioemocionais | Human Competence Human Competences Basic ListExecutiva (Ing - Pensar, Fazer, Aprender, Le...
Metacognitive Foundations of Consciousness, Cognitive Neuroscience, Addicted Brain - Money Creation Value and Social Value of Money
Metacognitive Foundations of Consciousness, Cognitive Neuroscience, Addicted Brain - Money Creation Value and Social Value of MoneyMoney Creation Value and Social Value of MoneyChicago Boys | NeuroEconomicsMoney Creation Value and Social Value of Money Capitalism in the 21st century Chicago BoysMon...
Conscience, Objective and subjective awareness (active, reactive and passive), Neurosciences Consciousness Feeling Perceiving Make Intuiting - Estado Laico Democratico e de Direito
Conscience, Objective and subjective awareness (active, reactive and passive), Neurosciences Consciousness Feeling Perceiving Make Intuiting - Estado Laico Democratico e de DireitoConscience Objective Subjective (active, reactive and passive)Consciência | Conciencia objetiva y subjetiva (activa,...
Behavioral Research, Cracking the Mind, Mirror neurons, Neuroscience, Psychologie - How emotion, motivation, and social factors influence our expectations, decisions, and memories
Behavioral Research, Cracking the Mind, Mirror neurons, Neuroscience, Psychologie - How emotion, motivation, and social factors influence our expectations, decisions, and memoriesNeuroscience Mirror NeuronsBehavioral Research Lab | Behavioral ResearchBehavioral Research |Cracking the Mind | Mirror n...
Neuroscience 2022, NeuroSemiotics - Big data e os sentidos da vida, development of culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousness, Glia and Neuroscience
Neuroscience 2022, NeuroSemiotics - Big data e os sentidos da vida, development of culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousness, Glia and NeuroscienceNeuroscience 2022Big data e os sentidos da vida | NeuroSemioticsBig data e os sentidos da vidaA comunicação dos corpos | NeuroSemi...
Neuroscience 2022, LatBrain Latin American Brain Initiative, Neuroscience Experiments Design - EEG-fMRI EEG-MicroStates EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400, GAMES Research
Neuroscience 2022, LatBrain Latin American Brain Initiative, Neuroscience Experiments Design - EEG-fMRI EEG-MicroStates EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400, GAMES ResearchNeuroscience GAMES ResearchGAMES Research Academic Research on Games Game Theory Games for Learning Games as a Treatment Pesquisas acadêm...
Neuroscience 2022, Neuroscience Centers, BRAZIL EEG NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSync EEG NIRS Data Analysis BrainSupport - Solution for Neuroscience Researchers
Neuroscience 2022, Neuroscience Centers, BRAZIL EEG NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSync EEG NIRS Data Analysis BrainSupport - Solution for Neuroscience ResearchersNeuroscience 2022 Neuroscience BrainSupport BrainLatamPolíticas Públicas UFABC | Neuroscience CentersMental Health and Neuroscience | Neuro...
States of Consciousness, Neuroscience 2022, Sentience, EEG NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSync - Neuroscience Calcium Signaling in neurons Temporal and spatial Control
States of Consciousness, Neuroscience 2022, Sentience, EEG NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSync - Neuroscience Calcium Signaling in neurons Temporal and spatial ControlStates of Consciousness | ConsciousnessConsciousness is a movement that perceives itself to be. Consciousness comes from the movement of m...
Religion Brain, The Craving Brain, Motivation, Emotion And Craving - Universal Income, NeuroEconomics, Money Creation Value and Social Value of Money, Bienestar Wellness
Religion Brain, The Craving Brain, Motivation, Emotion And Craving - Universal Income, NeuroEconomics, Money Creation Value and Social Value of Money, Bienestar WellnessThe Craving Brain Motivation Emotion and CravingThe Craving Brain | Motivation, Emotion And CravingReligion BrainUniversal Income |...
Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuroscience, Neuroepigenetics, Brain Gut Axis - Religion and Neuroscience, Religare, NeuroDance, BioDance
Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuroscience, Neuroepigenetics, Brain Gut Axis - Religion and Neuroscience, Religare, NeuroDance, BioDanceNeuroscienceCognitive Neuroscience - Neuroepigenetics Neuroepigenetics - Part 1Neuroepigenetics - Part 2Intermittent FastingBrain Gut AxisGut and BrainLeaky GutReligare ...
Neuroengineering, Neuroimmunology, Neurobiology, Epigenetics and Neuroplasticity - TMS and Neuroscience, EEG TMS compatible, EEG and Neuroscience, EEG and neuroscience
Neuroengineering, Neuroimmunology, Neurobiology, Epigenetics and Neuroplasticity - TMS and Neuroscience, EEG TMS compatible, EEG and Neuroscience, EEG and neuroscienceNeuroscience Lab - NeuroimmunologyNeuroscience Lab - NeurolabNeuroscience Lab - NeurobiologyTMS EEG - EEG TMS compatibleTMS EEG - TMS...
Decision Making, Estado Laico Democratico e de Direito - EEG ERP BCI P300 N400 FFT ICA Loreta, Illusions Perception, Optical Illusions, Audio Illusions
Decision Making, Estado Laico Democratico e de Direito - EEG ERP BCI P300 N400 FFT ICA Loreta, Illusions Perception, Optical Illusions, Audio IllusionsEstado Laico Democratico e de DireitoDemocracia | Laico DemocráticoWithin a secular democratic and rights state, individuals are free and protected ...
Baby Intentions, Child Brain Development, Implicit Learning, NIRS Studies with Infants - The power of vulnerability, Multi-modal EEG fNIRS, EEG fMRI Sleep in MRI, NIRS-fNIRS
Baby Intentions, Child Brain Development, Implicit Learning, NIRS Studies with Infants - The power of vulnerability, Multi-modal EEG fNIRS, EEG fMRI Sleep in MRI, NIRS-fNIRSNIRS Studies with InfantsImplicit LearningThe power of vulnerabilityKids Education Implicit LearningBaby Intentions Part 1NIRS ...
Physiology and Behavior, Estresse e Neuroimmunology, Translational Education - Dinâmica da educação infantil, Politics and Education, Emociones y Salud Mental
Physiology and Behavior, Estresse e Neuroimmunology, Translational Education - Dinâmica da educação infantil, Politics and Education, Emociones y Salud MentalEstresse e NeuroimunologiaPhysiology and BehaviorEstresse e Neuroimunologia parte 2Translational Education - Dinâmica da educação in...
Motor Behavior and neuroscience, Social Media and Democracy - Neuropolitics, Sport and Neuroscience, NIRS fNIRS BCI, Argus Science Mobile Eye Tracking Glasses, EyeTech
Motor Behavior and neuroscience, Social Media and Democracy - Neuropolitics, Sport and Neuroscience, NIRS fNIRS BCI, Argus Science Mobile Eye Tracking Glasses, EyeTech Sport and NeurosciencePsicofisiologia e Neurociência do Exercício FísicoSport and Motor Behavior - Motor Behavior and neuroscien...
Woman in Neurosciences - Latin American women in neurosciences II
Woman in Neurosciences - Latin American women in neurosciencesneuroscience Latin Americaneurociencia latino americananeurociencia latinoamericananeurociências na América Latinaneurociencias en américa latina woman in neuroscienceswomen in neurosciencesmulher em neurociênciamulheres em neurociê...
Woman in Neurosciences - Latin American women in neurosciences I
Woman in Neurosciences - Latin American women in neurosciences I3rd FALAN Congress September 2022 Belem BRAZILLatin American neuroscientist researcherLatin American neuroscience researcherwoman in neuroscienceswomen in neurosciencesmulher em neurociênciamulheres em neurociênciasmujer en neurocienc...
Human behavior, Consciousness States Research, Behavioral Research Lab - EEG Mirror Neurons, EEG-fMRI analysis, EEG Data Analysis, Neuro Spectrum NET, Hyperscanning
Human behavior, Consciousness States Research, Behavioral Research Lab - EEG Mirror Neurons, EEG-fMRI analysis, EEG Data Analysis, Neuro Spectrum NET, HyperscanningNeuro Spectrum NET neuroscienceBehavioral Research Lab - Human behaviorHuman behavior 1/3Human behavior 2/3EEG NIRS Mirror NeuronsEEG-fM...
Neuroscientific research in Latin America - FALAN 2022 Belem do Para
Neuroscientific research in Latin America - FALAN 2022 Belém do ParáPesquisas neurocientíficas na América Latina - FALAN 2022 Belém do ParáInvestigación neurocientífica en América Latina - FALAN 2022 Belém do ParáNeuroscientific research in Latin America - FALAN 2022 Belem do Para - Brazi...
Neuroscience Sleep, EEG Sleep NIRS, EEG ERP, NIRS fNIRS Attention and Memory - neuroEducation neuroDevelopment, Attention and Memory, EEG NIRS Self Regulation
Neuroscience Sleep, EEG Sleep NIRS, EEG ERP, NIRS fNIRS Attention and Memory - neuroEducation neuroDevelopment, Attention and Memory, EEG NIRS Self RegulationEEG Sleep NIRSSleep - Sleep privacy and epilepsySleep privacy and epilepsySleep - Sono Ciclo Vigília e SonhosSono Ciclo Vigília e SonhosLe...
Neuroscience Research - Academic Neuroscientific Research 2022
Latin America Neuroscience Event, Themes, Presentations, Lectures and Symposium - FALAN 2022 Neuroscience 2022A Path to Improve Brain Health - Kirk I. EricksonDynamic control of Presynaptic function health and disease - Nils BroseStereotype threat an implicit bias - the persuasive influence of i...
Functional Connectivity, EEG and Connectivity, EEG ERP NIRS-fNIRS EyeTracking - EEG BCI FFT Loreta P300 N400 ICA, EEG Electrode CAPs, Mobile Eye Tracking Glasses
Functional Connectivity, EEG and Connectivity, EEG ERP NIRS-fNIRS EyeTracking - EEG BCI FFT Loreta P300 N400 ICA, EEG Electrode CAPs, Mobile Eye Tracking GlassesMobile Eye Tracking GlassesBrain TED conferencesFunctional ConnectivityHuman Connectome Diffusion ImagingEEG and ConnectivityEEG ERP NIRS-f...
Neuroscience 2022
Neuroscience 2022Neuroscience Latin AmericaNeuroscience South AmericaNeuroscience researcherLatin America Neuroscience researcherEEG NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSync EEG NIRS Data Analysis BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers – Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity. Scienti...
Neuroscience Societies FALAN Latin American and Caribbean 3rd Congress of the Federation Speakers II
Neuroscience Societies FALAN Latin American and Caribbean 3rd Congress of the Federation Speakers IINeuroscience Latin AmericaNeuroscience South AmericaNeuroscience researcherLatin America Neuroscience researcherEEG NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSync EEG NIRS Data Analysis BrainSupport Solution for Neu...
Neuroscience Societies FALAN Latin American and Caribbean 3rd Congress of the Federation Speakers Brasil
Neuroscience Societies FALAN Latin American and Caribbean 3rd Congress of the Federation Speakers BrasilNeuroscience Latin AmericaNeuroscience South AmericaNeuroscience researcherLatin America Neuroscience researcherEEG NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSync EEG NIRS Data Analysis BrainSupport Solution for...
Neuroscience Societies FALAN Latin American and Caribbean 3rd Congress of the Federation Speakers
Neuroscience Societies FALAN Latin American and Caribbean 3rd Congress of the FederationNeuroscience Latin AmericaNeuroscience South AmericaNeuroscience researcherLatin America Neuroscience researcherEEG NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSync EEG NIRS Data Analysis BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Re...
Latin American Neuroscience Societies FALAN
Latin America Neuroscience researcher - Latin American Neuroscience Societies FALAN 2022Neuroscience Latin AmericaNeuroscience South AmericaNeuroscience researcherLatin America Neuroscience researcherEEG NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSync EEG NIRS Data Analysis BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience R...
Las 300 mejores universidades de América Latina The 300 best universities in Latin America As 300 melhores universidades na América Latina
Registration 3rd FALAN Congress September 11th - 14th, 2022/BELÉM, BRAZILFALAN Neuroscience Societies - Latin American Society for Neuroscience Societies: Sociedad Argentina de Investigacion en Neurociencias SAN, Sociedade Brasileira de Neurociencias e Comportamento SBNeC, Sociedad Chilena de Ne...
Neuroscience Meetings, Consciousness States Research, Brain Stimulation - TMS and EEG, Plasticity, neurofeedback and neuromodulation, Estimulação Cerebral, Neuro Dance
Neuroscience Meetings, Consciousness States Research, Brain Stimulation - TMS and EEG, Plasticity, neurofeedback and neuromodulation, Estimulação Cerebral, Neuro Dance Neuroscience MeetingsNeuromarketing World ForumMusic and the BrainConsciousness States Research 1/3Consciousness States Research ...
Optimizing fNIRS Signal Quality with NIRx Support
Optimizing fNIRS Signal Quality with NIRx SupportHow do you check, troubleshoot and optimize fNIRS signal quality to ensure the best signal for your research? In this webinar, we will go through just that! This will be a showing of release of our latest video, available on our Support Site, plus a l...
Design of Experiments, EEG experiment, NIRS Experiments Design, EEG NIRS EyeTracking - EEG ERP FFT P300 N400 ICA Loreta, NIRS BCI NIRS-fNIRS, Human Competence
Design of Experiments, EEG experiment, NIRS Experiments Design, EEG NIRS EyeTracking - EEG ERP FFT P300 N400 ICA Loreta, NIRS BCI NIRS-fNIRS, Human CompetenceDesign of ExperimentsEEG experimentEEG NIRS Experiments DesignEEG NIRS EyeTrackingEEG ERP FFT P300 N400 ICA LoretaNIRS BCI NIRS-fNIRSEyeTracki...
Human Brain Evolution, Fruition Metacognition MindSet, Functional Connectivity - The importance of teaching to think, Social Interaction, Cultural Interaction, EEG Neuromodulation
Human Brain Evolution, Fruition Metacognition MindSet, Functional Connectivity - The importance of teaching to think, Social Interaction, Cultural Interaction, EEG NeuromodulationNIRS-EEG Multimodal EEG-NIRS MobileFunctional ConnectivityHuman Brain EvolutionBrain TED conferencesFruition Metacognit...
Motor Behavior and Neuroscience, EEG, NIRS and Attention, Attention and Memory - Attention and Brain Machine Interface, EEG ERP BCI FFT ICA P300 N400, Consciousness Hacking
Motor Behavior and Neuroscience, EEG, NIRS and Attention, Attention and Memory - Attention and Brain Machine Interface, EEG ERP BCI FFT ICA P300 N400, Consciousness HackingAttention and MemoryAttention and Brain Machine InterfaceAttention & Memory - EEG, NIRS and AttentionEEG, NIRS and Attention...
NIRS NIRS-fNIRS Webinar Course fNIRS
NIRS NIRS-fNIRS Webinar Course fNIRSEn español - NIRS fNIRS Taller en línea 31 de marzoRegistro gratuito para todos los investigadores NIRS fNIRSNIRS fNIRS (functional near-infrared spectroscopy): a neuroimaging research technique that measures the variation of oxygen concentration in the brain.NI...
Physiology and Behavior, Affective Computing, Progressive Capitalism - NIRS and neuroscience, NIRS fNIRS analysis, Infants NIRS Studies, The Human Mind
Physiology and Behavior, Affective Computing, Progressive Capitalism - NIRS and neuroscience, NIRS fNIRS analysis, Infants NIRS Studies, The Human MindEvolutionary SynthesisProgressive Capitalism | Affective ComputingAffective ComputingNIRS Básico | NIRS Data AnalysisNIRS fNIRS tomographyAurora fNI...
Analyzer EEG Data Analysis ERP FFT ICA LORETA CSD PCA Wavelets
Analyzer EEG Data Analysis ERP FFT ICA LORETA Analysis software based on published scientific methods to generate high quality scientific outputHistory Tree® of processing steps and immediate user feedback ensures the quickest learning curveReads more than 50 data formats, comes with bidirection...
Human Competence,Experimental Psychology, Cracking the Mind, Emotion and Neuroscience - Religion Brain, Motivation, Emotion And Craving, Psychologie, Linguistique, Neuroscience
Human Competence,Experimental Psychology, Cracking the Mind, Emotion and Neuroscience - Religion Brain, Motivation, Emotion And Craving, Psychologie, Linguistique, NeuroscienceBrain OrganoidBehavioral Research Lab | Behavioral Research Behavioral Research |Cracking the Mind | Mirror neurons | Organ...
Neuroscience EEG Publications 2022
Neuroscience EEG Publications 2022 - (EEG Brain Products)Publications from other application fieldsNazneen T, Islam IB, Sajal MSR, Jamal W, Amin MA, Vaidyanathan R, Chau T and Mamun KA (2022) Recent Trends in Non-invasive Neural Recording Based Brain-to-Brain Synchrony Analysis on Multidisciplinary...
Neuroscience Societies in Latin America, Feeling and Consciousness, Cognitive Neuroscience, EEG Data Analysis
Neuroscience Societies in Latin America, Feeling and Consciousness, Cognitive Neuroscience, EEG Data AnalysisFeeling and Consciousness, Mobile NIRS-EEG wearable, Mayor conciencia dentro de las normas del Estado Yage, Neuroscience Societies in Latin America, Religare Latin America, Cognitive Neurosci...
Feeling and Consciousness, Altered states of Consciousness, Brain States - Consciousness, active Electrodes, EEG NIRS Hyperscanning, EEG NIRS Data Analysis, Hyperscanning
Feeling and Consciousness, Altered states of Consciousness, Brain States - Consciousness, active Electrodes, EEG NIRS Hyperscanning, EEG NIRS Data Analysis, HyperscanningBrain States ConsciousnessConsciousnessFeeling and ConsciousnessBrain States - Altered states of ConsciousnessAltered states of Co...
Academic Research in Neuroscience and Behavior in South America, Latin America
Academic Research in Neuroscience and Behavior in South America, Latin AmericaInvestigación Académica en Neurociencia y Comportamiento en América del Sur, América LatinaPesquisa Acadêmica em Neurociência e Comportamento na América do Sul, América LatinaFor neuroscience and behavior academic ...
A Liberdade Criminosa gera Dinheiro sem Gerar Riquezas
A Liberdade Criminosa gera Dinheiro sem Gerar Riquezas Assine a Carta em defesa do Estado Laico democrático de Direito:Carta às brasileiras e aos brasileiros em defesa do Estado Democrático de Direito!Value and Social Value of MoneyDopados na busca da tal "Liberdade Financeira Criminosa" (Ganhar...
Human Brain Evolution, Neuroscience Latin America, The power of vulnerability - Implicit Learning, Multi-modal EEG fNIRS, EEG-fMRI Sleep in MRI, Functional Connectivity
Human Brain Evolution, Neuroscience Latin America, The power of vulnerability - Implicit Learning, Multi-modal EEG fNIRS, EEG-fMRI Sleep in MRI, Functional Connectivity Implicit LearningThe power of vulnerabilityNeuroscience Latin AmericaKids Education Implicit LearningImplicit Learning - Baby Inte...
Yagé: psicodélicos e o aprimoramento cognitivo humano relacionado à atenção, criatividade e espiritualidade.
Sabemos que a ciência pode ser apresentada de diferentes formas no intuito de oferecer uma melhor compreensão sobre o assunto ou abordado para diferentes tipos de leitores. A principal ferramenta utilizada para isso é a comunicação científica, que possui um grande impacto social. Nesse ...
Neuroscience Meetings, Human Behavioral, Neuroscience Experiments Design - NeuroMarketing BrainSupport BrainLatam, Photobiomodulation Neuroscience Meetings
Neuroscience Meetings, Human Behavioral, Neuroscience Experiments Design - NeuroMarketing BrainSupport BrainLatam, Photobiomodulation Neuroscience MeetingsEffects of SARS-CoV-2 Neuroscience MeetingsNeuroscience Experiments Design Design of ExperimentsCNS Embryology Neuroscience MeetingsHuman Behavi...
Perception and Action, Filosofia da Mente,Affective Computing, Tyranny of Meri, Hacking Darwin - EEG ERP BIC FFT Loreta ICA P300 N400, EEG Microstates
Perception and Action, Filosofia da Mente,Affective Computing, Tyranny of Meri, Hacking Darwin - EEG ERP BIC FFT Loreta ICA P300 N400, EEG MicrostatesShoshana Zuboff | Affective ComputingHacking Darwin | Affective ComputingHumankind | Affective Computing Tyranny of Merit | Affective ComputingTyra...
NeuroSemiotics, Consciousness Active, Reactive, Passive, Objective and Subjective - Human Competence, New Resolutions, Fracaso del Juicio Humano, Metacognition, Fruition
NeuroSemiotics, Consciousness Active, Reactive, Passive, Objective and Subjective - Human Competence, New Resolutions, Fracaso del Juicio Humano, Metacognition, FruitionFracaso del Juicio Humano Metacognition Fruition21 Lessons for the 21st Century | New ResolutionsNew Resolutions 2022 Optimizing al...
Neuroscience Centers, Brain Support in Latin America, Religare - IamChurch, Mystical Human Performances
Neuroscience Centers, Brain Support in Latin America, Religare - IamChurch, Mystical Human PerformancesPolíticas Públicas UFABC | Neuroscience CentersBrain Support in Latin AmericaReligare - IamChurchMystical Human Performances | Religare - IamChurchNeuroscience Perception AvatarsWoman in neurosci...
Math: matematica e neurociencia, inteligencia artificial e machine learning
Sabemos que a ciência pode ser apresentada de diferentes formas no intuito de oferecer uma melhor compreensão sobre o assunto ou abordado para diferentes tipos de leitores. A principal ferramenta utilizada para isso é a comunicação científica, que possui um grande impacto social. Nesse...
Live of Religare Religare Consciousness Yage
Live of Religare Religare Consciousness Yage Live of Religare 2021 | Religare IamchurchDraulio Talsks - Ayahuasca | ReligareIamChruchConsciousness Yagé | Consciousness YagéNeuroscience Perception AvatarsWoman in neurosciences Latin American women in neuroscienceNeuroscientific research in Latin ...
Olmeca: cultura, comportamento, epigenética e competências socioemocionais.
Sabemos que a ciência pode ser apresentada de diferentes formas no intuito de oferecer uma melhor compreensão sobre o assunto ou abordado para diferentes tipos de leitores. A principal ferramenta utilizada para isso é a comunicação científica, que possui um grande impacto social. Nes...
Brainlly: células da glia, movimento iônico e cognição.
Sabemos que a ciência pode ser apresentada de diferentes formas no intuito de oferecer uma melhor compreensão sobre o assunto ou abordado para diferentes tipos de leitores. A principal ferramenta utilizada para isso é a comunicação científica, que possui um grande impacto social. Nesse ...
EEG Data Analysis, EEG Publications, NIRS Publications, EEG-fMRI Publications - Cognitive Neuroscience, Neuroscience Centers, EEG-fMRI EEG ERP BCI P300 NIRS fNIRS
EEG Data Analysis, EEG Publications, NIRS Publications, EEG-fMRI Publications - Cognitive Neuroscience, Neuroscience Centers, EEG-fMRI EEG ERP BCI P300 NIRS fNIRSVII Simpósio de NeuroengenhariaBrain Support in Latin AmericaNeuroscience CentersBESA 1/2 | EEG Data AnalysisEEG Data Analysis Analyzer...
Neuroscience Societies in Latin America, Cognitive Neuroscience, EEG-fMRI Webinar Course - Machine Learning, Neuroscience Centers
Neuroscience Societies in Latin America, Cognitive Neuroscience, EEG-fMRI Webinar Course - Machine Learning, Neuroscience CentersCognitive Neuroscience South Latin AmericaFunction in Times of Network | Cognitive NeuroscienceCognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022NIRS fNIRS course ICe - UFRN | Neuroscience C...
EEG Wireless 8-channel 20-channel 32-channel 72-channel 128-channel CGx
EEG Wireless 8-channel 20-channel 32-channel 72-channel 128-channel América del Sur y América LatinaCGX Quick systemsDry electrode wireless EEG amplifier headset for fast and zero-gel recordingsAvailable with 20 or 32 channels based on the 10-20 systemOn-board impedance checking by means of LEDsE...
Affective Computing, EEG and creativity, Personaliade Infantil, EEG-fMRI EEG CAP MR, Religion and Neuroscience
EEG and creativity, Personaliade Infantil, EEG-fMRI EEG CAP MR, Religion and Neuroscience, Humankind Affective ComputingBrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers – Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity. Scientific questions and experimental designs for the development of cultur...
Cognitive Neuroscience of Volition, Neuroepigenetics, Cognitive Neuroscience, Behavioral, Neurociencia y Sociedad
Cognitive Neuroscience of Volition, Neuroepigenetics, Cognitive Neuroscience, Behavioral, Neurociencia y SociedadNeuroepigenetics I | Cognitive Neuroscience EEG NIRSCognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022Neurocomputational Motivational| Neuroscience MeetingsNeurociencia y Sociedad Neuroscience 2022 Behavior...
Latin American Revolution to Teach Learn - Action Reason Emotion
Latin American Revolution to Teach Learn - Action Reason EmotionCuriosity Learn copy stretch paste, Stone Make Replicate what you know, LATBrain A brain with science and Latin American consciousness, EEG NIRS TMS Eye Tracking Gait Analysis, BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers – ...
Repetitions before a Neuronal Pruning could be post-intuition - Religion and Neuroscience, Social Formation in Latin America EEG NIRS
Repetições antes de uma Poda Neuronal poderá ser intuição pósReligion and Neuroscience, Social Formation in Latin America EEG NIRS, BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers, SNU Sociedad de Neurociencias del Uruguay, Consciousness and economics Feeling EEG, EEG and creativity Art, ...
CIN Centro de Investigación en Neurociencias de Costa Rica
CIN Centro de Investigación en Neurociencias de Costa Rica - LatinoaméricaVisión GeneralSer un punto de referencia para Costa Rica y Latinoamérica en el desarrollo de investigación básica y aplicada de excelencia en el campo de las neurociencias, con una perspectiva de formación académica e...
Sociedad Mexicana de Ciencias Fisiológicas (SMCF)
Sociedad Mexicana de Ciencias Fisiológicas (SMCF)Visión GeneralSociedad Mexicana de Ciencias Fisiológicas AC (Asociación Civil) Profesores e investigadores en el campo de la Fisiología, discutieran sus trabajos de investigación. Otro propósito fue propiciar la participación de jóvenes est...
Neuroscience of Consciousness, Feeling and Consciousness, Social Interaction - Formação Social da América Latina, EEG NIRS EyeTracking, NeuroDance
Neuroscience of Consciousness, Feeling and Consciousness, Social Interaction - Formação Social da América Latina, EEG NIRS EyeTracking, NeuroDanceNeuroscience of Consciousness EEG NIRS TMSBrain States - Consciousness and economicsConsciousness & economicsConsciousness and economics Feeling EE...
SNU Sociedad de Neurociencias del Uruguay
SNU Sociedad de Neurociencias del UruguayVisión GeneralInvestigadoras e investigadores, docentes y estudiantes de diversas disciplinas y formaciones con el objetivo de promover el avance en el conocimiento del sistema nervioso. Promoción de la educación en Neurociencias, el desarrollo de las Neu...
EEG ERP NIRS fNIRS Language Processing, TMS Robotic Navigation EEG-TMS, Eye Tracking EEG-fMRI EEG Data Analysis
EEG NIRS TMS Plasticity Neurofeedback NeuroModulationCaral Supe Perú - Cultural Anthropology: Fruição e regras para Capital Economico, Social e Cultural, 3rd FALAN Congress September 2022 Belem Brazil, EEG 08 16 32 64 128 160 Channels active passive sponge electrode Latin America, EEG TMS CAP 1...
SONEP Sociedad para la Neurociencia del Peru
La SONEP - SOCIEDAD PARA LA NEUROCIENCIA DEL PERÚEstudio de los sistemas nervioso y conductual desde términos moleculares hasta conductuales. Esto incluye investigadores básicos y clínicos de varios centros de investigación y docencia en Perú.Promover la educación en el campo de la Neurocienc...
COLNE COLEGIO COLOMBIANO DE NEUROCIENCIAS - Combia, Latin AmericaVisión general:COLNE es una agrupación de índole científica, profesional y social cultural, formada por investigadores en el campo de las neurociencias y reconocidos como tales por su producción dentro de la comunidad científica...
SCN Sociedad Chilena de Neurociencia - Chile Latin America
Sociedad Chilena de Neurociencia SCN Chile Latin AmericaLineas generales sobre SCN:Científicos básicos e investigadores clínicos en el área de las Neurociencias. SOCIEDAD CHILENA DE NEUROCIENCIA (SCN), sociedad científica, sin fines de lucro.Contribuir a la comprensión de la estructura y func...
SBNeC Sociedade Brasileira de Neurociencias e Comportamento Brasil - Brazil Latin America
Sociedade Brasileira de Neurociências e Comportamento SBNeC Brasil - Brazil Latin AmericaReunião Anual da SBNeC 2023 - Neuroscience in BrazilLinhas gerais sobre SBNeC:Incentivar a promoção de investigações e do ensino em áreas que tenham como denominador comum a análise do comportamento e do...
Electroencephalogram detects anxiety, how neurons communicate, nervous system, embryology of the nervous system, EEG ERP law of all or nothing nervous impulse, eeg analysis, attention and memory
Electroencephalogram detects anxiety, how neurons communicate, nervous system, serotonin gut depression, embryology of the nervous system, types of migraña con aura, electroencephalogram autism, law of all or nothing nervous impulse, eeg analysis, attention and memory, electroencephalogram detects ...
Human Competence, Fruition, Sentiment, metacognition, wellbeing, conscience, Laica, Democratica e de Direito - NIRS Data Analysis NIRS-fNIRS, EEG ERP Publication
Human Competence, Fruition, Sentiment, metacognition, wellbeing, conscience, Laica, Democratica e de Direito - NIRS Data Analysis NIRS-fNIRS, EEG ERP PublicationLaica Competence Religion FreedomDesenvolvimento Cerebral 1/2 | Human CompetenceHuman Competence List:Executiva (Ing - Pensar, Fazer, Apre...
Human Competence, Fruition, Sentiment, metacognition, wellbeing, conscience, Laica, Democratica e de Direito - NIRS Data Analysis NIRS-fNIRS, EEG ERP Publication
Human Competence, Fruition, Sentiment, metacognition, wellbeing, conscience, Laica, Democratica e de Direito - NIRS Data Analysis NIRS-fNIRS, EEG ERP PublicationLaica Competence Religion FreedomDesenvolvimento Cerebral 1/2 | Human CompetenceHuman Competence List:Executiva (Ing - Pensar, Fazer, Apre...
Sociedad Argentina de Investigacion en Neurociencias SAN - Society for Neuroscience Argentina Latin America
Sociedad Argentina de Investigacion en Neurociencias SAN - Society for Neuroscience Argentina Latin AmericaIdeas generales sobre el propósito y la Misión:Enseñanza y la investigación en neurociencia en Argentina;Promover la educación de las neurociencias, proveyendo herramientas adecuadas para ...
Cognitive Neuroscience FALAN LatBrain CNS ICON SfN OHBM NIRS-fNIR EEG 08 16 32 64 128 160 Channels
Cognitive Neuroscience FALAN LatBrain CNS ICON SfN OHBM NIRS-fNIR EEG 08 16 32 64 128 160 ChannelsBrain Gut Axis, Cognitive Neuroscience FALAN LatBrain CNS ICON SfN, High quality EEG exclusively for academic research EEG-ERP, EEG ERP Stationary, Mabile and Wearable EEG amplifier, EEG-NIRS Stationary...
Cognitive Neuroscience, NIRS fNIRS Publication, EEG fNIRS Combined, Consciousness Neuroscience Behavior - NIRS Experiments Design, Design of Experiment, Gut and Brain
Cognitive Neuroscience, NIRS fNIRS Publication, EEG fNIRS Combined, Consciousness Neuroscience Behavior - NIRS Experiments Design, Design of Experiment, Gut and BrainNeuroepigenetics I | Cognitive NeuroscienceCognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022NIRS fNIRS Webinars 2022 | NIRS fNIRS BCI EEG-NIRS Stationa...
OHBM 2024 EEG-fMRI NIRS fNIRS BCI EEG ERPOHBM 2024 - Organization for Human Brain Mapping EEG fMRI NIRSOHBM 2024 EEG fMRI NIRS fNIRS BCI EEG ERPOrganization for Human Brain Mapping Multitask mental using gamma band power features OHBM 2024 EEG NIRSKorkmaz OE, Korkmaz SG & Aydemir O (2024) Detec...
Neuroscience 2023 Latin America - Latin American Society for Neuroscience
Neuroscience 2023 Latin America - Latin American Society for NeuroscienceBrain Latam Neuroscience 2023FALAN Neuroscience Societies - Latin American Society for Neuroscience Societies: Sociedad Argentina de Investigacion en Neurociencias SAN, Sociedade Brasileira de Neurociencias e Comportamento SB...
Neurosciences Software PsychoPy TheNeuroSoft,Neuroscience Experiments Design - NIRS-fNIRS Experiments Design, EEG-ERP Experiments Design, EEG ICA LORETA
Neurosciences Software PsychoPy TheNeuroSoft,Neuroscience Experiments Design - NIRS-fNIRS Experiments Design, EEG-ERP Experiments Design, EEG ICA LORETA PsychoPy | TheNeuroSoft EEG Recording Analysis, Presentation and Stimulus Software EEG fMRI, NIRS fNIRS, TMS, tDCS tACS, MEG, Eye Tracking and Vi...
Teoria da Mente, Big data e os sentidos da vida, Neuroscience of Perception, migrana con aura, Male brain larger than female brain, raiva ira odio hate
Teoria da Mente, Big data e os sentidos da vida, Neuroscience of Perception, migrana con aura, Male brain larger than female brain, raiva ira odio hateBocejo Contagioso, Sleep EEG, NIRS-EEG Sleep, Teoria da Mente, Big data e os sentidos da vida, Neuroscience of Perception, migrana con aura, Male bra...
FALAN neurosciencias Latinoamericana, LatBrain
Education Latin American Neuroscience, FALAN neurosciencias Latinoamericana, LatBrainLatBrain: Desarrollar nuevas tecnologías y promover cambios en la educación, la cultura, la economía y otras áreas de la vida en la sociedad. FALAN neurosciencias Latinoamericana, LatBrain, LATBrainLATBrainF...
Behavior Conferences, Cognitive Neuroscience, Neuroscience Meetings, Physiology and Behavior, EEG fMRI - EEG ERP FFT P300 N400 ICA CSD LORETA Wavelets DSA
Behavior Conferences, Cognitive Neuroscience, Neuroscience Meetings, Physiology and Behavior, EEG fMRI - EEG ERP FFT P300 N400 ICA CSD LORETA Wavelets DSACognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022 Neurociencia y SociedadNeuroscience 2022 Behavioral Neuroscience Meetings - Latin American and Intentional Encuent...
BrainSuppor Latam, Latinoamerica Brain LatBrain, Eye Tracking Neuroscience, The gait analysis, EEG-fMRI Sleep, Brain Support Corporation, BrainCAP multitrodes, NeuroArchitecture,
BrainSuppor Latam, Latinoamerica Brain LatBrain, Eye Tracking Neuroscience, The gait analysis, EEG-fMRI Sleep, Brain Support Corporation, BrainCAP multitrodes, NeuroArchitectureBrainSuppor Latam, Latinoamerica Brain LatBrain, Eye Tracking Neuroscience, The gait analysis, EEG-fMRI Sleep, Brain Suppor...
Perception of time and space EEG ERP NIRS fNIRS, Podas neuronais, Capital Economico, Capitalismo LatinoAmericanto em 2030, Creando Dinero en el Ciudadano
Realidade Virtual EEG, Perception of time and space EEG ERP NIRS fNIRS, LSL LabStreamingLayer, A Map of the EmotionsQuantificar Dados Math Regras, Capitalismo LatinoAmericano, Podas neuronais, A Map of the Emotions, Quantificar Dados Math Regras, Corruption Marketing Diverting attention, C...
Laico Religion freedom democratico y de derecho, Neuroeducation, The Craving Brain - Motivation, Emotion And Craving, Democracia
Laico Religion freedom democratico y de derecho, Neuroeducation, The Craving Brain - Motivation, Emotion And Craving, DemocraciaLaico Religion freedom democratico y de derechoHuman Competence - O Cérebro Humano como Centro do nosso UniversoO Cérebro Humano como Centro do nosso UniversoNeuroeducati...
Olmeca, Fruition Dynamic Metacognition, early language development, multi-dimensional dynamics of consciousness and cognitive processes
Olmeca, Fruition Dynamic Metacognition, early language development, multi-dimensional dynamics of consciousness and cognitive processesExploration and Expression, Fruition Dynamic Metacognition, controlling our thoughts and actions, Multiple Memory Systems to Learning, controlling our thou...
EEG-CAPs for EEG-DC 32-channel model BrainAmpDC
The choice of EEG electrode and CAP is a dependent experiment.There will always be losses and gains.For very quick placement:Twist Dry electrodes BrainAmp-CAP-TwistR-NET Sponge-based passive electrode systemFor maximum EEG signal quality: active electrodesactiCAP slim electrodes and Snap CAP.Setting...
Fake news no sistema educacional, EEG ERP LSL - LabStreamingLayer (LSL), EEG Electrode CAP, A Map of the Emotions, A Map of the Emotions, Perception of time and space
Fake news no sistema educacional, EEG ERP LSL - LabStreamingLayer (LSL), EEG Electrode CAP, A Map of the Emotions, A Map of the Emotions, Perception of time and spacePerception of time and space EEG ERP FFTNeurolab - Realidade VirtualRealidade VirtualComunicação CientíficaIdeologia de gênero e n...
EEG ERP BCI EEG-MRI OHBM 2024 NIRS fNIRS OHBM 2024 - Organization for Human Brain Mapping EEG fMRI NIRSOHBM 2024 EEG fMRI NIRS fNIRS BCI EEG ERPOrganization for Human Brain Mapping Multitask mental using gamma band power features OHBM 2024 EEG NIRSKorkmaz OE, Korkmaz SG & Aydemir O (2024) De...
Social Formation in Latin America, Culture Drives Behavior Conferences - Brain States, Neuroscience of Consciousness, EEG-fMRI
Social Formation in Latin America, Culture Drives Behavior Conferences - Brain States, Neuroscience of Consciousness, EEG-fMRISocial Interaction - Formação Social da América LatinaFormação Social da América LatinaSocial Interaction - Culture Drives Behavior ConferencesCulture Drives Behavior C...
EEG-fMRI Solution Human Brain Mapping
OHBM 2022 EEG-fMRIOHBM 2022 EEG-fMRIBrain and SocietyBrain and Society EEG and NIRSNeuroanthropology Latin AmericaNeuroanthropology Latin AmericaNIRS-fNIRS OHBM SfN FALANNIRS-fNIRS OHBM SfN FALANEEG and CognitionEEG and CognitionMirror Neurons EEG microstates FFT GrafosMirror Neurons EEG microstates...
OHBM 2024 NIRS EEG EEG-fMRI NIRS fNIRS BCI ERP OHBM 2024 - Organization for Human Brain Mapping EEG fMRI NIRSOHBM 2024 EEG fMRI NIRS fNIRS BCI EEG ERPOrganization for Human Brain Mapping Multitask mental using gamma band power features OHBM 2024 EEG NIRSKorkmaz OE, Korkmaz SG & Aydemir O (2024...
Attention and Memory Attention and Brain Machine Interface Attention and neuroscience - EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400, EEG Data Analysis, Executive Functions, Decision making, EEG NIRS Hyperscanning
Attention & Memory Attention and Brain Machine Interface Attention and neuroscience - EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400, EEG Data Analysis, Executive Functions, Decision making, EEG NIRS HyperscanningAttention and MemoryAttention and Brain Machine InterfaceAttention and neuroscienceEEG ERP BCI F...
Mirror Neurons, Human behavior, EEG and Cognition, NIRS-fNIRS - Sport and Neuroscience, Sport and Neuroanthropology, Brain and Society, Neuroanthropology
Mirror Neurons, Human behavior, EEG and Cognition, NIRS-fNIRS - Sport and Neuroscience, Sport and Neuroanthropology, Brain and Society, NeuroanthropologyBehavioral Research LabMirror NeuronsHuman behavior 1/3EEG and CognitionNIRS-fNIRSNIRS 1/3NIRS 2/3NIRS 3/3Sport & Motor BehaviorSport and Neu...
EEG fMRI NIRS fNIRS OHBM 2024 OHBM 2024 - Organization for Human Brain Mapping EEG fMRI NIRSOHBM 2024 EEG fMRI NIRS fNIRS BCI EEG ERPOrganization for Human Brain Mapping Multitask mental using gamma band power features OHBM 2024 EEG NIRSKorkmaz OE, Korkmaz SG & Aydemir O (2024) Detection of mu...
OHBM 2024 NIRS fNIRS EEG fMRI ERP BCIOHBM 2024 - Organization for Human Brain Mapping EEG fMRI NIRSOHBM 2024 EEG fMRI NIRS fNIRS BCI EEG ERPOrganization for Human Brain Mapping Multitask mental using gamma band power features OHBM 2024 EEG NIRSKorkmaz OE, Korkmaz SG & Aydemir O (2024) Detecti...
Attention and Memory , Sleep, Wake, and Dream Cycle, EEG, NIRS and Memory - Self Regulation, neuroeducation for children, Being a Mother
Attention and Memory , Sleep, Wake, and Dream Cycle, EEG, NIRS and Memory - Self Regulation, neuroeducation for children, Being a MotherneuroeducationSleepSleep - Sleep privacy and epilepsySleep privacy and epilepsySleep - Sono Ciclo Vigília e SonhosNeurosceicene and SleepSono Ciclo Vigília e Sonh...
Free Pictures for home works or academic research 12Jun22
Free Pictures for home works or academic research 12Jun22Cultural Neuroscience LatamBody LanguageMisticidade e EspiritualidadeSocial Formation in Latin AmericaCognitive NeuroscienceSocial InteractionNeuroscience of MovementCultural NeuroscienceNeuroscience of MovementNeuroFeedBack NeuroModulation Ne...
Free Pictures for school home works or academic research 07Jun22Morning
Free Pictures for school home works or academic research 07Jun22Morning Laico transcendent spiritualityNIRS fNIRS ResearchesNeuroMarketing EEG Eye Tracking Dificuldade na leitura infantilAprendizagem Linguagem EscritaPersonaliade infantilBilingual Cultural NeuroscienceNear death experienceEUS DEUS...
Human Competence, Academic research on Games, Juegos como tratamiento - EEG Data Analysis, Presentation and Stimulus Software EEG fMRI, NIRS fNIRS, Anatomy of Expression
Human Competence, Academic research on Games, Juegos como tratamiento - EEG Data Analysis, Presentation and Stimulus Software EEG fMRI, NIRS fNIRS, Anatomy of ExpressionCompetências Socioemocionais | Human CompetenceLista de Competences Executiva (Ing - Pensar, Fazer, Aprender, Lembrar, Comer, etc....
Free Pictures for school work or academic research, Sampa 05Jun2022 Morning
Free Pictures for school work or academic research, Sampa 05Jun2022 fNIRS NIRS PublicationSoberania NacionalConsciousness in First PersonBienestar Bem Estar Well-BeingVida apos a morteA Map of the EmotionsVida despues de la muerteVida apos a morte Life after death Vida despues de la muerteLife ...
May 2022 fNIRS-NIRS Publication Neuroscience
May 2022 fNIRS-NIRS Publication Neuroscience NIRS fNIRS Interhemispheric Synchronization Cortical Activity Stroke PatientsLu, Y. H., Wu, C. W., Pi-Shan, S. U. N. G., Lin, C. C. K., Lin, P. Y., Wang, S. M. S., ... & Chen, J. J. J. (2022). Evaluating Interhemispheric Synchronization and Cortical...
fNIRS NIRS Publications 2022 Neuroscience
fNIRS NIRS Publications 2022 NeuroscienceNIRx NIRS PublicationsEmotionsSocial InteractionMulti-modalNaturalistic EnvironmentsInfantDevelopmental ChangesComplementary and Integrative MedicineCognitive StatesNeuroeconomicsSpeech and LanguageClinical NeurologyStroke RehabilitationTraumatic Brain Injury...
O futuro do metaverso - Neurofeedback tátil em ambientes virtuais
Em um breve futuro, o metaverso fará parte da realidade de como humanos irão interagir entre si e com o ambiente. Apesar da tecnologia do metaverso ainda está no início da sua jornada de desenvolvimento, a comunidade de cientistas e empreendedores, já especulam como será o seu ...
Metaverso - como essa tecnologia poderá alterar o futuro e moldar o comportamento da sociedade
A palavra Metaverso se tornou uma das sensações do momento. Muito antes do Facebook anunciar a nova marca da empresa que agora recebe o nome de Meta, as tecnologias que compõem o metaverso, como a realidade virtual (VR), realidade aumentada (AR) já haviam se tornado tema de grandes discussões e...
Consciousness, Emotions Prelinguistic stage, Democracia, Laico, Neuroscience of addiction - NIRS-fNIRS BCI, Translational Education, Neurodesenvolvimento, RESEARCH Latam
Consciousness, Emotions Prelinguistic stage, Democracia, Laico, Neuroscience of addiction - NIRS-fNIRS BCI, Translational Education, Neurodesenvolvimento, RESEARCH Latam Democratic LaicoDemocracia | Laico DemocráticoWithin a secular democratic and rights state, individuals are free and protected i...
Human Competences - Executiva, Jurídica, Legislativa, Democrática, Laica, Sentiência, De Direito, Humankind, Fruición, Wellbeing, Metacognition, Consciência
Human Competences - Executiva, Jurídica, Legislativa, Democrática, Laica, Sentiência, De Direito, Humankind, Fruición, Wellbeing, Metacognition, ConsciênciaHuman CompetenceOptical Illusions | NeuroMagicThose who do that use combinations of colors, lights, or particular patterns that can really ...
Behavioral Research, NeuroCognition, Motivation, Emotion And Craving, Religion Brain - Human Competences, Executiva, Juridica, Legislativa, Democratica, Laica Sentiência
Behavioral Research, NeuroCognition, Motivation, Emotion And Craving, Religion Brain - Human Competences, Executiva, Juridica, Legislativa, Democratica, Laica SentiênciaBehavioral Research Lab | Behavioral ResearchBehavioral Research |Cracking the Mind | Mirror neurons | Organização social dos in...
What is your neuroscientific question? Design of Experiments, EEG experiment, NIRS Experiments Design - EEG ERP FFT P300 N400, EEG NIRS-fNIRS EyeTracking
What is your neuroscientific question? Design of Experiments, EEG experiment, NIRS Experiments Design - EEG ERP FFT P300 N400, EEG NIRS-fNIRS EyeTracking Design of ExperimentsEEG experimentEEG-ERP NIRS-fNIRSNIRS Experiments DesignEEG NIRS-fNIRS EyeTracking - EEGNIRS-fNIRS PhysiologicalEEG ERP FFT P...
EEG-fMRI, Executive Functions, EEG and Sleep, EEG active Electrodes - BESA fMRI, Sleep in MRI, Neuroscience lab, EEG Tutorial
EEG-fMRI, Executive Functions, EEG and Sleep, EEG active Electrodes - BESA fMRI, Sleep in MRI, Neuroscience lab, EEG TutorialEEG-fMRIExecutive FunctionsExecutive Function ConferencesEEG-fMRI - EEG - fMRI 1/2EEG-fMRI WorkshopEEG - fMRI 1/2EEG - fMRI 2/2EEG fMRI - BESA fMRIEEG Online InteractionBESA f...
NIRS fNIRS Publications 2022
NIRS fNIRS Publications 2022Alter, B., Santosa, H., Nguyen, Q. H., Huppert, T. J., & Wasan, A. D. (2022). Offset analgesia is associated with opposing modulation of medial versus dorsolateral prefrontal cortex activations: a functional near-infrared spectroscopy study. Molecular Pain, 1744806922...
Neuroscience Perception Avatars - Neuroscientific Research Avatars
Neuroscience Perception Avatars - Neuroscientific Research AvatarsNeuroscience Perception AvatarsThe depth exploring of your question will modulate your next perceptions.Neuroscientific Research AvatarsNossos Avatares, Elementos ou Mascotes ilustrativos visam facilitar a compreensão global do compo...
Sono Ciclo Vigília e Sonhos, Sleep privacy and epilepsy, Attention and Memory - EEG, NIRS Memory, NeuroEducation, NeuroDevelopment, Self Regulation
Sono Ciclo Vigília e Sonhos, Sleep privacy and epilepsy, Attention and Memory -EEG, NIRS Memory, NeuroEducation, NeuroDevelopment, Self RegulationSono Ciclo Vigília e SonhosSleepSleep privacy and epilepsySono Ciclo Vigília e SonhosLearning & Memory - Attention and MemoryAttention and MemoryLe...
Como proteger o seu cérebro, Humankind Affective Computing - Treino cognitivo e estimulação transcraniana de corrente contínua na reabilitação de memória atenção
Como proteger o seu cérebro, Humankind Affective Computing - Treino cognitivo e estimulação transcraniana de corrente contínua na reabilitação de memória atençãoAlmanaque LGBTQIA+ - Defesa da DiversidadeColetivo trans Gisberta Salce da UFRJDiversidade e Inclusão: O Caminho para uma Ciênci...
Neuroscience, Consciousness States Research, Brain Stimulation - Plasticity, neurofeedback and neuromodulation, Estimulação Cerebral, Gramática Emocional, NeuroDance
Neuroscience, Consciousness States Research, Brain Stimulation - Plasticity, neurofeedback and neuromodulation, Estimulação Cerebral, Gramática Emocional, NeuroDanceNeuroscience MeetingsNeuromarketing World ForumMusic and the BrainConsciousness States ResearchConsciousness States Research 1/3Cons...
Design of Experiments, EEG experiment, NIRS Experiments Design, EEG NIRS EyeTracking - Human Competence, Consciousness in First Person, Self Perception True and Fake news
Design of Experiments, EEG experiment, NIRS Experiments Design, EEG NIRS EyeTracking - Human Competence, Consciousness in First Person, Self Perception True and Fake newsDesign of ExperimentsDesign of Experiments - EEG experiment Liberdade de ExpressaoDesign of Experiments - NIRS Experiments Design...
Unconscious, Consciousness Hacking, Consciousness in First Person - Attention and Memory, EEG ERP BCI, Neuroscience EEG and Sport, Psicofisiologia e Neurociência do Exercício
Unconscious, Consciousness Hacking, Consciousness in First Person - Attention and Memory, EEG ERP BCI, Neuroscience EEG and Sport, Psicofisiologia e Neurociência do ExercícioAttention & Memory - Attention and MemoryAttention and MemoryAttention and Brain Machine InterfaceEEG, NIRS and Attentio...
Progressive Capitalism, Affective Computing, Evolutionary Synthesis - NIRS Básico, NIRS fNIRS, NIRS fNIRS Scientific Question, Consciousness Neuroscience Behavior
Progressive Capitalism, Affective Computing, Evolutionary Synthesis - NIRS Básico, NIRS fNIRS, NIRS fNIRS Scientific Question, Consciousness Neuroscience BehaviorEvolutionary Synthesis | Affective Computing Progressive Capitalism | Affective ComputingAffective Computing | Affective ComputingNIRS B...
The power of vulnerability, Kids Education Implicit Learning, NIRS Studies with Infants - NIRS fNIRS BCI, EEG fMRI, Sleep in MRI, Cognition and connectivity, Child Brain Develop
The power of vulnerability, Kids Education Implicit Learning, NIRS Studies with Infants - NIRS fNIRS BCI, EEG fMRI, Sleep in MRI, Cognition and connectivity, Child Brain DevelopImplicit LearningThe power of vulnerabilityKids Education Implicit LearningBaby Intentions Part 1NIRS fNIRS - NIRS Studies ...
NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience Publication 2022 NIRx April
NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience Publication April 2022NIRx Deng, Z., Guo, J., Wang, D., Huang, T., & Chen, Z. (2022). Effectiveness of the world anti-doping agency's e-learning programme for anti-doping education on knowledge of, explicit and implicit attitudes towards, and likelihood of doping among...
Fatores de Risco para Demências: genes, escolaridade e... pipoca?
A doença de Alzheimer caracteriza a maior parte dos casos identificados de demência no mundo. A patologia é caracterizada por déficits de memória (queixas de esquecimento) e em outras funções, como funções executivas, prejuízo em atividades da vida diária, baixa atencional e até mesmo mu...
Religare Humor Política, Cognitive Neuroscience, Neuroscience Centers - EEG-fMRI Webinar Course, Aprendizado de Máquina, NIRS fNIRS course ICe
Function in Times of Network | Cognitive NeuroscienceCognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022NIRS fNIRS course ICe - UFRN | Neuroscience CentersNeuroscience CentersAprendizado de Máquina I ICe UFRN | Neuroscience CentersAprendizado de MáquinaEEG-fMRI webinar | EEG-fMRI Webinar CourseEEG-fMRI Webinar Course...
Neuroscience of Consciousness, Feeling and Consciousness, Social Interaction - EEG ERP NIRS fNIRS Eye Tracking, Social Formation of Latin America
Social Formation of Latin AmericaBrain States - Consciousness & economicsNeuroscience of ConsciousnessFeeling and ConsciousnessEEG NIRS Eye Tracking - EEG ERP NIRS fNIRSSocial Interaction - Cultural InteractionSocial Interaction - Formação Social da América LatinaFormação Social da América...
Memória espacial e atenção
A memória é o mecanismo fisiológico que envolve a aquisição, armazenamento e evocação de informação. A memória pode ser classificada enquanto sua natureza como não declarativa, estando relacionada com a aprendizagem de habilidades de caráter inconsciente (como habilidades motor...
Comunicação Científica, EEG-fMRI Webinar, Cognitive Neuroscience, Ideologia de gênero e neurociência - Fake news no sistema educacional, EEG Electrode CAPs, active Electrodes
Cognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022EEG MicroStatesNeurolab - Realidade Virtual High Time to Unravel the Neuronal ComputationsComunicação CientíficaSocial Brain in AdolescenceIdeologia de gênero e neurociênciaDeep Dives into Neural Population ActivityFake news no sistema educacionalEye Movements St...
Cognitive Neuroscience 2022, Executive Function Conferences, EEG ERP BCI FFT N200 P300 N400 - Brain and Behavior Motor System Conferences, Kids Education Implicit Learning
Executive FunctionsHigh Time to Unravel the Neuronal ComputationsExecutive Function ConferencesCognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022EEG and Executive FunctionsSocial Brain in AdolescenceSport & Motor Behavior - EEG and SportDeep Dives into Neural Population ActivitySport and RehabilitationEye Movement...
Desenvolvimento Cerebral, List of Human Competences, Desenvolvimento Cerebral - EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400 Neuroscience Publication, NIRS fNIRS Data Analysis, Lab Streaming Layer (LSL)
List of Human Competences: Executiva, Jurídica, Legislativa, Democrática, Laica, Sentiência, De Direito, Humankind, Fruición, Wellbeing, Metacognition, ConsciênciaDesenvolvimento Cerebral 1/2, Human CompetenceList of Human CompetencesExecutiva (Ing - Pensar, Fazer, Aprender, Lembrar...
Neuroscience Publications 2022 EEG NIRS
EEG-fMRI EEG ERP BCI P300 NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience Publications 2022EEG ERP BCI NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience Publication 2022EEG-fMRI Neuroscience Publication Mar 2022EEG-fMRI Neuroscience Publication Feb 2022EEG-fMRI Neuroscience Publication Jan 2022NIRS-fNIRS Neuroscience Publications 2022NIRS-fNIRS Ne...
EEG-fMRI Neuroscience Publications Mar 2022
EEG-fMRI Neuroscience Publications Brain Products Mar 2022EEG fMRI simultaneous EEG-fMRI multimodal imaging brain imaging cognitive neuroscienceWarbrick TSimultaneous EEG-fMRI: What Have We Learned and What Does the Future Hold?Sensors. 2022; 22(6):2262. NIR...
EEG-ERP Neuroscience Publications Mar 2022
EEG-ERP Neuroscience PublicationsBrain Products Mar 2022 Sleep stress cognition arousal slow-wavesJonas Beck, Erna Loretz, Björn Rasch (2022)Stress dynamically reduces sleep depth: temporal proximity to the stressor is crucialCerebral Cortex, bhac055, Published: 23...
Neuroepigenetics, Near Infrared Spectroscopy, NIRS fNIRS Webinars, NIRS and Music - NIRS Experiments Design, Spirituality and Immunology, Brain Gut Axis, Cognitive Neuroscience CNS
Cognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022 Neuroepigenetics NIRS fNIRS Webinars 2022NIRS fNIRS BCINIRS fNIRS Publication Feb 2022NIRS fNIRS Publication Jan 2022 NIRS fNIRS Scientific Question, Physical Principles Experimental Designs Functional optical neuroimaging (fNIRS) NIRS fNIRS devices - Near Infrared ...
Neuroscience Experiments Design, NIRS fNIRS BCI - EEG-fMRI EEG-MicroStates EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400, Psytrance Indian Spirit
Neuroscience Experiments Design, NIRS fNIRS BCI - EEG-fMRI EEG-MicroStates EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400, Psytrance Indian SpiritNIRS fNIRS BCIScientific Question, Physical Principles and Experimental DesignsEEG-fMRI EEG-MicroStates EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400Scientific Question, Physical Principles and E...
Wellbeing Resilience, Skills List of Human Competences, NeuroMagic - Neuroscience of addiction, Optical Illusions, Audio Illusions, TMS and cognition
Wellbeing Resilience, Skills List of Human Competences, NeuroMagic - Neuroscience of addiction, Optical Illusions, Audio Illusions, TMS and cognition Wellbeing ResilienceNIRS fNIRS course - April 08, 2022NIRS fNIRS Videos BrainTVSono e AprendizagemOptimizing all Skills List of Human Competences Exe...
Semiotics Research, Big data e os sentidos da vida, NeuroSemiotics, Neuroscience of Perception - EEG ERP BCI P300 N400 EEG-fMRI EEG MicroStates, Filosofia da Mente
Filosofia da MenteNIRS fNIRS course - April 08, 2022NIRS fNIRS Videos BrainTVSono e AprendizagemSemiotics ResearchCognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022Big data e os sentidos da vida | NeuroSemioticsAlimentação e seus impactos no desenvolvimento e na AprendizagemA comunicação dos corpos | Neuro Semioti...
Cognitive Neuroscience, EEG Data Analysis, EEG ERP P300 N400, Physiology and Behavior - NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience Course, Cognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022
Cognitive Neuroscience NIRS fNIRS Course NIRS fNIRS Online Neuroscience Course Instituto do CerebroCognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022Cognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022 Neurociencia y Sociedad Neuroscience 2022 Behavioral Neuroscience Meetings - Latin American and Intentional Encuentros de Neurociencia Co...
NIRS fNIRS Online Neuroscience Course Instituto do Cerebro
Multimodal wearable NIRS-EEG MobileNIRSport2 AdvantagesHigh powered dual LEDs 32mW maximum illumination / optional next generation APD detectors with down to 33 pW sensitivity.Proprietary automated ultra-fast source and detector specific signal optimization.Variable tension spring holders offering o...
Affective Computing, Engineering Emotions into Game Design, Eye Tracking Neuroscience - GAMES Research, NeuroArchitecture, Decision Making, NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience course
Cognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022Engineering Emotions into Game Design | Affective ComputingSono e AprendizagemGAMES Research 1/2 | GAMES ResearchAcademic Research on GamesGame TheoryGames for LearningGames as a TreatmentPesquisas academicas sobre GamesTeroria dos JogosGames para aprendizadoGames como...
Laico Democrático, Neuroeducation, Motivation, Emotion And Craving - Human Competence, Cognitive Neuroscience, NIRS fNIRS course
Human CompetenceEmotions and impact on learningO Cérebro Humano como Centro do nosso UniversoCognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022Neuroeducation 1/3Atividade Física e AprendizadoNeuroeducation 2/3Sono e AprendizagemMotivation, Emotion And CravingNIRS fNIRS course: Theory and practiceThe Craving Brain | ...
Socioemotional factors and their impacts on learning - Human Competencies
Fatores socioemocionais e seus impactos na aprendizagem - Human Competencies1. Entender os vários determinantes para o aprendizado do aluno;2. Separar, teoricamente, os determinantes ligados a fatores socioambientais, as características socioemocionais, o mérito e a sorte;3. Entender a interaç...
Emotions and impact on learning - Human Competencies
Emotions and impact on learningHuman Competencies1. Compreender, teoricamente, o que são as emoções e os sentimentos;2. Entender a relação entre cognição (razão) e emoção;3. Identificar os fundamentos filosóficos que fundamentam suas visões acerca das emoções.1. Understand, theoretical...
Atividade Fisica e Aprendizado - Competencias Humanas
Atividade Física e AprendizadoCompetencias Humanas1. Reconhecer o papel do exercício físico na melhora da cognição e na promoção de saúde física e mental durante a vida;2. Distinguir os efeitos dos exercícios físicos agudos e crônicos no desempenho escolar, nas funções cognitivas e no ...
Sono e Aprendizagem - Competencias Humanas
Sono e Aprendizagem - Rede CpECompetencias Humanas1. Reconhecer a importância do sono para o desenvolvimento cognitivo, a criatividade e a regulação emocional;2. Conhecer as fases de sono e as consequências de sua privação;3. Identificar sinais da privação de sono nos/nas estudantes.Curso C...
Alimentação e seus impactos no desenvolvimento e na Aprendizagem - Human Competencies
Alimentação e seus impactos no desenvolvimento e na Aprendizagem-Human CompetenciesAlguns objetivos:1. Reconhecer as etapas do desenvolvimento dos circuitos neurais;2. Conhecer os processos e o curso temporal da sinaptogênese, bem como a importância da poda sináptica;3. Identificar a importânc...
Brain and Consciousness, Body Language, Altered states of consciousness - Language Processing, Learn How to Read Word Language and the way we think
Brain StatesConsciousnessNeuroscience Meeting 8TH BRAINN CONGRESSAltered states of consciousnessBody LanguageGut and BrainBrain Gut AxisCognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022Mucosal ImmunityLeaky GutLanguage ProcessingProcessamento de LinguagemNIRS fNIRS course: Theory and practiceLearn How to Read WordLan...
NeuroEconomics, Value and Social Value of Money, Functional Connectivity - Human Brain Evolution, Cognitive Neuroscience, NIRS fNIRS course, BRAINN CONGRESS
NeuroEconomicsValue and Social Value of MoneyNegocie Qualquer Coisa com Qualquer PessoaExponential technologiesNeuroscience Meeting 8TH BRAINN CONGRESSFunctional Connectivity - Human Brain EvolutionHuman Brain EvolutionHuman ConnectomeCognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022Aging - Life QualityAging - Andrag...
Comunicação Científica, Fake news no sistema educacional, EEG Electrode CAPs - BRAINN CONGRESS, Cognitive Neuroscience, NIRS fNIRS course
Neuroscience Meeting 8TH BRAINN CONGRESSNeurolab - Realidade VirtualRealidade VirtualComunicação CientíficaCognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022Ideologia de gênero e neurociênciaFake news no sistema educacionalStimulus Presentation - Basic E-Prime TopicsE-Prime 3.0 New FeaturesE-Prime Timing and Tips...
NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience course - April 08, 2022
NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience course - April 08, 2022Neuroscience 2022 NIRS Publication NIRS-fNIRSBrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers – Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity. Scientific questions and experimental designs for the development of culture, behavior, perception...
Social Interaction Formations, Neuroscience of Consciousness, Social Interaction - Culture Drives Behaviors Conferences, fMRI analysis, NIRS fNIRS course
Social Interaction Cognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022Formação Social da América LatinaNeuroscience Meeting 8TH BRAINN CONGRESSSocial Interaction - Culture Drives Behaviors ConferencesCulture Drives Behaviors ConferencesFor MRI - fMRI analysisfMRI analysis 1/2NIRS fNIRS course: Theory and pract...
8TH BRAINN CONGRESS Neuroscience Meeting
8TH BRAINN CONGRESSBRAINN CONGRESSModeling epilepsy-associated neurodevelopmental disease using a human modelSingle-cell omics to study the human brain and neurological diseases Neuroscience Fake NewsAssessment of global systemic physiology with near-infrared light and its implications ...
NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience Publications March 2022
NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience Publications 2022 - NIRx Mar22 Neuroscience Publications Fee FREEHemodynamic activity in infants during sleep using fNIRSBlanco, B., Molnar, M., Carreiras, M., & Caballero-Gaudes, C. (2022). Open access dataset of task-free hemodynamic activity in 4-month-old...
Mirror Neurons, Human behavior, EEG and Cognition, NIRS fNIRS BCI - Sport and Motor Behavior, Brain and Society, Sport and Neuroanthropology
Behavioral Research Lab Mirror NeuronsCognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022Human behavior 1/3EEG and CognitionDevelopment of the social brain in adolescenceNIRS fNIRS BCIEEG ERP NIRS fNIRS What to knowNIRS 1/3NIRS 2/3NIRS 3/3EEG ERP NIRS fNIRSNeuroscience Publication Fee FREESport and Motor Behavior...
Consciousness in First Person, Self Perception True and Fake news - Publicación de Neurociencia Tarifa GRATIS, Neuroscience Publication Fee FREE
Publicación de Neurociencia Tarifa GRATISConsciousness in First Person - ConsciousnessCognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022Consciousness HackingSelf Perception True and Fake newsNeuroscienceGrrl #body #money #career #girlpowerBienestarBem estar e neurociênciaBienestar - AnsiedadeBienestar - Benefits ...
Music and Emotion, Consciousness States Research, Estresse e Neuroimunologia, EEG fMRI - EEG ERP BCI, EEG ERP NIRS fNIRS What to know
Physiology & BehaviorCognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022Estresse e NeuroimunologiaNeurocomputational Motivational to Decision MakingEstresse e Neuroimunologia 2Memory and Cognitive ControlEEG fMRI - EEG ERP BCIEEG - fMRI 1/2EEG - fMRI 2/2EEG ERP NIRS fNIRS What to knowConsciousness States ResearchSo...
Politics and education, NeuroArchitecture, Eye Tracking, Decision Making - Translational Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022
NeuroArchitectureCognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022Eye Tracking - EyeTech Digital SystemsEEG ERP NIRS fNIRS What to knowEye Tracking - Eye Tracking e neurociênciaNeurocomputational Motivational to Decision MakingEye Tracking e neurociência 1/2Empathy, Social Contact, and their NeuromodulationDecision...
I Want to Break Free Cognitive Neuroscience
I Want to Break Free Cognitive Neuroscience I Want to Break Free: Cognitive Neuroscience Unleashed from the Lab, Alex ClarkeMaking the Case for Mobile Cognition - Taking EEG out of the Lab and into the Real World, David DonaldsonObject Recognition in the Real World: Adventures in Mobile EEG and ...
Acoustics Music Speech Perceptual Mechanisms
Acoustics Music Speech Perceptual MechanismFrom Acoustics to Music or Speech: Their (Dis)Similar Perceptual Mechanisms, Andrew ChangThe Amplitude Modulation of Sounds Affects the Perceptual Judgement of Speech or Music, Andrew ChangHow do we Differentiate Speech from Song in Early Childhood?, Chri...
Flexible and Adaptive Emotional Memory
Flexible and Adaptive Emotional MemoryThe Flexible and Adaptive Nature of Emotional Memory, Joseph DunsmoorEpisodic Memories as Valuation Summaries: Dissociable Mechanisms of Reward Modulation Reveal Temporal Precision, R. Alison AdcockMemory Reactivation is a Core Mechanism Supporting the Learnin...
Neurocomputational Motivational to Decision Making
Neurocomputational Motivational to Decision MakingNeurocomputational Mechanisms of Motivational Influences on Decision-Making, Debbie Yee Reward Improves Performance Under Conflict by Enhancing the Preparation of Goal-Directed Actions, Taraz LeeHigh-Level Habits in Goal-Directed Decision-Making,...
Empathy Social Contact Neuromodulation
Empathy Social Contact NeuromodulationEmpathy, Social Contact, and their Neuromodulation, Stephanie PrestonHomologous Neural and Hormonal Systems for Offspring and Human Altruism, Stephanie PrestonNeural Mechanisms of Empathy in the Prairie Vole and Modulation by Environmental Exposures, James B...
Marr s Levels of Analysis 40 Years On
Marr's Levels of Analysis 40 Years OnMarr's Levels of Analysis 40 Years On, Tomaso PoggioReceptive Field Models do not Explain Responses of Mouse Visual Cortical Neurons, Christof KochMarr’s Vision of Color, 40 Years On, Anya HurlbertMultilevel Theories for Completeness, Social Psychology and Soc...
Insights into Human Cognition from fMRI
Insights into Human Cognition from fMRI Insights into Human Cognition from Precision fMRI of Individuals, Caterina Gratton, Chair, Rodrigo Braga, Co-ChairThe Power of Individual-Level Analyses in fMRI, Ev FedorenkoParallel Systems for Social and Spatial Reasoning within the Cortical Apex, Ben De...
Active Vision Oscillations Guided Actions
Active Vision Oscillations Guided ActionsSculpting Active Vision Through Oscillations-Guided Actions, Yali PanSaccades are Locked to the Phase of Alpha Activity During Natural Reading, Yali PanHow do Alpha Oscillations Move Your Eyes About?, Tzvetan PopovVisual Processing is Coupled to Cortico-Mo...
Memory and Cognitive Control
Memory and Cognitive ControlNew Perspectives on the Interplay Between Memory and Cognitive Control, Chunyue Teng, Cognitive Control is Shaped by Striatal Dopamine-dependent Changes in Learning and Motivation, Roshan CoolsInterference and Integration in Hierarchical Task Learning, Jiefeng JiangCont...
Neural Network & Perception, Human Competence, Brain Development - Language Processing, EEG ERP BCI, Cognitive Neuroscience Society
Cognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022Perception & ActionDeep Dives into Neural Population ActivityNeuroscience of Perception 1/2Development of the Social Brain in Adolescence and Effects of Social DistancingEEG ERP BCIUnderstanding how the mind and brain developEEG ERP BCI 1/2Metacognitive Foundatio...
Cognitive Neuroscience of Volition
Cognitive Neuroscience of VolitionCognitive Neuroscience of Volition, Gabriel KreimanModels of Uncued Action Initiation, Aaron SchurgerWhat Constrains Mappings Between Models of Volition and Neural Data?, Stanford UniversityArbitrary and Deliberate Decisions in the Cognitive Neuroscience of Volit...
Neural Recycling of Reasoning Networks
Neural Recycling of Reasoning Networks Neural Recycling of Reasoning Networks by STEM Domains: Evidence from Studies of Math, Engineering and Programming, Yun-Fei LiuThe Dissociation Between the Neural Bases of Natural Language and Deductive Inference, Martin MontiA Frontoparietal Network Underlie...
Cognitive Brain Aging Biomarkers Lifestyle Genetics
Cognitive Brain Aging Biomarkers Lifestyle GeneticsCognitive and Brain Aging: New Insights from Biomarkers, Lifestyle Factors, and Genetics, Anja SoldanThe Impact of Midlife Biomarker and Lifestyle Variables on Long-Term Cognitive Trajectories, Corinne PettigrewPhysical Activity Relates to Attenu...
Contributions of Lower Structures to Higher Cognition
Contributions of Lower Structures to Higher Cognition Contributions of Lower Structures to Higher-Cognition, William SabanSubcortical Cognition: The Fruit Below the Rind, Michael UllmanThe Basal Ganglia, Cerebellum and Cerebral Cortex are Nodes in an Interconnected Network, Peter StrickA Common Su...
Understanding how the Mind and Brain Develop
Understanding how the Mind and Brain Develop'Cognitive Neuroscience in the Age of Discovery'Speaker: BJ Casey, Ph.D., Yale UniversityJust as the brain changes over the life course to meet unique challenges and make new discoveries at each developmental phase, so too is the field of cognitive neurosc...
Eye Tracking Eye Movements Hippocampal Memories
Eye Movements Hippocampal MemoriesHow do Eye Movements Structure Hippocampal-Dependent Memories?Joel VossEye Movements Support Active Memory Retrieval, Jordana WynnHippocampal Theta Oscillations Coordinate Effective Visual Exploration, James KragelTheta-Rhythmic Coordination to Prevent Conflicts Du...
Implicit Learning, Memory and Learning, Functional Connectivity - EEG ERP NIRS fNIRS Cognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022
Cognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022Implicit LearningHigh Time to Unravel the Neuronal ComputationsLocalization of Function in Times of Network ScienceDevelopment of the Social Brain in Adolescence and Effects of Social DistancingDeep Dives into Neural Population ActivityMetacognitive Foundations of Co...
Neurophysics open position for professor Neurophysics and Medical Physics
Neurophysics open position for professor Neurophysics and Medical PhysicsWe have an open position for professor at the Institute of Physics, in the area of Neurophysics and Medical Physics.Inscrições no período de 14/03 a 08/04/2022.Instituto de Fisica Gleb Wataghin - UNICAMPIFGW / Unicamphttp://...
Metacognitive Foundations of Consciousness
Metacognitive Foundations of ConsciousnessChallenges for the Metacognitive Foundations of Consciousness, Ned BlockFailures of Awareness in a Rich Visual World,Threat Imminence Drives a Coherent Fear Response, Michelle CraskeDecoding Conscious Content Representations in the Prefrontal Cortex in the A...
Deep Dives into Neural Population Activity
Deep Dives into Neural Population ActivityTaking Things to the Next Level: Deep Dives into Neural Population Activity, John DuncanCortical Dynamics and their Influence on Subcortical Targets During Goal- Directed Behavior, Mriganka SurTop-Down Visual Attention: Circuit Dissection in Mice, Yang DanT...
Localization of Function in Times of Network Science
Localization of Function in Times of Network ScienceLocalization of Function in Times of Network Science, Brenda RappContent-Specific Modulation of Functional Networks in the Setting of Transient and Chronic Lesions, Bradford MahonFrom Voxels to Hemispheres: Functional Network Consequences of Damag...
Neuronal Computations Across Cortical Layers
Neuronal Computations Across Cortical LayersHigh Time to Unravel the Neuronal Computations Across Cortical Layers in Mice, Monkeys, and Humans, Andre Bastos,BigBrain 3D Atlas of Cortical Layers, Konrad WagstylThe Neural Circuit Underlying Perceptual Expectations, Peter KokA Spectro-Laminar Framework...
Cognitive Neuroscience, EEG and Cognition, EEG Designs - EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400, Formação Social da América Latina
Cognition ConferencesNeuroepigenetics - Part 1Cognitive NeuroscienceCognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022EEG and CognitionEEG - EEG DesignsEEG DesignsEEG - CGX EEG HeadsetSocial Formation in Latin AmericaEEG - EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400EEG ERP Publication Feb 2022EEG ERP Publication Jan 2022EEG-fMRI Public...
Resilience, Empathy, Plasticity, Networking, Sport and Rehabilitation, Executive Functions - How to improve your ability to decide? Cognitive Neuroscience
Resilience, Empathy, Plasticity IResilience, Empathy, Plasticity IICognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022Sport and RehabilitationPsicofisiologia e Neurociência do Exercício FísicoSport & Motor BehaviorConcussion in SportExecutive FunctionsExecutive Functions - Neuroscience of Movement Neuroscience ...
Motivation, Emotion And Craving, Religion Brain EEG ERP NIRS fNIRS - Cognitive Neuroscience, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century
Motivation, Emotion And CravingReligion Brain | Motivation, Emotion And CravingThe Craving Brain | Motivation, Emotion And CravingThe Craving BrainCognitive NeuroscienceCognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022fMRI CNS 2020 - Part 1fMRI CNS 2020 - Part 2EEG CNS2020Somos Iguais!!! Neurocientista derruba mitos ...
NIRS fMRI translating fMRI to fNIRS
NIRS fMRI translating fMRI to fNIRSNIRxBorealis translating fMRI to fNIRSA great wealth of knowledge and understanding has been generated by the fMRI community over the years. A lot of research is currently being conducted to ensure findings are translated into clinical application. However, these f...
Los Originales Americanos, Emotions and Cognition, EEG and Behavior - TMS EEG, TMS and Neuroscience, Consciência objetiva y subjetiva (activa, reactiva y pasiva)
Sitio Arqueológico en América Latina | NeuroAnthropologyImaginario de la Cosmología AmeríndiasLos Originales AmericanosEEG and BehaviorEEG ERP Publication Feb 2022EEG ERP Publication Jan 2022EEG-fMRI Publication Feb 2022Behavioral Research |Cracking the Mind | Mirror neurons | Organização soci...
O fechamento do palco da vida: Como o EEG auxiliou em uma nova descoberta científica
Os últimos momentos de vida sempre foram uma incógnita ainda não resolvido pela comunidade científica. O interesse em compreender o que acontece durante esse momento, que marca o fechamento da jornada de uma personalidade, rodeia o imaginário popular e dos grandes astros do cinema. Filmes de ...
Competências Socioemocionais, EEG Data Analysis, GAMES Research - Cognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022, EEG ERP NIRS fNIRS What to know
Competências Socioemocionais | Human CompetenceList of CompetencesExecutiva (Ing - Pensar, Fazer, Aprender, Lembrar, Comer, etc..)Jurídica (Avaliação do certo e errado pessoal e comunitário)Legislativa (Pensamento Abstrato, conhecimento de Línguas estrangeiras)Democrática (Dividir, compartilh...
O Caminho para uma Ciência Plena, Hacking Darwin Affective Computing - Respeito às Diversidades, From Psychology to Physiology, EEG ERP NIRS fNIRS
Almanaque LGBTQIA+ - Defesa da DiversidadeColetivo trans Gisberta Salce da UFRJDiversidade e Inclusão: O Caminho para uma Ciência PlenaMarketing BrainLatam Latin AmericaNeuroscience MeetingsCognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022Affective Computing, Emotion, Privacy, and HealthPor que a ciência precis...
Consciousness in First Person, Perception of time and space, Self Perception True and Fake news - Cognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022, EEG ERP NIRS fNIRS What to know?
Neuroscience MeetingsCognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022Neuromarketing World ForumDialogues Between Neuroscience and Society 1/4Consciousness in First PersonSelf Perception True and Fake newsPerception of time and space in FFTConsciousness in First Person - UnconsciousA Map of the Emotions BienestarBi...
EEG ERP NIRS fNIRS What to know
EEG ERP NIRS fNIRS What to know¿Qué necesitas saber?EEG ERP NIRS fNIRS Webinar Publication 2022EEG ERP Publication Feb 2022EEG ERP Publication Jan 2022EEG-fMRI Publication Feb 2022NIRS fNIRS Publication Feb 2022NIRS fNIRS Publication Jan 2022NIRS fNIRS Webinars 2022Understanding NIRS fNIRS signal:...
Affective Computing, Human Competence, Humankind, Tyranny of Merit - EEG MicroStates, EEG ERP FFT P300 N400, EEG NIRS what to know?
Affective Computing - Shoshana ZuboffHacking Darwin | Affective ComputingCognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022Humankind - Human CompetenceTyranny of Merit | Affective ComputingEEG MicroStatesLos mapas de actividad que obtenemos mediante EEG pueden ser vistos como mapas generados por distribuciones de n...
Memory and Learning, Implicit Learning, Attention and Memory - EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400 Sleep, Sono Ciclo Vigília e Sonhos
Implicit LearningMemory and LearningThe power of vulnerabilityCognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022Kids Education Implicit LearningEEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400EEG ERP BCI 1/2EEG ERP BCI 2/2EEG ERP Publication Feb 2022EEG ERP Publication Jan 2022EEG-fMRI Publication Feb 2022NIRS fNIRS Publication Feb 2022NIR...
Cognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022
Cognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022EEG NIRS TMS Eye Tracking Video SyncEEG ERP NIRS fNIRS What to know?Cognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022Special highlights CNS 2022High Time to Unravel the Neuronal ComputationsLocalization of Function in Times of Network ScienceDevelopment of the Social Brain in Adolescenc...
Semiotics Research, NeuroSemiotics, Big data e os sentidos da vida - Video Sync Lab, EEG Data Analysis Analyzer, Brain Gut Axis Basic Immunology
Semiotics Research | NeuroSemioticsCognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022Big data e os sentidos da vida | NeuroSemioticsA comunicação dos corpos | NeuroSemioticsSync Lab | Video Sync LabEEG Data Analysis Analyzer:Analysis software for EEG ERP P300 N400 research, Video integration, Raw Data Inspection, in...
EEG ERP NIRS fNIRS Webinar Publication 2022
EEG ERP NIRS fNIRS Webinar Publication 2022EEG-fMRI Webinar Free May 3 & 4 Neuroscience Publications 2022EEG-fMRI EEG ERP BCI P300 NIRS fNIRSEEG ERP BCI NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience Publication 2022EEG-fMRI Neuroscience Publication Mar 2022EEG-fMRI Neuroscience Publication Feb 2022EEG-fMRI Neurosc...
Translational Education, Democracia, Laico Democrático, de Direito - NIRS fNIRS, Near Infrared Spectroscopy, Infants NIRS Studies
Democracia | Laico DemocráticoWithin a secular democratic and rights state, individuals are free and protected in their subjectivities.But it is cowardly and illegal to question the Secular Democratic State and Law when you are being protected by one.Dentro de um estado Laico Democrático e de Dire...
NIRS fNIRS an introduction to fNIRS
NIRS fNIRS an introduction to fNIRSNIRS fNIRS an introduction to fNIRSPROGRAM OF HANDS-ON FNIRS FOR MOTOR AND AUDITORY REASEARCHTopicsFunctional near-infrared spectroscopyAuditory experimental designMotor experimental designfNIRS data processing and statistical analysisHands-on (recording fNIRS data...
NIRS fNIRS experiments matching design and data analysis
Matching design and data analysis: sharing challenges on fNIRS experimentsNIRS fNIRS experiments matching design and data analysisJoão Sato is a professor at the Center of Mathematics, Computation and Cognition of the Federal University of ABC, located in São Paulo, Brazil. He focuses his research...
EEG ERP Publication Feb 2022
EEG ERP Publication Feb 2022Vila-Chã C, Vaz C and Oliveira AS (2022)Electrocortical Activity in Older Adults Is More Influenced by Cognitive Task Complexity Than Concurrent WalkingFront. Aging Neurosci. 13:718648. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2021.718648Krugliak, A., Clarke, A.Towards real-world neuroscience...
NIRS fNIRS Prefrontal fNIRS Activation HRV Self-Compassionate Stressful Memories
NIRx Journal Club: Changes in Prefrontal fNIRS Activation and Heart Rate Variability During Self-Compassionate Thinking Related to Stressful Memories with Paulo BazánWe are pleased to welcome Paulo Bazán for this Journal Club. He will discuss his fNIRS research into self-compassionate thinking rel...
NIRS fNIRS Reconstruction in fNIRS
Image Reconstruction in fNIRS with Dr. Ted HuppertWe have the pleasure to have Dr. Ted Huppert talk about how to perform image reconstruction and use digitization information in the Brain AnalzyIR toolbox.Image reconstruction is one of the most important topics in neuroimaging. It gives more informa...
NIRS fNIRS Physiological Considerations of Employing a Multimodal Imaging Protocol
Physiological Considerations of Employing a Multimodal Imaging Protocol: Pitfalls, Methodological Advancements, and Future Directions for fNIRS research DescriptionNIRS fNIRS Physiological Considerations of Employing a Multimodal Imaging ProtocolIn this talk, Joel Burma of the Cerebrovascular Concu...
NIRS fNIRS High Density fNIRS Part 2
High Density fNIRS Part 2 - A Webinar with Boston Photonics DescriptionWe are pleased to welcome Dr. David Boas to share with us his expert knowledge on the topic of High-Density fNIRS (HD-fNIRS / DOT). HD-fNIRS is a methodology that employs high-density arrays with short, medium and long channels....
Illusions Perception, NeuroMagic, Optical Illusions, Audio Illusions - EEG ERP NIRS fNIRS Eye Tracking, Cognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022
Optical Illusions | NeuroMagicThose who do that use combinations of colors, lights, or particular patterns that can really trick the brain. So get ready to check your visual perception with this fun challenge! Some of these illusions were interpreted a long time ago, while others will challenge your...
Células Gliales, Small Animal Research, The Neuroscience of Creativity - Neuroscience Memory, Learning to Learn, NIRS fNIRS
György Buzsáki Small Animals ResearchCélulas Gliales Small Animals ResearchProtein Aggregation Small Animals ResearchMolecular Mechanisms Small Animals ResearchCognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022EEG ERP FFT BCI ICA NIRS fNIRS Previous Webinars Brain ProductsNIRS fNIRS Webinars 2022Understanding NIRS ...
Understanding NIRS fNIRS signal: guidelines to increase reproducibility
PROGRAM OF HANDS-ON FNIRS FOR MOTOR AND AUDITORY REASEARCHThis 2-day program provides an introduction to fNIRS, with hands-on in the use of NIRS instrumentation for motor and auditory research.Lectures will show applications of motor and auditory fNIRS research, and the hands-on will provide recordi...
NIRS fNIRS EEG ERP Co-registering in infants
PROGRAM OF HANDS-ON FNIRS FOR MOTOR AND AUDITORY REASEARCHThis 2-day program provides an introduction to fNIRS, with hands-on in the use of NIRS instrumentation for motor and auditory research.Lectures will show applications of motor and auditory fNIRS research, and the hands-on will provide recordi...
NIRS fNIRS Auditory and Language Capacities in infant research
PROGRAM OF HANDS-ON FNIRS FOR MOTOR AND AUDITORY REASEARCHThis 2-day program provides an introduction to fNIRS, with hands-on in the use of NIRS instrumentation for motor and auditory research.Lectures will show applications of motor and auditory fNIRS research, and the hands-on will provide recordi...
NIRS fNIRS Neuroimaging Data
PROGRAM OF HANDS-ON FNIRS FOR MOTOR AND AUDITORY REASEARCHThis 2-day program provides an introduction to fNIRS, with hands-on in the use of NIRS instrumentation for motor and auditory research.Lectures will show applications of motor and auditory fNIRS research, and the hands-on will provide recordi...
Development of the social brain in adolescence
Cognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022The Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS) is committed to the development of mind and brain research aimed at investigating the psychological, computational, and neuroscientific bases of cognition.The term cognitive neuroscience has now been with us for almost three dec...
Language Processing, Letras e Fonemas, Language Acquisition - Mídias Sociais e Democracia, La creación de dinero, Neuropolitics, Chicago Boys
Language ProcessingNeuro Linguistic Programming Basics ConferencesLanguage Processing - Letras e FonemasConsciência Fonológica - Language ProcessingLanguage Processing - The concept of languageThe concept of languageLanguage Processing - Language AcquisitionLanguage AcquisitionNeuropolitics - M...
Behavioral Research, Cracking the Mind, Mirror neurons, EEG NIRS - How emotion, motivation, and social factors influence our expectations, decisions, and memories
Behavioral Research |Cracking the Mind | Mirror neurons | Organização social dos insetos | Neuroscience behind helping | Neurobiology | Neuroscience | Psychologie, Linguistique | Emotions and Cognition |Neuroplasticity | EEG and Behavior | electrical activity of the brain | Experimental Psychology...
NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience Publication NIRx February 2022
NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience Publication NIRx February 2022 Khalil, K., Asgher, U., & Ayaz, Y. (2022). Novel fNIRS study on homogeneous symmetric feature-based transfer learning for brain–computer interface. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 1-12.Link: ...
Perception and Action, Cognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022, Neuroscience of Perception - EEG ERP FFT BCI ICA NIRS fNIRS, Neuroscience Researcher Position
Perception and ActionCognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022Filosofia da Mente | Perception and ActionNeuroscience of Perception 1/2 | Perception and ActionGAMES Research 1/2 | GAMES ResearchEEG ERP FFT BCI ICA NIRS fNIRS Previous Webinars Brain ProductsNIRS fNIRS Webinar - Workshop Functional Near Infrared...
Sono Ciclo Vigília e Sonhos, Attention and Memory, neuroDesenvolvimento - neuroEducação, EEG, NIRS and Memory, Self Regulation
SleepSleep privacy and epilepsyCognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022Sleep - Sono Ciclo Vigília e SonhosSono Ciclo Vigília e SonhosLearning & Memory - Attention and MemoryEEG ERP FFT BCI ICA NIRS fNIRS Previous Webinars Brain ProductsNIRS fNIRS Webinar - Workshop Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy...
Neuroepigenetics, Cognitive Neuroscience, Brain Gut Axis - Religion and Neuroscience, BrainTV Academic research channel
Cognitive Neuroscience - NeuroepigeneticsNeuroepigenetics - Part 1Neuroepigenetics - Part 2Cognitive Neuroscience of VolitionGoal States Tailor the Content and Structure of Episodic MemoryCognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022Contributions of Lower Structures to Higher-CognitionNew Perspectives on the Inte...
O Caminho para uma Ciência Plena, BrainSupport, BrainTV - fNIRS NIRS Latam EEG ERP Latam, Neurodesenvolvimento
Almanaque LGBTQIA+ - Defesa da DiversidadeColetivo trans Gisberta Salce da UFRJDiversidade e Inclusão: O Caminho para uma Ciência PlenaMarketing BrainSupport fNIRS NIRS Latam EEG ERP LatamAffective Computing, Emotion, Privacy, and HealthPor que a ciência precisa de diversidadeHacking Darwin A...
Semiotics Research, NeuroSemiotics, EEG MicroStates - Bienestar Wellness, Pecado Original, Cognitive Neuroscience
Semiotics ResearchBig data e os sentidos da vida | NeuroSemioticsCharles Sanders Peirce | NeuroSemioticsA comunicação dos corpos | NeuroSemioticsEEG ERP FFT BCI ICA NIRS fNIRS Previous Webinars Brain ProductsNIRS fNIRS Webinar - Workshop Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy fNIRSEEG ERP Publicati...
Neuroscience, Neuromarketing, Music and the Brain - Consciousness States Research, Brain Stimulation, Gramática Emocional
Neuroscience MeetingsNeuromarketing World ForumMusic and the BrainConsciousness States ResearchConsciousness States Research 1/3Consciousness States Research 2/3Brain Stimulation - TMS and EEGTMS and EEGCognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022EEG ERP FFT BCI ICA NIRS fNIRS Previous Webinars Brain ProductsNIR...
EEG ERP NIRS fNIRS Brain Latam Marketing
EEG ERP NIRS fNIRS Brain Latam MarketingCognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022EEG ERP FFT BCI ICA NIRS fNIRS Previous Webinars Brain ProductsNIRS fNIRS Webinar - Workshop Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy fNIRSEEG ERP Publication Jan 2022NIRS fNIRS Publication Jan2022NIRS fNIRS courseBrainTVAcademic re...
NIRS fNIRS EEG ERP Webinar Training Online Course
NIRS fNIRS EEG ERP Webinar Training Online CourseEEG ERP FFT BCI ICA NIRS fNIRS Previous Webinars Brain ProductsNIRS fNIRS Webinar - Workshop Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy fNIRSBrainTVAcademic research channel ...
Design of Experiments, EEG NIRS EyeTracking, NIRS fNIRS EEG ERP - Consciousness in First Person, Self Perception True and Fake news
Design of ExperimentsEEG experimentNIRS Experiments DesignCognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022EEG NIRS EyeTracking - EEG ERP BCIEEG NIRS EyeTracking - NIRS fNIRSHuman CompetenceSimultaneous EEG-fMRI Webinar Online CoursesNeuroEntrepreneurshipDisruptive TechnologiesConsciousness in First PersonNIRS fNIRS ...
Functional Connectivity Human Brain Evolution, Cultural Interaction, Social Interaction - Interact, Neurofeedback and EEG, Metacognition and MindSet, Neuroeducation
Functional ConnectivityHuman Brain EvolutionEEG NIRS TMS - Cognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022Brain TED conferencesSocial Interaction - Cultural InteractionCultural InteractionSocial Interaction - InteractPlasticity, nfb & nMod - Neurofeedback and EEGSimultaneous EEG-fMRI Webinar Online CoursesNeuro...
Attention and Memory, EEG, NIRS and Attention, EEG NIRS TMS - Cognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022, Consciousness in First Person, EEG and Sport
Attention and MemoryAttention and Brain Machine InterfaceEEG, NIRS and AttentionSimultaneous EEG-fMRI Webinar Online CoursesEEG ERP BCIEEG/ERP/BCI Workshop EEG ERP BCI ICA FFT - BCIEEG ERP BCI - Conferences Sport and Motor BehaviorEEG and SportPsicofisiologia e Neurociência do Exercício F...
neuroAnthropology, Olmecas, Astecas, Cultural Neuroscience, EEG ERP - NIRS fNIRS, Translational Education, Religion and Neuroscience
neuroAnthropologyEEG NIRS TMS - Cognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022Espiral dos Afetos - Ideias para adiar o fim do mundoEEG-fMRI Webinar Free May 3 & 4 neuroAnthropology - Olmecas AstecasCultural NeuroscienceRealidad Multicultural de América Latina ISimultaneous EEG-fMRI Webinar Online CoursesRea...
György Buzsáki Small Animals Research, György Buzsáki Small Animals Research- Neuroscience: Memory, Learning to Learn, Molecular Mechanisms
EEG NIRS TMS - Cognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022György Buzsáki Small Animals ResearchCélulas Gliales Small Animals ResearchProtein Aggregation Small Animals ResearchMolecular Mechanisms Small Animals ResearchGyörgy Buzsáki Small Animals Research Small Animals ResearchSimultaneous EEG-fMRI Webina...
Uso de NIRS para Estudo de Atrofia Cerebral
O cérebro humano passa por diversas transformações ao longo da vida. Quando uma pessoa nasce, milhares de conexões neuronais vão se formando conforme o bebê experiencia o mundo a sua volta, novos neurônios nascem e se desenvolvem. Essas conexões aumentam de número e se fortalecem a medida e...
The Human Mind, Evolutionary Synthesis, Affective Computing, Progressive Capitalism - Cognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022, EEG ERP NIRS fNIRS Webinars
Evolutionary Synthesis | Affective ComputingEvolutionary SynthesisProgressive Capitalism | Affective ComputingProgressive CapitalismAffective ComputingEEG NIRS TMS - Cognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022NIRS fNIRS WebinarsNIRS Básico | NIRS Data AnalysisNIRS fNIRS tomographyAurora fNIRS: Raw data, HbO an...
Perception and Action, Filosofia da Mente, Cognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022 - EEG ERP FFT BCI ICA NIRS fNIRS Webinars, Neuromarketing, Decision Making
Perception and ActionFilosofia da MenteEEG NIRS TMS - Cognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022Neuroscience of Perception 1/2GAMES Research 1/2Academic Research on GamesGame TheoryGames for LearningGames as a TreatmentPesquisas academicas sobre GamesTeroria dos JogosGames para aprendizado Games como tratament...
EEG NIRS TMS - Cognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022
EEG NIRS TMS - Cognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022Special highlights CNS 2022 | Schedule Overview *Tentative, subject to changeHigh Time to Unravel the Neuronal ComputationsLocalization of Function in Times of Network ScienceDevelopment of the Social Brain in Adolescence and Effects of Social Distancin...
Behavioral Research, EEG ERP FFT BCI ICA NIRS fNIRS Webinars - NeuroCognition, Emotion and Neuroscience, Human Competences
NeuroCognition | Behavioral Research |Cracking the Mind | Mirror neurons | Organização social dos insetos | Neuroscience behind helping | Neurobiology | Neuroscience | Psychologie, Linguistique | Emotions and Cognition |Neuroplasticity | EEG and Behavior | electrical activity of the brain | Exper...
EEG ERP FFT BCI ICA NIRS fNIRS Previous Webinars Brain Products
EEG ERP FFT BCI ICA NIRS fNIRS Previous Webinars Brain ProductsEEG FFT Spectral Analysis MethodsAn overview of spectral analysis methodsThis webinar covers an overview of the theoretical background of five different spectral analysis methods and their implementation in BrainVision Analyzer 2. Among ...
Combining EEG and fNIRS in a mobile setupIn this webinar, we introduced our solutions for combining EEG and fNIRS. Reviewing the basics of both the EEG and the fNIRS signal, as well as each individual hardware setup, optimized for a fully wireless and mobile research application. We demonstrated how...
Language Processing, Consciência Fonológica, Letras e Fonemas - NIRS fNIRS workshop free online Course, Neuropolitics
Language ProcessingNeuro Linguistic Programming Basics ConferencesLetras e FonemasConsciência FonológicaThe concept of languageLanguage AcquisitionNeuropolitics - Mídias Sociais e DemocraciaNIRS fNIRS workshop free online Course 17-18Feb22 - If interested in NIRS fNIRSMídias Sociais e Democraci...
NIRS fNIRS workshop free online Course 17-18 Feb 2022
NIRS fNIRS workshop free online Course 17-18Feb22 - If interested in NIRS fNIRSThis 2-day program provides an introduction to fNIRS, with hands-on in the use of NIRS instrumentation for motor and auditory research.Lectures will show applications of motor and auditory fNIRS research, and the hands-o...
Cognitive Neuroscience, NIRS fNIRS Online Workshop free course - Brain Gut Axis, Religion and Neuroscience, BioDance
Cognitive NeuroscienceNeuroepigenetics - Part 1Neuroepigenetics - Part 2Intermittent FastingBrain Gut AxisNIRS fNIRS Online Workshop.NIRS fNIRS free course Pergunta científica e desenho experimental:PROGRAM OF HANDS-ON FNIRS FOR MOTOR AND AUDITORY REASEARCHThis 2-day program provides an introductio...
Plasticity, NeuroFeedback NeuroModulation Epigenetics and Neuroplasticity - EEG fMRI NIRS fNIRS Publication, Neuroengineering, Neuroimmunology
Neuroscience LabNeuroengineeringNeuroimmunologyNeurolabNeurobiology Part 1NIRS fNIRS Publication 2022 - NIRx Jan 202217-18Feb22: PROGRAM OF HANDS-ON FNIRS FOR MOTOR AND AUDITORY REASEARCHTelevisaremos en BrainTVTranslational NeuroscienceEEG fMRI Publication Jan22EEG ERP Publication Jan22TMS EEG ER...
NIRS no músculo?
A espectroscopia no infravermelho próximo (NIRS) é uma ferramenta não invasiva poderosa para estudar a correspondência da entrega de oxigênio à utilização de oxigênio. Neste blog vamos explanar sobre a utilização de NIRS no músculo esquelético. Primeiramente, porque usar NIRS no múscu...
NIRS e a monitoração do oxigênio no cérebro
A espectroscopia no infravermelho próximo (NIRS) pode ser usada como uma técnica de monitoramento de sinais vitais. Neste blog vamos trazer como o NIRS foi utilizado em pacientes cardíacos durante o perioperatório. O estudo de Chan e colaboradores (2017) traz o NIRS com uma aplicação cl...
Estado Laico, Democrático e de Direito, NeuroMagic, Illusions Perception - Decision Making, EEG ERP fMRI NIRS fNIRS Pubication
NIRS fNIRS Publication 2022 - NIRx Jan 202217-18Feb22: PROGRAM OF HANDS-ON FNIRS FOR MOTOR AND AUDITORY REASEARCHTelevisaremos en BrainTVTranslational NeuroscienceEEG fMRI Publication Jan22EEG ERP Publication Jan22Democracia | Laico DemocráticoWithin a secular democratic and rights state, individ...
NIRS EEG fNIRS Webinar - functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy fNIRS
NIRS fNIRS Webinar - Workshop Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy fNIRSWhat's Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS)?fNIRS during piano playingfNIRS hyperscanning professional violinistsNIRx Webinar 1 - fNIRS Montage DesignFunctional Near Infrared Spectroscopy online courseNIRS fNIRSOptimal Probe Place...
Kids Education Implicit Learning, Baby Intentions, EEG ERP NIRS fNIRS - Multi-modal EEG fNIRS, Childs Brain Develop, Human Brain Evolution
Implicit LearningThe power of vulnerabilityKids Education Implicit LearningBaby Intentions Part 1NIRS fNIRS - NIRS Studies with InfantsNIRS Studies with InfantsNIRS - Acquiring fNIRS Data - 07:28 - 10:44Acquiring fNIRS DataNIRS fNIRS - Brain support NIRSBrain support NIRSEEG ERP NIRS fNIRS - Mul...
Parâmetros e aplicações clínicas da NIRS
A espectroscopia no infravermelho próximo (NIRS) se dá pela aplicação da luz no comprimento de onda do infravermelho para avaliar, de forma quantitativa e qualitativa, os componentes moleculares relacionados à oxigenação tecidual. Neste blog vamos abordar um pouco sobre os parâmetros e apl...
NIRS na percepção afetiva de imagens
A espectroscopia no infravermelho próximo (NIRS) tem sido principalmente usada na investigação da oxigenação periférica tecidual de forma não invasiva e contínua. Neste blog vamos ver a prática dessa técnica para percepção de imagens afetivas e as áreas correlacionadas.A ativação de...
Eye-Tracking nas salas de aula
E se os professores pudessem compreender a atenção dos alunos em sala de aula? E se pudéssemos predizer o raciocínio do aluno? O estudo que vamos abranger nesse blog, mostra quão promissor é o uso de Eye-tracking na contribuição para educação de crianças. O trabalho em questão se trata ...
Neuroethics Neuroscience Meetings, Philosophy and behavior Physiology and Behavior - EEG fMRI NIRS fNIRS Publication, Neuroscience Experiments Design
Effects of SARS-CoV-2 Neuroscience MeetingsNeuroscience Experiments Design Design of ExperimentsNIRS fNIRS Publication 2022 - NIRx Jan 2022Free NIRS fNIRS workshop 2022:10Feb22: NIRS fNIRS free course in Portalinradiando: Pergunta científica e desenho experimental17-18Feb22: PROGRAM OF HANDS-ON F...
Tyranny of Merit, Filosofia da Mente, Perception and Action, Affective Computing - Humankind, NIRS fNIRS workshop, EEG fMRI NIRS fNIRS Publication
Shoshana Zuboff | Affective ComputingHacking Darwin | Affective ComputingNIRS fNIRS Publication 2022 - NIRx Jan 2022Free NIRS fNIRS workshop 2022:10Feb22: NIRS fNIRS free course in Portalinradiando: Pergunta científica e desenho experimental17-18Feb22: PROGRAM OF HANDS-ON FNIRS FOR MOTOR AND AUDI...
Competences: Executiva, Jurídica, Legislativa, Democrática, Laica, Sentiência, De Direito, Humankind, Fruición, Wellbeing, Metacognition, Consciência - A comunicação dos corpos
NIRS fNIRS Publication 2022 - NIRx Jan 202221 Lessons for the 21st CenturyFree NIRS fNIRS workshop 2022:10Feb22: NIRS fNIRS free course in Portalinradiando: Pergunta científica e desenho experimental17-18Feb22: PROGRAM OF HANDS-ON FNIRS FOR MOTOR AND AUDITORY REASEARCHTelevisaremos en BrainTVSem...
Translational Neuroscience, Estresse e Neuroimunologia, Politics and education - Baby Infant Research, EEG fMRI NIRS fNIRS Publication, Emociones y Salud Mental
NIRS fNIRS Publication 2022 - NIRx Jan 2022NIRS fNIRS Auditory SystemBrain-Computer Interface (BCI) NIRS fNIRS BCINIRS fNIRS Cognitive StatesComplementary and Integrative Medicine - NIRS fNIRS academic researchNIRS fNIRS Development of infants and children.Infant Monitoring - NIRS fNIRS academic res...
EEG como Ferramenta para Avaliação dos Diferentes Tipos de Parkinson
A Doença de Parkinson (DP) é uma condição neurodegenerativa que acomete a transmissão de neurônios dopaminérgicos. Entre os sintomas comuns da doença destacam-se a bradicinesia (enrijecimento muscular), os tremores de repouso, o congelamento da marcha e a perda da coordenação motora fina d...
Consciousness in First Person, Microbiota intestinal e Imunidade Brain Gut Axis - EEG fMRI NIRS fNIRS Publications, Consciousness States Research
Trajetória Ontogenética de Roedores Neuroscience MeetingsPsychiatric-Metabolic Syndrome Neuroscience MeetingsBetter brain health Neuroscience MeetingsGut Bacteria Balance Brain Gut AxisImmunology in the Gut Mucosa Brain Gut AxisMicrobiota intestinal e Imunidade Brain Gut AxisNIRS fNIRS Publication...
Sport and Neuroscience, NIRS fNIRS, Eye Tracking - Mídias Sociais e Democracia, EEG Publication, Brain care
NIRS fNIRS - Pergunta científica, Desenhos Experimentais NIRS fNIRSNIRS fNIRS Publication 2022NIRS fNIRS free Hybrid workshop: Pergunta científica e desenho experimentalPROGRAM OF HANDS-ON NIRS fNIRS FOR MOTOR AND AUDITORY RESEARCHSport and NeurosciencePsicofisiologia e Neurociência do Exercício...
NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience Publications NIRx January 2023
NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience Publications NIRx January 2023Neuroscience Publication Fee FREENIRS fNIRS Auditory SystemZhou, X., Planalp, E. M., Heinrich, L., Pletcher, C., DiPiero, M., Alexander, A. L., ... & III, D. C. D. (2022). Inhibitory Control in Children 4–10 Years of Age: Evidence From Fu...
Human behavior, NIRS fNIRS Scientific Question, Mirror Neurons - For MRI, fMRI analysis, EEG Data Analysis, NIRS fNIRS Hyperscanning
Behavioral Research Lab - Human behavior Human behavior 1/3Human behavior 2/3NIRS fNIRS Scientific Question, Physical Principles Experimental DesignsMirror NeuronsFor MRIFor MRI - ConferencesFor MRI - fMRI analysisfMRI analysis 2/2NIRS fNIRS Auditory and Motor Experimental DesignEEG Data Analysis...
Sleep, NIRS fNIRS Scientific Question, Physical Principles and Experimental Designs - Attention and Memory, Sleep privacy and epilepsy, EEG, NIRS and Memory
NIRS fNIRS Scientific Question, Physical Principles and Experimental DesignsFunctional near-infrared spectroscopyAuditory experimental designMotor experimental designfNIRS data processing and statistical analysisHands-on (recording fNIRS data, step-by-step processing and statistical group analysis...
Free NIRS fNIRS workshop 2023
Free NIRS fNIRS Workshop Hands-on fNIRS 2023 UFABCEn español - NIRS fNIRS Taller en línea 31 de marzoRegistro gratuito para todos los investigadores NIRS fNIRSOld:Workshop Hands-on NIRS fNIRS UFABC neuroscience 2023 Workshop Hands-on fNIRS 2023 - UFABCAll spoken presentation will be in Portugue...
NIRS Scientific Question - fNIRS: Physical Principles and Experimental Designs
fNIRS: Scientific Question, Physical Principles and Experimental DesignsPhysiology of the BOLD effect – Paula Arantesintroduction of functional near-infrared spectroscopy – Maria AdeliaChallenges of ecological experiments with fNIRS – How to explore the hemodynamic signal outside of MRI – Jo...
Functional Connectivity, Human Connectome, NIRS fNIRS Free course - EEG NIRS EyeTracking, EEG Electrode CAPs, EEG, NIRS and Attention, Attention and neuroscience
Functional ConnectivityBrain TED conferencesFunctional ConnectivityHuman Connectome Diffusion ImagingNIRS PROGRAM OF HANDS-ON FNIRS FOR MOTOR AND AUDITORY REASEARCHEEG and ConnectivityEEG NIRS EyeTracking - EEGEEG NIRS EyeTracking - EyeTrackingMobile Eye Tracking GlassesEEG NIRS EyeTracking - Sport ...
Language Processing, NIRS fNIRS, Consciência Fonológica - Mídias Sociais e Democracia, Chicago Boys, Value and Social Value of Money
Language ProcessingNeuro Linguistic Programming Basics ConferencesLanguage Processing - Letras e FonemasConsciência FonológicaLanguage Processing - The concept of languageLanguage Processing - Language Acquisition NIRS FNIRS: SCIENTIFIC QUESTION, PHYSICAL PRINCIPLES AND EXPERIMENTALDESIGNSNeuropo...
Defesa da Diversidade, O Caminho para uma Ciência Plena, Hacking Darwin Affective Computing - NIRS fNIRS, Humankind Affective Computing, Neurodesenvolvimento
Almanaque LGBTQIA+ - Defesa da DiversidadeColetivo trans Gisberta Salce da UFRJDiversidade e Inclusão: O Caminho para uma Ciência PlenaMarketing BrainLatamAffective Computing, Emotion, Privacy, and HealthPor que a ciência precisa de diversidadeDirector's Distinguished Lecture SeriesHacking Darwin...
Evolutionary Synthesis Neuropolitics, NIRS First Contact, Latin America Decolonization - Engineering Emotions into Game Design, Affective Computing, Todo Cambia
NIRS First ContactEvolutionary Synthesis NeuropoliticsTyranny of Merit New Constitución para XXIMarketing BrainLatamLatin America Decolonization New Constitución para XXINIRS fNIRS free course: Pergunta científica e desenho experimentalIllusions Perception NeuroMagicNIRS fNIRS BCIEngineering Em...
NIRS fNIRS free course in Portalinradiando: Pergunta científica e desenho experimentalData do Curso: 10Feb22 - Inscrição GratuitaObjetivoO objetivo deste curso interativo híbrido é apresentar o fNIRS: uma técnica complementar de pesquisa em neuroimagem, que pode ser utilizada fora da ressona...
Consciousness in First Person, Self Perception True and Fake news - EEG Microstate, EEG ERP BCI P300 N400, Politics and education
Consciousness in First PersonConsciousness in First-Person Jackson CionekPerception of time and space in FFTSelf Perception True and Fake newsPerception of Time and SpaceEEG / NIRS / EyetrackingEEG - LiveAmp Mobile EEGEEG SmartingEEG ERP BCI P300 N400 EEG ERP BCI - EEG BCI PortuguêsEEG ERP BCI - ...
Surveillance capitalism in an Era of Pandemic and Protest The Intercept Progressive Capitalism Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) NIRS infrared spectroscopy Inteligência Artificial a Ser
Shoshana Zuboff keynote speech on surveillance capitalism Surveillance in an Era of Pandemic and Protest The InterceptProgressive Capitalism Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) NIRS infrared spectroscopyInteligência Artificial a Serviço da DemocraciaFOPO New Constitución para XXIInteli...
Sono Ciclo Vigília e Sonhos, Learning and Memory, EEG, NIRS & Memory - Attention and Memory, neuroEducation and neuroDevelopment, Self Regulation
SleepSleep privacy and epilepsySono Ciclo Vigília e SonhosLearning and Memory - Attention and MemoryAttention and MemoryLearning & Memory - EEG, NIRS & MemoryEEG, NIRS & MemoryneuroEducation and neuroDevelopmentSelf RegulationnEdu & nDev - Neuroeducación para niñosNeuroeducación ...
PROGRAM OF HANDS-ON FNIRS FOR MOTOR AND AUDITORY REASEARCHThis 2-day program provides an introduction to fNIRS, with hands-on in the use of NIRS instrumentation for motor and auditory research. Lectures will show applications of motor and auditory fNIRS research, and the hands-on will provide recor...
Hands-on NIRS fNIRS Motor and Auditory Research
PROGRAM OF HANDS-ON FNIRS FOR MOTOR AND AUDITORY REASEARCHProgram of Hands-on fNIRS for motor and auditory research, 17th and 18th Feb 2022This 2-day program provides an introduction to fNIRS with hands-on in the use of NIRS instrumentation for motor and auditory research. *Lectures show application...
Realidade Virtual como Ferramenta para Avaliação e Manejo de Sintomas da Doença de Parkinson
A Doença de Parkinson (DP) é uma doença neurodegenerativa que provoca a redução do estímulo no córtex motor devido ao comprometimento dos núcleos da base, especificamente à substância negra pars compacta Pessoas diagnosticadas com a patologia costumam apresentar bradicinesia (lentificaçã...
Psicofisiologia e Neurociência do Exercício Físico, Sport and Neuroscience - NIRS fNIRS BCI, Mobile Eye Tracking Glasses, Mídias Sociais e Democracia
Sport & Motor BehaviorSport and NeurosciencePsicofisiologia e Neurociência do Exercício FísicoMotor Behavior and neuroscienceNIRS fNIRS BCI NIRS 1/3 NIRS 2/3 NIRS 3/3Eye TrackingEye Tracking - Argus Science Mobile Eye Tracking GlassesArgus Science Mobile Eye Tracking GlassesEye Tracking ...
Human Behavior, Mirror Neurons, fMRI analysis, EEG Data Analysis - EEG ERP P300 N400 Analyzer 2.0, Consciousness States Research
Behavioral ResearchHuman behavior 1/3Human behavior 2/3Behavioral Research LabMirror NeuronsFor MRI - ConferencesFor MRI - fMRI analysis EEG Data AnalysisEEG ERP P300 N400 Analyzer 2.0EEG Data Analysis - Hyperscanning EEG Hyperscanning NIRSEEG Data Analysis - Neuro Spectrum NET Consciousness Stat...
Eu Sou uma Fraude: considerações e manejo da síndrome do impostor
Você já sentiu que não merece o cargo/nota/reconhecimento que está recebendo? Talvez tenha um nome para isso! A Síndrome do Impostor (SI) é conhecida por gerar crenças de que o sucesso alcançado, seja uma nota alta ou promoção no trabalho, não é merecido. Os indivíduos que apresentam a...
Implicit Learning, Baby Intentions, NIRS Studies with Infants - Human Brain Evolution, Cognition and connectivity, Child Brain Develop
Implicit LearningThe power of vulnerabilityKids Education Implicit LearningBaby Intentions Part 1NIRS - NIRS Studies with InfantsNIRS Studies with InfantsNIRS - Acquiring fNIRS DataAcquiring fNIRS DataNIRS - Brain support NIRSNIRS - Multi-modal EEG fNIRSMulti-modal EEG fNIRSEEG fMRI - EEG - fMRI EE...
Functional Neural Network, Attention and Memory - EEG, NIRS and Attention, Genes, Cognition, and Human Brain Evolution
Functional ConnectivityBrain TED conferencesFunctional ConnectivityHuman Connectome Diffusion ImagingEEG and ConnectivityEEG NIRS EyeTracking - EEGEEG NIRS EyeTracking - EyeTrackingMobile Eye Tracking GlassesSport and NIRSEEG Electrode CAPs - EEG Electrode CAPsactive Electrodes EEG TutorialAttentio...
Sport and Neuroscience, NIRS fNIRS NIRS BCI - Mobile Eye Tracking Glasses, Mídias Sociais e Democracia
Sport & Motor BehaviorSport and NeurosciencePsicofisiologia e Neurociência do Exercício FísicoMotor Behavior and neuroscienceNIRS fNIRS NIRS BCINIRS 1/3NIRS 2/3NIRS 3/3Eye TrackingEye Tracking 180 Hz- Argus Science Mobile Eye Tracking GlassesEye Tracking - MangoldVision Eye Tracking - In...
A Dor do Coração Partido
Você sabia que uma decepção amorosa ou um término de um relacionamento pode afetar a neurobiologia do seu cérebro? De acordo com a revisão bibliográfica desenvolvida por Van der Watt e colaboradores (2021), a ligação entre dois adultos em um relacionamento que envolva rejeição, separaç...
EEG ERP BCI EEG DC P300 N400, EEG Microstates- EEG Designs, EEG Data Analysis, EEG Hyperscanning, Neuro Spectrum NET
Neuroscience LabWestern blot and NeuroscienceNeuroengineeringEEG ERP BCI EEG DCMoBI Award Symposium 2020EEG eXtreme Mobile EEGEEG ERP BCI P300 N400 EEG Tutorial VideosNIRS fNIRS - Pergunta científica, Desenhos Experimentais NIRS fNIRS - Free NIRS fNIRS Event:NIRS fNIRS free course in Portalinradia...
Ferramentas Promissoras para Detecção Precoce de TDAH
Diante do atual contexto de ensino híbrido e pouca interação social, é possível que haja maior dificuldade em se diagnosticar desordens psicoemocionais em crianças. Na forma de ensino regular, professores e colegas são capazes de observar quando algum dos indivíduos apresentava potenciais ca...
Então é Natal, e o que você fez?: Estudo sobre tipos e eficácia das resoluções de ano novo
A virada para um novo ano se aproxima, é tempo de pensar o que foi feito durante o ano que se passa e traçar novas metas para o ano que chega. Você já definiu quais são suas resoluções para 2022? Quando se deseja mudar algo, geralmente se busca um marco temporal para isso, como o início de ...
Como a atenção pode modular a atividade neuronal ON e OFF de memórias aversivas.
Neurônios são as principais células do nosso sistema nervoso responsáveis pela transmissão de sinais elétricos e químicos que podem ser traduzidos e interpretados em múltiplas funções cognitivas e neurofisiológicas. Os neurônios podem obedecer padrões específicos de ati...
fNIRS: definição e aplicação em recém-nascidos
Você conhece a técnica Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) e entende quais são suas aplicações? O procedimento surgiu como uma tecnologia de monitoração da oxigenação de tecidos há mais de 20 anos. O método é capaz de detectar níveis de oxihemoglobina (proteína responsável ...
Como atenção e autogestão de crianças podem influenciar suas tomadas de decisões na vida adulta
O comportamento humano é muito complexo e é resultado de uma variedade de fatores. Um comportamento específico, pode ser definido a partir de fatores genéticos (dependendo da expressividade ou não de um gene responsável por um comportamento inato), de fatores ambientais (relacio...
Language Processing, The concept of language, EEG Data Analysis, Executive Functions - Religion and Neuroscience, Natal 2021, Gramática Emocional, BioDance
Musicas de Natal IReligareAmerindioA verdadeira história do NatalLanguage ProcessingThe concept of languageEEG Data AnalysisExecutive FunctionsMesas de NatalHow to improve your ability to decide?NeuroDance Natal Laico 2021Gramática EmocionalBioDanceDança Contemporânea - Grupo CorpoReligion and ...
Bienestar, Benefits of exercise for the brain, EEG and sport, Sport and NIRS - EEG Publication, Sport and motor behavior, Merry Christmas 2023
Bienestar - Bem estar e neurociênciaBem estar e neurociênciaFood, health and neuroscienceBenefits of exercise for the brainSport and motor behaviorSport and quality of lifeSport and RehabilitationHuman brain activity in motionEEG and sportEEG PublicationSport and NIRSPsicofisiologia e ...
Eye tracking in practice and how neuroscience can help us
Entendendo um pouco sobre a neurociência e como ela pode nos ajudar, para que possamos direcionar um pouco a forma de pensar para agir de forma a colher melhores frutos. Podemos ver estudos sobre EyeTracking e sobre a utilizaçao da tecnologia em diferentes áreas, como no futebol ...
Portals, Optimizations, Maintenance and APIs
Onlife's last updates included two new worlds, to make the players join them, we decided to create portals. If you enter in one of them, you will be transported to a world. It has visual effects and has an image showing which world the player will join.
When an application is aiming to be compati...
Estamos recrutando candidates
Quer fazer parte da Brain Support?
Como um candidate Brain Support atua?
Temos o objetivo de que cada candidate seja um pesquisador dentro de algum centro de pesquisa, e que nas horas vagas utilize a Brain Support para interagir com o mundo acadêmico de um forma diver...
Estamos reclutando candidates
¿Quieres ser parte de Brain Support?
¿Cómo actúa un candidate de Brain Support?
Queremos que cada candidate sea un investigador dentro de un centro de investigación, y que en su tiempo libre use Brain Support para interactuar con el mundo acad&eac...
We're hiring candidates!
Do you want to be part of Brain Support?
How does a Brain Support candidate act?We want each candidate to be a researcher within a research center, and to use Brain Support in their spare time to interact with the academic world in a fun and spontaneous way. For this, the select...
Modelagem 3D: Avatares e representações emocionais
O ambiente de treinamento para experiências emocionais do Onlife foi desenvolvido utilizando plataformas de modelagem 3D, Blender, e motor de desenvolvimento de jogos, Unity. Os dois modelos de avatares desenvolvidos para esse ambiente apresentam características relacionadas a emo&ccedi...
O que acontece com o cérebro quando envelhecemos?
O que acontece no nosso cérebro quando envelhecemos?
Entender o que acontece com o nosso corpo quando envelhecemos é de grande interesse tanto para o conhecimento neurocientífico quanto para sanar curiosidades individuais. Por que perdemos a memória com o tem...
NIRS Applications
Você já conhece o NIRS?
Essa técnica começou a ser aplicada nos anos 80, mas atualmente seu uso tem se expandido graças a combinação com outras técnicas de neuroimagem e EEG. Nessas playlists você pode conhecer mais sobre ...
Neuroimagem nos Estudos dos Transtornos Afetivos
As técnicas de neuroimagem revolucionaram os estudos científicos acerca do cérebro humano. Logo, exames como a Ressonância Magnética Estrutural (MRI), Ressonância Magnética Funcional (fMRI), Tomografia por Emissão de Pósitrons (PET), Tomog...
Optogenética: Controlando Expressões Gênicas com o Pensamento
Pesquisadores do Instituto Federal de Tecnologia de Zurique, na Suíça, realizaram pela primeira vez um experimento onde seria possível controlar a expressão gênica por meio de ondas cerebrais. O estudo foi liderado pelo cientista Martin Fussenegger, professor de Bio...
Architecturing an EEG based BCI System
Electroencephalogram (EEG) is a non-invasive technique used to record brain signals by using electrodes placed on the scalp. The EEG was first described by Hans Berg in 1924, who measured electrical signals from the brain by using a simple galvanometer.
According to studies, brain rhy...
Estudos do sono e NIRS
O sono é uma atividade de extrema importância para a manutenção de diversos sistemas do nosso organismo e por isso, uma boa noite de sono é de fundamental importância para a manutenção da nossa saúde. Estudos com a utilização...
Aplicações do NIRS
A espectroscopia do infravermelho próximo (NIRS) é um método, não invasivo, para a detecção da hemoglobina (proteina dos glóbulos vermelhos, encarregada de transportar o oxigênio no sistema circulatório) oxigenada e desoxigenada, atrav&ea...
Estudos sobre a consciência
Nas playlists a seguir, falamos um pouco sobre os estudos mais recentes a respeito da consciência. Abordando temas como, neuroarquitetura, criatividade, fNirs, humor e etc. Se você quer saber um pouco mais sobre a consciência da uma olhada nas playlists a seguir:
Análise de EEG e NIRS sobre a nossa memória
Já imaginou como podemos estudar as nossas memórias? um tema que parece ser tão abstrato e dificil de ser estudado, nas playlists seguintes mostramos algumas das formas das quais as memórias podem ser estudadas.
Learning & memory - EEG, NIRS & Memory 1/3 - J...
Você tem interesse pelos dados que o BCI NIRS podem nos fornecer? Aqui temos algumas playlists que podem agregar um pouco mais o seu conhecimento sobre o tema e sobre os nossos produtos.
NIRS - BCI NIRS 1/3 - JAN 21
NIRS - BCI NIRS 2/3 - JAN 21
NIRS - BCI NIRS 3/3 - JAN 2...
[EVENTO] XIII Congresso Paulista de NEUROLOGIA 2021 - 27/05
Em 2021, esta de volta o Congresso Paulista de Neurologia, um dos maiores e melhores eventos do Brasil! E o melhor, para todo o Brasil de forma GRATUITA!
Data: 27 a 29 de maioInscrições:
Evento online!
As atividad...
How can self-control experiments serve to measure impulsivity at the time of choice?
How can self-control experiments serve to measure impulsivity at the time of choice?
In theory, any healthy person without any type of psychiatric and neurological anomaly responds to the environment. That means being reactive/active/passive. But these characteristics are not so easy to measure. Th...
Psyched!This neuroscience lecture is on combining neuroscience methods. I will discuss the combination of fMRI-EEG, fNIRS-EEG, TMS-EEG and TMS-fMRI. Finally I will talk about closed loop systems.This lecture was directed towards Neuroscience major students and contains scientific jargon and requires...
TMS EEG NIRS Eye Tracking - Workshop latino-americano de neurociências computacional: Artificial Intelligence and related topics
Workshop latino-americano de neurociências computacional
Topic Artificial Intelligence and related topics:
Artificial Intelligence
Techniques in neuroscience
Clustering and applications
Computer vision, cognitive and...
Neuroengineering EEG NIRS TMS Eye Tracking: Workshop latino-americano de neurociências computacional
Workshop latino-americano de neurociências computacional
Topic Neuroengineering:
Large-scale recordings
Neural signal processing
Humanoid robots
Robots in health
Robots for elderly peopl...
EEG NIRS TMS Eye Tracking - Computational Neuroscience: Workshop latino-americano de neurociências computacional
Workshop latino-americano de neurociências computacional
Topic Computational Neuroscience:
Biophysically realistic models
Single-neuron modeling
Models of brain networks and circuits
Sensory processing
Development, axonal p...
Amplitude of fNIRS Resting-State Global Signal Is Related to EEG Vigilance Measures: A Simultaneous fNIRS and EEG Study
EEG Publications Brain Products June 2021
Amplitude of fNIRS Resting-State Global Signal Is Related to EEG Vigilance Measures: A Simultaneous fNIRS and EEG Study
Recently, functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) has been utilized to image the hemodynamic activities and connectivity i...
Emotions... prefrontal cortex, one of the regions involved in emotional processing
Near-infrared spectroscopy is non-invasive and particularly well suited for evaluating activity in the prefrontal cortex, one of the regions involved in emotional processing. More specific areas related to emotional processing, such as the frontopolar cortex, are easily accessible for measurements b...
EEG LabStreamingLayer (LSL) EEG BCI LSL
LabStreamingLayer (LSL) EEG BCI LSL
What is LSL?
Lab Streaming Layer (LSL) is a software solution that enables the unified and synchronized collection of data streams form different sources. The source can be something as simple as a mouse, a keyboard, or a microphone but can be compl...
NIRS 88NIRSport1 - Special price package - Few units
NIRS 88NIRSport1 - 36 Months Factory Warranty
After a long negotiation with the manufacturers, we are now ready to offer a low cost NIRS package to your research center.
88NIRSport1 - 36 Months Factory Warranty
Used and discontinued systems, but revised by ...
88NIRSport1 - 36 Months Factory Warranty
After a long negotiation with the manufacturers, we are now ready to offer a low cost Multimodal NIRS-EEG package to your research center.
88NIRSport1 - 36 Months Factory Warranty
Used and discontinued systems, but revised by NIRx manufacture.
Subject-independent decoding of affective states using functional near-infrared spectroscopy
Subject-independent decoding of affective states using functional near-infrared spectroscopy
Lucas R. Trambaiolli ,
Juliana Tossato,
André M. Cravo,
Claudinei E. Biazoli Jr.,
João R. Sato
Mídias Sociais e Democracia National Security - Questões Atuais de Soberania Nacional
Nossos neurocientistas devem também ter uma postura mais macro diante da Política, Economia, educão e bem estar da populacão....
A consciência da populacão está sendo modulada por redes sociais... Assunto que requerem um pouco mais de atencão...
Virtual fNIRS Training Course 2021 - Monday January 25th 2021 – Friday February 6th 2021
Virtual fNIRS Training Course 2021
Two weeks of virtual content from leading fNIRS scientists and NIRx’ consultant team
Monday January 25th 2021 – Friday February 6th 2021
Welcome to the information page o...
Dos Baby Boomers à Geração Z - O consumo de mídias sociais durante a quarentena
O fenômeno baby boomer surgiu a princípio não como nomenclatura para uma geração, mas em virtude do “boom” ou explosão de crianças nascidas após a segunda guerra mundial. É devido a esse fenômeno que se dá o nom...
Eye tracking in practice and how neuroscience can help us
Entendendo um pouco sobre a neurociência e como ela pode nos ajudar, para que possamos direcionar um pouco a forma de pensar para agir de forma a colher melhores frutos. Podemos ver estudos sobre EyeTracking e sobre a utilizaçao da tecnologia em diferentes áreas, como no futebol ...
Portals, Optimizations, Maintenance and APIs
Onlife's last updates included two new worlds, to make the players join them, we decided to create portals. If you enter in one of them, you will be transported to a world. It has visual effects and has an image showing which world the player will join.
When an application is aiming to be compati...
Estamos recrutando candidates
Quer fazer parte da Brain Support?
Como um candidate Brain Support atua?
Temos o objetivo de que cada candidate seja um pesquisador dentro de algum centro de pesquisa, e que nas horas vagas utilize a Brain Support para interagir com o mundo acadêmico de um forma diver...
Estamos reclutando candidates
¿Quieres ser parte de Brain Support?
¿Cómo actúa un candidate de Brain Support?
Queremos que cada candidate sea un investigador dentro de un centro de investigación, y que en su tiempo libre use Brain Support para interactuar con el mundo acad&eac...
We're hiring candidates!
Do you want to be part of Brain Support?
How does a Brain Support candidate act?We want each candidate to be a researcher within a research center, and to use Brain Support in their spare time to interact with the academic world in a fun and spontaneous way. For this, the select...
Modelagem 3D: Avatares e representações emocionais
O ambiente de treinamento para experiências emocionais do Onlife foi desenvolvido utilizando plataformas de modelagem 3D, Blender, e motor de desenvolvimento de jogos, Unity. Os dois modelos de avatares desenvolvidos para esse ambiente apresentam características relacionadas a emo&ccedi...
O que acontece com o cérebro quando envelhecemos?
O que acontece no nosso cérebro quando envelhecemos?
Entender o que acontece com o nosso corpo quando envelhecemos é de grande interesse tanto para o conhecimento neurocientífico quanto para sanar curiosidades individuais. Por que perdemos a memória com o tem...
NIRS Applications
Você já conhece o NIRS?
Essa técnica começou a ser aplicada nos anos 80, mas atualmente seu uso tem se expandido graças a combinação com outras técnicas de neuroimagem e EEG. Nessas playlists você pode conhecer mais sobre ...
Neuroimagem nos Estudos dos Transtornos Afetivos
As técnicas de neuroimagem revolucionaram os estudos científicos acerca do cérebro humano. Logo, exames como a Ressonância Magnética Estrutural (MRI), Ressonância Magnética Funcional (fMRI), Tomografia por Emissão de Pósitrons (PET), Tomog...
Optogenética: Controlando Expressões Gênicas com o Pensamento
Pesquisadores do Instituto Federal de Tecnologia de Zurique, na Suíça, realizaram pela primeira vez um experimento onde seria possível controlar a expressão gênica por meio de ondas cerebrais. O estudo foi liderado pelo cientista Martin Fussenegger, professor de Bio...
Architecturing an EEG based BCI System
Electroencephalogram (EEG) is a non-invasive technique used to record brain signals by using electrodes placed on the scalp. The EEG was first described by Hans Berg in 1924, who measured electrical signals from the brain by using a simple galvanometer.
According to studies, brain rhy...
Estudos do sono e NIRS
O sono é uma atividade de extrema importância para a manutenção de diversos sistemas do nosso organismo e por isso, uma boa noite de sono é de fundamental importância para a manutenção da nossa saúde. Estudos com a utilização...
Aplicações do NIRS
A espectroscopia do infravermelho próximo (NIRS) é um método, não invasivo, para a detecção da hemoglobina (proteina dos glóbulos vermelhos, encarregada de transportar o oxigênio no sistema circulatório) oxigenada e desoxigenada, atrav&ea...
Estudos sobre a consciência
Nas playlists a seguir, falamos um pouco sobre os estudos mais recentes a respeito da consciência. Abordando temas como, neuroarquitetura, criatividade, fNirs, humor e etc. Se você quer saber um pouco mais sobre a consciência da uma olhada nas playlists a seguir:
Análise de EEG e NIRS sobre a nossa memória
Já imaginou como podemos estudar as nossas memórias? um tema que parece ser tão abstrato e dificil de ser estudado, nas playlists seguintes mostramos algumas das formas das quais as memórias podem ser estudadas.
Learning & memory - EEG, NIRS & Memory 1/3 - J...
Você tem interesse pelos dados que o BCI NIRS podem nos fornecer? Aqui temos algumas playlists que podem agregar um pouco mais o seu conhecimento sobre o tema e sobre os nossos produtos.
NIRS - BCI NIRS 1/3 - JAN 21
NIRS - BCI NIRS 2/3 - JAN 21
NIRS - BCI NIRS 3/3 - JAN 2...
[EVENTO] XIII Congresso Paulista de NEUROLOGIA 2021 - 27/05
Em 2021, esta de volta o Congresso Paulista de Neurologia, um dos maiores e melhores eventos do Brasil! E o melhor, para todo o Brasil de forma GRATUITA!
Data: 27 a 29 de maioInscrições:
Evento online!
As atividad...
NIRS LatAm - Brain mechanisms underlying the role of sensory-perceptual processing and social cognition in infants: a study with fNIRS
NIRS LatAm - Brain mechanisms underlying the role of sensory-perceptual processing and social cognition in infants: a study with fNIRSInfants respond to the environment and attend to distinct sensorial stimuli (see Cruz et al., 2020 for a review), namely through visual, auditory, somatos...
NIRS LatAm - Interfaces entre Neurociência e Educação: a importância do fNIRS para Ciências da Aprendizagem
NIRS LatAm - Interfaces entre Neurociência e Educação: a importância do fNIRS para Ciências da AprendizagemAdvertising:NIRS fNIRS - Pergunta científica, Desenhos Experimentais NIRS fNIRS - Free NIRS fNIRS Event:NIRS fNIRS free course in Portalinradiando: Pergunta científica e desenho experime...
NIRS LatAm - Investigando el costo de la doble tarea de enviar mensajes de texto mientras camina con la tomografía óptica difusa de alta densidad (HD-DOT) portátil
NIRS LatAm - Investigando el costo de la doble tarea de enviar mensajes de texto mientras camina con la tomografía óptica difusa de alta densidad (HD-DOT) portátilO uso de smartphones é onipresente em nosso dia a dia, e seu uso durante a caminhada é muito comum. Is...
NIRS LaTam - Análisis al fenotipo amplio, medio y estrecho del autismo
NIRS LaTam - Análisis al fenotipo amplio, medio y estrecho del autismoEstudos epidemiológicos mostram que traços cognitivos e comportamentais semelhantes ao transtorno do espectro do autismo (TEA) são herdados e crescem continuamente. Uma maneira de diferir essas caracter...
NIRS LatAm - Insights sobre o desenvolvimento de bebês usando NIRS
NIRS LatAm - Insights sobre o desenvolvimento de bebês usando NIRS
A proposta de falar sobre Insights sobre o desenvolvimento de bebês usando NIRS veio da identificação de lacunas do conhecimento da neurobiologia e nos sistemas de avaliação do desenvo...
Modern Neuroscientific And Behavioral Experiments
Experimentos Neurocientíficos e Comportamentais ModernosModern Neuroscientific and Behavioral ExperimentsExperimentos neurocientíficos y conductuales modernosUn experimento neurocientífico o conductual debe ser para que el investigador y el participante comprendan la existencia del momento presen...
Physiological Sensors in fNIRS Experiments
Physiological Sensors in fNIRS Experiments
Explaining VarianceIn fNIRS recordings, we primarily want to see the signal from the brain. In reality, we also measure non-evoked, systemic activity from the surrounding tissue too (Tachtsidis and Scholkmann, 2016). You can regress out this nois...
Online fNIRS analysis - Turbo-Satori the new software from Brain Innovation
Online fNIRS analysis - Turbo-Satori the new software from Brain Innovation
We are very happy to present to you the first version of Satori, an analysis software for functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) data. Whereas Turbo-Satori, the previous release from Brain Innovation, is ...
NIRS fNIRS Cognitive load assessment in surgeons brain and skill acquisition in surgical training
NIRS fNIRS Cognitive load assessment in surgeons brain and skill acquisition in surgical trainingGuest lecturers: Dr Daniel Richard Leff and Dr. Harsimrat SinghTechnical skills are a critical component of every surgeon. The early assessment of the learning curve of surgical skills can help assess th...
NIRS fNIRS devices Short channels analysis
NIRS fNIRS devices Short channels analysis in the AnalyzIR toolboxGuest Lecturer: Dr. Hendrik SantosaIn this webinar, Dr. Santosa will quantitatively compare the performance of several techniques in fNIRS analysis including spatial and temporal filtering, regression, component analysis, and the use ...
Near Infrared Spectroscopy fNIRS in a different light
Near Infrared Spectroscopy fNIRS in a different light: a webinarGuest Lecturer: Dr. Felipe Orihuela-EspinaPart narrative, part mathematics, this webinar is about uniqueness of Dr. Orihuela-Espina’s research in fNIRS. He will review some of his research in fNIRS analysis and interpretation, wit...
Near Infrared Spectroscopy NIRS fNIRS In Epilepsy: From Research To Clinic
NIRS fNIRS Scientific Question, Physical Principles and Experimental DesignsNear Infrared Spectroscopy NIRS fNIRS In Epilepsy: From Research To ClinicGuest Lecturers: Dr. Anne Gallagher, Phetsamone Vannasing, and Alejandra M. HüsserIn this webinar, a team of three scientists of the LIONlab, Unive...
NIRS fNIRS Optimal Probe Placement in fNIRS Research
NIRS fNIRS Optimal Probe Placement in fNIRS ResearchGuest Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Rickson MesquitaReproducibility of results is one of the keystones in science and, in fact, is what makes science advanced over the centuries. The search for high reproducibility of the same experimental protocol across di...
The hyperscanning NIRS fNIRS for NIRSport2 + Aurora
The hyperscanning NIRS fNIRS for NIRSport2 + AuroraHosted by NIRx support staff Blanca Pérez-Sempere and Dr. Mahipal ChoudharyTo efficiently collect fNIRS data from multiple subjects simultaneously with the NIRSport2 platform, NIRx is proud to offer Hyperscan, a standalone application th...
NIRS fNIRS Best Practices in fNIRS
NIRS fNIRS Best Practices in fNIRS
Best Practices in fNIRS with Dr. Meryem YücelFor the first of the open webinars in Journal Club format, we were pleased to welcome Dr. Meryem Yücel to talk about the recently released paper on best practices in fNIRS. With the rapid growth and the divers...
NIRS fNIRS analysis using MNE
NIRS fNIRS analysis using MNE An introduction to fNIRS analysis using MNE with Dr. Robert Luke: Part 1 and 2. Dr. Robert Luke spoke in a 2 part series about fNIRS analysis using MNE. MNE is an open-source Python package for exploring, visualizing, and analyzing human neurophysiological data. The...
Tinnitus using fNIRS Near Infrared Spectroscopy
Tinnitus using fNIRS Near Infrared Spectroscopy
Objective Measurements of Tinnitus using fNIRS with Dr. Mehrnaz ShoushtarianFor this webinar we were pleased to welcome Dr. Mehrnaz Shoushtarian of the Bionics Institute, Melbourne to talk about objective measurements of tinnitus. Chronic tinnitus, he...
Satori fNIRS analysis software NIRS Brain Latam NIRS
Satori fNIRS analysis software NIRS Brain Latam NIRS
Satori, a look at the new fNIRS analysis software with Dr. Michael Lührs from Brain Innovation
We are very excited to announce the launch of our new easy-to-use, GUI-based analysis software made in collaboration with Brain Innovat...
NIRS fNIRS Brain Latam Near Infrared Spectroscopy NIRS Webinars
NIRS fNIRS workshop Feb 2023NIRS fNIRS workshop Neuroscience 2023Old:Workshop Hands-on fNIRS 2023 UFABCNIRS fNIRS Neuroscience Research online eventFebruary 2, 2023Free ParticipationNIRS fNIRS Neuroscience Research ProgramAll spoken presentation will be in Portuguese:10:00 - Sistema NIRSports2 e A...
NIRS fNIRS devices - Group Level Analysis with Dr. Ted Huppert
Ad**NIRS fNIRS Publication 2022**NIRS fNIRS devices - Group Level Analysis with Dr. Ted HuppertDr. Ted Huppert is an Associate Professor from the University of Pittsburgh with more than 65 peer-reviewed publications on brain imaging methodologies. He will be joining us to give a detailed look at Gr...
Brain Latam - NIRS Latam Presentation - LatAm NIRS Online Meeting 10Dez21
NIRS fNIRS Scientific Question, Physical Principles and Experimental DesignsAdvertising:NIRS fNIRS - Pergunta científica, Desenhos Experimentais NIRS fNIRS - Free NIRS fNIRS Event:NIRS fNIRS free course in Portalinradiando: Pergunta científica e desenho experimentalPhysiology of the BOLD effect ...
Estudo da reatividade vascular em pacientes críticos com COVID-19 usando espectroscopia óptica de difusão - NIRS Latam
Estudo da reatividade vascular em pacientes críticos com COVID-19 usando espectroscopia óptica de difusãoO vírus da COVID-19 mobilizou a comunidade internacional a encontrar maneiras de acelerar o desenvolvimento de intervenções terapêuticas que possam...
Uma nova luz sobre o cérebro em desenvolvimento - NIRS Latam NIRS
Uma nova luz sobre o cérebro em desenvolvimentoO cérebro humano desenvolve-se mais nos primeiros 5 anos do que em qualquer outro período equivalente ao longo da vida. As expressivas alterações estruturais e funcionais ocorridas nesta fase revelam também a pl...
Oxigenação cerebral, controle autonômico cardíaco e respostas afetivas e cognitivas durante o exercício físico NIRS Latam NIRS
Oxigenação cerebral, controle autonômico cardíaco e respostas afetivas e cognitivas durante o exercício físicoA baixa aderência na maior parte da população em programas de atividade física tem sido associada a experiências emo...
HemCNN: Una red neuronal convolucional para la detección de diferencias hemodinámicas entre hemisferios durante el control de fuerzas manuales fatigantes NIRS Latam NIRS
HemCNN: Una red neuronal convolucional para la detección de diferencias hemodinámicas entre hemisferios durante el control de fuerzas manuales fatigantesA espectroscopia no infravermelho próximo (EIC) tem sido muito útil no estudo do papel do cérebro no controle mo...
ninjaNIRS: un proyecto open source para crear un dispositivo wearable modular de fNIRS NIRS Latam NIRS
ninjaNIRS: un proyecto open source para crear un dispositivo wearable modular de fNIRSA espectroscopia de infravermelho próximo funcional (fNIRS) é uma técnica não invasiva que quantifica as mudanças de oxigênio no cérebro causadas pela atividade neuro...
Impacto da fisiologia sistêmica na conectividade cerebral funcional com fNIRS NIRS Latam NIRS
Impacto da fisiologia sistêmica na conectividade cerebral funcional com fNIRSO estudo da conectividade cerebral funcional durante o estado de repouso tem ganhado muita atenção devido à sua simplicidade e potencial em prover informações valiosas sobre dist&uac...
La plataforma MOCA / MOBI: un enfoque integrado hacia el diseño y la parametrización óptimos de la sonda para aplicaciones fNIRS modulares NIRS Latam NIRS
La plataforma MOCA / MOBI: un enfoque integrado hacia el diseño y la parametrización óptimos de la sonda para aplicaciones fNIRS modularesO desenvolvimento de tecnologias fNIRS modulares tornou-se de grande interesse nos últimos anos. O desenvolvimento de sistemas fNIRS m...
Predicción de crisis epilépticas mediante fNIRS y aprendizaje automático NIRS Latam NIRS
Predicción de crisis epilépticas mediante fNIRS y aprendizaje automáticoA pesquisa para prever convulsões tem se concentrado principalmente na análise de sinais de eletroencefalografia (EEG); no entanto, neste trabalho investigamos a viabilidade de prever convuls&o...
Uso das técnicas ópticas de difusão para o monitoramento em tempo real de pacientes com deficiências neurovasculares NIRS Latam NIRS
Uso das técnicas ópticas de difusão para o monitoramento em tempo real de pacientes com deficiências neurovascularesDeficiências cerebrovasculares estão entre as principais causas de morte e incapacidade em todo o mundo. A prevenção de danos secu...
Monitoreo longitudinal del metabolismo cerebral de recién nacidos con riesgo de encefalopatía hipóxico-isquémica NIRS Latam NIRS
Monitoreo longitudinal del metabolismo cerebral de recién nacidos con riesgo de encefalopatía hipóxico-isquémica A encefalopatia hipóxico-isquêmica (EHI) ocorre em 6 em cada 1.000 nascimentos nos Estados Unidos. Embora os tratamentos tenham reduzido a taxa de...
fNIRS como instrumento para mapear o processamento cortical no estudo da dor NIRS Latam NIRS
fNIRS como instrumento para mapear o processamento cortical no estudo da dorA dor e definida como experiência sensorial e emocional desagradável associada ou semelhante àquela associada a dano real ou potencial ao tecido com componentes sensoriais, cognitivos, avaliativos e socia...
Estudio de la respuesta hemodinámica en bebés monolingües y bilingües durante el procesamiento del lenguaje mediante fNIRS NIRS LaTam NIRS
Estudio de la respuesta hemodinámica en bebés monolingües y bilingües durante el procesamiento del lenguaje mediante fNIRSPor volta dos 4 meses de idade, tanto os bebês criados em um ambiente monolíngue quanto aqueles criados em um ambiente bilíngue aprese...
Un estudio fNIRS sobre la asociación espontánea entre números y espacio en bebés de 7 meses NIRS Latam NIRS
Un estudio fNIRS sobre la asociación espontánea entre números y espacio en bebés de 7 mesesÉ bem reconhecido na literatura que os humanos organizam e "vêem" os números em uma configuração espacial, conhecida como "linha numérica me...
Las experiencias bilingües alteran la organización cortical de los bebés al orientar la atención NIRS Latam NIRS
Las experiencias bilingües alteran la organización cortical de los bebés al orientar la atenciónCrescer e viver em um ambiente bilíngue está associado a mudanças na estrutura e função do cérebro, especialmente nas regiões do ...
Pautas para investigar con éxito mediante el uso de espectroscopia funcional de infrarrojo cercano NIRS LaTam NIRS
Pautas para investigar con éxito mediante el uso de espectroscopia funcional de infrarrojo cercano
A espectroscopia de infravermelho próximo funcional (fNIRS para breve) é uma tecnologia de imagem e medição que permite que as funções do cérebr...
EEG Publications Brain Products Sep 2021
EEG Publications Brain Products Sep 2021
Suggested visual blockade during hypnosis: Top-down modulation of stimulus processing in a visual oddball task
Marcel Franz, Barbara Schmidt, Holger Hecht, Ewald Naumann, Wolfgang H. R. Miltner (2021)PLOS One September 15, 2021
Consciousness in First Person, Neuropolitics, EEG NIRS EyeTracking, Behavioral Research Lab, Consciousness in First and Social Interaction Person
Brain Tv - Consciousness in First Person, Neuropolitics, EEG NIRS EyeTracking, Behavioral Research Lab, Consciousness in First and Social Interaction Person
Consciousness in First Person - Self Perception True and Fake news
00:00:00 - 02:10:00
Self Perception True and Fake n...
nEdu & nDev, NIRS, TMS EEG and NeuroDance
nEdu & nDev, NIRS, TMS EEG and NeuroDance
nEdu & nDev - Early Childhood Care and Education
00:00:00 - 03:24:00
Early Childhood Care and Education
nEdu & nDev - Education and Future
03:24:00 - 06:32:00
Education and Future
Bem estar, neurociência, andragogia, aging, EEG, NIRS, brain care, life quality, lifespan, cultural neuroscience, Conferences
Bem estar, neurociência, andragogia, aging, EEG, NIRS, brain care, life quality, lifespan, cultural neuroscience, Conferences
Bem estar e neurociênciaAndragogiaAgingEEG & agingNIRS & agingBrain careLife qualityLifespanCultural neuroscienceNeurociência e culturaHo...
Neuroscience lab, EEG, NIRS, Memory, Explicit learning system - EEG, NIRS and attention, Learning and memory, Brain Machine Interface
Neuroscience lab, EEG, NIRS, Memory, Explicit learning system - EEG, NIRS and attention, Learning and memory, Brain Machine Interface
Thursday, 09 de September de 2021
Neuroscience labNeurobiologyConferencesExplicit learning systemNeuroengineeringLearning & memoryNeuroengineering & ...
FeSBE 2024 NIRS fNIRS Estado Laico e Liberdade Espiritual
FeSBE 2024 NIRS fNIRS Estado Laico e Liberdade EspiritualFesbe 2024XXXVIII Reunião Anual da FeSBE2 a 5 de julho de 2024 Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) - Campinas/SPFAÇA PARTE DO EVENTO, INSCREVA-SE!********* BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers – Neuroscience to im...
How can self-control experiments serve to measure impulsivity at the time of choice?
How can self-control experiments serve to measure impulsivity at the time of choice?
In theory, any healthy person without any type of psychiatric and neurological anomaly responds to the environment. That means being reactive/active/passive. But these characteristics are not so easy to measure. Th...
Psyched!This neuroscience lecture is on combining neuroscience methods. I will discuss the combination of fMRI-EEG, fNIRS-EEG, TMS-EEG and TMS-fMRI. Finally I will talk about closed loop systems.This lecture was directed towards Neuroscience major students and contains scientific jargon and requires...
TMS EEG NIRS Eye Tracking - Workshop latino-americano de neurociências computacional: Artificial Intelligence and related topics
Workshop latino-americano de neurociências computacional
Topic Artificial Intelligence and related topics:
Artificial Intelligence
Techniques in neuroscience
Clustering and applications
Computer vision, cognitive and...
Neuroengineering EEG NIRS TMS Eye Tracking: Workshop latino-americano de neurociências computacional
Workshop latino-americano de neurociências computacional
Topic Neuroengineering:
Large-scale recordings
Neural signal processing
Humanoid robots
Robots in health
Robots for elderly peopl...
EEG NIRS TMS Eye Tracking - Computational Neuroscience: Workshop latino-americano de neurociências computacional
Workshop latino-americano de neurociências computacional
Topic Computational Neuroscience:
Biophysically realistic models
Single-neuron modeling
Models of brain networks and circuits
Sensory processing
Development, axonal p...
Amplitude of fNIRS Resting-State Global Signal Is Related to EEG Vigilance Measures: A Simultaneous fNIRS and EEG Study
EEG Publications Brain Products June 2021
Amplitude of fNIRS Resting-State Global Signal Is Related to EEG Vigilance Measures: A Simultaneous fNIRS and EEG Study
Recently, functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) has been utilized to image the hemodynamic activities and connectivity i...
Emotions... prefrontal cortex, one of the regions involved in emotional processing
Near-infrared spectroscopy is non-invasive and particularly well suited for evaluating activity in the prefrontal cortex, one of the regions involved in emotional processing. More specific areas related to emotional processing, such as the frontopolar cortex, are easily accessible for measurements b...
EEG LabStreamingLayer (LSL) EEG BCI LSL
LabStreamingLayer (LSL) EEG BCI LSL
What is LSL?
Lab Streaming Layer (LSL) is a software solution that enables the unified and synchronized collection of data streams form different sources. The source can be something as simple as a mouse, a keyboard, or a microphone but can be compl...
NIRS 88NIRSport1 - Special price package - Few units
NIRS 88NIRSport1 - 36 Months Factory Warranty
After a long negotiation with the manufacturers, we are now ready to offer a low cost NIRS package to your research center.
88NIRSport1 - 36 Months Factory Warranty
Used and discontinued systems, but revised by ...
88NIRSport1 - 36 Months Factory Warranty
After a long negotiation with the manufacturers, we are now ready to offer a low cost Multimodal NIRS-EEG package to your research center.
88NIRSport1 - 36 Months Factory Warranty
Used and discontinued systems, but revised by NIRx manufacture.
Subject-independent decoding of affective states using functional near-infrared spectroscopy
Subject-independent decoding of affective states using functional near-infrared spectroscopy
Lucas R. Trambaiolli ,
Juliana Tossato,
André M. Cravo,
Claudinei E. Biazoli Jr.,
João R. Sato
Mídias Sociais e Democracia National Security - Questões Atuais de Soberania Nacional
Nossos neurocientistas devem também ter uma postura mais macro diante da Política, Economia, educão e bem estar da populacão....
A consciência da populacão está sendo modulada por redes sociais... Assunto que requerem um pouco mais de atencão...
Virtual fNIRS Training Course 2021 - Monday January 25th 2021 – Friday February 6th 2021
Virtual fNIRS Training Course 2021
Two weeks of virtual content from leading fNIRS scientists and NIRx’ consultant team
Monday January 25th 2021 – Friday February 6th 2021
Welcome to the information page o...
Dos Baby Boomers à Geração Z - O consumo de mídias sociais durante a quarentena
O fenômeno baby boomer surgiu a princípio não como nomenclatura para uma geração, mas em virtude do “boom” ou explosão de crianças nascidas após a segunda guerra mundial. É devido a esse fenômeno que se dá o nom...
Ganhos da pandemia – mulheres vem se voltando mais a natureza!
A pandemia trouxe muitas consequências negativas na vida das pessoas, entretanto, diante do tempo livre algumas pessoas relatam que tiveram mais tempo para relaxar e curtir a natureza. As mulheres, especialmente, relatam passar mais tempo ao ar livre durante a pandemia.
Uma pesquisa in...
A arte de esquecer para lembrar
O objetivo da memória não é transmitir as informações mais precisas ao longo do tempo, mas orientar e aperfeiçoar a tomada de decisão inteligente, mantendo apenas informações valiosas.
Comunicar-se de maneira eficaz é uma arte que bem poucos dominam. A comunicação não violenta sugere que as pessoas avaliem suas falas e discursos, pensando se atendem ou não às necessidades do que deseja comunicar.
Quando agimos com essa nova po...
Cultural Neuroscience, Behavioral Genetics, Memory loss - Attention and Memory, EEG, NIRS and Attention, Neuroscience TMS EEG
Cultural NeuroscienceBehavioral GeneticsNature vs NurtureMemory loss 1/2Attention and Memory EEG, NIRS and AttentionAttention and neuroscienceTMS EEGEEG and Neuroscience Part 1TMS EEG - EEG and neuroscience EEG and neuroscience Part 2Music therapy - Healing the bodyCultural Neuroscience, Behavio...
Bem estar e neurociência, Sport & motor behavior, rehabilitation, EEG, NIRS, aging, brain care.
Bem estar e neurociênciaFood, health & neuroscienceBenefits of exercise for the brainSport & quality of lifeSport & rehabilitationHuman brain activity in motionEEG & sportSport & NIRSPsicofisiologia e neurociência do exercicio fisicoBrain & motor behavior systemAgingBrain c...
Música Como Ferramenta Para Mitigar os Sintomas da Doença de Alzheimer
A música é uma forma de nos conectar com as nossas emoções, distrair ou nos fazer recordar momentos e experiências. A união de melodia com letra é capaz de gerar sensações que somadas podem ser utilizadas como forma de terapia ou tratamento de algumas condições neurológicas, como a Doen...
Functional Connectivity, EEG and Connectivity, EEG, NIRS and Attention - LatAm NIRS Online Meeting, Neuroarchitecture, Consciousness state research
Functional ConnectivityEEG and ConnectivityBrain TED conferencesAttention and neuroscienceAttention and MemoryEEG, NIRS and AttentionMemory loss 1/2LatAm NIRS Online Meeting 10Dez21LatAmNIRS 2021 PDF Programa10 de diciembre de 2021 NIRS - Neuroimagem óptica funcional (fNIR...
La importancia de enseñar a pensar, Metacognition and MindSet, Brain Latam - NIRS Latam Presentation BrainLatam, Religion and Neuroscience
Metacognition and MindSetLa importancia de enseñar a pensarMetacognition and MindSet ConferencesEEG NeuromarketingTypes of EEGEEG CourseReligare - Religion and NeuroscienceBrain Latam - NIRS Latam Presentation BrainLatamNear-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS)LatAm NIRS Online Meeting 10Dez21LatAmNIRS 202...
Reading and well being, EEG fMRI, Games research, Brain Latam - NIRS Latam, Cultural Interaction, NIRS Neurociencia Social y Cognitiva
Bienestar - Reading and well beingReading and well beingEcopsychologyPhysical exercise and well beingEEG fMRI - EEG 1/2EEG fMRI - EEG - fMRIGames researchBrain Latam - NIRS Latam Presentation BrainLatamNear-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS)LatAm NIRS Online Meeting 10Dez21LatAmNIRS 2021 PDF Programa10 de...
Consciousness, Consciousness, Executive Functions, EEG NIRS EyeTracking - NIRS Brain Latam NIRS, fNIRS Functional near-infrared spectroscopy
ConsciousnessThe power of vulnerabilityMemory and LearningExecutive FunctionsNeuroscience of MovementExecutive Functioning in ClassroomExecutive FunctionsSport and NeuroscienceEEG NIRS EyeTrackingNIRS Brain Latam NIRSNIRS fNIRS devices - Near Infrared Spectroscopy - NIRS Brain Latam NIRSLatam NIRS -...
Cultural Neuroscience, Attention & Memory, TMS EEG and Music
Behavioral GeneticsNature vs NurtureMemory loss 1/2 EEG, NIRS and AttentionEEG and Neuroscience Part 1Music therapy - Healing the body
Cultural Neuroscience - Behavioral Genetics
00:00:00 - 04:40:00
Neuroeconomics, EEG fMRI and Language Processing
Fator de EnriquecimentoValue and Social Value of MoneyChicago BoysEEGfMRILanguage Processing Part 1
Cultural Neuroscience - Behavioral Genetics
00:00:00 - 04:40:00
Behavioral Genetics
Letras e Fonemas, Consciência Fonológica, The concept of language - Constitución chilena, La creación de dinero, Mídias Sociais e Democracia, NIRS Latam Presentation
Language ProcessingNeuro Linguistic Programming BasicsLetras e FonemasConsciência FonológicaThe concept of languageLanguage AcquisitionNeuropolitics - Mídias Sociais e DemocraciaMídias Sociais e DemocraciaGuerra Híbrida Part 1La creación de dineroNeuroEconomicsValue and Social Value of MoneyNe...
Human Competence, Cultural Neuroscience, Human Rights - Attention and Neuroscience, LatAm NIRS Online Meeting 10Dez21
Human CompetenceCultural NeuroscienceHuman RightsCriminal Adulthood and NeuroscienceThreats to Indigenous Peoples in Latin AmericaThinking, Fast and SlowEarly Childhood Socioemotional SkillsAttention and Memory - Attention and Neuroscience Attention and NeuroscienceLatAm NIRS Online Meeting 10Dez2...
Functional Connectivity, Motor action and connectivity - Social Interaction, LatAm NIRS Online Meeting 10Dez21
Functional ConnectivityBrain TED conferencesMotor action and connectivityBrain Latam - NIRS Latam Presentation BrainLatamNear-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) LatAm NIRS Online Meeting 10Dez21LatAmNIRS 2021 PDF Programa10 de diciembre de 2021 NIRS - Neuroimagem óptica funcion...
Culture and neuroscience, Cérebro e sociedade, Learning and memory - Quer saber mais sobre NIRS? Vídeos de Workshoping NIRS.
neuroAnthropology - Culture and neuroscienceCulture and neuroscienceCérebro e sociedadeInovações tecnológicas na educação e culturaTranslational education - Educação no século 21 Want to learn more about NIRS?NIRS Workshoping Videos.Quer saber mais sobre NIRS?Videos de Workshoping NIRS.¿Q...
Sleep Study, Aging, TMS and EEG, EEg and neuroscience - NIRS fNIRS devices, Near Infrared Spectroscopy, NIRS Brain Latam NIRS
Sleep Study ConferencesSleep disordersAging - AndragogiaAgingTMS and EEGTMS and depressionEEg and neuroscienceNIRS fNIRS devices - Near Infrared Spectroscopy - NIRS Brain Latam NIRSNIRS NIRS-fNIRS Webinar Course fNIRSNIRS fNIRS (functional near-infrared spectroscopy): a neuroimaging research techniq...
Hard Problem of Consciousness, Human Rights and Indigenous Peoples - NIRS Brain Latam NIRS, Consciousness States Research
Physiology & Behavior - Eye Tracking and BehaviorEye Tracking and BehaviorEstresse e neuroimunologia Consciousness States Research Consciousness HackingConsciousness States ResearchHard Problem of Consciousness Part 2Neurocomunicação e Prevenção ao SuicídioLearning and Memory - EEG, NIRS ...
NIRS fNIRS Webinars before 2022 - Near Infrared Spectroscopy - NIRS Brain Latam NIRS
NIRS fNIRS Webinars before 2022:NIRS fNIRS - Pergunta científica, Desenhos Experimentais NIRS fNIRS - Free NIRS fNIRS Event:NIRx Past Webinars3rd November - Group Level Analysis with Dr. Ted HuppertDr. Ted Huppert is an Associate Professor from the University of Pittsburgh with more than 65 peer-re...
Cognitive Neuroscience, Neuroepigenetics, Bayesian Brain - Acquiring fNIRS Data, LaTam NIRS Online Meeting, Brain Latam
Cognitive Neuroscience - NeuroepigeneticsNeuroepigenetics - Part 1Cognitive Neuroscience - Bayesian BrainBayesian Brain - Part 1Bayesian Brain - Part 2LatAm NIRS Online Meeting 10Dez21LatAmNIRS 2021 PDF Programa10 de diciembre de 2021 NIRS - Neuroimagem óptica funcional fN...
Functional Connectivity, Attention & Memory, Baby Infant Research and Consciousness state research
Functional ConnectivityAttention & MemoryAttention and neuroscienceEEG and ConnectivityBrain TED conferencesEEG, NIRS and AttentionMemory loss 1/2Babies and Social DevelopmentConsciousness state research Consciousness Neuroarchitecture
Surveillance Capitalism Neuroscience Meetings NIRS Latam, Cognitive Neuroscience - EEG and Decision Making, Tomada de Decisão e Neuromarketing
Neuroscience MeetingsEffects of SARS-CoV-2Cognitive Neuroscience - NeuroepigeneticsNeuroepigenetics - Part 1Bayesian Brain - Part 2Decision Making - Tomada de Decisão e NeuromarketingTomada de Decisão e Neuromarketing 1/2EEG and Decision Making 1/2Tomada de Decisão e Neuromarketing 2/2Baby Infant...
NIRS First Contact, Evolutionary Synthesis Neuropolitics, Tyranny of Merit New Constitución para XXI - Latin America Decolonization New Constitución para XXI
NIRS First ContactEvolutionary Synthesis NeuropoliticsTyranny of MeritTyranny of Merit New Constitución para XXIMarketing BrainLatamLatin America Decolonization New Constitución para XXIIllusions Perception NeuroMagicBCI NIRS 1/3 - JAN 21 NIRSEngineering Emotions into Game Design Affective Computi...
O Que É Necessário Para Ser Um Neurocientista?
Na era dos rápidos avanços tecnológicos, Big Data e ciência de dados, formações que seguem moldes tradicionais conseguem desenvolver plenamente as habilidades necessárias para transformar os alunos em neurocientistas? O professor Ronald R. Hoy acredita que não. Em seu artigo de opinião p...
Physiology & Behavior, Consciousness States Research, Learning & Memory, NeuroAnthropology and Music
Eye Tracking and BehaviorEstresse e neuroimunologia parte 2Consciousness HackingHard Problem of Consciousness Part 2Neurocomunicação e Prevenção ao SuicídioEEG, NIRS & Memory 1/3Extinção de memórias aversivas 1/2LearningHuman Rights and Indigenous PeoplesMusic therapy - Healing the body
Cognitive Neuroscience, NIRS, Translational Education and religare
Neuroepigenetics - Part 1Bayesian Brain - Part 1Multi-modal EEG fNIRSAcquiring fNIRS DataDinâmica da educação infantilNIRS Studies with InfantsPolitics & education 1/3EAD durante a pandemia Isha Judd
Cognitive Neurosci...
Estado Laico, democrático e de direito, Surveillance Capitalism, Affective Computing - EEG TMS Design of Experiments, EEG fNIRS Combined NIRS
Shoshana Zuboff keynote speech on surveillance capitalism Surveillance in an Era of Pandemic and Protest The InterceptProgressive Capitalism Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) NIRS infrared spectroscopyInteligência Artificial a Serviço da DemocraciaFOPO New Constitución para XXI Int...
Consciousness in First Person , Perception of time and space in FFT, Self Perception True and Fake news - EEG LiveAmp, EEG ERP BCI P300 N400 , Translational Education
Consciousness in First Person Perception of time and space in FFTSelf Perception True and Fake newsPerception of Time and SpaceEEG / NIRS / EyetrackingEEG - LiveAmpEEG - EEG Smarting - 09:25 - 12:27EEG SmartingEEG ERP BCI - P300 N400 EEG ERP BCI - EEG BCI Português EEG ERP BCI - MoBI Award Sympo...
Sono Ciclo Vigília e Sonhos, Sleep privacy and epilepsy, Learning and Memory - Attention and Memory, neroEducation and neuroDevelopment, Self Regulation, Neuroeducación para niños
Sleep - Sleep privacy and epilepsySleep privacy and epilepsySono Ciclo Vigília e SonhosLearning and Memory - Attention and MemoryEEG, NIRS & MemoryneroEducation and neuroDevelopmentSelf RegulationNeuroeducación para niñosKids - TDAHKids - Ser MãeSono Ciclo Vigília e Sonhos, Sleep privacy an...
Human Connectome, Functional Connectivity, EEG NIRS EyeTracking - EEG, EEG and Connectivity, EEG, NIRS and Attention
Functional Connectivity, Brain TED conferencesHuman Connectome Diffusion ImagingEEG and ConnectivityEEG NIRS EyeTracking - EEG EyeTrackingMobile Eye Tracking GlassesEEG NIRS EyeTrackingSport and NIRSEEG Electrode CAPsactive ElectrodesActive electrodeEEG TutorialAttention & Memory - EEG, NIRS a...
Bayesian Brain, Cognitive Neuroscience , Neuroepigenetics, EEG and aging, NIRS - NIRS Studies with Infants, Multi-modal EEG fNIRS, Functional Connectivity
Cognitive Neuroscience - Bayesian BrainBayesian Brain - Part 1Cognitive Neuroscience - NeuroepigeneticsNeuroepigenetics - Part 1Bayesian Brain - Part 2Aging - EEG & agingEEG & agingAging - Brain careNIRS - Acquiring fNIRS DataAcquiring fNIRS DataNIRS - NIRS Studies with InfantsNIRS Studies...
Psyneuroimmune, Brain Computer Interface, NIRS - Acquiring fNIRS Data, TMS EEG, EEG and neuroscience, Formação Social da América Latina
Response Devices - PsyneuroimmunePsyneuroimmune 3/3Brain Computer InterfacePsyneuroimmune 1/3NIRS - NIRS and Sleepand Sleep 1/2NIRS - Acquiring fNIRS DataAcquiring fNIRS Data 2/2TMS EEG - EEG and neuroscienceEEG and neuroscienceTMS EEG - EEG and neuroscienceEEG and neuroscience Part 1Social Interact...
LatAm NIRS Online Meeting 10Dez21
A adoção de neuroimagem óptica funcional (fNIRS) em países ibero-americanos (incluindo Espanha e Portugal) está crescendo. Este encontro visa fomentar a comunidade regional, proporcionando um fórum nas línguas locais dominantes, português e espanhol.Advertising:NIRS fNIRS - Pergunta científ...
Benefits of exercise for the brain, Physical Exercise and well being - EEG and sport, NIRS and sport NIRSport, Sleep, Sono ciclo vigília e sonhos
Bienestar - food, health & neuroscienceFood, Health and NeuroscienceBenefits of exercise for the brainPhysical Exercise and well beingSport and Motor BehaviorHuman Brain activity in motionEEG and sportNIRS and sport NIRSportPsicofisiologia e neurociência do exercício físicoBrain and Behavior ...
Games EEG NIRS and Eye Tracking, Bienestar - Bem Estar e Neurociência, Plasticity, NeuroPlasticity and Neuromodulation
Bienestar - Ansiedade Bienestar - Bem Estar e NeurociênciaGames researchGames and Mental HealthGames and NeuroscienceGames researchAbout GamesGames research - Games conferencesGames conferencesGames research Games EEG NIRS and Eye TrackingGames & EEGGames & NIRSGames & eye trackingG...
Quando Começamos a Nos Tornar Quem Somos?: Estudos sobre a personaliade infantil
A personalidade é um constructo amplamente investigado por pesquisadores ao redor de todo o mundo. A teoria mais utilizada nesses estudos é a dos Cinco Grandes Fatores, que está validada em adultos em mais de 150 países. Mas o que dizem os modelos explicativos acerca da personalidade infantil? Q...
Bienestar, The bad habit of procrastination, Stimulus Presentation, EEG Sleep - NIRS Sleep, Benefits of exercise for the brain
Stimulus PresentationE-Prime 3.0 New FeaturesE-PrimeE-Prime Timing and TipsBienestar - food, health & neuroscienceFood, health and neuroscienceBienestar - The bad habit of procrastinationThe bad habit of procrastinationBienestar - benefits of exercise for the brainBenefits of exercise for the br...
Consciousness States Research, Hard Problem of Consciousness, EEG fMRI, Learning and Memory - EEG, NIRS Memory, Extinção de memórias aversivas, Consciousness Hacking
Consciousness States ResearchNeurocomunicação e Prevenção ao SuicídioHard Problem of Consciousness Part 2Consciousness HackingEEG fMRI - fMRI EEG - fMRI 1/2EEG fMRI - EEG 1/2 EEG fMRI - New Solutions for EEG-fMRI New Solutions for EEG-fMRIEEG fMRI - EEG - fMRI 2/2 EEG - fMRI 2/2Learning &am...
Bem estar e neurociência, Progressive Capitalism Affective Computing - Marketing BrainLatam, EEG NIRS Sport, Behavior and Neuroscience, EEG Moviments
BienestarBem estar e neurociênciaBenefits of exercise for the brainSport & motor behaviorSport & quality of lifeEEG & sportSport & NIRSPsicofisiologia e neurociência do exercício físicoMarketing BrainLatam BrainLatamEEG stress and driving BrainLatamProgressive Capitalism Affectiv...
Physiology and Behavior, Estresse e Neuroimunologia, Mobile EEG NIRS applications - fNIRS BCI NIRS, Emociones y Salud Mental, EEG fMRI, EEG fMRI analysis
Physiology and Behavior - Estresse e Neuroimunologia Publicación de Neurociencia Tarifa GRATISEstresse e Neuroimunologia parte 2Eye Tracking and BehaviorNIRS - NIRS 3/3NIRS - Mobile EEG NIRS applicationsMobile EEG NIRS applicationsfNIRS BCI NIRSBCI NIRS 3/3Bienestar - Emociones y Salud MentalEmoc...
Sleep Ciclo sono, Vigilia e sonhos, Sleep and Neuroscience EEG - Sleep, NIRS and Sleep, EEG and Games, NIRS and Games, Eye Tracking and Games, Bem Estar e Neurociência
Sleep Ciclo sono - vigilia e sonhosSleep and NeuroscienceEEG - SleepNIRS - NIRS and SleepGames ResearchGames and NeuroscienceGames and Mental healthGames conferencesEEG and GamesNIRS and GamesEye Tracking and GamesBienestar - Bem estar e neurociênciaBem estar e neurociênciaSleep Ciclo sono, Vigi...
Cognitive Neuroscience, Aging, NIRS and Functional Connectivity
Bayesian Brain - Part 1Neuroepigenetics - Part 1 EEG & agingBrain Care Acquiring fNIRS DataNIRS Studies with InfantsMulti-modal EEG fNIRSCognition and connectivity
Cognitive Neuroscience - Bayesian Brain - Part 1
Responce Devices, NIRS, TMS EEG and Social Interaction
Psyneuroimmune 3/3Brain Computer InterfaceNIRS and Sleep 1/2Acquiring fNIRS Data 2/2EEG and neuroscience Part 2Formação Social da América Latina
Response Devices - Psyneuroimmune 3/3
00:00:00 - 03:25:00...
Neuroscience Lab, Plasticity, nfb & nMod, EEG Data Analysis, Brain Gut Axis and Religare
NeuroengineeringWestern blot and NeuroscienceNeuromodulationNeurofeedback and EEGAnalyzer 2.0EEG DesignsHyperscanning Leaky GutGut and BrainReligareNeuroscience 2022 EEG Publication EEG ERP - Brain ProductsBrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers – Neuroscience to improve Latin Americ...
Brain Stimulation, Estimulação Cerebral, EEG, NIRS and Memory, TMS and EEG - Physiology And Behavior, Consciousness state Research, Hard problems of consciousness
Brain StimulationEstimulação cerebralTMS and EEGBrain stimulationPlasticity, NeuroFeedback e NeuroModulationPhysiology And Behavior The human mindLearning and MemoryEEG, NIRS and memoryMemória coletiva e NeuromodulaçãoNeuroscience labConsciousness state researchConsciousnessHard probl...
food, health, neuroscience, exercise & brain, sport, motor behavior, human brain activity, EEG, NIRS, conferences, rehabilitation, sleep, ciclo sono - vigilia e sonhos
Food, health & neuroscienceBenefits of exercise for the brainPhysical exercise & well beingSport & motor behaviorhuman brain activity in motionEEG & sportNIRS & sportPsicofisiologia e neurociência do exercicio fisicoBrain & behavior motor system conferencesSport & rehabi...
Sleep Study Conferences, LiveAmp EEG Smarting, NIRS Combined EEG fNIRS NIRS - EEG, NIRS and Memory, Social Interaction, Cultural Interaction
Sleep - Sleep disordersSleep disordersSleep Study ConferencesNIRS Combined EEG fNIRS NIRSMarketing BrainLatam BrainLatamNIRS Infant and Child Imaging with fNIRS NIRSEEG - LiveAmpEEG - EEG SmartingLearning & Memory - Attention and MemoryAttention and MemoryLearning & Memory - EEG, NIRS &...
Psychology and Neuroscience, Music and the Brain, NIRS - Multi-modal EEG fNIRS, Acquiring fNIRS Data, NIRS Studies with Infants
Neuroscience MeetingsDialogues Between Neuroscience and Society 2/4Psychology and NeuroscienceMusic and the BrainNIRS - Multi-modal EEG fNIRSMulti-modal EEG fNIRSAcquiring fNIRS DataNIRS Studies with InfantsBienestar - EcopsychologyEcopsychologyBienestar - Reading and well beingReading and well bein...
Espiritualidad en la Vejez, Interact Mangold, NIRS Motor Behavior and neuroscience, Neuropolitics - Mídias Sociais e Democracia, Argus Science Mobile Eye Tracking Glasses
Sport and NeurosciencePsicofisiologia e Neurociência do Exercício FísicoMotor Behavior and neuroscienceNIRS - NIRS 1/3NIRS - NIRS 2/3 NIRS - NIRS 3/3Eye TrackingEye Tracking - Argus Science Mobile Eye Tracking GlassesArgus Science Mobile Eye Tracking GlassesEye Tracking - MangoldVisionMangoldVis...
Functional Connectivity, Human Connectome, EEG and Connectivity - EEG NIRS EyeTracking, Attention and Memory, Attention and Neuroscience
Functional ConnectivityBrain TED conferencesFunctional ConnectivityHuman Connectome Diffusion ImagingEEG and ConnectivityEEG NIRS EyeTrackingEyeTrackingMobile Eye Tracking GlassesSport and NIRSEEG Electrode CAPsEEG Electrode CAPs - active ElectrodesEEG active ElectrodesEEG TutorialAttention and Memo...
Ansiedade, neurociência, mental health, games, conferences, EEG, NIRS, eye tracking, neuroscape, plasticity, nfb, nMod e neuromodulation
AnsiedadeBienestarBem estar e neurociênciaGames & mental healthGames & neuroscienceGames researchAbout gamesGames conferencesGames & EEGGames & NIRSGames & eye trackingNeuroscapePlasticity, nfb & nModNeuromodulation
Brain Support Who? By: Sayonara Pereira - Neuropsicologia, demências e novas tecnologias
Olá! Tudo bem com você? Me conceda cinco minutinhos para a gente se conhecer melhor!Me chamo Sayonara Pereira, sou psicóloga e faço parte do time de Candidates da Brain Support.Minha jornada acadêmica começou em 2016, quando entrei para o curso de Psicologia da Universidade Federal da Paraíba...
EEG and aging, Bem estar e Neurociência, Andragogia - Cérebro e Sociedade, Memória cultural coletiva, Cultural neuroscience, Neurociência e cultura
Bienestar - Bem estar e neurociênciaAging - Andragogia Aging - EEG & agingEEG & agingAging - NIRS & aging Aging - Brain care NeuroAnthropology - Cérebro e sociedade Cérebro e SociedadeNeuroanthropologyMemória cultural coletivaCultural neuroscienceNeurociência e culturaCultural n...
Early Childhood Care and Education, neuroEducation and neuroDevelopment, EEG and Neuroscience, NIRS - Acquiring fNIRS Data, TMS EEG, NeuroDance
neuroEducation and neuroDevelopmentEarly Childhood Care and EducationEducation and FutureTechnologic EducationNIRS - Acquiring fNIRS Data Acquiring fNIRS Data 2/2NIRS - NIRS and SleepNIRS and Sleep 1/2TMS EEG - EEG and Neuroscience EEG and Neuroscience Part 1TMS EEG - EEG and neuroscienceEEG and n...
Consciousness in First Person, Self Perception True and Fake news, Cambridge Analytics, Mídias Sociais e Democracia Neuropolitics - Money Creation, Behavioral motivate Burnout, Consciousness Hacking, Formação Social da América Latina
Consciousness in First PersonSelf Perception True and Fake newsPerception of time and spaceA Map of the EmotionsNeuropolitics - Fake New - Cambridge AnalyticsCambridge AnalyticsMídias Sociais e DemocraciaNeuropolitics - Money CreationMoney CreationEEG NIRS Eye TrackingBehavioral Research Lab - EEG ...
Mapping the Connectome, Neuroplasticity in Aphasia - The aging brain and neuroplasticity, Machine Learning and Connectomics, EEG Data Analysis, EEG microstates EEG
Power of Neuroplasticity Neuroscience MeetingsMapping the Connectome Neuroscience MeetingsMarketing BrainLatam BrainLatamNeuroplasticity in Aphasia Neuroscience MeetingsThe aging brain and neuroplasticity Neuroscience MeetingsFILOSOFIA LATINOAMERICANA 2030 - BrainLatam new worldMachine Learning and ...
Brain TV 07/11 - Stimulus Presentation, Bienestar, EEG, Sleep
E-Prime 3.0 New FeaturesE-PrimeE-Prime Timing and TipsFood, health & neuroscienceThe bad habit of procrastinationBenefits of exercise for the brainSleep1st mbt Workshop, BelgradeNeuroFeedbackNIRS and SleepSono Ciclo Vigília e Sonhos
Brain TV 05/11 - Consciousness States Research, EEG fMRI, Learning & Memory
Neurocomunicação e Prevenção ao SuicídioHard Problem of Consciousness Part 2Consciousness HackingfMRIEEG - fMRI 1/2EEG 1/2New Solutions for EEG-fMRIEEG - fMRI 2/2Extinção de memórias aversivas 1/2EEG, NIRS & Memory 1/3Learning Consciousness States Research - Neurocomunicação e Preven...
TMS associado a estímulos visuais e motores no processo de extinção de memórias traumáticas.
A memória sempre despertou o interesse do homem desde a antiguidade, porém os primeiros estudos científicos foram realizados há pouco mais de um século. Atualmente, apesar de ainda existir várias lacunas acerca dos fenômenos fisiológicos envolvidos no processo de formação de mem...
Sleep and neuroscience, NIRS and Sleep, Multi-modal EEG fNIRS - EEG fMRI, GLM for fMRI, Plasticity, Neurofeedback and Neuromodulation Resilience, Empathy
Sleep and neuroscienceSleep - sleep parte 2Sleep - NIRS and SleepNIRS - Acquiring fNIRS DataAcquiring fNIRS DataNIRS - Multi-modal EEG fNIRSMulti-modal EEG fNIRSNIRS - NIRS Studies with InfantsEEG fMRI - EEG - fMRIEEG - fMRI 2/2EEG fMRI - GLM for fMRIPlasticity, Neurofeedback and NeuromodulationResi...
Neuroepigenética e sociedade: como o ambiente pode modificar a expressão de nossos genes modulando nossa neurofisiologia e comportamento.
Sabemos que o ambiente externo, incluindo variantes físicas, biológicas e sociais, é um dos principais fatores atuantes sobre nosso comportamento. A partir das interações e feedbacks recebidos do ambiente, podemos processar a nível cerebral e gerar uma resposta consciente ou inconsciente...
Baby Brain, Baby Intentions, Kids Education Implicit Learning, Cognition and connectivity - Multi-modal EEG fNIRS, NIRS Studies with Infants, Sleep in MRI
Implicit LearningThe power of vulnerabilityKids Education Implicit LearningBaby Intentions Part 1NIRS - NIRS Studies with InfantsNIRS Studies with InfantsNIRS - Acquiring fNIRS DataAcquiring fNIRS DataBrain support NIRSMulti-modal EEG fNIRSEEG fMRI - EEG - fMRIEEG - fMRI 1/2EEG fMRI - Sleep in MRISl...
Sleep, ciclo sono - vigilia, sonhos, neuroscience, EEG, NIRS, Games, mental health, eye tracking, bem estar e neurociência.
SleepCiclo sono - vigilia e sonhosSleep & neuroscienceEEGNIRSGames & neuroscienceGames researchGames & mental healthGames conferenceEEG & gamesNIRS & gamesEye tracking & gamesBem estar e neurociência
Attention and Memory, EEG, NIRS and Attention, Consciousness in First Person - Consciousness Hacking, Motor Behavior and Neuroscience, Unconscious
Attention and MemoryAttention & Memory - Attention and Brain Machine InterfaceAttention and Brain Machine InterfaceEEG, NIRS and AttentionEEG ERP BCI - EEG/ERP/BCI Workshop Brain Support EEG/ERP/BCI Workshop Brain Support - Part 2EEG ERP BCI - BCI NIRSSport and Motor Behavior - EEG and SportSpo...
NeuroEducation NeuroDevelopment, Neuroeducation and Social Development - Physiology and Behavior, EEG NIRS and Behavior, Emotional Intelligence
NeuroEducation NeuroDevelopmentKids and neuroscienceChild and LearningNeuroeducation and Social DevelopmentPhysiology and BehaviorNIRS and BehaviorEEG and BehaviorSleep - NIRS and SleepSleep and neuroscienceSleep DisordersMetacognition and MindSetEmotional IntelligenceNeuroEducation NeuroDe...
Estimulação cerebral, TMS, EEG, plasticidade, nfb, nMod, human mind, learning, memory, NIRS, neuromodulação & consciousness
Estimulação cerebralBrain stimulationTMS & EEGPlasticity, nfb e nModThe human mindLearningLearning & memoryEEG, NIRS & memoryMemória coletiva e neuromodulaçãoNeuroscience labConsciousnessHard problems of consciousness
Tecnologias Imersivas na Educação: Realidade virtual e aumentada ajudam crianças no aprendizado e suas aplicações em crianças com deficiências.
O uso de tecnologias imersivas na educação tem se tornado uma realidade em muitos países, inclusive no Brasil, garantindo às crianças a possibilidade de aprender de forma lúdica, isto é, com a possibilidade de interagir com os objetos pelo ambiente virtual acessado por dispos...
Enfrentando seus medos utilizando Realidade Virtual: Ambientes Imersivos como Terapia
Keywords: realidade virtual, ambientes imersivos como terapia, RV, medo e realidade virtualDesenvolvida inicialmente para o entretenimento das pessoas, a realidade virtual (RV) se tornou uma ferramenta de grande utilidade nos consultórios de psiquiatria e psicologia na tentativa de ajudar os pacien...
Metaverso e Comportamento Humano: Ambientes Virtuais no Comportamento Social
Por muito tempo o Metaverso se limitou aos filmes de ficção científica, mas nos últimos anos o mercado de tecnologia formado por grandes empresas têm investido nesse espaço a fim de transformar as experiências dos usuários e até mesmo moldar algum tipo de comportamento social. E...
BrainTV - Sleep, EEG, Learning & Memory and Social Interaction
Sleep disordersSleep Study ConferencesEEG and SleepLiveAmpEEG SmartingAttention and MemoryEEG, NIRS & MemoryCultural Interaction Sleep - Sleep disorders00:00:00 - 03:03:00Sleep disorders Sleep - Sleep Study Conferences03:03:00 - 06:01:00Sleep Study Conferences Sleep - EEG and Sleep06:01:00 ...
BrainTV - Neuroscience Meetings , NIRS, Bienestar and NeuroAnthropology
Dialogues Between Neuroscience and Society 2/4Psychology and NeuroscienceMusic and the BrainMulti-modal EEG fNIRSAcquiring fNIRS DataNIRS Studies with InfantsEcopsychologyReading and well beingPhysical exercise and well beingHuman Rights and Indigenous Peoples Neuroscience Meetings - Dialogues Betw...
Human Connectome Diffusion Imaging, Functional Connectivity - EEG and Connectivity, EEG NIRS Eye Tracking, How to improve memory and attention?
Functional ConnectivityHuman Connectome Diffusion ImagingFunctional Connectivity - EEG and ConnectivityEEG and ConnectivityEEG NIRS Eye Tracking - EEGEEGEyeTrackingMobile Eye Tracking GlassesSport and NIRSEEG Electrode CAPsactive ElectrodesEEG Electrode CAPs - Active electrodeEEG Active electrodeEEG...
BrainTv - Sleep, NIRS, EEG fMRI and Plasticity, nfb & nMod
Sleep and neurosciencesleepNIRS and sleepAcquiring fNIRS DataMulti-modal EEG fNIRSNIRS Studies with InfantsGLM for fMRI Resilience, Empathy, Plasticity I Sleep - Sleep and neuroscience00:00:00 - 03:07:00Sleep and neuroscience Sleep - sleep parte 203:07:00 - 07:20:00sleep parte 2 Sleep - NIRS and...
How to improve your ability to decide? Executive Functions, Sport and rehabilitation, EEG and Sport, Perception and Action - Human behavior, Sport and NIRS, Human behavior, Music therapy
Executive FunctionsHow to improve your ability to decide?Executive FunctionsNeuroscience of MovementSport & Motor BehaviorSport and rehabilitationEEG and SportSport and NIRSUse of EEg for rehabilitationWin the game and BrainNIRS - NIRS 1/3 Evolutionary SynthesisNIRS - NIRS 3/3Perception & A...
Consciousness in First Person, Perception of time and space in FFT - EEG NIRS Eye tracking, Translational Education, Self Perception True and Fake news, EEG ERP BCI
Consciousness in First Person, Perception of time and space in FFT - EEG NIRS Eye tracking, Translational Education, Self Perception True and Fake news, EEG ERP BCI*********Jackson's LivesBased on science with evidence, we have weekly talks referenced in Personal Consciousness, Spiritual Freedom a...
Brain States, Attention and Memory, Altered states of consciousness, Neuroscience Lab - Neurobiology, Neuroimmunology, Neuroengineering, EEG, NIRS & Memory
Neuroscience Lab - NeurobiologyNeurobiology Part 1NeuroimmunologyNeuroengineeringLearning & Memory - EEG, NIRS & MemoryEEG, NIRS & MemoryLearning & Memory Attention and MemoryBrain StatesAltered states of consciousnessBrain StatesEverything is the functioning of ConsciousnessBrain S...
Games research, Human behavior, Neurociências e aprendizagem, Behavior Research lab - Neurocognition, EEG, NIRS & memory, Games research, EEG & games
Games researchGames & neuroscienceGames & mental healthGames research - ConferencesGames research - EEG & gamesEEG & gamesBehavioral research labNeuroscience & behaviorBehavioral research lab - Human behavior Human behaviorBehavioral Research lab - NeurocognitionNeurocognitionBe...
PsyNeuroimmune, Brain Gut Axis, Microelectrodes - Data analysis electrophysiology, NIRS - Acquiring fNIRS Acquiring fNIRS, NIRS Sleep, Sleep - Circadian Rhythm
Response Devices - PsyneuroimmunePsyneuroimmune 1/3Psyneuroimmune 2/3Brain Gut AxisLeaky GutGut and BrainMicroelectrodes - Data analysis electrophysiologyData analysis electrophysiologyNeural electrophysiologyElectrophysiology recordingNIRS - Acquiring fNIRSAcquiring fNIRS Data 2/2NIRS - NIRS and S...
Memória e emoção: entendendo as bases fisiológicas e comportamentais da interação entre o sistema límbico e mnemônico.
O objetivo da nossa memória não é transmitir as informações mais precisas ao longo do tempo, mas orientar e otimizar a tomada de decisão inteligente, mantendo apenas aquelas informações consideradas valiosas, ou seja, aquelas informações adquiridas durante um momento de atenção...
O modelo de aprendizado profundo classifica tumores cerebrais
Os tumores sem aviso muito grande para a população foram algo e sua detecção precoce muito para a população, algo que a população. Pensando nisso, um novo modelo permite classificar com precisão um tumor cerebral de um tipo comum de câncer a partir de uma única imagem de ressonância magn...
Memory and Learning, Executive Functions, Neuroscience of Movement - EyeTracking EEG NIRS, EEG Designs, EEG Data Analysis, Cognitive Neuroscience, Bayesian Brain
Implicit LearningThe power of vulnerabilityMemory and LearningExecutive FunctionsNeuroscience of MovementExecutive Functioning in ClassroomSport and NeuroscienceEEG NIRS EyeTracking - EEG EEG NIRS EyeTracking - NIRS EEG NIRS EyeTracking - Sport and NIRSSport and NIRSEEG NIRS EyeTracking - EyeTrack...
Brain TV 16/09 - Sleep, EEG, Aging and Human Competence
sleep parte 2Sleep and neuroscienceNIRS and SleepEEG BCILiveAmpHyperscanningEEG and AgingExercícios para Idosos em CasaLifespanCultural NeuroscienceEntenda Brasil Agora - 2020 Sleep - sleep parte 200:00:00 - 04:13:00sleep parte 2 Sleep - Sleep and neuroscience04:13:00 - 07:20:00Sleep and neurosci...
Neuroengineering, Explicit Learning System, Attention and Memory - Memory and Neuroscience, Nervous System Embryology, EEG, NIRS and Attention
Neuroscience Lab - NeurobiologyNeurobiology Part 1Nervous System EmbryologyNeuroengineeringNeuroscience LabExplicit Learning SystemBehavioral Research Lab - Behavioral motivateBehavioral motivateMirror NeuronsBehavioral Research Lab - BurnoutEEG and CognitionBurnoutNeuroscience GirlsStimulus Present...
Brain TV 09/09/21: Neuroscience, neurobiology, conferences, explicit learning, neuroengineering, Learning & memory, EEG, NIRS, memory, attention e brain machine
Neuroscience labNeurolabNeurobiologyConferencesExplicit learningNeuroengineeringLearning & memoryConferencesEEG, NIRS & memoryAttention & memoryAttention & brain machineEEG, NIRs & attention
Neuroscience lab
Brain Tv 23/09 - nEdu & nDev , Physiology & Behavior, Sleep and Metacognition & MindSet
Kids and neuroscienceChild's learning Neuroeducation and Social DevelopmentPhysiology & Behavior 1NIRS and BehaviorEEG and BehaviorSleepSleep & neuroscienceSleep disordersEmotional Intelligence nEdu & nDev - Kids and neuroscience00:00:00 - 03:03:00Kids and neuroscience nEdu & nDev...
Qual a importância de funções executivas para as crianças?
Vocês já ouviram falar em funções executivas? Funções executivas são funções de processamento superior processadas principalmente pelo córtex pré-frontal. Desenvolver essas funções é muito importante pra uma infância saudável e para o desenvolvimento de competências necessárias nos...
Brain and behavior motor system, Sport and neuroanthropology, Human brain activity in motion - EEG NIRS Eye Tracking, Plasticity, Neurofeedback and Neuromodulation
Sport and motor behavior - Sport and neuroscienceBrain and behavior motor system conferencesSport and neuroanthropologySport and motor behaviorSport & quality of lifeSport and rehabilitationHuman brain activity in motionSport & motion - EEG & sportEEG & sportEEG NIRS Eye tracking NI...
Neurociência do Aprendizado, EEG, NIRS and Memory, Neurofeedback and Neuromodulation, Decision Making - Tomada de Decisão e Neuromarketing, Multi-modal EEG fNIRS
Learning & Memory - Neurociência do AprendizadoNeurociência do AprendizadoEEG, NIRS and Memory Decision Making - Tomada de Decisão e NeuromarketingTomada de Decisão e Neuromarketing Futuro do consumidorPlasticity, nfb and nModNeurofeedback and NeuromodulationResilience, Empathy, Plasticity...
Brain TV 22/08: Games, neuroscience, mental health, conferences, EEG, behavior, neurocognition, aprendizagem, memory & learning, Attention e NIRS
Games researchGames & neuroscienceGames & mental healthConferencesEEG & gamesNeuroscience & behaviorHuman behaviorNeurocognitionEEG & behaviorcognition conferencesNeurociências e aprendizagemMemory & learningAttention & memoryEEG, NIRS e memory
Ciclos do sono e sonhos, Sleep and neuroscience, NIRS and neuroscience - Sleep disorders, NIRS and sleep, Brains support NIRS
SleepSleep - Ciclos do sono e sonhosCiclos do sono e sonhosSleep - Sleep disordersSleep disordersSleep - Sleep and neuroscienceSleep neuroscienceSleep - NIRS and sleepNIRS and sleepNIRS - NIRS and neuroscienceNIRS - Acquiring fNIRS dataAcquiring fNIRS dataNIRS - Brains support NIRSBrains support NIR...
BrainTv 23/08 - Neuroscience lab. Learning & Memory, Brain States, EEG and Perception & Action
Neurobiology Part 1NeuroimmunologyNeuroengineeringEEG, NIRS & Memory Attention and Memory Altered states of consciouness Body LanguagePerception & ActionWhat makes human beings special? Neuroscience Lab - Neurobiology Part 100:00:00 - 02:12:00Neurobiology Part 1 Neuroscience Lab - Neuro...
EEG NIRS Stimulus presentation, Experiment designs, Basic E-prime, Response devices - Cognitive neuroscience, EEG designs, Behavioral Research, Human Behavior
Stimulus presentationExperiment designsStimulus presentation - E-primeBasic E-prime topicsE-prime timing & tipsE-prime 3.0 new featuresCognitive neuroscience - NeurocognitionNeurocognitionCognitive neuroscienceMicroelectrode and cognitionCognitive conferencesBehavioral research lab - Human beh...
Workshop latino-americano de neurociências computacional
O workshop latino-americano de neurociências computacional representa uma grande oportunidade para pesquisadores de neurociência. Esse evento ocorrerá em são Luiz (MA) no modo hibrido e está aberto a submissão de artigos!!!Neurocientistas com diferentes formações - medicina, psicologia, enge...
BrainTV 18/08 - Response devices, Brain Gut Axis, Microeletrodes, NIRS and sleep
Response Devices - Psyneuroimmune 1/3 Brain Gut AxisLeaky Gut Gut and BrainData analisys electralphysiology Neural electrophysyologyElectrophysiology recordingAcquiring fNIRS Data 2/2NIRS and Sleep 1/2Circadian Rhythm Response Devices - Psyneuroimmune 1/300:00:00 - 03:45:00Psyneuroimmune 1/3 Res...
Brain TV 16/08 - EPHYS electrodes, Physiology & Behavior, Language Processing, Decision Making
Spike sorting 1/2Electrodes EPHYS and BMILocal Field Pontential aquisitionNIRS and BehalviorEstresse e neuroimunologiaBurnoutProcessamento de LinguagemNeuromarketingFuturo do consumidor 2/2Neuroeconomia
EPHYS electrodes - spik...
Baby Intentions, Implicit Learning, Child Brain Develop, NIRS Studies with Infants - Multi-modal EEG fNIRS, EEG fMRI, Functional Connectivity
Implicit LearningThe power of vulnerabilityKids Education Implicit LearningBaby Intentions NIRS - NIRS Studies with InfantsNIRS Studies with InfantsNIRS fNIRS Scientific Question, Physical Principles Experimental Designs Functional optical neuroimaging (fNIRS)NIRS fNIRS devices - Near Infrared Spe...
Sono Ciclo Vigília e Sonhos, Sleep privacy and epilepsy, Self Regulation - Attention and Memory, Plasticity Neurofeedback Neuromodulation, Neuroeducación para niños
Sleep - Sleep privacy and epilepsySleep privacy and epilepsySleep - Sono Ciclo Vigília e SonhosSono Ciclo Vigília e SonhosLearning & Memory - Attention and MemoryAttention and MemoryLearning & Memory - EEG, NIRS & MemoryEEG, NIRS & MemoryPlasticity Neurofeedback Neuromodulation...
Social Interaction, Cognitive Neuroscience, Bayesian Brain - Cognitive Neuroscience, Perception and Action, Physiology and Behavior
Social InteractionCultural InteractionSocial InteractionPerception and ActionPhysiology and BehaviorEstresse e NeuroimunologiaPhysiology & BehaviorBurnoutPsychology Sharing ExperimentSeries of experiments testing altruismCognitive NeuroscienceHistory of neuroscienceCognitive NeuroscienceBayesian...
Digital transformation, Electrodes EPHYS and BMI, EEG and EyeTracking - NIRS EEG Functional Connectivity, Fake News, Cambridge Analytics Neuropolitics, Mídias Sociais e Democracia
Human CompetenceDigital transformationThe Laws of Human NatureNeuroEntrepreneurshipElectrodes EPHYS and BMIElectrodes EPHYSEPHYS electrodes Spike AcquisitionEye Tracking 2Eye Tracking - EEG and EyeTrackingEEG and EyeTrackingEye Tracking - Argus Science Mobile Eye Tracking GlassesArgus Science Mobil...
EEG Publications Brain Products June 2021
EEG Publications Brain Products June 2021Thalamocortical excitability modulation guides human perception under uncertainty.Kosciessa, J.Q., Lindenberger, U. & Garrett, D.D.Nat Commun 12, 2430 (2021). in complex and dynamical environments: Unraveling sit...
Culture Drives Behaviours Conferences, Social Interaction, Neuroimmunology - Formação Social da América Latina, Competências Socioemocionais
Neuroscience LabNeuroengineeringNeuroimmunologySocial InteractionCulture Drives Behaviours ConferencesSocial Interaction - Formação Social da América LatinaFormação Social da América LatinaNIRS - BCI NIRSBCI NIRS 3/3NIRS - Multi-modal EEG fNIRSMulti-modal EEG fNIRSTranslational Education - Com...
Brain tv 06/08/21: Sport, neuroscience, brain, motor behavior, quality of life, rehabilitation, EEG, NIRS, human behavior, neuroplasticity, neuromodulation & neurofeedback.
Sport & neuroscienceBrain & motor behaviorNeuroanthropology Sport & motor behaviorSport & Quality of lifeSport & RehabilitationHuman brain activity in motionEEG & sportNIRS & sportNIRS & neuroscienceApplicationHuman behaviorNeuroplasticityNeuromodulationNeurofeedbackN...
Filosofia da Mente, Attention and Memory, EEG, NIRS and Attention - EEG ERP BCI, Psicofisiologia e Neurociência do Exercício Físico, Perception and Action
EEG Theory, Hardware, and Application Principles - Feb 8 to 10, 2022Attention and MemoryAttention and Brain Machine InterfaceEEG, NIRS and AttentionEEG ERP BCI EEG/ERP/BCI Workshop Brain Support - Part 2EEG ERP BCI - BCI - BCIEEG ERP BCI - ConferencesSport and Motor BehaviorEEG and SportSport and ...
Learning and memory, False memory, Extinção de memórias aversivas - EEG, NIRS and Attention, Neuroscience and Society
Learning and memory conferencesLearning & memory False memoryExtinção de memórias aversivasEEG, Nirs and memoryAttention and memoryAttention and brain machine interfaceEEG, Nirs and attentionEEG, NIRS and memoryHow improve memory and attentionNeuroscience meetingsDialogues between neuroscie...
Imprinting: uma nova forma de entender o aprendizado social.
Sabemos que o comportamento é algo complexo e difícil de ser estudado pela variedade de influencias ambientais e genéticas que ele pode receber se tornando intrinsicamente particular. Quando falamos de interações sociais, o comportamento aparece como algo que é modulado pela cul...
A evolução do sistema nervoso e o comportamento
Quando falamos de evolução, sempre nos detemos as teorias de Charles Darwin que se baseiam na seleção natural de características para a evolução das espécies. Nesse contexto, é inevitável não pensarmos em uma grande influência comportamental nesse processo. Aqui, vamos discu...
Competências humanas socioemocionais
Sabemos que o comportamento humano é muito complexo e é resultado de uma variedade de fatores. Um comportamento específico, pode ser definido a partir de fatores genéticos (dependendo da expressividade ou não de um gene responsável por um comportamento inato), de fatores ambientais (...
Brain Tv 27/07 - Learning & Memory, Decision Making, Plasticity, nfb & nMod, NIRS and Kids
Neurociência do AprendizadoLearningEEG, NIRS & Memory 2/3Tomada de Decisão e Neuromarketing 2/2Futuro do consumidor 2/2Neurofeedback & NeuromodulationResilience, Empathy, Plasticity I BCI NIRS 3/3 Multi-modal EEG fNIRSSer Mãe Learning & Memory - Neurociência do Aprendizado00:00:00...
The power of vulnerability, Implicit Learning, Memory and Learning - Neuroscience of Movement, Executive Functioning in Classroom, EEG NIRS EyeTracking
Implicit LearningImplicit Learning - The power of vulnerabilityThe power of vulnerabilityImplicit Learning - Memory and LearningMemory and LearningExecutive FunctionsExecutive Functions - Neuroscience of MovementNeuroscience of MovementExecutive Functions - Executive Functioning in ClassroomExecutiv...
Human Competence, NeuroEntrepreneurship, Digital transformation - Thinking, Fast and Slow, EEG NIRS behavior applications, Mídias Sociais e Neurociência
Human Competence - NeuroEntrepreneurshipNeuroEntrepreneurshipHuman Competence - Digital transformationDigital transformationHuman Competence - Thinking, Fast and SlowThinking, Fast and SlowNIRS - fNIRS, NIRS 1/3NIRS and neuroscienceNIRS - Mobile EEG NIRS applicationsMobile EEG NIRS applicationsEPHY...
Sono e suas desordens, ciclos, neurociência, NIRS e aquisição de dados.
SleepCiclos do sono e vigiliaSleep disordersSleep & neuroscienceNIRS & sleepNIRSNIRS & sleepAcquiring fNIRS dataBrain support NIRSSleep & NIRS
00:00:00 - 03:00:00
EEG Publications Brain Products May 2021
EEG PublicationsInteroception as a social alarm ampli cation system. What multimethod (EEG-fNIRS) integrated measures can tell us about interoception and empathy for pain?Michela Balconi, Laura Angioletti (2021)Neurophysiological Trends 29:2021 doi: we erri...
Rosalind Picard, NeuroEconomics, Surveillance Capitalism - Shoshana Zuboff NeuroEconomics, Behavioral motivate, A Expressão, Neurourbanism, Neuroarchitecture
Behavioral Research Lab - Neuroscience and behaviorNeuroscience and behaviorBehavioral Research Lab - What can animal society and its policies teach us?What can animal society and its policies teach us?Behavioral Research Lab - Behavioral motivateBehavioral motivateNIRS - Acquiring fNIRS DataAcquiri...
Brain Tv 10/07 - Social Interaction, Physiology & Behavior, Cognitive Neuroscience and Human Competence
Social Interaction, Physiology & Behavior, Cognitive Neuroscience and Human CompetenceCultural InteractionPerception and ActionEstresse e Neuroimunologia parte 2 BurnoutSeries of experiments testing altruism History of neuroscienceBayesian Brain - Part 1NIRS and CognitionO Cérebro Humano co...
Machine Learning Training, EEG, NIRS and Attention - Motor Behavior and Neuroscience, Perception and Action, Filosofia da Mente
Attention & Memory - Attention and MemoryAttention and Brain Machine InterfaceEEG, NIRS and AttentionEEG/ERP/BCI Workshop Brain Support - Part 2EEG ERP BCI - BCIEEG ERP BCI - Conferences Sport and Motor BehaviorEEG and SportSport and RehabilitationSport and quality of lifePsicofisiologia e Neu...
Human Competence, Early Childhood Socioemotional Skills - BCI NIRS Concerto Sináptico, How cultural factors affect cognition
Motivation, Emotion & Craving - Ayahuasca WorkshopAyahuasca WorkshopMotivation, Emotion & CravingHuman CompetenceThreats to Indigenous Peoples in Latin AmericaHuman Competence - Early Childhood Socioemotional SkillsEarly Childhood Socioemotional SkillsNIRS - Concerto SinápticoConcerto Siná...
Brain Tv 09/07 - Human Competence, EPHYS electrodes, Eye Tracking, Functional Connectivity e Neuropolitics.
Human Competence - Digital transformationHuman Competence - The Laws of Human Nature Human Competence - NeuroEntrepreneurship EPHYS electrodes - Electrodes EPHYS and BMI EPHYS electrodes - Electrodes EPHYS EPHYS electrodes - Spike Aquisition 1/2 Eye Tracking - Eye Tracking 2 Eye Tracking - EEG and E...
Termografia das emoções e expressões corporais associada a espectroscopia cerebral de infravermelho próximo (NIRS).
Estudar e observar emoções de indivíduos tem sido cada vez mais frequente visto a sua importância como parâmetro para se investigar distúrbios do comportamento. A emoção é uma reação a um estímulo ambiental e cognitivo que define o temperamento, ...
Tomada de Decisão e Neuromarketing, Emotion, Mold, Self Motivation - Emotional Anatomy, NIRS EEG Data Analysis
Decision Making - Futuro do consumidorFuturo do consumidor 2.2Decision Making - Tomada de Decisão e NeuromarketingTomada de Decisão e Neuromarketing 1.2Motivation, Emotion & Craving - Brain PsychedelicsBrain PsychedelicsMotivation, Emotion & Craving - Emotion, Mold, Self Motivation Confere...
BrainTv 06/07 - Neuroscience Lab , Social Interaction, NIRS and Translational Education
BrainTv 06/07 - Neuroscience Lab , Social Interaction, NIRS and Translational Education Neurobiology Part 1NeuroengineeringNeuroimmunology Culture Drives Behaviours ConferencesFormação Social da América LatinaBCI NIRS 3/3Multi-modal EEG fNIRSCompetências SocioemocionaisSuperdotados 2/2 Politic...
Motor behavior and neuroscience, TMS and EEG - TMS and neuroscience, Neurociências e aprendizagem, EEG, NIRS and memory
TMS & EEG - TMS & neuroscienceTMS & neuroscienceTMS & EEGSport & motor behavior - EEG & sportEEG & sportSport & motor behaviorSport & motor behavior - Motor behavior & neuroscienceMotor behavior & neuroscienceExecutive functionsExecutive functions - Neuros...
Sport and Psicofisiologia, Motor Behavior and Neuroscience - NIRS Homer, EEG Ritmos Cerebrais e Conectividade, Kids Programming
Sport & Motor BehaviorPsicofisiologia e Neurociência do Exercício FísicoSport & Motor Behavior - Sport and RehabilitationSport and RehabilitationSport & Motor Behavior- Motor Behavior and NeuroscienceMotor Behavior and NeuroscienceNeuroscience Meetings - OHBM 2019Music and the BrainNI...
Self Perception True and Fake news, A Map of the Emotions - Mídias Sociais e Democracia Neuropolitics, Fake New Cambridge Analytics
Consciousness in First PersonPerception of time and spaceSelf Perception True and Fake newsConsciousness in First PersonA Map of the EmotionsConsciousness in First PersonImaginary NumbersPlasticity, nfb & nModNeuroplasticityNeuropoliticsMídias Sociais e DemocraciaNeuropolitics - Fake New - Camb...
Pesquisas com NIRS e Sono, Sleep & Neuroscience - Life quality Aging and NIRS, Music therapy and Brain
Sleep - Sleep & neuroscienceSleep & neuroscienceSleep - Sleep disordersSleep disordersSleep - NIRS & sleepNIRS & sleepNIRS - Pesquisas com NIRS e sonoPesquisas com NIRS e sonoAgingAging - Brain careBrain careAging - Life qualityLife qualityAging - NIRS & agingNIRS & agingNeur...
Design of Experiments, Consciousness in First Person, EEG NIRS Experiments Design - Hard Problem of Consciousness, Emotions and Cognition
Consciousness in First Person - ConsciousnessConsciousnessConsciousness States Research - Neuroscience of addictionNeuroscience of addiction 2/3Consciousness States Research - Hard Problem of ConsciousnessHard Problem of Consciousness Part 1Design of experiments - NIRS Experiments DesignNIRS Experim...
memory & learning, false memory, extinção de memórias aversivas, EEG, NIRS, attentio & brain machine interface
earning & memory conferencesMemory & learningFalse memory Extinção de memórias aversivasEEG, NIRS & memoryAttention & memoryAttention & brains machine interfaceEEG, NIRS & attentionEEG, NIRS & memory How improve attention & memoryDialogues between neuroscience &...
Human Competence, Physiology NIRS and Behavior, Small Animal Research - Robotic Stereotaxic - Injection Stereotaxic, Electrophysiology, DBS, Brain to Brain
Human Competence - Cultural NeuroscienceCultural NeurosciencePhysiology & Behavior - NIRS and BehaviorNIRS and BehaviorPhysiology & Behavior - EEG and BehaviorEEG and BehaviorEEG ERP BCIRobotic Stereotaxic - Stereotaxic applicationsStereotaxic applicationsStereotaxic InjectionStereotaxic Dig...
Games and Neuroscience, Translational Education, Functional Connectivity - NIRS EEG and Connectivity, Competências Socioemocionais
Translational Education - Competências SocioemocionaisCompetências SocioemocionaisTranslational Education - Politics & educationPolitics & education 1/3Translational Education - SuperdotadosSuperdotados 2/2Functional Connectivity - EEG and ConnectivityEEG and ConnectivityFunctional Connect...
EEG and Emotion, Motivation, Emotion & Craving - Neuroanatomia Funcional, NIRS Neuroscience and Sleep
EEG - tipos de EEGEEG - EEG aplicações Motivation, Emotion & CravingEEG and EmotionMotivation, Emotion & CravingEmoção e neurociênciaMotivation, Emotion & CravingNeurobiologia da Emoção e sistema límbicoMotivation, Emotion & CravingNeuroanatomia FuncionalNIRS - NIRS and Slee...
Brain Tv 23/06 - Human Competence, NIRS, EPHYS electrodes, Bienestar e Behavioral Research Lab.
Human Competence - NeuroEntrepreneurshipHuman Competence - Digital transformationHuman Competence - Thinking, Fast and SlowNIRS - NIRS 1/3NIRS - NIRS and neuroscience NIRS - Mobile EEG NIRS applicationsEPHYS electrodes - Steriotactic neurosurgeryEPHYS electrodes - Microelectrodes applicationsEPHYS e...
Cinema e neurociência: indicações e análises neurocientíficas de filmes e séries.
Sabemos que muitos filmes e séries de ficção trazem assuntos fantásticos que às vezes é bem difícil de acreditar ou entender a temática e como ela é abordada. Por mais que sejam fantasiosos, muitos deles tem uma explicação científica que embasa muitas idéias do roteiro mostr...
Brain Tv 12/06 - Motivation, Emotion & Craving, Human Competence, NIRS and conectivity, Bienestar and Cultural Neuroscience
Brain Tv 12/06 - Motivation, Emotion & Craving, Human Competence, NIRS and conectivity, Bienestar and Cultural NeuroscienceAyahuasca WorkshopThreats to Indigenous Peoples in Latin AmericaEarly Childhood Socioemotional SkillsConcerto SinápticoBCI NIRSConnectivity with fNIRSMídias Sociais e Ne...
Brain Tv 16/06 - Behavioral Research lab, NIRS, Neurourbanism and Neuroarchitecture,Consciousness States Research and NeuroEconomics
Behavioral Research lab, nirs,Consciousness States Research and NeuroEconomicsNeuroscience and behavior 2/5What can animal society and its policies teach us?Behavioral motivateAcquiring fNIRS DataMobile brain imaging with fNIRS 2020Hard Problem of Consciousness Part 1Neurourbanism and Neuroarchite...
Metacognition & MindSet, Neuromarketing, EEG and behavior - NIRS Studies with Infants, Value and Social Value of Money, EEG and Executive Functions
Metacognition & MindSet ConferencesMotivationAtingindo Metas 2/3Behavioral Research Lab - Neuromarketing NeuromarketingBehavioral Research Lab - Human behavior Human behavior 1/3Behavioral Research Lab - EEG and behaviorEEG and behaviorNIRS - Brain support NIRSBrain support NIRSNIRS - NIRS Stu...
Aprendizaje digital en América Latina, Neuropolitics - Biopower, Governmentality, and the Subject, EEG and Sleep
Neuropolitics - Aprendizaje digital en América LatinaAprendizaje digital en América Latina 3/3Neuropolitics - Biopower, Governmentality, and the SubjectBiopower, Governmentality, and the Subject 2/2Neuropolitics - Epigenetic Programming of the Developing BrainEpigenetic Programming of the Developi...
Neurociência do Aprendizado, Neuroplasticidade e Neuromodulação - Types of EEG, Connectivity with fNIRS, Human Competence
Learning & Memory - LearningLearning & Memory - EEG, NIRS & MemoryNeurociência do AprendizadoPlasticity, nfb & nMod 1/2Plasticity, nfb & nMod 2/2Neuroplasticidade e NeuromodulaçãoEEG - Types of EEGEEG - EEG Tutorial EEG - EEG and brain machine interfaceEEG and brain machine i...
The power of vulnerability, Implicit Learning, Executive Functioning in Classroom - EEG NIRS EyeTracking and Sport, Bayesian Brain
Implicit LearningThe power of vulnerabilityMemory and LearningExecutive FunctionsNeuroscience of MovementExecutive Functioning in ClassroomSport and NeuroscienceEEG NIRS EyeTracking - EEG NIRSEEG NIRS EyeTracking - Sport and NIRSEyeTrackingEEG Data Analysis - Analyzer 2.0 EEG DesignsCognitive Neur...
Realidad Multicultural de América Latina, BCI NIRS EEG Attention and Memory - How cultural factors affect cognition, Películas Latinoamericanas
Attention and MemoryAttention & MemoryMemory and learning 2/2EEG, NIRS & MemoryBCI NIRS 3/3NIRS - Multi-modal EEG fNIRSMulti-modal EEG fNIRSNIRS - ApplicationsCultural NeuroscienceHow cultural factors affect cognitionCultural NeuroscienceRealidad Multicultural de América LatinaCultural Neur...
Neuroantrapologia: conhecendo as divindades latino-americanas do período pré-colombiano e sua relação com a neurociência.
Estamos inseridos em uma sociedade fortemente multicultural em todas as partes do mundo. A cultura acaba moldando o indivíduo que está imerso nela, podendo traçar desde sua personalidade até os valores éticos e morais de um indivíduo (Cognição individual), além de está intimamente rel...